The Bride and the Beast (1958) Poster

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Gorilla My Dreams
gftbiloxi11 June 2007
Laura Carson (Charlotte Austin) has just married big game hunter Dan Fuller (Lance Fuller.) On her wedding night she finds herself strangely attracted to Spanky, a gorilla gone bad that Dan keeps locked up in a basement cage. Before you can say "Ed Wood wrote this," there are gun shots, nightmares, hypnotism, and Dan's unhappy discover that bride Laura may be the reincarnation of a gorilla queen! Can you dig it? Now and then a bad movie becomes unintentionally hilarious, but most of the time bad movies are simply bad. BRIDE AND THE BEAST actually teeters between the two, and this is largely due to the two leads: even in the face of producer-director Adrian Weiss' obvious lack of talent, Austin and Fuller prove unexpectedly competent, and they actually manage to hold the worst of the dialogue at bay. What this means, however, is that BRIDE never self-destructs in the ludicrous way of such films as PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE--and in consequence it isn't so much unintentionally hilarious as it is unintentionally amusing in a mild sort of way.

The film is full of absurdities. Dan Fuller's basement, where the ill-fated gorilla Spanky is caged, has a refrigerator, but illumination is provided by torch. Servant Taro (Johnny Roth, in what seems to be his only film role) is very obviously a white man in bad "native" make-up; he runs around saying "Bwana" a lot. There is a lot of canned wild animal footage, shots of Africa that look suspiciously like shots of South America, and men in bad gorilla costumes. And Ed Wood being Ed Wood, he just can't resist writing references to angora sweaters into the script.

The print is mediocre, but it is worth pointing out that it was probably never very good to begin with, and the DVD release comes with several bonuses of no interest. Fans of cult films, and especially die hard fans of Ed Wood, will enjoy it--and for their sake I give it three stars. But just about every one else should give it a miss.

GFT, Amazon Reviewer
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Strangely touching Z grade sci-fi, given the Wood touch.
mark.waltz23 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There are sincere, if mediocre performances, by Charlotte Austin and Lance Fuller in this Allied Artists science fiction film that is better than expected. As an engaged couple on the verge of heading to Africa on an animal hunting expedition, Austin and Fuller are about to face something far more mysterious than the ways of the world outside their realm. Fuller, the owner of a gorilla he had captured on a previous exposition, has no idea that his bride shares something in common with the caged beast. In a prior life, Austin rules as queen of the gorillas, a revelation she learns through a series of dreams, shown to the audience through film negatives rather than the positive shown for the current day sequences.

This certainly could have been a piece of schlock, but it is far closer to the Bomba and Jungle Jim films then to the earlier Bride of the Gorilla. In that sense, it is more adventure than science fiction, although with the credit of Edward D Wood Jr. as script writer, the element of science fiction is certainly prevalent. Of course, there are the obligatory jungle sequences filmed at stock footage, and they are pleasantly mixed with the newly shot film. there are of course stereotypical African characters, including a wise Old Woman Who seems to be a combination of Maria Ouspenskaya in "The Wolf Man" and the variety of parts played by Madame Sul-Te-Wan (including the original "Mighty Joe Young"). The lack of camp might be disappointing, but I had to admit that this was a decent, if standard, jungle tale.
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Borderline Bestiality B*ll*x, er, Balderdash!
Bofsensai1 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If bestiality is your bag (like e.g. A la Borowczyk's 'La Bete') this is unmissable; if it's not, this is probably UNWATCHABLE! (Well, except for some great eye emoting from sultry Charlotte Autry rare appearance*.)

Ok, so, if you've not seen the film, below is a synopsis of thrill you could be in for if you choose to (still) watch; if you have (already seen the film), then you know that yes, this is (well?) known as an utter clunker, being it's out of the notorious poor filmaker reputation Ed D Wood oeuvre - although here only written by him (plus with the director, A. Weiss: you can try guess which bits when you watch); but that's where the rub - (of an angora sweater? Which, in Ed Wood fetish fame, the heroine herein shall de rigueur sport) - comes in; for it's surely a borderline bestiality disgraceful inference, preceding by some 20 years that which would be more salaciously put up on the screen by Walerian Borowczyk in his seventies 'La Bete / The Beast'!

Really; you have to watch patiently right through to the end to be affronted by this, which means you must go through what drags this tale down to complete dross clunker, in the mid section, when the 'main' character newly-weds go off to Africa for their honeymoon, so becomes a mostly stock footage wild animals romp: although even half of that (so now quarter of a short run film, anyway) becomes a tiger hunt: yes, in Africa - no, NOT India (despite the appalling white, black faced 'native''s (Johnny Roth as 'Taro'!) accent character .. hmm.) Oh and plus non native to pumas, too, and .. well whatever bits of wild animal film stock the director Weiss could pilfer, presumably .. But note that: it's the couple's honeymoon jaunt which takes us back to the all essential to setting the plot scenes outset: the splendidly authoritative looking Charlotte Autry* as Laura, is 'just married' (it's stated on their open top sports car!) to 'hairy' - (wait, this aspect of his character IS important) - Dan (Lance Fuller), and smoulders delightfully as taken to new hubby's abode on her wedding day, wherein he just oh so routinely invites her down to the basement where he just happens to have a gorilla caged (as you do, as a great white hunter?). But no matter, for intrepid Laura (Charlotte), is not in the least phased, rather, indeed, ah, 'affected' because she becomes somewhat entranced (check those emoting eyes of hers!) by 'the beast' (geddit? It's in the title init, oh, and well, she's a new 'bride', isn't she: ah hah ..!)

