Come Clean (1931) Poster


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No good turn goes unpunished, right boys?
wmorrow5915 May 2005
Come Clean is one of Laurel & Hardy's domestic comedies in which they're each married. Here the boys must grapple with their perennial ethical dilemma: when they get into trouble, should they tell their wives the truth or try to bluff it out? Needless to say, they always try to bluff it out, which only makes matters worse. And man, do they get into trouble this time! The situation in Come Clean is decidedly darker than usual and surprisingly risqué, i.e. about as "Pre-Code" as anything the boys ever encountered. The plot involves a suicidal woman named Kate with a mysterious criminal past who punishes Stan & Ollie for saving her life, refusing to leave them in peace unless she's given money. Kate is portrayed by the formidable Mae Busch, who played a similar role as a blackmailing ex-girlfriend in the silent comedy Love 'Em and Weep and its talkie remake Chickens Come Home. She raised plenty of hell in those incarnations, but here she is a bundle of sheer malevolence. Kate is the middle-class husband's nightmare: a crazy gold-digger with nothing to lose. She responds to good will gestures with contempt, and threatens to scream the place down if she doesn't get her way. And Mae sure could scream!

Recently I saw this short comedy again for the first time in many years, and while it's not at the very top of my L&H's Greatest Hits list it's nice to report that Come Clean stands as one of their funniest domestic comedies. (And hey, how often is it that you watch a movie you haven't seen since grade school and still enjoy it?) In getting reacquainted with this film I realized I'd misremembered a major detail: in my memory Mae Busch's character was a prostitute, perhaps because of her Anna Christie-like outfit, her demeanor, and her demands for money, but in fact we never learn exactly what she does for a living or why the police are looking for her, or why they're offering such a generous reward for her capture. $1,000 was not small change in the depths of the Great Depression! Perhaps Kate is a gangster's moll, or maybe she's a crook who lost her ill-gotten gains somehow, but we never find out and have to fill in this gap on our own for the story to make any sense. In a way, however, Kate's past is irrelevant, because her true function here is to cause Stan and Ollie grief, and this she does with ruthless efficiency.

A bare plot outline for Come Clean would suggest it's a pretty grim excuse for a comedy, but actually the laughs begin almost immediately and seldom let up. The opening sequence is a reworking of a routine the guys first performed in their silent comedy Should Married Men Go Home?, but it works better with sound; this is the bit where Ollie and his wife hope to have a pleasant evening at home by themselves but are interrupted by the unexpected and unwelcome arrival of Mr. & Mrs. Laurel. The Hardys pretend to be out as the Laurels ring their buzzer, but give the game away when Stan slips a note halfway under the door and Ollie foolishly pulls it through while they're still watching. Oops! A lot of forced conviviality follows this faux pas, and when the boys go out to buy ice cream we observe that much of the humor (as in the best Laurel & Hardy comedies) comes not from elaborate gags or chases but in the little moments: just trying to exit the apartment, for instance, Stan & Ollie confound each other repeatedly. After that, the visit to the ice cream parlor is an exercise in confusion and barely-averted hostilities, due mainly to Stan's ineptitude but thanks in part to ice cream vendor Charlie Hall, an actor who must have been put on this earth to serve as a surly nemesis for our heroes.

Once Mae Busch's world-weary Kate has entered the picture, i.e. after the boys have rescued her from a watery grave, the situation turns scary for them and grimly funny for the viewer. When she learns the guys are married she knows instantly that their wives will jump to the obvious conclusion if they catch her lounging around the Hardys' boudoir, wearing one of Mrs. Hardy's negligees-- and she's quite right, of course. Kate insists on going home with them, forcing them to hide her from their wives. Ensconced in the master bedroom, Kate is in no mood to be quiet and when she blasts the radio the boys' attempts to drown out the noise cracked me up when I was a kid and did so again when I saw the film the other day. The ending feels quite abrupt, however, leaving those aforementioned unexplained plot points and suggesting that this two-reel comedy might have benefited from an additional reel. But even as it stands, Come Clean is a brisk, amusing and slightly naughty comedy with dark undertones, and a stark demonstration that no good deed goes unpunished in this world.
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"Here's Another Nice Mess I've Gotten You Into!"
JoeytheBrit20 July 2009
Laurel & Hardy return to a favourite plot device - that of blackmail - in this reasonably funny short. They save the life of a woman attempting to drown herself and are rewarded by having her threatening to have them arrested for attacking her if they don't take her home with them. Of course, being Stan & Ollie, this is what they do - with typically riotous results as they try to conceal her from their wives.

