Star Trek: Discovery: Whistlespeak (2024)
Season 5, Episode 6
Whisperspeak, snoozewhistles and the BFF Directive
2 May 2024
So, anyone who at this point in the series still cares about anything that happens in the episodes and doesn't just continue to watch to tick another box on the "I've seen all the Star Trek episodes" list is really beyond help. Although there are obviously still a handful of people who open this page immediately after a new episode has come out to give it 10 stars out of principle. Every time, shortly after the start of a new episode, there are 10-15 10-star ratings. But after a while, when the real Star Trek fans have seen and rated the episodes, the result settles somewhere between 5 and 6 stars. By the way, I recently looked at the average rating of all Star Trek seasons here just for fun. DIS is in second place with season 4 (after season 2 of the Animated Series, which is in first place) and DIS is also fifth place with season 3. Besides the Animated Series (which shouldn't be a benchmark for quality anyway), DIS is the only series with two seasons that appear in the Flop Five! And yet the showrunners and writers have learned nothing from the lousy seasons 3 and 4! It just keeps getting worse. One dud after another! Make it stop finally!

What was the point of this episode anyway? Burnham is once again carrying out an away mission - as always. This time she has Tilly in tow and anyone who had at least a spark of hope when watching the episode that Burnham would pull herself together and not break the Prime Directive and Tilly would finally be good for something - namely bringing rain as a human sacrifice - will of course be disappointed once again. Burnham doesn't give a damn about the Prime Directive, because friendship is ultimately much more important than anything else. Best friends forever! And then Burnham convinces an old man, who knows nothing other than life on this planet with sacrifices and worship, with a short whisperspeak, that there are aliens and technology and that he should no longer sacrifice virgins and the like in the future. Incidentally, DIS is once again rubbing gender ideology in our faces with a three-gender civilization - probably just to make us hear "they" instead of "he" and "she" even more often. Apparently it is not enough that the stuttering Adira is constantly addressed as "they".

And this whiny Culber is really getting on my nerves now. Yes, we know, you had a spiritual experience during the Zhian'tara. Write a book about it! Or go to a monastery and take a vow of silence and spare your fellow human beings this lamentation. What a difference to Star Trek 30 years ago! In the DS9 episode "Facets" several characters also perform the Zhian'tara (with Jadzia Dax) and did we hear any whining afterwards? NO! No whining, no tears, and no sobbing self-pity three episodes later!

Oh, and it's nice that this species communicates by whistling. Apparently they only do that when Burnham and Tilly aren't around... and Tilly wins the race?!? Fitness - what's that again? Just be body positive and you can achieve anything! And what does this Carl Fredricksen character actually want to tell us with his notepad from the 21st century? This series truly has the worst of the bad characters in Star Trek history!
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