Silent Hill (2006)
One of the creepiest most engaging horror / thrillers ever!
2 April 2024
Elements of each of my movie & TV reviews:

Did I enjoy it & watch to the end?


Would I rewatch it completely?

Yes, it was so good, and scary, I don't need to rewatch; I'd watch it with someone who hasn't seen it

If not, are there enough good segments to watch certain scenes?


Do I care for most / some of the characters?

Yes Are the movie flaws glaring or subtle enough to bypass?

No Would I recommend to someone else?


The review:

I am not a big horror fan. However, I do love a movie that, while I am watching it, transports me into another world or into the world that story lives in. So with that said. If I can fully engage into this movie, then horror fans will too!

Thrillers that are horrors are the best; that combination, in my opinion make fun and intriguing films. This has both.

Plus you care for the main character and you want her to get her daughter back. However the normal everyday person or parent might not do all the things she has to do / deal with, to get her daughter back. And that's part of the scary fun in this movie. Because she goes all out, the way most real-life humans, in a similar unsafe & dangerous situation wouldn't. I'm a proud parent, and I can honestly say that, I probably wouldn't go to the lengths in which she did. Which is why the viewer roots for her. I did.

I didn't play the video game that this movie is based off of, and I will never play it. I can imagine that that video game is addictive and a time sucker. You do feel like you are sucked into this world while watching the movie; you root for the main character to successfully get out alive.

Job well done film director and team.
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