This one has a couple of classic moments: the encounter with the ice cream salesman in which Stan wants mustachio with his chocolate ice cream, and the boy's noisy attempts to cover the music blaring from another room by banging their crockery and singing at the tops of their voices. Not quite vintage Laurel & Hardy but still extremely funny.
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No rules, no boundaries, no explanation
StevePulaski17 September 2014
James W. Horne does what he does best as a director of Laurel and Hardy shorts with Come Clean, a spry comedic short, which is erect a story and short film on the opportunities that naturally arise from situational comedy. His directorial style, combined with H.M. Walker's writing, is often comprised of coming up with a ridiculous story and continuing to feed its inanity by seeing just how far one could take it. This results in a short that is more than just endless bouts of physical comedy with no real humor whatsoever, but a showcase of two charismatic comedy talents and a screen writing exercise that serves as a fulfilling laugh-riot.

Come Clean may not live up to Horne's other Laurel and Hardy shorts, like Big Business and Thicker Than Water, but there is still an incomparable amount of energy and liveliness within the screenplay and the characters. The short begins by Mr. and Mrs. Hardy wishing they could have a restful, quiet evening in their apartment, but are interrupted, per usual, by the well-meaning but troublemaking Mr. and Mrs. Laurel. After trying to refuse entry, the Hardy's give up and decide to let them in, to which Laurel replies by hanging with his old pal Hardy and the wives are left to mingle in the frontroom. When Laurel and Hardy decide to venture out to get ice cream, they wind up preventing a woman from committing suicide off a bridge, to which she is ungrateful and begins making threats to both men if they dare leave her company. What results is a manic evening between the two men and the shrewish woman, as they try to get back to their wives for a dinner, while preventing the woman from screaming whenever she is unsatisfied with what's happening.

This is the first Laurel and Hardy short I've encountered where little sense is made in regards to the short's narrative or its cause-and-effect relationship. Why would this woman try and commit suicide? Was it all just a ploy to get the attention of someone she could blackmail? Why are Laurel and Hardy's wives so bitter and shrewish themselves? Writer H.M. Walker doesn't concern himself with that information so much as he does try his best to quietly obscure details by making such a ridiculous and wild short film, one that operates with the one-thing-leads-to-another formula of early comedy filmmaking, without so much as clearing up why one thing leads to another.

It's all in the name of comedy, and in that spirit, Come Clean is pretty funny, especially during the last ten minutes of its nineteen-minute runtime, where, per usual, all hell breaks loose and Laurel and Hardy are left to their own thoughtful wits, as lackluster as those often are. Come Clean provides for fun and enjoyment, which is precisely what most of these shorts have been giving me, so far.

Starring: Stan Laurel and Olive Hardy. Directed by: James W. Horne.
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Plot wise it's weak but still funny
bob the moo1 September 2003
The Hardy's are planning for a nice evening in when the Laurels come knocking. When they can't pretend to be out any longer, they let the Laurel's in and Stan and Oliver go out to buy some ice cream. On the way home they see a woman drowning in the river and save her. Less than grateful the woman follows them home and the duo try to hide her from their wives. Meanwhile the police continue their hunt for a wanted woman.

In terms of plot, this short is quite weak. The main plot doesn't really happen till the end of the short and, even then, it doesn't really make any sense and it feels like the writers had an idea about L&H hiding a woman in their home but couldn't work out a better way of setting it up. Aside from this the opening of the film is good, as is the scene in the ice cream shop. The scenes involving hiding Kate from their wives are OK but the final short is quite underplayed considering how quite funny it is.

Laurel and Hardy play their parts well. Laurel has some very good scenes of his trademark confusion early on and Hardy does well without dominating the film in the way it is often easy for him to do. Busch does OK as the wanted woman but I couldn't understand her part one little bit!

