Worthwhile show to watch
8 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

Brynhildr in the Darkness is about a species of aliens who take over girls or this mad scientist puts them into women. Not really sure. But this heartless scientist is killing girls and using them. They are called witches but they are science experiments and have powers from science it seems like. It has funny moments and happy moments and annoying things as well. First I have watched a ton of anime. I would probably be considered very knowledgeable. So I know this is a cartoon and not real life but when people draw cartoons they put real life into it. For example men in Japan if you look at anime are for the most part extremely shy and either nice or mean. Women in Japan are either smart or idiots and they fall in love with anyone quickly. Apparently women are super desperate and sexual while men are not sexual and run away. Again I know this is a cartoon. But with all the anime I watch this main male character is just a run of the mill anime male. He is of course super scared of girls and embarrassed when he sees them naked. I know when I was his age I would never have looked away especially if I was told by the girl to look. I mean in the USA 14+ year old boys are horny. It seems in Japan they aren't or maybe they just hide it better then we do. These girls are 16 years old so not children. But they have been kept in these horrible lab conditions. This guy helps them and whatnot. But for some reason he is extremely rude to some of them. Like the pink-haired girl he says she is flat as a board even though she is putting herself out there and offering herself to him. He is an idiot. She may not live for much longer and she just wants a date and a kiss and eventually wants more. But seriously would it kill you to take her out and kiss her and not say she is flat? During the swimsuit episode again he could have said you are so beautiful and yet he says she is flat. I don't get it. He is just a rude idiot and honestly doesn't deserve these girls. The large chested one ends up dying at the end and the guy never did anything with her. Seriously kiss her and take her out at least once. Give her a happy day she can cherish. Even if you aren't in love with her you can still be nice and give her something she desperately wants. This anime was twisted as these poor girls melted and died a ton. But I see humanity in this anime as well. Both with greed and doing anything you want to get what you want but also sacrificing for those you love and supporting others. So it has pros and cons. Also what is with Japan's fear of nudity with men? They all have public baths yet in Anime either the men are extremely uncomfortable seeing a woman or they can't stop looking. With the women they either like being looked at or they beat up someone looking or scream. It's just a body, don't freak out. If someone accidentally sees you don't beat them to a bloody pulp and if you see someone then take a mental photo and then without making a big deal look away and say sorry. But don't make a big deal of it. It's like with children you make a big deal when they bump their head they cry but if you don't they don't cry. Overreacting doesn't help anything. But yeah this show has your sci-fi and magic or technology that acts like magic in it. It has your sexy girls who are naked all the time in it. It has your stupid male character who is overly afraid of girls in it. It has enemies to defeat and you lose some and win in the end. Or so you think. But yeah it is a good anime for the most part. But it is frustrating at some parts. So it is a worthwhile show to watch.
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