Star Trek: Balance of Terror (1966)
Season 1, Episode 14
The point of this story: Even more pointy ears
5 May 2024
The first good episode of the first TOS season. Finally, you get the feeling that there are professionals on board the Enterprise. And finally, as a viewer, you feel the tension and the thrill. No wonder that this exact moment was picked out in the SNW episode "A Quality of Mercy" to show Pike what catastrophic consequences it would have for the entire galaxy if he tried to cheat his fate. The events are played out there a second time - but this time with Pike as captain, who chooses a different path to solve the problem with the Romulans on the border of the neutral zone.

But you have to ask yourself how it is possible that, despite an endless war, no one has seen a Romulan yet. There must be photos and videos, descriptions of other species that may have already come into contact with the Romulans, or may be trading with them. There must also have been bodies in all these battles during the war that could have been recovered and examined. Stiles' condescending attitude towards Spock when it becomes clear that Romulans and Vulcans apparently share a common ancestor is quite childish. As if it's Spock's fault that a Romulan ship is attacking outposts with a destructive new weapon. However, Kirk reacts to these presumptuous taunts in a very leadership manner for a change, defending Spock and putting Stiles in his place.

In any case, an exciting episode that is an important cornerstone in the Star Trek canon: the first visual contact with Romulans.
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