Aside from these complaints the short still contained enough funny moments to be worth watching. It's just a little distracting that the writers came up with the basic sequences first then trying to crow bar them into a poor plot.
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That woman's here again!
mark.waltz6 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Never save a woman from suicide; she'll end up ruining your life. That's the theme of this very adult entry in the Laurel and Hardy shorts series. And when that woman is Mae Busch, you know they are in trouble. She had already blackmailed Oliver in one short, and now she wants them to take care of her for interfering in her business. She's one of the biggest harpies to ever cross a man's path, this coming during an evening when the Hardy's and Laurel's were having a quiet evening together even though Mrs. Hardy didn't want them there. Loud and somewhat obnoxious, this is frenetic in it's actions, but the women characters are not at all sympathetic. There's a funny finale though that needed the perfect visual to go with it.
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In Big Trouble With Mr. Laurel & Mr. Hardy
Ron Oliver24 May 2000
A LAUREL & HARDY Comedy Short.

Stan & Ollie save the life of a bizarre woman attempting to drown herself. Instead of gratitude, the ferocious female follows them home, ensconcing herself in Ollie's bedroom & demanding money. Not wanting to COME CLEAN to their wives only makes the problem much worse...

A hilarious little film. Highlight: Stan in the bathtub. That's Mae Busch as the female (her name is misspelled in the opening credits) & Charlie Hall as the soda jerk.
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Can't do without each other's company
bkoganbing15 November 2016
Maybe Laurel and Hardy can't do with out each other's company, but their wives are getting tired of it. Watching this I was reminded how in Goodfellas the wives of the wiseguys as well as them always socialized within the group.

So one night Stan and Linda Lorado come calling on the Hardys and Mrs. Hardy played by Gertrude Astor says pretend we're not at home. I can't say how the subterfuge was foiled, but it was Laurel in his own innocent way and this particular gag is a great example of how Ollie always thinks of himself as so much smarter than Stan but he really isn't.

Well once inside the boys discover there's not enough ice cream so off they go to get some. On the way back they save a drowning Mae Busch and Stan nearly kills Ollie doing it. Another bit you have to see.

Busch is no innocent, she insinuates herself with the boys looking to play a variety of the old badger game.

The rest is indescribable and indescribably funny. As usual Laurel innocently comes out on top. But in this short Ollie does have the last word, though it might be a four letter one.

A must for Stan and Ollie fans.
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Mae as a blackmailing suicidal woman
weezeralfalfa30 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This 1931 L&H comedy short is very funny, for the most part. Mae Busch returns from "Chickens Come Home", as another blackmailer: a suicidal woman whom they rescue from drowning, only to blackmail them into supporting her. Actually, we don't encounter Mae until the 9 min. mark of this 20 min. film. Before that, the action takes place in or near the Hardy's apartment, then a drug store........The Hardys(Ollie and Gertrude Astor) hope to spend a quiet evening at home, As expected, this serenity is interrupted by the unwanted arrival of Stan and wife((Linda Loredo). The Hardy's try to make out they aren't home. But this ruse is foiled when Stan writes a note and slips it partway under the door. Hardy foolishly picks it up, then puts it back........Stan wants some ice cream, but the Hardy's don't have any. Thus, Mrs. Hardy requests that Ollie go get some. Stan goes with him. But first, Ollie requests that Stan bring him a pitcher from the kitchen.(How does this relate to going to get ice cream, or anything else??). Of course, Stan brings back a picture, not a pitcher. So, Ollie goes himself. Unfortunately, on the way back, the swinging door swings into him, knocking him down. He tries again, with a similar result. Finally, they leave the apartment, but get lost from each other when they take separate elevators., finally finding each other. At the drugstore, Ollie asks Stan what flavor does he want. "Chocolate" But, the soda jerk(Charlie Hall) says they're out of that. Stan asks what other flavors they are out of! Finally, Ollie tells him to give them whatever flavor is convenient. He asks what flavor it is. "Chocolate!".........On their way home, in the dark, they see a woman on the bridge, muttering to herself: "Goodbye old world.. I'm leaving you flat." Then, she gets on the railing, and jumps off, before they have time to go prevent her. The boys take off their jacket to jump in. Stan pushes Ollie off. He immediately calls for help. So, Stan gets off the bridge, onto the shore. He conveniently finds a rope and throws it to Ollie. But he also throws in the anchor to which the other end is tied! Mae initially was nearly drowned, but awoke when Ollie appeared. They helped her to her feet, and Stan remarks "We saved your life", to which Mae replies: "You have a lot of nerve , butting into other peoples' business. Now that you have saved me, you can support me." They object that they already have wives to support. But, that doesn't impress her. She says she will scream and tell that they tried to drown her, if they run away. They do run, and she screams, so they return. This happens again. So, the boys decide to take her home, and tell the wives what happened. At the elevators, Mae gets separated, and screams. But, in the presence of their wives, Ollie chickens out, which leads to the hilarious last part of the film. Stan shoves her into Ollie's bedroom. Ollie tries to pull her out into the hall. But, the wives walk into the hall, so he shoves her back in. From their peculiar behavior, the girls sense something is up. They ask where is the ice cream? (The boys left it, distracted by the lifesaving). Ollie says Stan ate it all, which seems to satisfy them. In Ollie's room, Mae turns on the radio loud, a Sousa march being featured. The boys bang their plates with spoons, to try to drown her out. After stealing Mrs. Hardy's coat, Mae leaves the room, apparently leaving the building. But, down stairs , she sees a detective, and quickly goes back into Ollie's room. The boys fight with her on Ollie's bed, then hustle her into the bathroom when they hear the wives coming. Stan goes with her, and locks the door. Soon, the detective comes and says he knows she's in there. Stan gets in the tub, and pretends he's washing himself, fully clothed. The detective finally breaks open the door and finds his fugitive(We are not told what crime she committed). He asks who brought this women in here. Ollie says Stan did. The detective wants Stan to go to the station with him. We have a punch line next, but I'll let your guess or see the film. ......See the film at YouTube.
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tcchelsey2 August 2022
No question Mae Busch, a famous silent film actress, proved to be the absolutely best foil for Laurel and Hardy. Mae made a successful transition to sound films -- and could she scream!

