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Just Plain Folks
lugonian14 November 2005
BIG HEARTED HERBERT (WB, 1934), directed by William Keighley, is a domestic comedy, one of many turned out by many film studios during the Depression era '30s. Clocked at an hour's length, the characters are fully developed during its opening minutes showing middle-aged Herbert (Guy Kibbee) constantly yelling, finding fault with everything from his family to his employees. A self-made man who is in charge of a plumbing factory, Herbert has two things he treasures most, a giant portrait of his father that hangs over the fireplace, and the cuspidor which gets in the way of everyone in the living room. His wife Elizabeth (Aline MacMahon) is a simple-minded and patient mother who accepts her husband for what he is. The family has three children, Alice (Patricia Ellis), an attractive 19-year-old blonde; Junior (Trent Durkin), who would rather go to college to become an engineer than carry on in his father's business; and Robert (Jay Eaton), the youngest with a round face and big smile, who not only enjoys eating bananas, but appears to be the only one of the siblings who worships his father, finding his mannerisms more amusing than threatening. Alice is engaged to Andrew Goodrich (Phillip Reed), a college graduate, and wants her fiancé and his parents (Henry O'Neill and Nella Walker) to meet the family. The dinner becomes a disaster, thanks to Herbert's constant roaring. When Herbert wants to bring one of his most important client and his wife (Hale Hamilton and Claudia Coleman) over to dinner so they could be in the company of "just plain folks," Elizabeth decides to turn the tables around by presenting the family to his Havens as "just plain folks," much to the dismay of Herbert.

Supporting players include Marjorie Gateson as MacMahon's sister; Robert Barrat as her husband; Joseph Crehan as the IRS man; and George Chandler.

Straight-forward story, amusing comedy that pre-dates many of those situation comedy shows produced for television told within 30 minutes. Guy Kibbee succeeds in making his unsympathetic character likable while Aline MacMahon, as always, brings sincerity to her role. Helen Lowell plays a once-a-week housekeeper who finds it difficult to remember her line, "Dinner is served," at the gathering of the future in-laws. She gives a performance that would have have been more suitable to the likings of Ruth Donnelly.

Not as laugh-filled as the domestic stars of that genre ranging from the comic supplements of WC Fields, the wholesomeness of Will Rogers, the sentimental knowhow by Marie Dressler or the wackiness of Charlie Ruggles and Mary Boland, but this production, based on the play by Sophie Kerr, combines a little of all, and thanks to the delightful team of the tall but sad-eyed Aline MacMahon and short, fat and bald Guy Kibbee, these two secondary scene stealers from the classic Depression musical, GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933 (1933), make this rarely seen production worth viewing.

A sort of domestic comedy that might have prospered into a film series, but as it stands, nothing developed. BIG HEARTED HERBERT was remade by Warners as FATHER IS A PRINCE (1940) with Grant Mitchell assuming the role as the self-centered, egotistical father. Both movies, along with other MacMahon-Kibbee domestic comedies, can be seen and compared whenever presented on Turner Classic Movies. (**1/2)
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Charming Comedy
Handlinghandel10 November 2005
Aline MacMahon is her always wonderful self as the matriarch of a blue-collar family. The kids in this family have plans extending beyond the plumbing supplies business, however.

Guy Kibbee is such a likable actor we admire his performance but don't hate him as her skinflint husband.

It contains a scene that presages what is possibly the funniest in movie history: By that I mean the scene in which Irene Dunne masquerades as Cary Grant's sister in that greatest of all comedies, "The Awful Truth." Here we have the upright MacMahon putting on an act when guests come to dinner. The act lives up to her husband's penurious manner and is truly funny and is charming as well.
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Practically a cartoon...
AlsExGal20 December 2009
...except this film stars real people instead of the creations of Termite Terrace, the source of WB cartoons from the 30's to the 60's. Guy Kibbee is Herbert, but he is anything but big-hearted and is far from his usual role as a sweet older gentleman who is not necessarily the brightest bulb in the room. Here he is a cross between Scrooge and Yosemite Sam.

I say this film is practically a cartoon because the characters lack any perceivable motivation, and probably it was made that way on purpose, seeing it only has an hour's running time. The film is an enjoyable comedy in the fast-talking Warner Brothers tradition. You just have to sit back and enjoy the humor in the situations presented and try not to over analyze. Don't bother asking yourself why Herbert is always yelling at everybody, why he wants to hold on to what he has if he is always as unhappy as he seems, and why his wife would marry and stay with such a tight-fisted grouch in the first place - it will get you nowhere.

