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T-1000 whoops butt and gets butt-whooped!
Coventry31 July 2014
You can say a lot of harsh and unfriendly things about director Cirio H. Santiago (and most of them will still be too gentle), but he definitely was responsible for some nice footnotes in B-movie history as well. For example, did you know that he single-handedly launched the career of Robert Patrick? Half a decade before he became an immortal cult icon with his role as the stoic liquid-metal cyborg in "Terminator II: Judgment Day", Robert Patrick starred in no less than four Santiago flicks, including the horrible dud "Equalizer 2000" and this debut feature "Future Hunters". I'm not too sure if Robert still likes to be remembered of his collaborations with the late Cirio H. Santiago, though. Here, he walks around in tidy white underpants an awful lot and gets his ass kicked several times during the first half of the film (but mostly kicks other ass during the second half). Many of my fellow reviewers around here apparently consider "Future Hunters" to be pure B-movie Walhalla, but yours truly politely disagrees… The film is a rip-off potpourri of numerous great classics, but it isn't half as exhilarating and entertaining as it should have been. Cheap & exploitative rip-offs ought to surpass their role model movies in terms of over-the-top action, absurd situations, sleaze, violence and flamboyance – like several Italian flicks do, for example "Hunters of the Golden Cobra" or "Atlantis Interceptors" – but this one fails. The ideas are there, since the script steals aspects from monumental franchises like "Mad Max", "Indiana Jones" and "Star Wars", but they are all just very random and unprocessed. The story opens in the year 2025; with the brave warrior Matthew tracking down a Christian artifact in a devastated post-apocalyptic landscape. This particular artifact – a spear – holds the power to prevent the cataclysm from happening and its mere touch transports Matthew back to 1989. There he immediately gets shot by biker thugs (how about that, he's supposed to be strongest warrior of the future but he can't even survive 10 minutes in the 80's) and desperately begs a young couple to take custody over the spear and bring it to the place where it belongs. Michelle (lovely Linda Carol) and Slade (Robert Patrick) promptly find themselves pursued by Nazis, Asian mobsters and whatnot and they all want to possess the spear. How do they even know that this young couple has the spear? The race ends – after a lot of lousy martial arts fights and cheesy helicopter explosions – on a small island inhabited by midget Mongols and Amazon women. "Future Hunters" is allegedly co-scripted by the respectable director J. Lee Thompson, but I think he has very little to do with the finished product, since it carries all the inept trademarks of Cirio H. Santiago. This means a total absence of logic, suspense or continuity, poorly staged action sequences and a ridiculously high amount of cast members giving away horrible performances. "Future Hunters" is boring, stupid and it can't hold a candle to the rip-off exploitation flicks that were made in Italy around the same period.
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A Series of Decent Action Sequences Hung on a Paper-Thin Plot
brando64714 August 2016
The people behind FUTURE HUNTERS have obviously seen movies before but I'm not sure they ever quite figured out what makes them good. I'm sure they've watched action movie after action movie, marveling at their favorite sequences but absorbing nothing of substance. Sitting through FUTURE HUNTERS a second time, it was easy to spot their modus operandi in its creation: make a list of "cool" action scenes and create a paper-thin plot to hang them on. It's something a child would create with toys and imagination. This is a globe-trotting "adventure" that takes obvious cues from the Indiana Jones films, perhaps even aspiring to reach that level, but this, sir or madam, is no Indiana Jones. Robert Patrick (most famous as the T-1000 from TERMINATOR 2) is our unwilling hero Slade who, with his girlfriend Michelle (Linda Carol), embarks on a mission that will pit him against Nazis, pygmies, Amazons, and a martial arts master named Silverfox. You see, Michelle is an anthropology student and Slade is accompanying her to some sort of old church for her studies when they're approached by a man who claims to be from the future. He gives Michelle an old spearhead and tells her it's from the spear that pierced the side of Jesus Christ during his crucifixion. This spear bestows its owner with great (undefined) powers when reunited with the shaft and she is entrusted to keep it safe once future man dies. Soon Slade and Michelle are dodging Nazi thugs on a quest to Asia to complete the spear and keep it from the forces of evil.