Here, Stan and Ollie go out to get some ice cream for their "unhappy" wives and just happen to save larcenous Mae from drowning? Mae is at her best, setting up the boys to pay her off -- BIG TIME --or she'll tell the cops (and their wives) they tried to KILL her. What a bucket of suds they step into...

When they finally bring Mae home, after a few failed attempts to ditch her, Ollie stashes her in his bedroom (while Stan is telling a dirty joke to the wives about some farmer's daughter?...) Just insane, "R" rated stuff back in the day. Charlie Hall, who plays the ice cream salesman here, was also credited for co-writing the film short, and he got the job done.

Naturally, the story builds on itself; the boys play hide and seek with Mae, attempting to hide her around the apartment so the wives won't catch on. Both campy and suggestive material, definitely in the pre-code category of the 1930s, and you have to admit, audiences loved it. In fact, this type of risque storyline made Laurel and Hardy enormously popular through the years, inspiring the sex romps of the 60s and 70s, even romantic sitcoms like LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE.

10 Wacky Stars.

Another comedy gem not to be missed. Get the Laurel and Hardy dvd box set for comedies like this.
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A bit contrived, but fun
planktonrules12 October 2006
The beginning of this film is an almost exact copy of SHOULD MARRIED MEN GO HOME, as Ollie and his wife are trying to spend a quiet evening ALONE, but Stanley (and in this case with his wife) show up unannounced. Ollie and his wife hide and pretend they aren't home, but to no avail. Then, you soon notice that Ollie's wife is a pretty bossy and mean piece of work and she begins nagging him unmercifully. Stan wants ice cream, so he and Ollie leave to bring some back for everyone. On the way back, they catch a woman who appears to be trying to drown herself. Instead of being grateful, she is a major pest who follows them home and tries to make their lives miserable (a rather unbelievable turn of events, I know). And the last portion of the film consists of the boys trying in vain to stop this woman from revealing herself to the wives.

As far as the film goes, it's funny stuff, but also pretty forced. It's awfully familiar and ordinary. Not a bad film, but also not particularly memorable.
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Not representative of the duo's talent
Horst_In_Translation28 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Come Clean" is an American black-and-white short film from 1931, so this one is already over 85 years old and the names Horne and especially Walker (or Hal Roach as producer) maybe make it obvious to you that this 20-minute movie is another Laurel/Hardy film from back in the day. They brought their wives here or maybe I should say their characters'. And still of course it is all about the comedy and not about the romance as back then, the comedy greats were rather pushed around by their significant others instead of showing each other their feelings. In terms of Stan & Ollie, this is probably neither among their most or least known works, something in-between, and it is also already from their days of starring in sound films, so far from their oldest material. They were the big exception by managing a successful transition from silent to sound, even if admittedly the audio site is so clumsy that you feel that this is really from the early days of sound movies. And certainly not on the level of the greatest sound cartoons from that time. Let me also add that I somewhat enjoyed the awkward beginning as the Hardys don't want to let the Laurels in, but of course, eventually they do as otherwise the film would have been over after 2 and not after 20 minutes. Sadly the solid level from the start deteriorates more and more the longer the film goes. The balcony and bathroom/bathtub scenes are not half as funny as they were intended to regardless of all the splish splash going on. Quite a shame as the 2 protagonists and also their supporting actors are definitely more talented than the material they are given here. At some point, it just turns into loud hullabaloo or klamauk as we say here in Germany and the cinematic value is down to zero. I give the overall product a thumbs-down here. Not recommended unless you really love L&H.
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A Mae In The Busch
boblipton15 December 2020
Laurel and Hardy are fetching ice cream for their wives when they rescue Mae Busch from suicide. Who, however, will rescue them from Mae Busch?

