Hapless Harry
16 May 2024
Numbers runner Harry Plotnick (Martin Priest) finishes up a long prison bid and returns to a neighborhood he does not recognize. Before going to the slammer he had a smooth running operation but upon release problems arise from the outset with his body guard showing up late because he had to pick up his shirts. As he reviews the take in the back of his limo things get even grimmer. He's being replaced in his territory by some young Turks. His attempt to reacquaint with the family is also faced with hurdles, given his past. He then attempts to get accepted into the community by going legit with his brother in law.

Martin Priest plays Harry with perfect hang dog demeanor of a man down on his luck as he mostly shrugs at his predicaments more than be outraged. His world is caving in around him as he glumly struggles with being out of circulation for many years.

Directed by Indy filmmaker Michael Roemer with the same grasp of the New York Jewish community he displayed in his masterwork "Nothing but a Man" dealing with Blacks in the South he quickly establishes the leads background with a sharply edited opening montage. Made up mostly of a non-professional cast who all fit their roles to the hilt it is more of a somber comedy than drama with hapless Harry as a sad clown, the supporting characters (especially Ben Lang and Henry Nemo) comic witnesses to his folly. An excellent independent work by a one underrated filmmaker.
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