The role of Slade in FUTURE HUNTERS is one of Robert Patrick's first and we can see early on he was destined for better things as the most believable character in the entire movie. From the beginning, he is nothing more than irritated for having been dragged on this adventure and I sympathize. He didn't want anything to do with this. He had a job lined up and was eager to make an honest buck. It was Michelle that insisted the future man was legitimate and demanded they follow the trail to Asia to find the research professor who could shed more light on it. But then it was Slade who constantly had to fight the baddies who continuously ambushed them. The man just wants to start his new job and his girlfriend drags him across the world to get his butt kicked by a martial arts master whose sequence, in hindsight, contributed absolutely nothing to the story. And that's something else you're bound to notice. Nothing in this movie happens for a valid reason. For example, future man arrives in 1986 with the spearhead and gives it to Michelle. How do the Nazis even know she has it at this point? Almost immediately, the Nazi's muscle Bauer (Bob Schott) meanders into the diner where Linda works to trash the place and demand she hand over the spearhead. Who told the Nazis about any of this? Did the Nazis somehow know to expect a time traveler from 2025? If the spearhead is needed for time travel, how did the future Nazis warn the present Nazis?

I could go on for pages about the nonsensical FUTURE HUNTERS. Can someone explain the reason for the visit to the "Forgotten" Temple of the Silverfox? It was supposed to be for Slade to get more information on Professor Hightower's whereabouts but instead it's just an excuse to have an unnecessary martial arts fight between Bruce Le and Jang Lee Hwang. That entire sequence could be cut from the film and no one would notice. What was the point of the pygmy tribe other than to have a RETURN OF THE JEDI battle with the tribe rising up to help fight off the Nazis with their primitive means? And how did Slade know their language? There was a throwaway comment earlier on that he was a former Air Force mechanic or something to explain why he was capable of operating a helicopter but I doubt it could explain how he was familiar with the tribe and able to speak their language. It was the 80's so I'll overlook the comical depiction of little people, but I won't deny that it's gratuitous. And it all culminates in a final sequence with a tribe of Amazon women of the Venus Valley where Michelle finally becomes useful and is forced into a battle to the death. It's total lunacy…but it's not horrible. This is mindless entertainment to its core and it has its uses. FUTURE HUNTERS is a fine movie to toss on the TV in the background while you're having drinks with friends because you can stop watching for any amount of time without missing anything important and it's full of meaningless (and occasionally fun) action scenes. It's very, very stupid but not so bad as to become boring or frustrating. It never comes close to becoming anything like what it idolizes but it's a suitable time-waster.
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nogodnomasters2 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The film starts out and I am thinking I am watching a scene from "Wheels of Fire." The year is 2025 and it has been 40 years since the holocaust that has devastated mankind. Matthew (Richard Norton) wants to take the spear of destiny (the tip anyway) and go back in time and prevent the holocaust. I'm still not sure how that works or what happens to the Spear of Destiny in the past when this one suddenly shows up. Are there two spears then? Okay I'm getting too deep on this time paradox thing.

Matthew finds his way back to the past to 1986, before the holocaust happens. Okay if the year is 2025 and the holocaust happened 40 years ago and now it is 1986...Barbie says, "Arithmetic is hard."

The spear ends up in the unable hands of former marine Slade (Robert Patrick T-1000 Terminator) who keeps getting his butt kicked and his girlfriend archeologist to be Michelle (Reform School Girl Linda Carol). Together they battle neo-nazis with the aid of a pygmy tribe and an Amazon tribe.

The film has some very bad acting and lines. There is an Ed Wood car chase scene that starts early in the evening when it is dark and ends when it is light out about noonish. High cult/camp value.

Parental Guide: No f-bombs or sex. Nudity (Hey! It has Linda Carol in it.)
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A Great B-Movie
iaido23 January 2000
I saw this movie last night on TNT's Monstervision with Joe Bob Briggs, and, considering myself to be a fairly good b-movie buff, I was quite surprised I had never come across this movie before. It has to go down as one of the better third rate action movies of the 80's (think Gymkata, and so on); highly ridiculous plot, cheap production, cardboard acting, but a whole Hell of a lot of fun and consistently entertaining.