But this becomes NOT surprising because it transpires, she seems to feel an affinity with gorillas, which latterly hubby's easily and conveniently on hand regression hypnotist chum (William Justine as Dr. Reiner) uncovers that she was - get ready for this leap o faith - a gorilla in a previous life (read that again: Wood wrote it.) So, back to the all important honeymoon setting night scene, in which - being an Ed wood script - of course, comely Charlotte is attired in an angora top in her betrothal night's - separate .. - bed and so, decorumly, hands off one another, off to slumbering they soon go:

but, downstairs, caged gorilla has been so, ah aroused, it (he) finds it (he!) can break free from - (well, clamber through) - the at least all the while having been erstwhile effective enough, before comely 'bride', ah, well, yes, came by, solidly confining bars: (amazing what overwhelming lust can do, huh?) to enter the marital chamber; so, yup, you've seen that before as somewhat akin to the original Mary Shelly Frankenstein plotline (tut tut, rip off plagiarism, Ed!); but, astonishingly, dear Charlotte remains resolutely unphased, as no doubt flattered by the escapee's appearance / determination, so stands in front of it, so to give us viewers the gorilla - (er, actually it's a guy in a costume: Crash Corrigan apparently) - back on to camera so to lead to - now get ready, famed shock scene - he rips off her virginal white nighty!

S'truth: oh, you 'beast', why would it do THAT (what is it's 'intentions'?!) Ah, but fortunately, hero hubby is up (from bed; keep ya mind on the plot development, please) and rightly protective, not of the beast he's just happened to have down in his home basement for however long, but, and in making an instant no doubt most difficult instant choice, which to 'save', rightly, preferably so, of his new 'bride's safety, decorum: after all, think: no doubt from his point of view he now sees his, no doubt, blushing bride, completely STARKERS - (although, all inferred; we the (lustful 'male gaze') viewers see NOTHING! Boo!) Oh and incidentally, the angora sweater presumably already discarded for the night, too ..

Ok, ok, so, well of course, hubby Dan so shoots the beastly blighter: crashing through the upstairs landing railings, he / it's left for dead: literally so for the rest of the evening, presumably, whilst newly betrothed now 'beastily' aroused couple, er, settle back down for ... bed = sleep, well, of course, this is a nineteen-fifties film.

Ok, so now warning: you've soon got to sit tight through the interminable wild animals stock footage, before returning to the shockingly transgressive theme set up here, when in the last nail biting reel of the shortish film run, shock (disgusting!) horror, ANOTHER gorilla (remember, the first was SHOT STONE DEAD) now turns up to, what, 'kidnap' Charlotte: - or rather offer a supporting hairy armed lift up as actually, as when confronted with this new 'beast' she's shown (directed?) to first cast an eye over to hairy bare chested hubby washing up in the jungle camp, and then back to (guy in) gorilla (suit!) and .. chooses to preferably clamber into its (his?) strong hairy arms; oh and significant, essential plot costuming note to foreshadow the upcoming stunningly shocking end INFERENCE (only! It was 1950's!) is that she is conveniently back in another 'virginal' white nighty (well, see the poster!): and all good in continuity because she has indeed only just awoken from a campbed primordial jungle dream in which Weiss surely directed her to imagine, emote, her bridal night deflowering - (or I just desperately read far too much into these dross offerings!): well, so's anyway, point is, so attired and held, off they go, her clinging demurely to his strong hairy arms, gazing - expectantly? (Ah, perish the thought ..., Ed!) - into its eyes, nary a terrified - so, as would usually par for the abducted by beast trope - scream to her predicament, to gorilla cave 'home'; and surely NOT just incidentally, thus in effect carrying Charlotte over the cave entrance threshold a la standard tried and tested expectation of any new hubby expected to do with his new bride, over their new home threshold (ok, have I laboured that metaphor enough?); but ah hah, now well, dear viewer, do recall since human hubby Dan did NOT do at his home at the outset ... (rather, recall, t'was straight to 'come see my caged gorilla, my dear' ...**)

Then, oh my good grief orgy word, what's this?

We get to be shown, TWO other gorillas enter the 'home' cave!!! (What?!)

Wherein Charlotte has been 'laid' (gently, reverentially) onto a flat, er, well, bed-(like!) rock ... soon after, cut scene back to cave entrance exterior where OUT, both those new - just visiting? - gorillas now soon exit (stage right!), one jumping and thumping his chest as gorillas are wont to do to demonstrate, I believe, er, triumph over .... (ah, gonna leave that INFERENCE), but in any case, more like how teenage lads might whoop it up having just, ah, 'scored' in you surely know what stakes. (IN THE CAVE? Good Grief almighty, Ed!) Ok, you may reason I accept, this is pure salaciousness on my ('male gaze'!) watching behalf, but my shout out question would then be: so why did the two gorillas come over to 'visit' then? (Why put them in Ed? Damsel in distress trope de extremis!!)

