My Sweet Satan (1994) Poster

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Rather shocking horror short.
HumanoidOfFlesh24 October 2004
"My Sweet Satan" is based on a real-life murder/suicide case where a dangerous drug dealer took a teenager out into the woods,got him high on LSD,accused him of stealing money,tortured him and stabbed him to death whilst screaming "Say you love Satan!".After this sickening event his friend stomped the boy's head to the pulp."My Sweet Satan" is a pretty gross little horror short.There is a hanging,a closeup nipple piercing and extremely brutal head stomping.Jim Van Bebber is fairly convincing as a creepy drug dealer and Mike Moore is okay as his whiny victim.This disturbing short is clearly not as good as Van Bebber's masterpiece "The Manson Family",but if you enjoy low-budget independent horror you can't miss it.7 out of 10.
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a good short about pathetic people
movieman_kev27 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Jim Van Bebber's short about the true life story Gary Lauwers murder by Ricky Kasso. In the film Ricky (Van Bebber once again) is a devil worshiping drug dealing loser. But because he supplies acid to his "friends", he's the head of his particular group of equally feeble minded people. When Ricky feels Gary stole drugs from him, he along with another member of his crew kill him in a horrific, unsettling manner. I found this film to be a tad unsettling and pretty well put together for an amateur effort. I wish I''d have seen "Ricky 6:, so I could compare the two, but alas that film still alludes me.This 19 minute short film can be found on Side B of the Synapse Special edition DVD of "Deadbeat at Dawn". One interesting side note, I've found is the real life Ricky supposedly spent some time with his friends at the real life Amityville House. Now that's bizarre.

My Grade: C
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A shocking conclusion but not much else.
Eegah Guy27 February 2001
This is the kind of film that Harmony Korine later became more successful doing...that is, chronicling the lives of bored suburban white trash Satan worshippers on dope. Van Bebber knows his milieu and does what he can in 19 minutes but it's really just buildup to a conclusion you won't soon forget.
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I think this goes without saying: NOT for the weak of heart
hamburger12 June 2001
I would consider myself pretty jaded when it comes to extremely violent/disturbing type films but when I watched MY SWEET SATAN today I was completely blown away. It's a short film (about 20 mins.) and stars underground horror-action director Jim Van Bebber as Ricky Kasslin who is a character based on a (supposedly) true incident. It's nothing more than doped up, heavy metal white trash kids who worship Satan and crucify chickens. Sounds like family entertainment, eh? The "stomp" ending really had me gagging and is quite possibly the most intense, sick, and disturbing scene I've ever had the (dis)pleasure of watching! Oh yeah, and talk about that up-close (real) nipple piercing! I was practically squirming in my chair! I don't think I'll be popping this back into the DVD for quite some time....
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Cinema's goriest human sacrifice?
Stevieboy66620 August 2023
I recently bought Arrow's excellent blu-ray of Jim Van Bebber's cult classic "Deadbeat by Dawn" (1988), amongst the extras are four of his short films including this one, however the year given is 1993, not 1994. Once again Van Bebber not only writes and directs but also plays the lead role. In this instance he is Ricky, a Satanist with "Ozzy" tattooed on his knuckles who wears an Iron Maiden t-shirt and sports a bizarre Hare Krishna type haircut. He and a fellow Satan metalhead pick on a teen called Gary who sports a shocking ginger mullet. Ricky - "Say you love Satan", Gary - "I love my mother". At only 14 minutes there is very little plot but we are treated to must be the most violent and goriest human sacrifice that I have seen. Odd flashes of old carvings and paintings of The Devil make a nice touch. A close up of a nipple piecing is not for the screamish!
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Those must be the fakest tattoos I ever saw in my life.
deloudelouvain29 December 2018
How the hell can this short movie get such a high rating? It's obvious that not alot of people watched it otherwise My Sweet Satan would never get such a high average. I stumbled on this movie as I read that it was supposedly based on a true story. Since I do like a bit of gory movies every now and then I gave it a shot. The reality is that the acting is bad, the filming even worse and the sound just awful. Not the music though, that's my kind of music, but the recording of the voices and the editing was just awful. The story is just boring and stupid, and it's not that bit of blood spatter that's going to make it a good gore movie. Luckily it's a short movie and so I only wasted 20 minutes of my life. 2 stars for the music, all the rest is just garbage.
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Low-Budget Garbage With A Few Cool Gore Scenes - AND MULLETS!!!
EVOL66626 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
MY SWEET Satan is a low-budget short directed by and starring Jim Van Bebber (DEADBEAT AT DAWN). This outing has atrocious acting, and is really only good for laughing at all the horrible haircuts on display...