To explain the plot would take a forever, and there are so many holes in it any way I would wear out my ? key. But, roughly, here is what the movie has to offer- A magic spear, time traveler, biker gang, Nazis, kung fu tour guide, kung fu master, Asian mobsters, Mongol warriors, cave dwelling midget Mongols, Amazon women, a Pit of Death, earthquakes with Styrofoam boulder tossing, a car chase that is at night one minute then during the day the next, improbable helicopter sabotage, two people one parachute parachuting, Bonehead Nazi henchmen, four midgets pound a Nazi to death, a whole lot of spear chucking, alligators chomping on Amazons, a very decent kung fu fight, and even more.

Highly, HIGHLY, recommended for the b-movie fan. I could watch it over and over again it is so gloriously bad.
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Poor quality farce
Windrider63 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
If this movie was meant to be anything but a farce, it failed miserably.

If it WAS meant to be a farce, it was a very poor quality, and a not funny farce.

Internal logic is lacking. Events happen without any indication of how the characters arrived at conclusions/decisions/actions.

Genres & sequence:

  • Starting with a Road Warrior type of sequence in 2025.

  • Character time travels to 1986, then promptly dies after telling a local young couple that a spear head he brought is special (it had pierced the body of the once called "Christ").

  • Couple is inexplicably chased by Nazis who somehow know that the spearhead is in their possession.

  • Couple travel to Hong Kong in search of a "professor".

  • Couple and Kung-Fu taxi driver encounter and fight a Kung-Fu Master who doesn't like their visiting the "Silver Fox Pagoda".

  • Couple find "professor" who is captured by Nazis, and professor dies while couple miraculously escapes the Nazis twice.

  • Everyone ends up on a "small" island off the coast of Hong Kong.

  • Small island off the coast of Hong Kong is inhabited by lost tribes of: Mogols, Little People, and Amazon Women. Couple & Nazis interact with them positively and negatively.

  • Couple wins the right from the Amazon Women to retrieve the spear shaft that the spearhead belongs to.

  • Spear shaft and spearhead are joined.

  • End of movie without anything following the joining the spear.
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1980s "B" Action Film Trash
Rainey-Dawn11 November 2016
WTF was that? I watched the first few minutes of this awful film then I had to watch the rest in fast-forward just to see what others are talking about. They are most correct! This film "borrows" very heavily from some of the greatest films of the time era: It really does open up with the look and feel of The Road Warrior/Mad Max but the dude looks similar to and acts like Chuck Norris not Mel Gibson. I swear the is a "glimpse" of Star Wars in the background car chase looking like Tatooine and when he grabbed the spearhead it reminded me of Conan for a second or two. Keep fast-forwarding then I see Bruce Li (not LEE) doing some Kung-Fu fighting. Then it looks to be "borrowing" from Raiders of the Lost Ark then on into Rambo/Romancing the Stone in the jungle. Next we have pygmies and Amazon Women! Lots of guns firing off, car chases and crashes, explosions yep this is stereotypical 1980s action film trash that is a wannabe good action film but it falls very far away from good into the crappy category with all of it's very cheap wannabe ripoff sets, action, costumes etc... an awful film to my tastebuds.

