Generation X (TV Movie 1996) Poster

(1996 TV Movie)

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Marginal attempts to bring superheroes to the small screen
Gislef27 December 2000
Compared to most comic-to-TV adaption, Generation X is...adequate. It doesn't rely on campiness (Batman/60's, the Justice League TV show pilot...). The main problem is that the writers don't seem to have much idea what they're doing. They opted for one big-name star (Frewer) and ended up with a bargain-basement Joker impersonation. The whole Dream Dimension plot is just stupid (even the characters acknowledge they're ripping off Freddy Krueger/Elm Street - not a good sign).

When the show sticks to the mutants themselves, it's pretty good. The school seems curiously understaffed, and in that huge mansion, why do six students have to sleep in two fairly small rooms? And the lack of budget shows, since the superheroics are mostly small-scale. Still, the cast is likeable enough, and it probably would have made a decent TV series if the ratings had been there.
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Sort of a New Wave style version of "X-Men"
planktonrules18 October 2015
A few years before the wildly successful and very well made "X-Men" movie, there was a TV version that bombed. "Generation X" was pretty much the same show though the characters they focused on were mostly different from the ones in the movies. In both cases, mutants are distrusted by the masses and unregistered mutants are being rounded up by the authorities. However, there's a mutant academy and many of these folks are being spirited off to this school where they'll learn to channel their skills and use them to fight evil.

So why didn't they green light the series? Well, I don't think it was because the public wasn't ready for such a show. To me, the problem is the very limited appeal of the show based on its style. While made in 1996, it looks right from 1984 with a strong New Wave style. The colors, music, lighting and look of the show look very dated and very 80s. The show also seemed focused towards teens only. Additionally, and this is what bothered me the most, the camera angles were annoying just to be annoying! Askew angles abound...and it jut makes it look cheap and kind of stupid! Add to that some occasionally poor writing and a bizarre character played by Matt Frewer (I think he was channeling Max Headroom a bit too much here) and you'll understand why the show was a flop and didn't get off the ground. After seeing this pilot movie, I am certainly glad they never made more.
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So, so bad... and that's with forgiving how 90's it is
rothrouga15 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I can forgive this 'film' for a lot of things. For one, it's obviously only a pilot and they only give a pilot so much money. Secondly, I can understand why they couldn't put Chamber or Penance in (as the trivia says)... But it's just... so bad.

What probably doesn't help is that I'm currently reading Generation X etc, which is how I found out that this even exists (advertised in one of the x-men titles). While even the big budget films will never please the fanboys for continuity I don't think they even tried that hard with this...

Emma Frost, Jubilee (not-Asian at all), Monet and (if you ignore the terrible Irish accent) Banshee are probably the closest to the mark. I'd even consider Skin to not be that bad. I was even shocked when there was a mention of the Hellions having died! But it's where they've not stuck to the comics that makes this so terrible.

The backgrounds of the characters are shot to hell. Jubilee's parents are alive, Skin apparently comes from the suburbs but has a 'homeboy' friend etc. The place takes place at Xavier's school even though Xavier and all the other xmen have seemingly disappeared off the face of the earth as there's no mention of them. As other reviews have pointed out, the plot is some tripe about all mutants being latently psychic and accessing the dreamworld...

The villain of the piece is an actor painfully trying to be Jim Carrey, to the point where I actually thought I'd have to stop watching because it was just so terrible. One of the replacement students called Kurt is some sort of bargain basement Cyclops but with none of the stoic grit and more slime and misogyny. Mondo is now apparently a jock.

I would only advise watching this if you want to see something that makes Xmen 3 look good...
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A surprising attempt at continuing the X-genre.
wsdmspryde24 April 2003
As someone who followed Generation X the comic book from its inception, I recall being very excited about the Generation X tv movie during its debut. Unfortunately, that didn't last long. It was a thrill to see what started out as a fantastic comic make it onto the small screen, but the attempts just weren't enough.

Matt Frewer did a fantastic job of chewing the scenery, but it's usually easy to forgive the man his zaniness, particularly if you've ever watched Max Headroom. Beyond that, Generation X was and still remains painful to watch. Just about every canon character that started out in the comic book was not only miscast (i.e., the Chinese-American Jubilee being played by someone who wasn't), but poorly characterized. Mondo, the laid-back Hawaiian had transformed into pure arrogance, while Angelo, the cynical and quick-witted ex-gang member was suddenly on the shy and tentative side.

