Cemetery Man (1994)
Lost in Translation
12 May 2024
The moment they wake up, before the mortician puts on their makeup, I say a little prayer for you...to actually understand this.

Cemetery Man, aka the Un-American Psycho, is a WEIRD one, indeed. Truthfully, I've never heard of this Italian "horror" (much more of a ZomCom) starring Rupert Everett until my favorite YouTube channel, Dead Meat, covered this on their podcast. Since I just LOVE listening to that, I had to see what they'll inevitably spoil. (And now I can't wait to hear their thoughts as I'm still trying to recover/comprehend.)

The title character works at a Cemetery, duh, with his faithful sidekick, Gnaghi, the inbred child of Pugsley Addams and Curly Howard. Together they stop the living dead from escaping the grounds. Meanwhile, there's a couple of love stories - one creepy, beyond the zombie aspect and another involving the biggest nipples I've ever seen. Also, expect murders, slapstick, Death and surreal occurrences.

Admittedly, I laughed out loud at some of the comedy despite most of this going way over my head. This is fever dream madness and I'm not sure it's supposed to make sense. I mean, it's not like our American Airplane! From 1980 truly made logical sense...to anyone outside of the USA. (But, at least Airplane! Has a straight-line plot and objectives, though.)

You'd really have to be into Italian "horror" (I put that in quotes as this is VERY light horror, despite having a setting of a graveyard with ghouls rising from the dead and some graphic gore,) or comedies from Italy to really be drawn to this. I wasn't upset as I watched it as I truly felt this was going to ultimately turn out like my own interpretation of American Psycho.

Watch it at your own risk. Or if you're a Rupert Everett completist.


Final Thoughts: I'm not against remakes, or even Americanized remakes of foreign films, but if we were to tackle this one, I'd love to see the actual horror version of this. It'd definitely be a great double feature with Phantasm.
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