Star Trek: Shore Leave (1966)
Season 1, Episode 15
A crew full of explorers who make no attempt to investigate the truth behind strange events
5 May 2024
Ridiculous and silly episode without a spark of sense or reason. There are also some crazy episodes in later episodes like YOY "The Thaw" or SNW "The Elysian Kingdom". But at least the crews tried to get to the bottom of what was going on in these episodes.

In this TOS episode, however, no one seems really worried or even curious about why people and things suddenly appear out of thin air. A ship full of explorers with the mission to discover new worlds and new life forms, but no one tries to investigate the events on the planet with scientific intuition. The fact that a medieval woman's dress suddenly hangs in the bushes doesn't bother Bones any more than the fact that a bully from Kirk's academy days 15 years ago suddenly appears and still seems as young as he did then. Instead of investigating, Kirk has nothing better to do than to resume his old feud with this guy and get into a fist fight. White rabbits, samurai, an old fighter plane, a tiger, a revolver... nobody really finds this strange. Instead, the crew seems to be having fun and Kirk, of course, immediately jumps on an old flame that appears out of nowhere. And since when has Bones been interested in a female colleague? The two seem to know each other pretty well...

And when it becomes clear at the end that this is a pleasure planet of an apparently highly developed species, the crew also makes no attempt to investigate this species and its technology more closely. A completely pointless episode that can be safely skipped.
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