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It's a little gem for Robert Patrick fans
DJOfRadioGallifrey7 February 2015
This is actually a good film, don't let the dodge music fool you. It may have a weird plot about relic hunting and saving the world, but it has good action sequences and a young Robert Patrick who is pretty cute, and features throughout the film. This is certainly a good role for a first timer in a movie (yes his first role ever), he has so much energy and charisma. The fights scenes are quite well done on such a low budget, 'Patrick' does it realistically with vigour. It may be cheesy when it comes to plot and music but it's the 80s. I would have certainly been entertained in the 80s, it is reminiscent of other classic 80s adventure/action films, you'll see what I mean. If they had tinsy bigger budget and better recording equipment this would have been box office magic. But I believe the film would have done well if more people had bothered to see it. The film has only aged because it has been overlooked. But it's a little gem for Robert Patrick fans- I watched this all the way through with a delighted grin on my face hence the high-ish rating.
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Very entertaining action insanity
Red-Barracuda18 October 2014
Future Hunters is an under the radar 80's action movie that throws everything it can think of at the screen in an attempt to catch an audience. It combines several popular film genres of the time to delirious effect. It starts out like it's going to be a post-apocalyptic movie but quite soon afterwards the hero time-travels back to the 80's in an attempt to try and avert an impending nuclear war in a manner not a hundred miles away from ideas underpinning The Terminator. He achieved this (somehow) because he has in his possession the Spear of Destiny and he ropes in a young couple into finding its magical sheath, by now it's taken a Raiders of the Lost Ark turn in its pursuit of religious artifacts, later on, large rolling stone boulders emphasise this influence only further. On the subsequent quest the film combines a – really good - extended martial arts fight in a shaolin temple, neo-Nazis, a lost tribe of dwarfs and a further tribe of Amazon women. There's lots of pumping 80's music on the soundtrack, chases, fights galore, guns, explosions and death by crocodile! And to add a little extra cult value, it stars a young Robert Patrick in a role that he gives his all to. This was one of several cheap genre films that were filmed in the Philippines at the time – there were financial incentives to do so – and the South East Asian flavour certainly adds a lot as well. In the final analysis, this is a very fun action movie that consistently attempts to entertain its audience in a myriad of ways. You can't say fairer that that really.
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Gloriously ludicrous action/adventure tosh
Woodyanders26 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Cheerfully plumbing depths of giddy stupidity with a certain infectious go-for-it wacky aplomb, this is by no means a good movie, but it sure is a highly entertaining and often unintentionally sidesplitting piece of energetic kitsch. Tough Mad Max clone Matthew (Richard Norton in peak two-fisted form) discovers the location of the Spear of Destiny -- it's the Roman spear that was used on Christ during his crucifixion -- in the bleak apocalyptic world of 2025. Matthew travels back to 1986 and gives the spear to Michelle (foxy blonde Linda Carol) and her boyfriend Slade (Robert Patrick in his pre-"Terminator 2" Grade Z dreck salad days). It's up to our young couple to make sure that the spear doesn't fall into the wrong evil hands. Director Cirio H. Santiago, working from a blithely inane script by J. Lee Thompson, keeps the pace racing along at a constant speedy clip and treats the ridiculous premise with gut-busting misguided seriousness, thereby ensuring that this honey is a total tacky hoot from start to finish. Better still, Santiago and Thompson cram this baby with all kinds of deliciously absurd lunacy: We've got a nasty biker gang, wild car chases (keep your eyes peeled for an incredible day for night continuity error during one particular chase), fierce karate fights, solemn opening narration by a third-rate Orson Welles clone, a tribe of helpful cave-dwelling dwarfs, nefarious Nazi bad guys (Ed Crick hams it up outrageously as the leader of the Nazis), lots of stuff blowing up real good, cruddy (not so) special effects, and even a group of fearsome Amazon warrior women. Extra kudos are also in order for the extremely bouncy pulse-pounding score by Ron Jones and a smidgen of tasty gratuitous female nudity courtesy of the yummy Mrs. Carol. A real schlocky blast.
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A mixed bag
hwg1957-102-26570426 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There's nothing like a post-apocalypse, time travel, religious icon, kung fu, neo-Nazi, Amazon (women's tribe that is not the river), jungle, dwarf and Mongol film and this is one, In fact it may be the only one. More elements are thrown in than the periodic table. Well not as many but you get the point. Director Cirio H. Santiago produces another film unlike any other. There is enough stuff for five films.

Where can you find a film with Robert Patrick, Bruce Li, Jang Lee Jwang, Richard Norton and Peter Shilton? (Oh, my friends inform me this is not Peter Shilton the great English footballer. That would have been epic!) Not to mention Ed Crick as the snarling villain. He does a good snarl.

The plot basically concerns a couple, Michelle and Slade, looking for the Spear of Destiny and the efforts of others to prevent them. Unfortunately the couple are very annoying, whining away so it is good that there is lots of action that halts them bleating away irritatingly. The action is surprisingly good. The dwarf tribe versus the Mongols is a standout. If you are in the mood for a spacy, pacy film this the one.
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Richard Norton, the T-1000, Hwang Jang Lee and tons of midgets: it's B-movie heaven!
BA_Harrison23 April 2013
Jungle adventure? Time travel sci-fi? Post-apocalyptic action? Chop socky flick?: sometimes it's hard to decide precisely what kind of trash to watch! The answer to this dilemma... Future Hunters, Cirio H. Santiago's crazy crap-fest that mixes several genres and rips off a fair few better known films, but still manages to be a hugely entertaining one-of-a-kind experience.

