The unusual funeral at Los Angeles, underrated French Polar!!
11 May 2024
After a family tragedy, Jean-Louis Trintignant was invited by Jacques Deray to make this picture in America aiming for clear your mind aftermaths of sad happenings, actually his character wasn't a hitman properly, he just had debts on games at Paris and had to kill a great mobster at Los Angeles in exchange to be free doing this assignment, sadly after fulfilled his task another real hitman tries kill him before leaving Los Angeles.

Then came up the gorgeous Ann Margret a former owner of a burlesque night club to aid him got a passport to get back to Europe, he soon figures out that such returning won't ensure laissez-passer even in Paris, so he decides stay to settle the things chasing the mastermind that ordering his death.

It's criminally underrated by large majority at IMDB's members in so unusual French Polar, it's has enough action, chasing streets and mainly many twists on the clever plot, also to enhance the offering the producers exposing the sinful nightlife of California on those peppery burlesque environment, fantastic casting and mainly by the Ann-Margret's decollete as the whole shaped body, what a vision of heaven!!

Thanks for reading.


First watch: 2024 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 8.
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