On the bright side, there is the comedy of Aline McMahon who decides to give husband Herbert what he claims he wants for a family - just plain folk - at the worst possible time, that time being a dinner Herbert is hosting for potential clients of his plumbing supply business. What she delivers is a 1930's version of the Beverly Hillbillies.

Recommended if you are in the mood to put your mind on hold and just laugh without thinking too hard.
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Big heart, big mouth
jarrodmcdonald-11 March 2014
Under William Keighley's direction, Aline MacMahon provides a most natural performance as the wife of a big-hearted galoot. Guy Kibbee plays the galoot and is prone to fits of endless blustering, but usually foiled by the members of their immediate clan.

The story is somewhat episodic in nature, showing situational aspects of the lives of a not-so- typical suburban family. The idea is that despite Kibbee's many forms of tyranny, they are just regular folks. The design of the family unit and its place in society seems much more thought- provoking than other run of the mill domestic comedies.

Kibbee and MacMahon appeared in ten different motion pictures together during the 1930s and early 1940s.
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Teaching the "plain old papa" the truth about "plain old folks".
mark.waltz1 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The hysterically funny Guy Kibbee gives Oscar the Grouch a run for his money in this domestic comedy about a self-made man who started his own plumbing company and has achieved some success but barks to anybody who will listen about how he has remained the same and kept his family "just plain old folks", downing anybody who went to that "sissy making" institution known as "college". With his oldest son wanting to avoid working in the family business and going to college and his daughter engaged to a college man who has ended up in that wretched profession known as "lawyer", Kibbee's crotchety personality has pretty much doubled. It's up to his wife Aline MacMahon to teach papa a lesson, taking his often repeated phrase "just plain old folks" to a degree of plainness that practically sends papa into a coronary, especially when it comes to the ancient portrait of his own domineering father and the spittoon which has been in the family for generations.

Of the younger actors, Jay Ward stands out as the eager beaver youngest son who is always out to please papa and seems to know even more about him than mama. He claims that by watching papa have his latest tirade, he sees him becoming funnier and funnier with each line. Junior Durkin, the child star who died tragically young, is the oldest son, while pretty Patricia Ellis is the sweet daughter who has returned home with a surprise that worries mama MacMahon and gives papa Kibbee spastics. MacMahon's glamorous sister is played by the statuesque Marjorie Gateson whose regal bearing is tempered with humanity and understanding. MacMahon is always excellent, but it's fun to watch her build up in frustration to Kibbee's constant judgments and her sudden decision to put papa in line. Stealing every moment she's in is the pickle faced Helen Lowell as the laundress who doubles as maid for MacMahon's dinner party.

This fabulously funny late depression comedy is filled with many hysterically funny moments, whether it be Kibbee's double-take upon realizing that his beloved father's portrait is gone (not to mention the spittoon) or MacMahon's sudden appearance looking like Whistler's Mother. Lowell gets a great gag in when she gives papa Kibbee a piece of Apple Pie right in the middle of his gravy soaked dinner plate. Smaller roles played by Henry O'Neill, Hale Hamilton, Claudia Coleman and Nella Walker help add to the confusion as the befuddlement of MacMahon's guests just creates more hilarity. So if somebody in your family becomes just a little too big for their britches yet still claims that they are just simple plain old folks, pull this movie out and show them how someone like Kibbee has to learn humbleness in order to come back down to earth.
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Watch the trailer! You'll be surprised!
JohnHowardReid1 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This "B" movie domestic comedy runs for less than an hour and, as might be expected, is somewhat dialog bound, with Guy Kibbee spectacularly shooting his mouth off at every opportunity. Fortunately, the other players, particularly Aline MacMahon, do manage to squeeze in a few ripostes to the lead character's constant tirades. Surprisingly, the original stage play had an amazingly successful run on Broadway, clocking up an astonishing 154 performances at the Biltmore with J.C. Nugent and Elizabeth Risdon as the leads. As I said, the movie is quite enjoyable, but far more fascinating still is the trailer thoughtfully provided on the DVD with its real life endorsements by a real-life line-up of real stars. In order: Ann Dvorak, Jimmy Cagney, Dick Powell, Ruby Keeler, Pat O'Brien, Margaret Lindsay and Frank McHugh. Both movie and trailer are available on an excellent Warner Archive DVD.
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Pleasant Film, Not Quite a Home Run
bbrebozo12 September 2014
Does Guy Kibbee, a popular 1930's character actor, have what it takes to carry the lead role in an entire movie? This film gives us the answer: No. But it's fun watching him try.

