Too many chefs spoil the plomeek broth - so Riker get your ass off the NX-01!
20 April 2024
What the hell was that? What were the showrunners thinking by choosing such an episode to end the series, in which the main characters aren't even the protagonists of their own series? Basically, everything had already been told with the episode "Terra Prime" and it also marked a worthy conclusion to the series while at the same time igniting the spark of hope for a newly emerging federation of once enemy species.

Tucker's death is also completely unnecessary. The death of a main character can often be a new beginning or take the rest of the story in a new direction. But then you have to let that character die while the series is still running and not in the last episode! What impact does Tucker's death have on anything now? And then such a pointless death for such an uninteresting subplot. There were far better moments during the series where Tucker's death would have had some kind of impact - on T'Pol or generally on the direction the series could have taken afterwards. Basically, they also could have let him fall off the ladder while cleaning the house - breaking his neck - that would have been an equally meaningless death.

And this whole Shran story with his faked death, the kidnapped child... as if the writers wanted to pack as much information as possible into the last episode. Because they forgot to tell anything about Shran in the previous episode.

Also, Travis and Hoshi are still ensigns even after 10 years of service. Amazing. Mirror universe Hoshi apparently made a better cut. She seems to have been well on her way to seizing the throne as Empress. Apparently in the "good" universe you don't get another simple pip after 10 years of hardship and loyal service to Starfleet. Not even after countless life-threatening missions and after saving the Earth and with it all of humanity from total annihilation by the Xindi. "Come and see the stars. Join Starfleet! Become an ensign. And remain ensign forever!"

You can safely forget this episode and instead celebrate the previous episode as the actual conclusion of the series.
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