Nostalgia from a children's perspective.
19 April 2024
Hope and Glory 1987 - John Boorman's autobiographical of his war time experiences.

Despite the horrors of the 2nd World War on the home front, it did give scope for children living through the time to experience the highs and lows of growing up during the war.

Boorman's story, is very much a typical story and how the kids, survived and lived through the horrors of war.

I'm writing this little memory on behalf of my mum and her own war time experiences.

Annie (aka Nancy, now that's another story) often recalls this story from her early teenage years. Now approaching her 97th year she is still able to recall in detail, memories from her early years, and the latest plot lines from her favourite soaps, but ironically not the characters names or as it happens any of her 8 children's names, mixing names and ages and genders at times much to our amusement. Old age dims the memory but luckily for mum, her inner fire still burns.

She recalls this story from the early 40s before she was evacuated to Old Leak in Lincolnshire away from the devastation in the inner cities.

She went round to her friend Betty's house; she had invited her round to look at her backyard chickens. Been an animal lover she was excited to go round.

Knocking on the door, Betty opened the door, what hit her was the strong smell of stewed vegetables that came wafting through the door. It was most unpleasant and not something she could ever recall.

Betty ushered her through to the back yard. Walking through the kitchen my mum saw a large pan bubbling to the brim; this was the source of that smell. Oh no, what was it, it was disgusting. It looked like potato peeling along with other vegetables scraps. We went into the yard, Betty's 3 chickens looked well, full of lustrous feathers. They were happily pecking away on the ground getting bits of corn and grit of the floor.

At that Betty said would like to stay for tea Annie, noting the slop bubbling away, she instantly recoiled in horror. "oh no, I'm not feeling very well!", holding her stomach feigning a painful stomach ache. I better get home she said, hurriedly rushing through the house. At that she heard Betty's dad, shouting from their parlour, "once you've given the chicken's their mash, do you want to get you and Annie a pattie and chips for tea?" oh no dad, Betty said Annie is just going she's not feeling too well.

Being too shy and embarrassed to say anything my mum left, how foolish she felt.. What she thought was going to be for tea, was in fact chicken mash, scraps boiled up making use of every morsel of food in those difficult war years.

It was such a shame, pattie and chips were her favourite, pattie is a local delicacy to Kingston upon Hull, It is a sage and onion in potato and deep fried wrapped in batter. My Mum loved it so much she named one of her daughter's after it. Much to the chagrin of Pattie.

Each story she recalls with fits of laughter and merriment bringer her stories to life, embellishing them as she goes along. Adding with a smile "that can go in my eulogy" she says. It will do mam,
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