Kibbee plays the sarcastically-named Big Hearted Herbert, a blowhard who scares neither his family nor his daughter's fiancé with his incessant yelling and complaining. In most movies, Kibbee provides comic relief as a blustery background character, which is usually great. But his non-stop bellowing throughout an entire film is too much of a good thing, particularly because Kibbee's one-note acting style doesn't display at any sweet or lovable side of his personality. Only the eye-rolling and put-downs of the other cast members hint that Big Hearted Herbert is really a softy. It's kind of like watching Jackie Gleason play Ralph Kramden in The Honeymooners, except that the richer and more successful Big Hearted Herbert is a way less sympathetic character, and the more talented Gleason was able to demonstrate occasional warmth.

But despite this, the film is actually fun to watch. The cast does a great job of dragging Big Hearted Herbert into reluctantly accepting the lifestyles of his son and daughter. Apparently Herbert hates lawyers, which is a problem, because his daughter wants to marry one. (Imagine how many issues Big Hearted Herbert would have in the 21st century, when his daughter would want to become one!) And his son doesn't want to go into the family business that Herbert worked so hard to build. It's all mostly handled in a lighthearted way, except toward the end, when Big Hearted Herbert's wife has to threaten some drastic action to drag Herbert into developing a more enlightened viewpoint.

So spend an hour with this movie, have a very pleasant time, and gain a better understanding of why the talented Mr. Kibbee was relegated to minor parts for most of his career.
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A rare gem!
inframan10 November 2005
This movie is a perfect capsule of 1930s family life in middle America. You have the grumpy put-upon (todays type-A) up-by-the-bootstraps businessman perfectly embodied by the actor who had these parts cornered: Guy Kibbee (a rare breed unto himself, they don't make them like him any more). Harried, pompous, blustery & scared to death his world is going to collapse around him & his perfect little family because of an IRS audit.

Then there is his perfect family: Aline McMahon as his wise, witty & imperturbable wife, Junior who's just about ready for college but wants to get into his uncle's engineering business not dad's plumbing fixture manufacturing plant. There's curly blonde-headed sis who wants to marry the Harvard grad & there's the cute kid brother who never saw a banana that he didn't want to eat. Finally there's the highly opinionated but lovable housekeeper.

This could have as easily been a successful radio show or a long-running comic strip. The situations are hilarious, the lines are sharp & the performances are absolutely on target. Plus you get a glimpse of a life (granted it's through the prism of Hollywood, but no less distorted than today's sitcoms of dysfunctional therapy-addicted families) that has long been extinct. Just imagine! - a locally owned family run plumbing fixture manufacturing company. Manufacturing plants used to pepper this country once upon a time, especially in the Northeast & parts of the Midwest; self-sustaining communities abounded. Half of today's population would give anything to return to those days.

If that doesn't shed light on the great divide that is cleaving this country, nothing can.
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One-Dimensional But Interesting Comedy
atlasmb2 January 2015
Those who grew up hearing moralistic stories from their elders about how hard their childhoods were and how such rugged upbringings foster an appreciation for all things valuable might be surprised to watch this film from 1934--in the midst of the depression--whose main character, Herbert, is just such a person.

With a running time of about one hour, "Big Hearted Herbert" is a one-note comedy about a blowhard who loves to pontificate. Proud to be one of the common folk, he continually decries anything not status quo, including his family's wishes for higher education or changes in the home décor.

This film lampoons traditionalism for its own sake. It also suggests that it is not evil or immoral to enjoy life.

Guy Kibbee plays Herbert. His long-suffering wife Elizabeth is played by Aline MacMahon. One reviewer compared this film to "The Honeymooners". I do see a similarity between MacMahon's portrayal and Audrey Meadows' Alice Kramden.

In the end, the family finds a way to teach Herbert a lesson.