Ah, but never fear though, coz white hunter hubby, duty bound - eventually (!) - bounds (!) to the rescue of his NEW wife (reminder, HIS 'The Bride' of the title, right?) in distress: ah, but is she?

For the lady ('bride'!) doth protest and thus needeth a strong fifties manly 'come to your senses, wench'** slap across her, Charlotte's, face - and so male assertively so, she's left out cold on the, ah, bed(!)rock: thus, 'protectively', male rival like, now comes a human vs primate, er, 'beast' tangle for rights to 'Bride' (look, it's in the title, innit?!) but this 'beast' also knows how to attempt to strangle its opponent, so ..

well, hey, come on, if you decide to watch through this, I'm not then gonna spoil the end for you; you'll have to watch it through to find out is sultry Charlotte (it's alliteration, innit?!) rescued and returned to newly wedded domestic bliss, or .. well, surely it could not be any other .. INFERENCE ... could there be, really, as ....?! Well, NO! Coz that would be ILLEGAL (Ed!)

Dreadful clunker, but with a bookended 'I can't believe it' set up and resolution storyline INFERENCE (only).

(So, extant the central stock footage bit; I loved it!)

* for if you do watch, in an alluring performance by early singing cowboy cinema star, Gene Autry's daughter (Charlotte) in her penultimate film appearance, which was a pity because she had the stature and appearance to make a stunningly wonderful sultry - tough dealing, film noir casting like - dame look to wallow in / die by.

** And, no, that's not the literal dialogue given; it's mine; coz to get another fun (point to watch) aspect out of it, is to shout out at the screen all your own preferable lines (that's how I got through it!)
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Charlotte Austin makes this film a possible 'Cult Classic'
bwilson005026 August 2004
OK, don't laugh...I recommend this film to future actresses, directors and just plain viewers that want a good (unusual) time.

Bottom line, the movie is a stinker, like so many things Ed Wood was connected with in his life. The whole middle of the film uses terrible stock footage that has little to do with the rest of the film. Fully 30-45 minutes of the middle of the film could have been left out.

So, let's discuss the first 15-20 minutes and the last 10 minutes of the film--without giving away too much.

First of all, one thing different about this film from most Ed Wood films is that the two leads are real actors. Lance Fuller had done many movies with big names and Charlotte Austin had small roles in films such as "How to Marry a Millionaire" where she rubbed shoulders with the likes of Monroe, Bacall and Grable. And--looks-wise--Austin held her own. She was a very sophisticated and attractive looking girl.

But what makes this whole film work--for 25 minutes or so--is the fact that Austin plays the part straight. You really believe this beautiful, elegant model has a thing for gorillas.

The part that every budding actress or director should really see, though, is Austin's close-up, facials as she looks with growing lust at 'the beast.'

I'm a film buff myself, but I have NEVER seen any actress be able to convey so much with a few close ups as this woman did in the short sequence of her first gaze on the ape.

I know, I sounds crazy, but you have to view it. Nothing in erotic films--for all the modern explicitness--touches what this film actress does with a few close ups.

It's a shame Miss Austin left movies shortly thereafter...she certainly had the looks and ability to have gone places in movies.

Check it out and see if you agree!
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The Stupidest Movie Ever Made
ldeangelis-7570821 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I guess some people will disagree, but there can't be any others that'll rival the title, with this story of a newlywed who gets horny for a gorilla, then discovers she used to be one in a previous life! While I enjoy reincarnation stories, that doesn't extend to ones where they person was a once a different species. This takes Darwinism to a whole new level, and not a very appealing one at that.

It turns out she wasn't just an ape min her former existence, but the Gorilla Queen! Can you get anymore cheesy??? It makes you wonder what the writers were drinking (or smoking or snorting or injecting) when they thought this one up.

The rejected bridegroom should consider himself lucky. He was a good-looking guy, and if his woman preferred a hairy ape's body to his, then he was well rid of her.
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Disjointed and boring, not recommended.
ChuckStraub25 March 2005
"The Bride and the Beast" starts off well with lots of potential that this could be a pretty good movie. The plot revolves around a man, his newlywed wife, and her strange connection with gorillas. Then the couple goes to Africa and the movie unravels. Forget all about the first part of the movie. Put it on the shelf for a while because you won't need to remember it again until you get to the end. You next get lots of terrible stock footage of African animals and the plot takes a side road as the husband hunts down two tigers. It's almost as though it turned into a Safari movie and a boring one at that. As you watch the different animals, the background scenery changes dramatically from shot to shot. The scenes, especially of the animals are shot in all different kinds of terrain. Very poorly done. At this point there is barely a string connecting the beginning of the movie to the middle. This goes on for quite a while. Nearing the end of the movie, they drop the safari and hunting and go back to the man, woman, gorilla plot to end the movie. It's too bad because this one had a chance if they just stuck with the original plot throughout the film. The Bride and the Beast" is disjointed and boring, not recommended.
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The Bride and the Stock Footage
counterrevolutionary30 December 2003
This awful flick offers little scope for screenwriter Ed Wood's unique, uh, "talents," being mostly made up of boring stock footage. There's hardly even a plot, which may be a mercy considering what Ed Wood's plots tend to be like.

