Review of Clementine

Clementine (2019)
Slow paced, well acted, missing something in the final third.
18 April 2024
Clementine is a slow paced film which conveys a very life like tone through a vehicle of subtle shots, the scenery and locations, the very relatable moments. Yet it only appears to work to some degree, as the audience are teased along on a ride to something dramatic or intense that never seems to come or register. The Film is relatable to everyone, however it is most relatable to those who have experienced a recent relationship breakup. Lara Gallagher builds up to something, but in the end I'm not entirely sure of what. The subliminal message is far from obvious, in fact it's more oblivious to me, my guess is it's something along the lines of 'relationships suck'!

Karen (Otmara Marrero) toys with the idea of a relationship with a younger provocative woman as opposed to the previous older partner of the same sex. Fresh off a breakup Karen breaks into her ex's lake house seeking refuge. The acting makes the film bearable in a turn of events that feel somewhat pointless. Lana (Sydney Sweeney) is perceived to be a troubled bored youth with a need for attention. Karen is fascinated by her but not entirely convinced she is trustworthy of always telling the truth. Both characters appear to be victims, possibly the strongest message of the piece is that relationships have no discrimination on sex and both men and women can be equally as difficult when strong feeling are involved. Lana stripped down to the bone in order to pursue her goals as an actress while Karen is left feeling hopeless and lost due to the impact of her relationship with D. (Sonya Walger). Promising signs from an acting point of view.

The score is the most unique or unusual considering the content, it often leads us to believe something horrific or outrageous is only a few feet away that never really comes to light. Far from a horror/thriller at times, just a reflection on reality from calm peaceful silence to on the edge tipping points, the balanced blend between the two is very close to home.

Lara Gallagher has made a worthy attempt of making her audience feel something for her characters, still, the final ingredient to the recipe is missing that spice leaving the end feeling a little flat.
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