This is not the funniest comedy, but it is an interesting glimpse into depression era life.
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A rare change of pace for Guy Kibbee, but this B picture is still a keeper
planktonrules8 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
While the score of 8 is rather high, I think it's merited if this short movie is compared to other B-movies of the era. The "B-movie", if you don't know, is a low budget short movie (usually about an hour) that was made as a second feature in a double feature. In other words, you'd have an "A-picture" (a top film with top stars and budget), a short film or cartoon (or both), a newsreel and also a B-movie--all for the price of admission in the 1930s and 40s. Often, people assumed that B's were bad or ultra-cheap films and while this often was the case, there were quite a few B's that are actually more entertaining and memorable than the A's. As for me, I love B's--particularly well-made ones or the B series films (such as the Crime Doctor or Charlie Chan series, for example).

As in Kibbee's B-movies, he is the male lead of this one, though Aline MacMahon more than holds her own. In addition to a strong female lead, this is a very unusual Kibbee film because his character is practically the antithesis of the nice but dim guys he usually plays. Oddly, here he plays a rather nasty blow-hard who spends almost the entire film complaining and annoying everyone around him. During practically every waking moment, he is either complaining or lecturing his family on the importance of thrift and being "just plain folks".

When Kibbee's daughter has her future in-laws over, Kibbee's bombastic ways are intolerable and the guests eventually leave because he was so rude. MacMahon, his amazingly patient and co-dependent wife has finally had enough--leading to a funny confrontation when she finally takes his lectures seriously about frugality. When Kibbee brings home an important client, he finds that the lovely furnishings he's taken for granted and excellent meals have all been replaced with old and thrifty versions--mortifying Kibbee.

It's all very funny and charming. While this would have worked only okay at 90 or 100 minutes, since it was a B film, it all was boiled down to a very satisfying and cute hour. A very good example of the genre and a nice introduction to Kibbee--though he is definitely playing against type.
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The Leads Turn On the Charm
Michael_Elliott20 March 2012
Big Hearted Herbert (1934)

*** (out of 4)

Charming adaptation of the Broadway play about Herbert (Guy Kibbee), a self-made rich man who is always going off about how he didn't need college, how he had to teach himself everything and his ego has gotten to the point where his family can't take it anymore. With Herbert always screaming and throwing around demands, his wife (Aline MacMahon) decides to give him a taste of his own medicine. BIG HEARTED HERBERT is a comedy but I must admit that I didn't laugh a lot in it. There were a couple big laughs but for the most part I sat there watching the film and never really laughing throughout. So, how can I not laugh at a comedy and still enjoy it so much? Because the two leads are just so downright perfect that you can't help but get wrapped up in the charm of the situation. If you watch enough Warner movies on Turner Classic Movies then you're bound to be familiar with Kibbee who was one of their stock players and showed up in countless movies. He always plays the lovable older fellow but here the screenplay gives him a chance to shout and scream. He's constantly talking about how great he is and telling everyone what he had to do in his life and he expects those around him to follow what he says. This guy is certainly a jerk but Kibbee plays it so perfectly that you never hate him or get to the point where you hope someone punches him out. This is very important because the actor allows the character to really take shape yet he knows how to play it to make sure our feelings don't turn on him. MacMahon is also perfect in her part as the wife as she starts off putting up with the mess but when it's time for the tables to turn she really nails the comedy. I won't ruin what exactly happens but the final ten-minutes are great. This thing clocks in at just 59-minutes so there's really no character development or silly scenes added just to try and beef up the situation. Instead this thing stays pretty close to what you're imagine the story was like on Broadway and the two stars just make this a winner.
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short and sweet
ksf-223 September 2021
Alice MacMahon and Guy Kibbee made TEN films together! In this one, they are husband and wife Liz and Herbert Kalness. Daughter Alice is played by Patricia Ellis, and brings home the fiance. Sons Junior and Bob are played by Trent Durkin and Jay Ward. When Dad storms and yells, making a scene, the family decides to teach dad a lesson; when he brings home a client, they act the same way Dad did the night before, to give him a taste of his own medicine. It's a fun one! All done in 59 minutes.. a shortie from Warner Brothers. Directed by Bill Keighley... worked with some Huge stars, but never brought home the oscar. Sadly, Durkin died young at 19 in a terrible car accident; driven by Jackie Coogan's father. Patricia Ellis died at 53 of cancer.
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