It was, in a way, what you'd expect from a comic book movie. That is assuming that you don't actually read comics and just have a stereotype in mind, however. Lighting was often overdramatic in a way that any Batman moviegoer could recognize and wince at. Scenery was not especially impressive, excepting the building which stood in for the Massachusetts Academy. Characters did not come across as particularly three dimensional, and it felt as if every prop involved had been drawn rather than created.

Although the movie in and of itself is a whimsical bit, easy to watch if you'd like a brightly colored distraction from the world around you, its script is lacking and its acting on the dull side. I felt for the characters involved not because Generation X the movie was convincing, but instead because I felt loyalty to the characters I'd been reading about for a number of years. The addition of Refrax and Buff, who had potential of their own, was more proof that this was a slapdash movie made in hopes of grabbing a few bucks. After all, these two appears sheerly because the remaining characters from the comic book would go over the budget for filming, as their appearances and powers would require too much in the way of special effects.

Overall, it was a disappointing experience, but I remain fan enough of the comic to keep a taped copy for nostalgia's value.
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coles_notes2 February 2024
Created a few years later off the success of the Fox animated series X-Men, this live-action was aimed at an older audience, following the outcast group of teen students at Xavier's School for the Gifted, all with the familiar super powers due to mutated genetics we expect from the X-Men universe. This time Emma Frost (normally a villain) leads the school, and a mix of newly created mutants and some pulled from the comics fill the classroom. This pilot, and presumably the would-be series to follow, focuses on a new mad scientist villain who has somehow harness the power of dreams, altering them, mind control, etc. The acting and writing are frankly horrible, the villain gives a good go (played by Matt Frewer, who was previously the man behind Max Headroom), but the students and faculty are so boring and none of the drama is compelling. The CGI is of course very 90s, as is any of the costuming, music, and sets. At a reported $4 million budget, I have no clue where that money went, and when it aired Feb 20th on Mardi Gras in 1996 audiences seemed to agree. The version I watched still had the commercials intact, which was a treat in itself; you really got a better sense of what the target demographic was. There was even a quick cut-away to a young Jimmy Kimmel as "Jimmy the Fox Guy", intermixed with all the Mardi Gras celebration segments. All said, I understand why the series didn't land and this hour and a half pilot is all we got. The only reason to watch is if you're seeking out something terrible. Also I'm looking to check out Pryde of the X-Men next, maybe that one was good.
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The Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters Movie
dinoandes21 July 2005
Warning guys! Hey, the following is just my opinion. To the makers of this film, don't get offended. This is just my opinion. I liked your movie, anyway.

The movie was about the star of Generation X with Emma Frost and Sean Cassidy as headmasters of the Xavier's School for Gifted Younsters. In the story, Angelo Espinosa and Jubilation Lee were being recruited by the headmasters. In school, they then meet the rest of the kids, M, Mondo, Buff, & Refrax. Typically, not all students get along. The movie showed the life of the kids in and out of school. Then later, they battle against Russell Tresh. After some twists and thrills, Generation X won the battle against Tresh.

I saw that TV movie from way back. They didn't follow the storyline, they added two characters (who aren't even in the comics), failed to include Penance, Chamber, Paige, Synch. Speaking as a BIG fan of Gen X, that was so appalling. Speaking as a BIG fan who wants a Gen X Movie, that was quite OK. I loved the movie in a way because there is no real Gen X movie. The cast just don't look like the comic book characters. Anyone would totally agree with me. But all in all, it was just OK.
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Horrible adaptation of the comic book.
metacell3 February 2003
This TV movie adaptation of the Marvel comic book, features a mediocre script, awful directing and appalling lines. The only good points about it are the nice scenery (especially Xavier's mansion) and the decent special effects.
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Bad tv-movie based on the marvel comic
avalanche197918 July 2000
I will not give a summary of the movie, but rather my opinion: it is really unbelievable they ever thought of making this into a movie... I like the X-men etc, but this really sucked. Bad dialog, entirely stupid surroundings. I think they tried to hard to make it look like a comic-style, while motion picture has its own unique ways of story-telling. I have to admit that I, because of these 'glitches' enjoyed this movie intensely...
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Nightmare on X Street
owen-watts28 November 2022
This tonally bewildering pilot from the dark depths of the 1990's is notable for being the first live action attempt to bring the X-Men universe to the screen. Strangely the route in is via Bachalo & Lobdell's Generation X spin-off team, one of the many X titles doing the X rounds in the... X nineties. It's an odd sort of a vehicle, this, and none of it really works. The high school vibe is queasily written and some of it has dated appallingly. The villain is Max Headroom doing a diabolical Jim Carrey impression which makes the hard lurch between adolescent melodrama and dark slapstick even weirder. Further to that it hangs everything on a completely insane "all mutants can access the dream dimension" mechanic so it can act as a sub-par version of Nightmare on Elm Street which they also actually reference because subtlety and this era of TV were never on friendly terms.
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The first X-Men movie......sort of
xindi00521 October 2005
Though it is in no way as good as the latest X-Men movie, X2: X-MEN UNITED, GENRATION X is still good for being the first to star characters from Marvel's most influential comic line.

