Came for the mystery, stayed for the characters
31 March 2024
This was my most anticipated anime in Fall 2023. That was obviously not just because the Light Novel was high rated, but also because I was expecting a long term, mind blowing medical mystery.

I have to say that this anime met all my expectations. But the weird thing is that I'm still very surprised by it. Because I ended up loving it for a different reason - the characters. More than a mystery, this is a very strong, character-based drama, that uses an episodic mystery setting to keep exploring its characters. You could say that it is a character analysis or a character-based mystery, where you're curious about the past of these characters, and the anime keeps revealing it bit by bit as it goes along. The story cherished its main characters and took their depth very seriously.

In terms of characters and their depth and development, this was, in my opinion, the best anime that aired this season. Maomao is probably one of the best characters I've seen in any anime ever. She's smart, savage and you're always curious about what made her the way she is today.

The music and the animation was surprisingly brilliant. The seamless production for this anime probably surprised everyone.

I enjoyed the 1st part as it was a nice introduction to the characters, but I wasn't that impressed with the episodic mysteries. The 2nd part was when I really started loving the show. Because that's when the mysteries got considerably better, and they started to reveal a lot of surprising traits about our main characters and about their past. In fact I was shocked by what I saw during the final few episodes of the season. It made me look at the rest of the show a lot more differently.

This anime is also directed brilliantly. There are some chilling sequences here. While a lot of it was because of the music, the direction matched that - especially how they were able to represent how Maomao could be beautiful and terrifying at the same time.

Overall, this was a brilliant show and I'm very glad that we're getting a season 2 next year. I can't wait to learn more about the plot and these characters.
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