Bäckström (2020– )
3rd season really lost it
15 May 2024
Off for a promising start with the first two seasons of "Bäckström" managed to capture my attention. The character kept me invested. The pacing was well-balanced, and the suspense kept me coming back for more. While not groundbreaking, it was a solid foundation for what could have been an exceptional show.

Then came the disappointing turn. Unfortunately, Season 3 took an unexpected detour. It felt like the writers abandoned the original tone and decided to embrace a more juvenile approach. The humor, which was once fun and clever, now feels forced and cringe-worthy. It's as if the showrunners forgot their audience and aimed for a much younger demographic. The plot twists became predictable, and the character arcs lost depth.

In the end, "Bäckström" missed the mark. It's disappointing to see a promising show stumble in its latest season. While the first two seasons were enjoyable, Season 3 left me scratching my head. Perhaps the creators should have stuck to the original formula instead of trying to reinvent the wheel.
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