The story is about a Satan-loving jerk-off (Van Bebber)who kills one of his friends for stealing drug money from him. That's it. But I guess you're not gonna get TOO much plot in a 20 minute "film"...

Other than a few decent gore scenes - which are really the ONLY reason for watching this one - MY LITTLE Satan is a dud. ALL of the characters are completely annoying, and the Satan "side-plot" is stupid and unnecessary as it's never really explained or built on. Give DEADBEAT AT DAWN a shot instead, or hopefully you already got the Synapse release of DEADBEAT AT DAWN, and MY LITTLE Satan was on the extras...4/10 - only for the head-stomp scene...
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Great horror directing you hosers
Defenseman131 October 2004
OK... lets get the record straight. This movie is about Ricky Kasso, a knob of a teen who was involved in a "Satanic" cult called The Knights of the Black Circle. He killed his friend over drugs, and was high on mescaline when he did it. Nothing extraordinary, just strange. Fear Factory does a great song called 0-0 about this murder...its on the album Obsolete. I cant believe the review someone wrote about this movie talking about Satan worship and such... thanks for the religious right comment, but there are much more shocking things out there than some high school kid killing his friend over some imaginary bad guy. Thats right, I said it... Satan is my favorite IMAGINARY character. Well, him and Han Solo, and the tall man from Phantasm. This is a short film (like 20-30mins or so) but is really good. Good luck finding it. Watching this movie combined with a little internet research on the subject ( makes for a nice night of psychotropy.
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Looks weak for the most part
Horst_In_Translation22 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"My Sweet Satan" is an American 20-minute live action short film made in 1993, released the year after, and it is one of the more known filmmaking efforts by writer and director Jim Van Bebber and he also acts in here playing a central character. This is the story of a man who hangs himself in prison as we find out early on and we find out during the rest of the film how he got there and what he did together with another buddy that got him arrested and thrown in jail. Like other stuff by JvB who is close to one that you could call a cult film director, this is a pretty violent and bloody watch, especially towards the end as it dives into satanic cult territory exacting one of the bloodiest revenges you could imagine. Sadly, the production values here look really weak (also not unusual for JvB) and the story can definitely not make up for it. There are even stills include and this is an absolute no-go for a film I must say. Having watched (and reviewed) the man's Roadkill about an hour earlier I must say that that one is clearly superior to this one we have here and this is my suggestion to go for in terms ov Van Bebber's short films. This one here struggles with how cheap it looks, unfulfilling production values and unconvincing elaboration on the characters that are far too many and we know almost nothing about most of them. Same applies to the actors who play them and frequently never showed up in another film at all. Or only in another JvB film. I give this one a thumbs-down. Not recommended.
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Very strong depiction of Satan worshippers
Bogey Man13 July 2002
Jim Van Bebber's short film My Sweet Satan (1994) is supposedly based on real life character, who committed a horrible murder, was then sentenced to prison, where he finally killed himself by hanging. Director Van Bebber plays Ricky Kasslin, the main character, who is young fellow who listens to heavy metal, has one of the ugliest hair cuts ever, and acts like some animal, and believes that Satan is his Master and he loves Satan the most.

This film really makes me wonder why this kind of things happen. Those Satan worshippers are depicted miserable, but dedicated lost persons and souls, who find a meaning to their lives by worshipping and praising the Satan, the most evil thing imaginable. I think this film definitely doesn't promote Satanism, since the final phrase Ricky's friend says in prison is so underlining, and tells the opinion of writer/director.

This shortie has some very interesting cinematic elements, most notably the soundtrack which consists of different metal bands, but also very menacing sounds and moans which are played also backwards and create very ominous atmosphere and a feeling of evil and pure wickedness. Also, different kinds of camera techniques add to the atmosphere and the film is very great in its elements and visual power.