Whenever this showed up on the afternoon kid's show in the 1960s, I watched it, absorbed its message and laughed. Except for a brief moment of Miss Busch announcing a hackneyed "Goodbye, cruel world!" and jumping, she never acted n the least depressed. Nowadays, we're not supposed to make fun of situations like that. We're supposed to be very solemn and speak of her manic-depressive disability -- sorry, 'differently abled' , We're not supposed to feel sorry for the Boys; they've got White Male Privilege. And ice cream!

Well, I don't care. I still laugh.
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Blackmail complications
TheLittleSongbird23 September 2018
Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy were comedic geniuses, individually and together, and their partnership was deservedly iconic and one of the best there was. They left behind a large body of work, a vast majority of it being entertaining to classic comedy, at their best they were hilarious and their best efforts were great examples of how to do comedy without being juvenile or distasteful.

Although a vast majority of Laurel and Hardy's previous efforts ranged from above average to very good ('45 Minutes from Hollywood' being the only misfire and mainly worth seeing as a curiosity piece and for historical interest, and even that wasn't a complete mess), 'Two Tars' for me was their first truly classic one with close to flawless execution. Didn't find 'Come Clean' as one of their best and a bit disappointing compared to their late 1928 and the best of their 1929 efforts, which were among their best and funniest early work. It is still very good and has much of what makes Laurel and Hardy's work as appealing as it is.

The story is extremely slight to the point of non-existence and the first part takes a little bit too time to get going.

When 'Come Clean' does get going, which it does do quite quickly, it is great fun, not always hilarious but never less than very amusing, loved everything with the ice cream and Laurel in the bath-tub is extremely funny. It is never too silly, there is a wackiness that never loses its energy and the sly wit is here, some of the material may not be new but how it's executed actually doesn't feel too familiar and it doesn't get repetitive.

Laurel and Hardy are on top form here, both are well used, both have material worthy of them and they're equal rather than one being funnier than the other (before Laurel tended to be funnier and more interesting than Hardy, who tended to be underused). Their chemistry feels like a partnership here too, before 'Two Tars' you were yearning for more scenes with them together but in 'Come Clean' and on the most part from 'Two Tars' onwards we are far from robbed of that. Their comic timing is impeccable, especially Laurel's though Hardy at the end is one of the pleasures here.

'Come Clean' looks good visually, is full of energy and the direction gets the best out of the stars, is at ease with the material and doesn't let it get too busy or static. The supporting players are solid, especially Mae Busch.

Overall, very good. Not essential or classic Laurel and Hardy, but a good representation of them. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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leavymusic-224 November 2019
The boys are in 1st class form here trying to escape the blackmail of a female on the run. Rich in gags, the scene in the ice cream shop is fabulous, these guys were Hollywood's finest and have never been equaled.
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Great consistent Laurel & Hardy comical short.
Boba_Fett11381 February 2006
Tiny problem with most Laurel & Hardy movies is that most of them have some weaker scene's and moments in them. "Come Clean" however is a wonderful exception to this and it's a movie that manages to stay consistent throughout its entire running time.

All of the sequences are very well constructed and are highly amusing. Also some of the slapstick moments are not original but certainly entertaining. The movie also has some great comical spoken lines, which mainly involves Stan Laurel.

Also Mae Busch shows her comical talent and her character gets the boys into some serious hilarious trouble. Mae Busch appeared also in several other comical Laurel & Hardy short's such as "Them Thar Hills", "Oliver the Eighth" and "Unaccustomed As We Are".

One of the better Laurel & Hardy comical short's.