To be made in 1996 and only for television, This movie does in no way fall into the same boat as the other attempt to bring Marvel to the small screen,FANTASTIC FOUR(1994?). I have to admit the special effects were cheesy and the acting could have been better, the movie was still good and the action was still compelling. I had the opportunity to read the comic not long after the movie premiered on FOXtv and it goes very well with the story and the characters are cool.

If you have the opportunity to see this film, it will be worth your while. Enjoy.
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Twelve Years later...still pull out the old dubbed copy.
mattbromagin27 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Let me preface the review by saying that I give it an 8 out 0f 10 within context. This was a made for TV movie that I think was to be a predecessor or a nifty little copycat of The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. It did a great job with that. I'm not saying this made for TV movie is up there with Citizen Kane. I also look at it from the perspective of a fellow that tries to collect strange and unusual movies/TV shows.

It was loosely based on a Marvel comic in the X-Men line which was a variation of an earlier comic called New Mutants. Think "Degrassi" with super-powers.

For what it was great. No real complaints. Fox added characters to replace ones they had to take away that wouldn't work on film (with a TV budget), it was the first X-Men movie if you think about it (a group of mutants that attend Xaviers School for Gifted Mutants), and it had strong ties to the X-Men universe had the original intentions gone through (this was a pilot for a live action Saturday morning kids show). I had heard ABC picked the show up after the movie bombed on Fox, but I've never seen an "episode" besides the Fox movie.

If you're the kind of person that seeks out rare comic based television shows or movies (such as CBS's Justice League live action series or that god awful Roger Corman Fantastic Four flick) you will absolutely love this and it will probably exceed expectations. If you're a casual browser and said "OH MY GOD! FOX MADE AN X-MEN MADE FOR TV MOVIE! I HAVE TO SEE THIS! I BET IT'S AWESOME!"'ll probably be disappointed.

If it means anything, the girl that played Jubilee was spot on for the character and Matt Frewer did play a rather cool villain. Finola Hughes IS the White Queen as far as I'm concerned. Good enough acting across the board. Everyone did their part well and it made up for the smaller budget and cheesy subject matter.
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not really a bad movie
hamilton-2112 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, I know, this film was made for t.v. and was low budget, but it did have elements that I liked. Matt Frewer was wonderfully over the top as the bad guy; just dripping insane evil. He reminded me a lot of Cliff De Young's portrayal of Dr. Mallardo in the Robocop t.v. series - another show that got canned before it got into its stride. This isn't the best film set in the 'X' universe to ever come out. These characters are carried on from the X-Men comics and this film is more true to the comics than the three X-Men movies that have been released since. The characters are likable, and most men I'm sure appreciate Emma Frost's attire - those skin tight pants and bustier's don't leave much to the imagination. The students at Xavier's school - it's never explained where Charles Xavier himself is - all interact in a natural way with each other and their powers (Kurt's is rather reminiscent of Cylcops') are interesting without being overdone. They argue and fight and generally act exactly as teenagers would and have the normal teenage problems. Mostly, if you can get the past the somewhat cheesy effects and the rather lackluster in places script. then this is a good film to watch. I enjoyed it and I would buy it if someone would bother bringing it out on DVD.
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I'm betting it looked better on paper...I hope...
Kninja16 April 1999
I'm a Generation X fan, especially the early Scott Lobdell run on the comic book. So it was with much enthusiasm that I flumped down in my recliner, remote and comic book in hand (yep, I'm a comic geek), and prepared to witness the anticipated event.

What I ended up watching, however, was a really disappointing two hours of mutant mayhem.