The infamous ending is very disturbing and graphic, and the whole short film is full of violent and off putting imagery like actual body piercing, blood and terror, but the last murder is the worst, and that murder finally led the main character to prison and suicide. The suicide is also very relentlessly and realistically depicted, so this film is definitely not nice to watch. The film is important since this madness really exists in the world and this film just shows some facts and asks couple of questions without moralizing. I liked this very much and appreciate the cinematic talent of Van Bebber and give this 9/10. This little film is not likely to be easily forgotten once experienced.
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The devil made him do it.
BA_Harrison25 January 2014
Apparently based on a real life murder case, low-budget short My Sweet Satan stars Jim Van Bebber (director of cult low budget classics Deadbeat at Dawn and The Manson Family) as Ricky, a Satan worshipping, drug dealing low-life with really stupid hair who kills one of his reprobate pals for stealing his drug money (and possibly for daring to have an even sillier haircut than himself).

It's hard to like a film that is packed so full of thoroughly unlikeable characters sporting, but hey, it's under twenty minutes long, and is worth seeing if only for the painful looking nipple-piercing scene (which is done for real) and the truly repugnant murder in which the victim is stabbed repeatedly by Ricky before he and a friend stomp the poor sap's head into an unrecognisable smushy mess of blood, bone, brains, and eyeballs.
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hauntme_66626 December 2002
I think this movie is awesome. It is pretty funny how they try so hard to keep the name of Satan respected when them themselves are doing disrespectful acts. I thought it had a very creative sick and twisted end to this film. But those kids have taken one to many drugs if they think that is what Satan really wants them to do. Free doses!!!!
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Where is Ricky Kasso?
DarkSpotOn28 December 2023
This movie was based on the real life case of Ricky Kasso, and the actor that plays Ricky, looks nothing like Ricky Kasso. I am not sure if they were shooting for realism or not, but that really pulled me out of the movie.

I was hoping we were going to get a bit more indepth who Ricky was, how he grew up to who he became, how his father forced him into rugby even though the refused, so his dad got aggresive. Instead, we just get 19 minutes of a group of youngsters taking drugs, and doing nothing.

I was really curious if this movie was good, i think if it followed the roots of ANGST or THE UNTOLD STORY or HENRY we'd have a great movie here, but sadly, everything here boils down, from the acting, to the camera work, even the gore could of been better. And i do not want to hear excuses that the movie is from 94, so it can not have good gore, Cannibal Holocaust was way older then this movie, and it had amazing gore.

Ultimately, this movie is for the people that enjoy movies like August Underground or Sunken Danish or Ostermontag.
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"I take drugs and worship Satan"
yamaelle13 March 2000
"My Sweet Satan" is the story ( in 20 minutes ) of Ricky's life. Ricky, played by Jim Van Bebber himself, is a satanist who spends his time listening to hard-rock ( mainly Sepultura ), taking drugs (marihuana, acids, LSD, breathing helium... ) and trying to convince his friends that Satan is the Master. I won't tell how, but Ricky end up suicided in a cell.

The movie is interesting, not really for the story, but for all the experiments we happen to see in less than 20 minutes : Ricky's haircut, with all the drugs, long-haired people drinking, killing, sacrificing animals, throwing over... such a nice atmosphere! Through "My Sweet Satan", we see what the word 'underground' means -a lot of ideas, but with a very modest budget. And we also see here that it was the beginning of his career - although the result is quite cool. Highly recommanded for the jilted generation, at least interesting for everybody, but I keep thinking "Roadkill"(1994) and "Deadbeat at Dawn" are better.

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requiemofspirit11 June 2021
Their portrayal of "punks and metal heads" was downright hilarious, the tattoos so fake it brought me to tears laughing, the classic depiction of "satan worship" as this dangerous occult nonsense, I loved it lol. 8/10 Perfect short and cheesy horror to watch with a couple friends. I have a hard time believing this wasn't supposed to be indirectly funny.
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ive never seen satanism portrayed in a more amusing manner
notmike6618 March 2002
i just saw a bootleg copy of my sweet satan, and i have a really hard time believing that this wasn't meant to be funny. i am also a maker of low quality films and finishing a shot when someone popped this in. it was hilarious! the drug use, the "satanism", the portrayal of teenage wasteland, we couldn't stop laughing! we're people ever really scared of this?

on the production side-it was actually well done considering what i hear he had to work with.

the acting is bad, but i doubt he was paying anybody, so that is forgiveable.
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