Typical martial arts action movie from the 1990s... exactly what you expect with such a title
31 March 2024
Despite Don Wilson (nicknamed The Dragon) has made lots of movies this is the first movie with him as the lead that I saw. I have nothing against him, simply I don't follow him and apart me nobody knows him in Italy. Yet to his credit this movie entertained me very much and now that I finally took that off my chest, I can discuss it in the review.

Thomas Hoshino (Wilson) is a Japanese detective working in the US that has to avenge the death of his partner caused by a ninja with powerful connections to the Yakuza. After some opposition by Captain Meisler (Michael Ironside) Thomas will go on his own and after lots of brawls, chases and shootouts he'll make the Yakuza-connected gang blow.

While the plot isn't especially deep the acting was good and there were some nice fight scenes that looked a lot like those of the great Jean Claude Van Damme movies... and you certainly don't watch these movies expecting that they won the Academy Awards for Best Picture right? Lots of fun for both fans of the genre and of 1990s movies in general.
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