The whole "queen of the gorillas" thing is introduced early in the film, and then just dropped until about seven minutes from the end, as our protagonists head off to Africa to capture some giraffes and rhinos (Howard Hawks so ripped this off for HATARI!) and hunt panthers and tigers.

Yes, tigers. Much of the stock footage they had featured a pair of tigers, so either Adrian Weiss or Ed Wood came up with the notion that a ship carrying a pair of tigers had wrecked on the African coast.

Uh, yeah.
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Horribly predictable
bensonmum212 October 2019
Things take a weird turn for newlyweds Laura and Dan when Laura finds herself strangely mesmerized by - maybe even attracted to - a gorilla. It seems that Dan keeps a gorilla in a cage in his basement like it's the most normal thing in the world. Oh, and he forgot to mention his basement gorilla to Laura prior to the wedding. Nice surprise! Through hypnosis, Laura learns she was a gorilla in a previous life. As the newlyweds head off to Africa for a honeymoon, it's pretty easy to see where this thing is headed. It's that predictable.

Beyond being predictable, The Bride and the Beast meanders it's way through about an hour of runtime with little to advance the main plot. Instead, the movie gets sidetracked into a story about tigers loose in Africa (don't ask). By the time we get back to the gorillas, I'd almost completely forgotten what the movie was supposed to be about. And when it's not dealing with the silly tiger plot thread, the runtime is filled with some wonderfully dull padding. Wandering through the jungle, stock footage of animals, and watching Dan rub his face - that's part of the excitement of The Bride and the Beast.

In short, The Bride and the Beast is a mess of a film. It wasn't much of a surprise to discover that the schizophrenic plot was at least partially written by Ed Wood. It's that incompetent.

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Talk about a rough start for a marriage.
Aaron13753 November 2020
The film is very absurd at the beginning and holds one's interest a bit, but beyond that it is just a whole lot of stuff that has nothing to do with the premise set at the beginning of the film. The film starts one way and then goes into a direction that really harbors nothing of the opening scenes and tosses into the 1950's world of stock footage Africa. Well, it is Ed Wood after all, the guy made a career out of making bad films and then he turned to making adult films and from what I've heard about them, they are not very good either.

The story, a newlywed couple is coming home after their marriage. The groom, played by Lance Fuller casually tells his wife that he has a gorilla named Spanky. Well he introduces the two and the wife seems to have a connection. Later, Spanky escapes and looks ready to get it on with the wife when he is shot by the husband. A hypnotist gets to the bottom of things when he hypnotizes the wife and she learns she used to be a gorilla in a previous life. Forget all that though as the newlyweds go to Africa where we see the husband hunt and then have to go after killer tigers and we get maybe five minutes of gorillas or anything having to do with the original plot before the movie ends!

The female lead is quite attractive, and all the cast members think so including the gorillas! Seriously, at one point the gorilla tears off the woman's nightie and I am cringing! Lance Fuller is his usual self, a guy with two expressions that managed to be in a lot of movies.

So, not very good at all, it may have been better had they gone with a more supernatural tale which is what I was expecting. Something along the lines of someone turning into a ape monster or something. No, instead we mainly get stock footage of nearly every animal in Africa and nothing that goes along with the plot at the beginning until nearly the very end.
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Starts and ends well (?) but the middle is just a dull collection of stock footage
planktonrules5 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is not exactly an Ed Wood movie, though when I got it from Netflix his name was plastered on it--not the director and co-writer's, Adrian Weiss. Wood co-wrote this low-budget and creepy film but it lacks the tackiness and cheapness of his own directorial efforts--though it is pretty close. The use of lots of stock footage, while boring, wasn't as ineptly handled and the acting isn't quite as bad as you'd expect in a true Ed Wood picture. In addition, while this is a bad film, so much of it is rather dull and had NOTHING to do with the plot, so it really failed to excite the bad movie buff within me as well.

The film starts off very well for a tacky 50s monster film and I wish they'd have stuck with this story idea throughout the film. However, the beginning and ending are all about a lady who is strangely attracted to gorillas but the middle is just some knucklehead shooting at stock footage of animals and wrestling with stuffed tigers. It's too bad because the plot about a woman who was a gorilla in a previous life is so goofy I wanted to see more. But, after about 20 minutes of this non-sense where she is hypnotized and talks about this past life--nothing else is said about this until about two minutes until the end of the film!! It's like they either forgot or they pieced two different stories together. Either way, when the film finally ends, it gets REALLY creepy, as the male gorilla doesn't exactly kidnap the lady but she goes off with him willingly--supposedly to become his lover. It's never exactly said, but it's strongly implied and you know that's what they were getting at in the final scene with her and her simian lover. Her expression is even happier than Ed Wood's in GLEN OR GLENDA when he first tries on an angora sweater! Talk about kinky!

