Dragon Ball Z: Broly - Second Coming (1994) Poster

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Broly stares menacingly while everyone does whatever they want, unlike how in the previous movie he was a brutal killing machine of unbridled insanity.
adamissofakingawesome26 August 2015
Felt like it was phoned in. The worst of all the DBZ movies I've seen. Broly wasn't even anything like the Broly from the first movie, he was basically neutered. He was brutal in the first movie, death incarnate. But in this one he just kind of floated around waiting for everyone to do whatever they wanted. They could have thrown a party in the middle of the fight and he just would have floated in the background staring menacingly until they decided it was time to fight him again. Gohan and Trunks didn't even seem to recognize him; no look of fear or even mentioning that they believed he died. It seemed like they made this just because they could, not because they had a good or thought out idea for a movie. Terrible and disappointing.
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A bit of a disappointment
ericstevenson9 May 2017
It was interesting to see Videl and actually play a fairly big role in one of these movies. Unfortunately, this movie made the mistake of being too short, which is what made the original so good. I also missed Piccolo, Future Trunks, and Vegeta. The end credits actually show stock footage from the first movie. Couldn't they even show stock footage from their own movie? Of course, this was by no means terrible. It helps that we have all the great action that the series is known for. It's just great to see Broly back.

There were so many Dragonball Z movies, I'm glad they had a recurring character as part of it. We really do get some nice bits with Goten and Trunks here too. Congratulations on them for their first movie appearances. Maybe that's why they were featured so much. Goku does in fact appear, but only for a few minutes at the end! I missed him for a lot of the movie, but it was pretty interesting to see some other characters take the spotlight for once and to see Goku and his two sons fight together. **1/2
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Broly's Back...
gigan-9219 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Oh Jesus, the Legendary Super Saiyan is back, and stronger than ever. Apparently at the end of the first film Broly's body wasn't completely destroyed; although that appears to be what we clearly saw. Whatever...

Any who, Broly has returned and has now arrived on Earth. Once he is freed (due to Goten's crying), he displays an even higher power than last time. This probably due to the fact that when a saiyan recovers from a near death injury they gain a tremendous power-up. Goku's fist tearing through his stomach likely fitted into that category. Amazingly enough, he appears to have power that is now beyond a super saiyan two's, seeing as Gohan could barely stand against him during their fight. To some disappointment, Broly has gone insane to some extent, his only dialogue other than "Kakarot" being "I will not stop until you lie dead at my feet." Other than that Broly is just as menacing as he was in the first film. But this film is far shorter and neither Piccolo nor Vegeta get a second chance at the Legendary Super Saiyan, what?!! Instead the story relies on Trunks, Videl and Goten to fuel the action. A more or less bad decision.

Less actual rock but an excellent ending leaves with me the decision to give this one an overall good review for the most part.
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Great Comedy... kinda lacking everything else.
lucas-4210 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
It's a funny movie with Trunks and Goten running around looking for the Dragon Balls just because Videl wants to see it. The movie seems kinda dull though. Not much of a storyline. Brolli is back, and unfortunately he doesn't really belong here. The storyline makes sense, but it's not really a great reason to bring Brolli back. He has no place here now. He is just a villian they needed to help get some jokes across. The fighting doesn't REALLY begin until Gohan shows up to save those two kids butts from big bad brolli. However, Brolli is still very very powerful. It takes a combined effort of THREE Kame Hame Ha's to defeat him. That's the best part of the movie. ..... there is a funny surprise in there too. Look for it. You'll know it when you see it. Can anyone say, Mr. Piccolo!
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Broly is back!!!
jake-law1235 August 2010
The second installment to the Broly series reprises the second coming of the Legendary Super Saiyan. Its time to continue the fight for the start of the legendary super saiyan rebirth. This one includes a lot more humor, less intensity, but still keeps the DBZ feeling, and name.

Its been seven years since the fight with Broly, with Goku in the Otherworld, and Trunks, Goten, Gohan, and Videl on a search for the Dragon Balls. They encounter a village under attack by a monster, and soon learn who the monster is. Broly becomes resurrected, and takes on all four on his own.

Although short, this film is quite epic, as well as funny. It is rather ridiculous at times though, like when Trunks pees on Broly's face. Its mostly just child play humor with Goten and Trunks, but when Gohan enters the battle, it gets really intense. Has awesome music, just like the first one, and gives us exactly what we expected. The Legendary super saiyan fighting against Gohan, for the fate of the universe. The way he's defeated is pretty decent, and the fighting scenes make the movie seem longer.

