Star Trek: The Alternative Factor (1967)
Season 1, Episode 27
Hey Lazarus, how about a shave?
12 May 2024
Although you can't expect breathtaking graphic effects in TOS, the effects in this episode are so bad that they are an insult to all viewers. As if the effects specialists had tried to capture a bad LSD trip on film. And then this spaceship with the round glass dome! Like watching a 1950s sci-fi film!

The story of this episode is also total nonsense. The antimatter counterpart can just walk around in our universe and, despite medical analysis, Bones doesn't notice that there's anything wrong with this person (even though the beard always looks different). And what's actually wrong with Kirk? Is he just an idiot? He should know by now that they constantly encounter strange phenomena and inexplicable events. But after Bones tells him that Lazarus' scar has suddenly disappeared, Kirk once again just thinks that Bones is kidding him! Or when Spock initially detects no life on the planet and then suddenly a life form appears on his screen - Kirk reacts irritably and incredulously. How could Spock have missed this before?!? Hello? Maybe because there was no sign of life there before?

By the way, Spock says at the beginning that the planet is hostile to life and that there is no life there. Nevertheless, the crew can beam onto the planet without protective equipment or oxygen and bushes grow on every corner.
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