So is it worth seeing? Well, if you have any taste, definitely not. If you are a bad movie buff, by all means see it. However, if you get bored, fast-forward through the middle--you aren't missing anything you haven't already seen in a Tarzan film! Stupid, but not exactly classic Ed Wood stupid.
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Cheese With Interesting Stock Footage
themightyservo19 July 2020
Perhaps unsurprisingly, this is better viewed as a RIfftrax episode than as a standalone movie.

It's got a lot of dumb writing, a lot of dumb character decisions, a lot of goofy concepts, and it's kind of what you'd expect from the poster art - dumb but with some amusing surprises.

What I found most interesting about it was the short bits of stock wildlife footage that was used, just because some animals don't quite look that way anymore, nor do you see that kind of footage really anywhere (sometimes for good reason).

As is explained early on in the film, part of the "safari" the characters go on is to capture wildlife and I'd never seen a zebra roped before this movie. Not something I went looking for, but it was quite the surprise. Probably not pleasant for the zebra, but it's just a visual you never see. (If you feel bad about it, keep in mind that it was a long time ago, and all the people who filmed it are dead now. Of course the zebra is, too.)

There are other cuts of film with rhinos, giraffes, tigers, and other animals in their environment that were probably taken well before Bride and the Beast was made, which probably puts them at least early 50s, if not late 40s or mid 30s.

The rhino stock footage shows rhinos in the wild that still have their horns as they weren't cut to protect them from poachers yet. It shows other wildlife in areas that presumably weren't wildlife parks, nor game preserves.

For that alone, it's somewhat interesting, even though those clips make up only a few minutes of the movie.

As a Rifftrax episode, I'd give it 8/10. Standalone, it's worth 5/10 judging it by so-bad-it's-good standards.
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carolsco18 January 2000
This is probably the best (or at least unique) of Edward D. Wood, Jr.'s film.

What sets this film apart is that the first third of the film, dealing with reincarnation, is genuinely interesting, with fairly good dialog, acting and a genuine sense of atmospheric strangeness. The dream sequences are unique for their time and are quite effective.

Sadly, once the film moves to Africa, the film grinds to a halt. Only the downbeat ending lives up to the promise of the first part of the film, but this film shows that Wood did have his moments.

Probably the best part of the film is its unique score by Les Baxter. The music combines Baxter's trademark exotica with a genuine vein of unhealthy, yet bittersweet, romanticism that is truly singular and very effective. It might be interesting to some to know that Baxter used two cues from this film in his landmark exotica album PORTS OF PLEASURE.
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She likes her men hairy. Very hairy.
BA_Harrison19 November 2021
Just married, big game hunter Dan Fuller (Lance Fuller) and his drop-dead-gorgeous bride Laura (Charlotte Austin) drive to Dan's home to do what newlyweds do, but only after they've said hello to Dan's gorilla Spanky (Ray Corrigan), who is kept in the basement. Having taken a fancy to Laura (he's not the only one), Spanky busts out of his cage and creeps upstairs to take a closer look, whipping off the woman's night-dress, leaving Dan no choice but to go for his gun.

Shaken by the experience, Laura suffers from nightmares about the jungle, so Dan calls in his doctor friend, who uses hypnotism to try and get to the root of the problem. Regressing Laura, they learn that she was a gorilla in a past life, which doesn't bode well for her honeymoon... in deepest, darkest Africa: gorilla country! Against the doctor's advice, the Fullers continue with their planned excursion, happily hunting and trapping wild animals, but the fun stops when they are faced with two escaped man-eating tigers, and Mrs. Fuller is carried off into the jungle by a gorilla, who wants her to be his queen!

Anyone who knows a thing or two about Edward D. Wood Jr. (co-writer of The Bride and the Beast ) surely can't help but be amused by Laura's fondness for angora sweaters. But that's not the only funny thing about this movie... I mean, there's a gorilla called Spanky that's clearly a man in a fancy dress costume, the whole notion of being the reincarnation of a gorilla is quite preposterous, and it's patently clear that lions weren't available to the film-makers, so they had to try and work a couple of tigers into the plot instead. And that ending!

That said, the film isn't as inept as one of Wood's directorial efforts, Adrian Weiss being a competent enough director to make his movie appear relatively professional, despite the daft plot; it's no work of art, but he knows how to compose a scene and keep the pace lively, even with an overreliance on stock footage at times. It doesn't hurt either that Austin is such a babe: she's a delight whenever she is on screen (even when Laura is encouraging her heroic husband to slaughter another magnificent wild animal) and it's a shame that she didn't go on to bigger and better things.

I had fun, hence my probably overgenerous rating of 5.5/10, rounded up to 6 for Austin.
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Lack of research makes show silly.
echanismike7 October 2022
Gorilla's,gibbons, black panthers, Africa?

Yes...EXCEPT for gibbons and tigers. There are NO tigers in Africa other than maybe the zoos. And gibbons are in southern Asia.

These older horror movies are silly,in that they toss in predators to shake up the tension,but,for those that are aware of the critters found in different continents and lands,goof ups like this tiger in Africa makes it laughable at best.

