This Classic will make you Classy for seeing it! A MUST see!!
7 April 2024
I never heard of this film, but here is another unknown (to me) hidden gem! The story flows very well. You never look at the clock wondering "how much longer?" The film is a full and well presented narrative.

Warren William borders on a "John Barrymore" portrayal, and I am sure they competed for some of the same parts in film, but Warren William is so good. He gives his character warmth and depth and likability. John Barrymore only gives a caricature. Thank goodness Barrymore is NOT in this film, but Warren William is and does an amazing job.

There are so many good performances in this film. Sidney Fox plays the sweet ingenue that is a lot deeper and wiser than expected. But, of all the female leads, Aline MacMahon is the true stand out. She was in "The Five Star Final" with Edward G. Robinson as her first film part and she was amazing in that too. MacMahon has a real talent for playing it real and hard. Every scene she is in is played perfectly and she steals focus without even trying. She has an Eve Arden toughness and tenderness that works so well for her part.

The story is quite good too. Warren William plays a prosecuting attorney. But when he sends a boy to the electric chair and then finds out the boy is innocent, William is devastated and can't continue practicing law. When he finally comes around, he is bitter and decides to switch to a defending attorney and defends gangsters and mobsters, doing anything to get them off. He is quite successful and finds out that the money is gained by doing such sleazy jobs and getting the bad guys off from serving justice.

But when a sweet innocent girl played by Sidney Fox starts to work for him, he sees himself, corrupt and jaded, compared to her trust and faith in good and William begins to wonder if he is happy and doing the right thing.

But you can't take my word for it. You MUST see this classic for the story, the acting, for Warren Willam, Aline MacMahon, and Sidney Fox. And for me!!
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