Star Trek: Charlie X (1966)
Season 1, Episode 2
Creepy McWeirdo stalks yeoman Rand
22 April 2024
This Charlie guy really gave me the creep. Those strange piercing eyes and then the aggressive manner towards yeoman Rand. In general, it seems the only reason women exist in TOS is to sexually objectify them. One would actually have thought that Roddenberry would have wanted to portray a different image of women in a distant future. A crew on a spaceship where men and women work together as equals. But somehow in TOS you only see the typical 1960s women with towering hairstyles and short skirts who are supposed to do one thing above all: look good and give men the opportunity to throw a few sexist innuendos at them...

Even if film technology was not yet fully developed in the 1960s, they should at least have paid attention to continuity. Kirk gets into the turbolift wearing a yellow sweater, only to get out on the bridge 2 seconds later wearing a green sweater. Why does he have green sweaters anyway? Or the scene in the gym. Room bright as day but when the close-up falls on Charlie and then on Kirk everything appears dark and gloomy except for the light that is directed at their eyes. Speaking of the gym - the numerous women on board the Enterprise seem to spend their free time doing cartwheels. Or alternatively with singing and playing cards. The future hasn't really arrived at TOS yet.

Luckily, these incorporeal beings ended up taking Charlie back with them. With his "you're all so mean to me" attitude, sooner or later he would have sent everyone in the colony to Nirvana or alternatively somewhere in subspace. Although Kirk asks if there isn't another way, it doesn't occur to him to ask these aliens if they could just take Charlie's powers away. After all, they gave them to him in the first place.

By the way, Kirk seems to be pretty relaxed anyway. A crew member disappears from the gym in front of his eyes and he stands there pretty unimpressed and doesn't directly ask what Charlie did to him or whether he's still alive. Any other person would probably have been frightened and then immediately slapped Charlie and shouted at him to bring the crew member back.
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