As far as the story its self..Meh 😑. Just the typical male ego run amok,placing everyone in danger with his lack of knowledge,and the ever present damsel in dustress. If you watch it,its simply something to pass the time of day.
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Bridey Murphy Goes Gorilla
dougdoepke10 April 2022
Seeing Ed Wood's name as screenwriter, I flapped my arms like a fly drawn to fly-paper. Expecting a whirl through 1950's cheeze land, for which Wood was infamous, I instead got something I wasn't expecting. Not that the flick's either good or cheezy in the conventional senses: it's not. But the 78-minutes does manage to be a little different.

Back in the mid-50's, a Colorado housewife (Bridey Murphy) claimed a regression through hypnosis to a former life as a 19th century Irish girl. It became a hot public story at the time. People liked to imagine, I suspect, what previous lives they too might have had. Anyhow, I expect Murphy's story inspired this episode of movie regression.

Overall, the flick's plot is oddly flatlined by too much African stock footage that pads rather than develops; plus a leading man (Fuller) whose face remains frozen regardless the level of danger. Too bad he couldn't get interested, but then this cheapo was a comedown for his rising career. Then too, the loose gorilla suits that badly need a fitting don't help. Together, these elements unfortunately drain rather than promote the story's unusual potential.

On the other hand, tbere's leading lady Austin's sterling performance, more worthy of an A-production than a cheapo. Catch her beautifully shaded expressions in a role that could easily have gone over the top. Too bad her career was so brief. Then too, the ending came as a big surprise to me. All in all, it's an exceptional climax for the conformist 1950's.

Anyway, the movie's an obscurity for good reason, unless, that is, you like a lot of big cats pointlessly running around stock footage jungles. Nonetheless, writer Wood does manage to come through in the end. So thanks Ed for the memorable last touch.
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Ed Wood strikes again
Red-Barracuda8 December 2021
Well, all I can say is Ed Wood strikes again. Like Orgy of the Dead, this is another movie where he wrote the screenplay. And, as per usual, the results are exceedingly strange. This one is about a woman who falls in love with a gorilla called Spanky because it transpires that she was an ape in a previous life. Well of course, she was. This one sets the scene well initially with some deeply strange early sequences, with our leading lady looking in that dreamy way into her gorilla dreamboat's eyes. But then our heroes relocate to Africa to check out stock footage and oh my goodness, they check out a LOT of stock footage. So much in fact that the film grinds to a halt as we watch giraffes running away from Landrovers and tigers kicking about (oh yeah, there are tigers in this stock footage Africa my friends). Things do perk up by the end though when Spanky the monkey returns and we have more human-ape love action. Its often borderline unwatchable but its also exceptionally wrong-headed , so naturally its one to endure.
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Seen on Pittsburgh's Chiller Theater in 1964
kevinolzak13 February 2013
1958's "The Bride and the Beast" was a three-time loser on Pittsburgh's Chiller Theater, long before the cult of Edward D. Wood Jr. took shape following his death in 1978. You can tell it's a Wood script, with its angora sweaters and bestiality theme, but any camp value is totally drained off by the interminable stock footage once the picture shifts to Africa 34 minutes in. Before that it's a riot, with a captive gorilla caged in a bargain basement basement making advances toward Charlotte Austin's newlywed bride, passively taking it regardless of the 'stares' that other commentators have deemed sexy (more indicative of a bored actress given nothing to work with). The stakes get raised when a psychiatrist taps into her inner 'Bridey Murphy,' and deduces by regression that the girl was a hairy gorilla in a past life! Once the action enters safari country, we get endless big game hunting, none of which feature animals in scenes shot with the actual performers, nothing but stock footage of a leopard (referred to as a 'cheetah'), a black leopard, and at least TWO tigers (who find themselves on the wrong continent!) all getting dropped abruptly after 35 minutes for the dreaded climax, when the 'gorilla her dreams' pops up out of the blue to kidnap Miss Austin and take her back to his place for a rendezvous with three of his pals (I kid you not). Admittedly, Lance Fuller (previously victimized by another Bridey Murphy ripoff, "The She-Creature") was never the sturdiest of actors, but knowing how difficult it would be to keep a straight face while walking through a studio jungle, his bemused performance seems understandable (his character certainly did nothing to deserve his fate, even stripping off his shirt at one point). The worst thing an Ed Wood movie can be is boring, and this one pays the price for 78 minutes (even "Orgy of the Dead" is more exciting). Charlotte Austin looked like a decent actress in "Frankenstein-1970," but since that was her final film, she probably picked a good time to throw in the towel (think Virginia Leith in "The Brain That Wouldn't Die"). The three films that were paired with "The Bride and the Beast" on Chiller Theater were "Caltiki the Immortal Monster," "Phantom from Space," and "Doctor of Doom."
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Pretty bad
Leofwine_draca16 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Typical cheap and cheerful cheesiness from the pen of the one and only Ed Wood, delivering a typically nonsensical and unbelievable story. This one's about a wife who finds herself attracted to a caged gorilla - that's right - and soon discovers that in a past life she was none other than the 'Queen of the Gorillas'. Cue lots of stock jungle adventure type scenes, a dearth of sense, and a general 'anything goes' type air. I was hoping for horror but it's in short supply here apart from a few scenes featuring a guy in a gorilla suit prowling around a house. Pretty bad.
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A Good Concept Wasted
Chance2000esl4 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Here's a good concept wasted. It's a mixture of Ed Wood's bizarre writing talents and a text book example of bad movie making.