First of all, they were trying to do a Gen X movie without ANY connection to the X-Men, other than the basic 'mutant menace' thing, and the fact that they were using Xavier's school. Second, the actors they got to play the kids looked and acted nothing like the comic version I know and love. I mean, Jubilee is Asian, but tell that to Heather McComb, who had none of the firecracker's attitude. Mondo was nothing like the Samoan slacker in the comics, and instead was some punk kid I wanted to slap. Husk and Synch were noticeably absent, and in their places were Refrax and Buff (the latter of which was the only interesting character in the movie). Skin turned out similar to his comic roots, but all in all I had to constantly remind myself that the characters speaking were supposed to be the same ones from the book. That's a bad sign.

What's Matt Frewer doing in this movie? He's supposed to be a comic-relief villain, but name me one villain in a comic-based movie over the last decade who WASN'T!

Now I hear they're going to make another GenX TV movie (or possible TV series). They say they're going to have better casting. I hope they have better writers and producers as well.
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It's not that bad for the X-Men
nbmeador13 May 2005
This movie is actually about the youngest group of the X-Men. Those of you that have not read the comic book Generation X will have no idea of that though. Generation X is simply put The juvenile X-Men that were sent to a different building for training on the same school grounds as Wolverine and Cylops. But, until they prove themselves to the leaders of the group, the X-Men's Banshee and Emma Frost, they will not truly become X-men. And Wolverine's little buddy Jubillee is there too.

All and all the movie is about what you would expect for something that was made for TV, you can tell they had like no budget, and that the story was weak, but for long time fans of comic books, you will probably like it. Now, if only I could get it on DVD, but then that would severely conflict with the X-Men movies they are making now, being that as it may, if you enjoy the old comic book movies like Captain America, The Punisher, and stuff like that, then you may very well enjoy this one
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The good, the bad, the mutant.
magguss18 March 2006
For it's time, probably the best comic adaption made. This is before comics adaptions became big. It was plagued by a bad plot, a terrible time-slot and advertising that was minimal and geared only to the comic crowd. Anyone who didn't read the comic, or at least some X-Men comics and Wizard had no clue it was even related to the X-Men. They didn't even play off of Jubilee's popularity. Marvel, at the time was a different company and was pushing hard to make this movie a TV show, and get the pilot movie itself more airtime. But, at the time the TV companies wouldn't -touch- something like that (makes you wonder how Mutant X made it).

The characters were well played, with Banshee, the White Queen, Jubilee and Skin directly pulled from the comics, though with Mondo and M being watered down for more -real- versions. Husk was replaced by a body-building -strong- girl, and they added-in a cyclops knock-off.

I think the concept should be looked upon again.

Generation X is a story about the younger mutants at Xavier school for the gifted, the ones not old enough to be X-Men. They used an alternate Mansion somewhere in the midwest, and were lead by Banshee and the White Queen. I'd love to get into the plot, but I only saw the broadcast as a kid in '96. I just remember the plot wasn't very good.

Here's hoping that it gets a DVD release, perhaps in the big-deluxe-special edition DVD for X-men: The Last Stand, or something. Quality comic book TV-media has gotten the short end of the stick as far as DVD releases. I'd love to see the Saban Entertainment version of the X-Men cartoon, or the Maxx from MTV's oddities get a DVD release.
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adamdjt8 June 2019
As average as all X-Men films, just without a budget. Some of it's quite interesting, worth a watch.
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It did have potential
Hypno-218 May 1999
Quite frankly this Tv movie wasn't that bad. the actors did the best they could but it had such a terrible script. First off the whole concept of dream dimensions should have been thrown in the garbage. why can't writers just write a simple story? why do they have to complicate stories with some life altering philosophy? its superhero movie!! based on some pretty serious issuses (racism) so why try to fix something if its not broken?!!! The actors did a good job i think. some changes to the movie from the comic were understandable. i mean not every adaptation is always exact, come on lets be realistic. One thing though they should have mentioned the X-men in some point of the movie. thats all just drop a comment like well the owners of the house are away or Prof.Xaviar has left us in charge of you. or something referring to the X-men hell they're in their mansion!. Anyhow the actors weren't that bad, im sorry to hear that the entire cast from this movie has been scrapped and will be replaced with a new one. Oh well at least i was smart enough to tape it.
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Great story, terrible direction
rossmcdee115 July 2009
Although the previous review mentions good acting the story is severely criticised; however to me (with over 30 years of comic book reading experience) the story is superb and well written with a cynicism sadly missing from most po faced costumed escapades. For the last 10 years this has been one of my favourite Comic book adaptations- Danger Diabolik & Batman Begins being two notable others.

