The Goku I want to remember
10 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's still Goku Day in my country, and while I watch a Dragon Ball Z marathon on television, I'm constantly reminded how great Goku used to be, before being turned into a Peter Griffin-esque moron who only cares about fighting strong guys, supposedly "as Toriyama envisioned", because the wholesome, heroic version we all knew growing up was a wrong depiction, or something like that.

Nonsense. Pure nonsense. White noise from people bizarrely obsessed with "canon" over quality.

While it's true Toriyama never intended to moralize his audience, and only wanted to entertain Japanese kids, his work managed to inspire people anyway, and it keeps inspiring people to this very day.

True, Goku was never "conventionally" heroic. Goku was never "Superman". And plenty of times he acted in a reckless manner.

But he never was the moronic, incredibly annoying character we see in Super.

Goku still had a sense of right and wrong. While he admired Frieza for its strenght, he still knew he had to be stopped, and utterly despised him after witnessing how vile that character was.

This always will be the true Goku for me, not the Peter Griffin Goku who brought Frieza back to life, allowing him to continue his reign of terror with total indifference for the rest of the Universe.

Goku was never a typical hero. But Dragon Ball Super writers turned him into a despicable villain.

Sorry, Mr. Toriyama. But I think I prefer the heroic, wholesome Goku.

The Goku I will always fondly remember in my heart.
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