On their honeymoon at his mountain home, Dan Fuller's wife, Laura, (played by Charlotte Austin) encounter his gorilla, Spanky, which he keeps in the basement-- Dan is apparently a big game hunter. In one of the several high points of the film, she shows an almost animal attraction for the gorilla, and vice versa. Later that night in the bridal chamber, the gorilla sneaks in and they again have another smoldering staring session, climaxed by Spanky pulling off her nightgown. (Is Ed Wood trying to tell us something?) Naturally, the husband shoots and kills the gorilla.

Dan then has a psychiatrist conduct hypnotic regression sessions on Laura, as she had been previously talking to him about the possibility of having had past lives. We then discover that in her past life, she had been a gorilla! Of course, the 'hypnotic regression' theme was obviously drawn from the number one best selling book of 1956, 'The Search for Bridey Murphy,' in which a doctor regressed an American housewife who spoke in an Irish brogue and recounted in great detail her previous life as Bridey Murphy in Cork County, Ireland in the 18th century. We also can't help catching a little spin here on 'King Kong' (1933), for in this case the girl has a thing for the gorilla too!

Dan then decides to take Laura with him to 'Africa' on safari for new animals. Here the film takes a sharp turn into obvious bad movie making with a Must To Avoid in capital letters: the dual personality theme is abruptly dropped and forgotten for the next 30 minutes or so. Instead we are subjected to pointless sequences of a tiger running through the jungle, fighting what appears to be a crocodile, and finally attacking Dan, who had been cluelessly stalking towards the camera seemingly oblivious to Laura's screams or the roars of the tiger, in non tension building shots.

Finally, in the last five or six minutes of the film, Wood's ambivalent identity theme returns, as does a gorilla, who sweeps a sexually hungry looking Laura off her feet and takes her to the Bronson caves where she becomes queen of the gorillas. The end.

As others have noted, Charlotte Austin's sexual stares are the high point of the film, and the low point is the needless and extended middle section that could have been totally dropped. If only the tightly done and well scripted first fifteen minutes could have continued with the development of Laura's sexual 'awakening!' We keep waiting to see her turn into a gorilla, as was done by Raymond Burr in the much better 'Bride of the Gorilla' (1951), but it never happens; we get the tedious tiger segments instead. A good concept has been disappointingly wasted here.

Charlotte Austin's sexual stares linger in the mind, but not the rest of the film. I'll have to give it a two and half.
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Oh Ed, you did it again!
films-2253712 February 2020
This a movie about a guy fighting stock footage animals that's bookended by a gorilla love story. If you can find it in yourself to not cancel the film for its late 1950s racism and misogyny you'll be rewarded with one of the most boring and incoherent films you've ever seen.
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Ed Wood Strikes Again
arfdawg-122 January 2024
I didnt realize this was an Ed Wood movie until I started streaming it. He wrote it, but didnt direct it so that might account for it being a little better than some of this other works.


Not by much.

It's a bizarre story of a woman who marries a dude who just happens to have a gorilla in the basement.

But as if that's not odd enough, she has an unnatural connection to the ape and seems to want to have sex with it!

Then it turns out she might have been Queen of the Apes in a previous life, even tho there are not queen apes. There are male silver-backs.

It's a weird movie. Better than most that Wood was connected to, but that s not saying much.
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Lame and incorrect.
valstone5225 March 2024
I've seen Ed wood Jr movies before,, I thought plan 9 or whatever it was called, was bad. I've watched this movie before, don't know what made me want, to see it again. So couple on honeymoon, gorilla, gets out cage and starts fondling wife. She just stands there, gorilla rips gown off, then the husband shoots it. So guess he's gonna let the beast, get some before him. Instead of getting real help for her, his doctor friend hynotizes her. Then he still wants to go on his so called animal hunt. OK you're in Africa, they don't have tigers except in the zoo. They are native to Asia. And his guy taro, named like the Hawaiian plant, wearing a turban. Marta, is killed by the tiger, and she's wearing a sari. Come on now. This is pure crap, and I watched it again to see if I was right. Anyone saying this fantastic, is crazy as Ed Jr.
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An enjoyably odd picture
Woodyanders22 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Rugged big game hunter Dan Fuller (a solid and likable performance by Lance Fuller) discovers much to his dismay that his lovely new bride Laura (a nicely sexy portrayal by fetching brunette Charlotte Austin) has a most troubling and peculiar affinity for gorillas. Dan is forced to shoot his pet ape Spanky (Steve Calvert in a funky suit) dead after the big brute breaks free from his basement cage and goes after Laura. Dan takes Laura with him on a safari to Africa. The expedition not only runs afoul of two lethal tigers, but also a couple of hulking gorillas who abduct Laura. Director Adrian Weiss milks plenty of compellingly aberrant thrills from the typically outlandish script by the notorious Ed Wood, Jr.: Weiss treats the weird and perverse premise with admirable seriousness, relates the gloriously wacky story at a steady pace, and concludes things on a bravely downbeat note. Naturally, Wood's script features the inevitable reference to angora sweaters and incorporates a pretty far-fetched reincarnation theme into the already heady mix (Laura was a gorilla in a previous life!). Kudos are in order for the surprisingly sound and sincere acting by sterling leads Fuller and Austin; they receive sturdy support from Johnny Roth as loyal native houseboy Taro and William Justine as helpful psychiatrist Dr. Carl Reiner. The scenes with the savage tigers attacking people are staged with rousing aplomb. Roland Price's sharp black and white cinematography and Les Baxter's sweeping orchestral score are both up to par. A pleasingly offbeat and unusual little oddity.
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Presenting Spanky the monkey
El-Stumpo1 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Just one of a slew of "girl and gorilla" films from the 1950s, The Bride And The Beast is from Ed Wood's script originally called "Queen Of The Gorillas". Bankrolled by Allied Artists and directed by a "professional" Adrian Weiss, it means a much slicker film, with important things like continuity and production values, but there's no mistaking the demented voice of Ed-baby and the weird undertow of aberrant sexuality all the way through the film.

