An excellent beer and best buds movie... unless you're an idiot who doesn't understand the title..
17 March 2024
If you read the negative reviews, this is, essentially, what you will find: My wife Priscilla and I reposed in the television viewing chamber with our two daughters, Mercedes and Porsche, to enjoy a family evening, (as is the Cunningham tradition upon the close of the week,) by partaking in the perusal of this motion picture. We were aghast, even appalled, that this cinematic endeavor titled, "The Coed and the Zombie Stoner" was far below any standard one would rightly expect of an Oscar worthy production. I wholly believe this motion picture likely failed to be even nominated for the prestigious award; for instead of providing us the slightest modicum of uplifting meditations on life and her various meanings, meanings with which one might better one's self upon the pondering there of, we were, quite contrarily, visually accosted by un-clothed bosoms (of all varieties no less, ranging from modest and perky to heaving and rotundly tumescent fun bags that swayed like uncultured desserts of alluring gelatin, so favored by the lesser individuals in the valley below; though I ruefully admit that both Mercedes and Porsche seemed rather taken in by, even entranced by, these displays of obscenely unclad bosoms - as if they had both abandoned the indescribable joy of tasting a fine wine that has been expertly paired with a delicate Foie gras and in its stead the two had somehow acquired the tastes of lesser palates that yearn for the artificially flavored raspberry jiggly-ness of vulgarity, which I assure you is what these bosoms were; oh the shame I felt on their behalves, but alas, I digress) the motion picture was, to say the very least... garish (dare I say boorish) for the crime of being over-laden with drunken shenanigans of the lowest caliber; not to mention the copious drug and drug paraphernalia references. I am deeply troubled and saddened by the realization that we most certainly live in a time, with-in which, the sanctity of one's domicile can be violated by a Trojan Horse posing as a high art family movie.

Avoid "The Coed and the Zombie Stoner" for the sake of your children - NAY! For the sake of your very sanity! - as I regret to report, the movie is not what it first appears to be! May God have mercy upon their souls...
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