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Come Clean
jboothmillard23 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are the most famous comedy duo in history, and deservedly so, so I am happy to see any of their films. Ollie and Mrs. Hardy (Gertrude Astor) are hoping for a quiet night alone, but Stan and Mrs. Laurel (Linda Loredo) come along spoiling this. To make the best of the evening, Ollie and Stan go out to buy some ice cream, only afterwards to spot Kate (Mae Busch), wanted by the police, jumping into the river. She blackmails them to take her with them, or she'll tell people they tried to kill her. So near misses, amusing methods of disguising noise and a small chase or two follow as they try to hide Kate from their wives, until eventually the police show up. Ollie points Stan out to be responsible, not realising whoever finds her gets $1000 reward, and it ends with Stan going down the drain of the bath, or as Ollie says, "he's gone to the beach". Filled with good slapstick and all classic comedy you want from a black and white film, it is an enjoyable silent film. Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy were number 7 on The Comedians' Comedian. Worth watching!
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"I'm going to buy $1,000 worth of chocolate ice cream . . . "
oscaralbert18 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
. . . Stan replies to Ollie's question about what he plans to do with his reward money for catching Killer Kate at the end of COME CLEAN. Earlier in this story, it's established that the going rate for one quart of chocolate ice cream is 75 cents. This is the retail price, meaning that a gallon of the frozen dessert is setting customers back by exactly $3. You do not need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that Stan could therefore acquire 333 gallons, plus a smidgen more than 42 additional ounces, of the icy brown treat at the take-out price, assuming that the store has a freezer large enough to contain it all (along with the gallons of the strawberry, pineapple, pistachio and gooseberry flavors then all the rage). No doubt Stan could get upwards of 500 gallons for a thousand bucks by cutting out the middle man, and negotiating directly with the creamery. This is all in sharp contrast with Ollie's original plan, which was to divide a mere quart of the frigid confection between four grown adults. While this eight-ounce ration might be more that a teaspoon full each, it's not by much.
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A Stranger Episode
Hitchcoc16 January 2017
Keep fooling those women. Stan and Ollie are married and living in relative luxury. They see so much of each other that when the Laurels want to come over, the Hardys try to avoid them. It doesn't work and they end up together. Soon the boys go out for ice cream (apparently a regular event because this is not the only time). They end up with the miserable Charlie Hall making this a hard proposition. While out, they save a suicidal woman from drowning. Instead of gratitude, she begins to extort them for money to be quiet about having dealings with her. Modern audiences would recognize her as a hooker. The police are after her and are offering a huge reward. The fun starts as she makes her way to their home and dresses in the wive's clothing. Of course, the job now is to hide this woman from the wives till they can pay her off. Mae Busch is sort of tragic as the woman. Ollie does get the last word in the final scene.
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Classic L&H
leavymusic-213 June 2019
The scene in which Stan and Ollie go to purchase some ice cream is legendary! Lots of funny cracks, we are all awaiting these classics to be remastered on to 4k blu ray,' Every one of the teams films deserve it simply because they were the greatest, 'this little film stands up as one of the many examples of Stan & Ollie's genius. "All right, I'll have it without-chocolate!"
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Watchable for what it was...
paul_haakonsen5 August 2022
The 1931 comedy short film "Come Clean" starring Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy is an enjoyable enough foray into the shenanigans of Laurel and Hardy. Sure, it wasn't their finest work or most hilarious of stories, but it was watchable.

The storyline was a little bit too far out there for my liking. Yeah, it was watchable, but the storyline was just lacking the witty banter and slapstick physical comedy that other of their movies had in abundance. Sure, it was here, but just not as much as in other movies.

As always, it is a pure joy watching Laurel and Hardy on the screen doing what they mastered so well back in the day.

And I will say that "Come Clean" definitely has withstood the test of time, because this short comedy film is very watchable even now in 2022.

My rating of "Come Clean" lands of a five out of ten stars.
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Two Laurel and Hardy
Michael_Elliott11 March 2008
Come Clean (1931)

*** (out of 4)

Laurel and Hardy save a woman from killing herself only to have her follow them home, which will get them in trouble with their wives. Plenty of funny segments here including the fight to save the woman and their attempt to buy some ice cream.

Politiquerias (1931)

** (out of 4)

Spanish version of Chickens Come Home once again suffers from sluggish Spanish-spoken dialogue from Laurel and Hardy. Two extra sequences were added for this Spanish version and they hurt more than they help.
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