The Bride And The Beast opens with Laura and Dan, just married and already planning a honeymoon safari to Africa. Dan, the quintessential Great White Hunter, has decked out his pad with hundreds of trophies, has a native servant Taro (played by an American actor in black-face) who calls his master "Bawana", and keeps a huge gorilla named "Spanky" (that's actually Ray "Crash" Corrigan under all that fur) in a cage in his basement. Laura, who admits she's had a strange psychic connection with man's hairy cousins her entire life, presses up against Spanky's cage – and the sexual tension is electric! Later on their honeymoon evening while the couple are sleeping in separate beds – and there's a clear signpost – Spanky escapes from his cage, and starts to get overly amorous with Laura. Dan shoots the monkey dead, and they return to their separate beds. Happy Honeymoon.

Laura is clearly shaken by her hairy ordeal, and the family doctor, who just happens to be an expert in hypnotism, is intrigued by her fetish for angoras and dreams in which she's covered in "kitten's fur". Regressing further under hypnosis, she discovers she was a gorilla in a previous life, and re-experiences her death at the hands of native hunters. Here's two of Ed's peccadilloes springing to life from the script's page: his transvestitism, and his keen interest in reincarnation and hypnotism. The doctor's character was directly inspired by his chiropractor Tom Mason, Bela Lugosi's body double in Plan 9, who's credited here as "script consultant".

Things get bogged down when the Great White Hunter takes his bride to Africa. Ah, Africa… stock footage capital of the world! I suspect the two never leave the studio – none of the shots of wild animals match the action, and when driving a truck, they drive past the same clump of trees seven or eight times – in the middle of the savanna! The last half is essentially a lame chase between Bawana and a couple of renegade tigers – that is, until Laura cracks her skull and regresses even further. She's now in "Gorilla country" – hmm, I wonder how things will end? It's Beauty And The Beast if Walt Disney wore fur bikinis, and imagined being fondled by gorillas named Spanky. It's time to unleash the Beast in all of us – happy honeymoon as we marry up The Bride And The Beast.
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Ed Wood With A Bigger Budget Is Less Good
verbusen24 March 2023
Although this isn't technically an Ed Wood film (he only helped write it), it's very silly premise of a pretty woman being attracted to gorillas in more then an affectionate way has all the signs that this is an Ed Wood film, especially in his post Bela Lugosi film days (look at his film catalog such as Orgy of the Dead). I understand he has a loyal following and I like watching Ed Wood movies' from the 50s as well, but after watching some straight I realized I can only watch them if they are being riffed by a Mystery Science Theater 3000 or Rifftrax crew. In this case I watched it riffed by Rifftrax. The straight version is available on Youtube for free, the riffed version from Rifftrax is available for pay per view, or on Tubi free with limited commercial breaks (thats the way I watched it). I think that this Allied Artist production is less funny then when Ed was doing his films alone, here are real actors not women he picked up off the street, so I kind of sympathize for them being in this garbage. Lance Fuller is distracting because he has a constant smirk on his face even when the scene is supposed to be dramatic. Maybe he couldn't keep a straight face doing this shlock? The film posters for this show a blonde but Charlotte Austin is a brunette, go figure. Looking at the IMdb ratings, 57% rate it a 3 or less and I'm in that group. However, when its riffed its pretty good so I rate the riffed version a 7. Its one of the few things left for free to watch from Rifftrax that I haven't already seen and since it had a strong female role, my wife was interested in watching it with me, something she wouldn't be interested in if it was a space or Japanese monster film. So if you're looking for a Rifftrax date night film, this is a good choice. It's interesting that the highest demographic rating for this film comes from middle aged women too! Over a 5! It gets a 2 for me, I was cheering for the tigers to eat Lance and the ending was about the next best thing.
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