The fact that the direction is less than average; the set designs garishly multicoloured and the acting (in general) rather wooden, spoil this brave attempt at 'post modern' super heroics. The direction is in the music video mould of handcam wobbliness giving the whole film a sea-sick sensation, spoiling an otherwise interesting and fun (in an O.T.T. megalomaniac comic book style) adventure yarn. Whatever its failings it was still 100x better than the time waster MUTANT X.
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A Nightmare from my childhood
Newski_the_Hippie31 January 2006
I remember, several times, asking if other people had seen this movie. Thankfull, nobody said they had. It's like it was just a bad dream that a few people in my family had. Where they took the premise for the X Men comics, half the ideas and scenes from the cartoon, and used the characters from the X Men Spin off and made Generation X into a made for TV movie.

The plot involved a powerful machine that let you have power over dreams, but had an addictive quality. And there was an evil man played by a normally good actor who ruined his performance by thinking he's Jim Carrey. And even though it was only two hours long, it seemed like I was in purgatory.

I saw Skin and Jubilee given the major parts, while Banshee flirted moronically with Emma Frost. But non of the dialog seemed to go together, and existed only for the sake of showing "This is what the people in Generation X" say. It didn't have to be.

And for years, I waited patiently for the announced spin off series. Perhaps they could atone for the sins of the pilot film. Alas, it never happened, and I believed it to be just a horrible dream I wish it was. I wish this movie never existed. I wish it was nothing more then a bad memory. But it's a bad movie that lives on in the form of VHS.

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AnnaPagrati31 August 2021
A cool movie, not anything crazy, but a classic for sure!
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Interesting Film
johncage100028 February 2000
I'm fairly lenient were it is concerned to comic to film productions, and with that in mind I enjoyed this film. I haven't seen it since 1996 (I taped over my recording), but I thought that it was pretty good. The characters weren't as close as one would like, but it was still really fun seeing the four-color characters brought to life.

It was on as a late-night movie where I live about eight months ago and I watched and enjoyed it again. Heather McComb was a standout as Jubilee. Hey, I didn't even have to look at the cast list to remember her name. Neato.

It wasn't anything to write home about, but it was at least a fun adaptation. I mean, how many comics have been made into films anyway. Gen X fans should be proud.

Have a good day then.
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It wasn't a dream
goddess_starr6021 May 2006
OMG. i have been searching for this movie for years. i saw it when i was 12 on fox and taped it.. i have horrible luck so of course my father tapes over it.. LAME!! then the name of the movie was lost to me.. the other day i was watching dawn of the dead(also an amazing movie) when i see Matt frewer(frank)and the fist thing that pops into my head is that the doctor on that x-men movie. still not remembering the name.. thanks to the all knowing internet i now know the name of the movie and i have placed my bid to own it once again.. now i can have a piece of my childhood back and love it forever!!!! u have no idea how happy i am right now. down right gitty if i might say so myself!!!! =D
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Was cool when I first saw it. Lame now.
jediharr9 December 1999
A few years ago, the people at FOX produced a little tele-movie based on the newer comic book installment of the famous mutants..."Generation X". I was eagerly awaiting the film. Hoping it to be cool. I recorded it, and watched it. I did enjoy it. But, then again I was 10 years old. I am 14 now. So now I realize how crappy it is. It isn't horrible, the new "Godzilla", and "Psycho" re-make take that award. But, it is a less than average movie. i wish it was more like the comic. But, oh well. Hopefully the X-men movie will be better. But, then again maybe it won't. Maybe Spiderman. Nah. Hey, they are both to be directed by Bryan Singer and David Fincher. That's something good. Chris Columbus should get Fantastic Four.
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Yeah, my rating is too high objectively, but I loved it.
Ziglet_mir14 November 2020
This is a total reach on an actual objective film rating level-there's no sugarcoating that-but I now have my revisionist lens on to give y'all the lowdown on this failed TV pilot from FOX that premiered in February '96 (when I was but a wee lad).

This is how subverted 90s culture is when you watch a film from the time in today's world post 2010 (here's looking at you 21 Jump Street): the tough guy/cool guy lines come across as minuscule and sad yet hilarious, the school dynamics between kids has drastically changed, just because a dutch angle is being used for every other scene doesn't make the film extra "interesting" or rebellious, and while being embarrassed by your parents is definitely still a thing it's a far cry off from only getting a phone call in front of all your friends. There's more but those are the big ones you can check off your list. Somehow the plot point of the dream world and being an angsty mutant teen particularly in the 90s strikes a chord, and because our world and film is drastically different today, Generation X comes off as perfectly grungy and surreal.