The film opens with some Mad Max-style action, hunky wasteland warrior of the future Matthew (Richard Norton) blowing up an assortment of evil leather clad punks in his quest to find the Spear of Longinus, which, when placed on the original staff, has the power to save mankind. Upon finding this powerful treasure, Matthew is thrown back in time to 1986 where he is fatally wounded saving sexy blonde amateur archaeologist Michelle (Linda Carol) and her ex-marine boyfriend Slade (a young Robert Patrick) from some nasty bikers.

Before he carks it, Matthew entrusts the spearhead to Michelle and Slade, telling them to give it to a Professor Hightower, who will know what to do with it. The pair's search for the professor takes them all over the world, pitting them against power hungry Nazis, a deadly martial arts master, a bloodthirsty Mongol army, and a tribe of savage female warriors who guard The Venus Valley, the location of the spear staff.

As well as Mad Max, Santiago borrows from Raiders of the Lost Ark (Nazi's in search of an ancient religious relic), The Terminator (hero travels back in time to before the nuclear holocaust), Romancing the Stone (couple stranded in jungle), and even Return of the Jedi, a tribe of friendly native midgets helping out in a scene clearly inspired by the Ewoks battle on Endor.

It is, of course, extremely cheap and cheezy, with wooden acting and poor special effects galore, but it sure is fun, the best bits being one hell of a kung fu showdown between Hwang Jang Lee and Bruce Le (with Patrick throwing a few punches but getting his ass whooped) and a fight to the death over a crocodile pit between Michelle and an Amazonian woman.

7.5 out of 10, rounded up to 8 for IMDb.
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One of the Greatest B Movies in Film History
protector_325 January 2000
It is hard to explain what was going through the director's mind when making a classic such as Future Hunters, but I have to admit it was pure genius because not only was this film amazingly a classic, but it had midgets, a big oaf nazi, and the best a night to day chase. I give this movie a A+, and want to thank Joe Bob for playing such a classic film, and keep on playing more like it.So if you haven't seen this movie really consider checking it out, it's a movie with so many bizarre twists and plot jumps, and not to mention characters coming out of nowhere, and a group of dwarfs beating a nazi soldier to death, so rent it or just better off buying it.
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Starts out like Mad Max ends like...?
exitout4323 January 2000
This movie is a mix of Kung-fu movies. Rambo,Raiders and other influences? the plot is about a Sword from the future and it must get to some tribe of Amazonian Women to make everything ok. I watched this movie and tried to figure out why i was watching it.
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Sleeper by Cirio Santiago is worth a look
lor_31 March 2023
My review was written in January 1989 after watching the film on Vestron video cassette.

From the rash of look alike adventure features on video emerges a winner: "Future Hunters", in which prolific Filipino helmer Cirio H. Santiago outdoes himself in fresh and entertaining fashion.

Lengthy pic unfolds as a virtual homage to the high adventure movies of George Lucas yet moves beyond mere imitation into its own successful territory.

Prolog is set in the year 2025 with regular Santiago hero Richard Norton chased around by baddies in "Mad Max"-style cars and outfits. In a remote temple in the desert he finds the head of a spear, said by legend to have pierced the body of Christ on the cross and to hold spectacular powers.

Back in present time (1986, when pic was shot under the moniker "The Spear (of Destiny)"), statuesque blonde Linda Carol plays a college anthropology student who, with boyfriend Robert Patrick, visits the same temple Norton visited. Norton has traveled back in time via the spear's power, and helps the 1986 duo fight off a gang of mean bikers (who at first think futuristic Norton is a kindred biker, given his "Mad Max" leather garb).

Complicated plot, punctuated constantly by action sequences, has Norton expiring but setting the young couple on his mission, to unite the spearhead with its lost shaft, and use the resulting object's power tgo head off an imminent world holocaust and thus change the future from whence he came.

Elements of both "Indiana Jones" films plus a healthy sprinkling of "Romancing the Stone" are pleasantly arranged, with pic steadily put across by heroine Carol, an American beauty closely resembling Greta Scacchi. Her willingness to get her hair mussed and enter enthusiastically into the action is a big plus.

Patrick is merely okay as the hero and the villains are nondescript; more upscale casting might have earned this laudable little film some theatrical attention.
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