Culver City Vs. Gower Gulch
16 April 2024
Orphan Virginia Weidler is a jinx. Every time she is put with some one, they go broke or die. Following the advice of one of the ones who died, she prays, opens a Bible to a random page, jabs a finger, and follows instructions by going to Egypt, New Jersey. There she is sort of adopted by newspaper editor Ian Hunter and his wife, Lois Wilson, and makes friends with Gene Reynolds. Hunter promptly loses his job through a dispute with local skinflint Guy Kibbee, who blocks anyone from hiring him.

Miss Weidler annoys me a bit by the trick of emphatic delivery of every line, but she takes visual direction pretty well. There's a nice fire scene. Over all, though, this strikes me as the sort of movie you got out of Gower Gulch. With the resources that Louis Mayer could throw at it, including Dorothy Yost to do the screenplay and John Seitz to handle the camera, it is quite watchable despite its simplistic, hectoring tone and Reginald Owen in the cast.
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