Superhero films are a dime a dozen these days, it's what the masses want. The technology we have at our fingertips has allowed for us to create vast worlds and rather intense sequences of pristine ship chases and bright colorful zap-fights (new word, cool right?). We live in a time where it almost takes less imagination to think of these things because we are able to harness how real it all looks, but I'm here to argue how real something looks shouldn't always be the goal. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Generation X with all it's massive flaws in whichever category you choose (writing, directing, lighting, casting, etc) spurs up a ton of admiration from me for the practical (and special) effects pulled off here for such a small budget (after reading many disappointed reviews I also set the bar really low). And even with said flaws (I have my revisionist glasses on remember) there's this alluring nostalgia that festers off this thing; dipped in the intensely off-putting color clashes and over-utilized dutch angles that made the 90s "cool".

I also tend to be a comic nerd (less so these days than what I used to be-feel like I've forgotten so much), and this is an entirely other viewpoint many share in regards to this failed pilot. Jubilee is white! Mondo is a jerk! Skin is no tough-guy! Why are some characters missing and others are heroes I've never heard of? While I once was someone who moaned and griped about such specific details I've come to learn that creative license is not really a bad thing when proper commitment is also brought to the table. The only compliment I can give the writing here is its said commitment regarding the character arcs (while remaining mostly weak). I'm even ok with the fact the writers chose to rip off the Nightmare on Elm Street films with its dream plot. It's pulled off rather successfully here for what little everyone had to work with.

There is something other than the nostalgia though that works for me, and looking back makes it seem all the more screwed up that this was for a teenage crowd. The production design and direction in some sequences are absolutely stellar and are definitive hallmarks of 90s filmmaking in particular. The sequences in the dream world are distant and disturbingly surreal (that moonlit path). These sequences are aided by great sound design and come off as superbly eerie. The eerie-ness is compacted with the major contrast between Matt Frewer's poor man's Riddler in the vein of Jim Carrey versus the sudden moments of intense and wacky melodrama. The tonal execution somehow works with so much going on in some areas yet not enough in others, potentially a conundrum I can no more explain, but is just meant to be consumed.

Watching this brought me back to my younger years in more ways than 98% of the super hero movies that come out today. I'm not sure if I've really made my case or justified my rating. I'm reminded of Charmed in some sequences which has turned into a good thing as I watched the entire series with my wife months back during lockdown. Generation X is another film (failed pilot) that showcases some good autumn vibes, some decent melodrama and minor character moments mixed with nostalgia and a ripped off plot (that tends to not make much sense but sort of works). With all that said, I loved it. Where's our gritty remake of this Generation X, Hollywood? Give me more Jubilation Lee (whether white or Chinese) kicking ass and taking names.

Thank you too fellow Letterboxer Todd for putting this on my radar. Give him a follow cause he's a great guy writing great reviews! This was a night well spent going down memory lane.
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This is one of those movies were you wish the characters were real!
vitamindee14 October 2001
This is one truly great film, but I can see why others may not like it. When watching this, I tried not to link the movie with it's comic book counterpart. I like to think of it as an alternate version. So that means no Synch. No Chamber. No Husk. But this in a way is a good thing. Because of that, we were introduced to a very cool character, Refrax (Randall Slavin). You know the type. Bleached spiked hair, sunglasses, smart ass, self centered. You know, cool!

Anyway, the plot is about the group, and this mad scientist who travels into dreams and wants to kill Jubilee and Skin for the X-Factor in their brains. Not that hard to understand, and works.

The parts of the movie that were the best though, didn't revolve around fighting the evil doer, but rather the teens being just that....teens! It has this feel about it, that makes you think, "Those guys are cool, I wish I could hang with them". And then you realize that it's a movie, and they are only actors who are probably stuck up in real life. I'm not saying they are like that, they're probably are really nice, but the fact is they arn't best friends, nor do they even see each other anymore.

Thats maybe what attracts me to this movie. The fact that I know they arn't real, but I can keep them together for as long as I watch the film. Thats also a scary feeling.

Well, I give this movie a 10/10, and I sure hope that a sequel and TV series is made, using the SAME cast.
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