In conclusion, its well made and continues the Broly series on a high note!
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Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed!
smetin17 June 2017
I loved the first Broly film. It had everything I love from Dragon Ball - a funny premise, ki-blasts aplenty and a great villain. I love the way the creators of this show have so much fun. I mean, the idea that a Super Saiyan of astronomic proportions is so angry is because Goku kept crying as a baby? Proper tongue in cheek there!

The second movie picks up 7 years where the first left off. Despite his apparent destruction, Broly is indeed alive although he is 'inactive'. It is only when Goten's loud cry (bearing resemblance to Goku's crying as a baby) rings through the ice do we see Broly wake up. Boy oh boy was he angry! Without the controlling headband, Broly is unleashed from the start and unlike many Dragon Ball movies, the action starts very early on into the movie. I felt this was somewhat rushed. Perhaps we could have had a bigger build-up. A further glimpse into the back story of Broly would have been great too. I just felt something was missing here that the creators failed to capitalise on.

The action sequences that ensued Broly's reactivation were very different from the first movie. Unlike the serious nature of battle captured in the first movie, the involvement of Goten and kid Trunks adds an element of humour here that I felt was great fun. Others may feel that Broly is one the villains in the Dragon Ball series who had so much potential, but was given a storyline that failed to meet it. To me, I loved the fact that the creators matched one of the strongest fighters in the universe with such a comedic storyline. It was a tale of polar opposites! The only thing I wanted to see was more of a fight from the younglings before teen Gohan came into the picture.

When the story came to an end it felt a bit anticlimactic. The story was just so basic that I thought there would have been more to come after the battle scenes. Perhaps the creators could have involved a further sub-plot of Saiyans who tracked Broly's reactivation and they could have also come to fight. Anything would have been welcomed here, but I suppose when you only have 50 minutes to play with there is only so much you can do.

If you liked the first Broly movie, you will enjoy this. It is very different from the first, but it is still enjoyable. However, don't expect a deep story because this is as basic as fisticuffs in Fight Club.
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Poor humor, a shallow story and a boring fight.
rrohu14 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING! THIS COMMENT CONTAINS MANY SPOILERS. In my opinion the movie is simply awful compared to the last movie where Broly appeared in. I am a hardcore Dragonball Z fan, but this movie was boring to me. The storyline was(to me at least)in no way interesting and Broly seemed to be a horrible amount weaker and not very ferocious compared to the 8th movie so the fights were not very exciting. When a Dragonball Z fan knows that The Legendary Super Saiya-jin (who Broly just happens to be)is appearing in a movie he/she will probably be expecting to see a good fight. Not Broly chasing after a couple of kids for half the movie, only to be defeated (while he was in his FULLY powered up form) by only 3 FIRST level super saiya-jins combined powers. What happened to the Broly that could effortlessly destroy a planet? I find it hard to believe that this is the same guy who was pulverizing the south galaxy. But a bad comment or two won't stop a real fan from watching this movie. I truly hope that you like it more than I did.
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The Mean Lean Killing Machine Broly is Back in Action! (And he's brought some comic relief with him too!)
Just-A-Fan-of-Buuhan14 December 2019
Minor Warning: This review DOES contain spoilers! If you haven't seen the film yet, watch it before reading this!

Plot: Shortly after Broly's defeat on New Planet Vegeta at the hands of his maternity ward neighbor Goku, Broly has managed to survive and escape to Earth via an Attack Pod. The elements enclose around him for seven years, and it's not until Goten starts crying over an apple that Broly gets back into action. Seeking revenge on Goku, his friends, and his offspring, it's up to Goten, Trunks, Gohan, and Videl to stop the Legendary Super Saiyan. But when the boys and Videl are down for the count, can Gohan stop the menace that was defeated by his father seven years ago?

This is the second of four Broly films I'm binge watching, with "Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan" being the first one I watched. Needless to say, it has just as much action as the first Broly film, but some comic relief as well, specifically in the form of Goten and Trunks.

After collecting six of the Dragon Balls with Videl, Goten and Trunks head off to stop a T-Rex that's been terrorizing a village. However, when Videl smacks an apple off of Goten's hand during their stealth mission, Goten loses his marbles and starts crying. Unbeknownst to him, as well as Trunks and Videl, this awakens Broly from his seven year long slumber.

Videl being beaten down with ease and Trunks and Goten dueling with Broly catches Gohan's attention and he heads after them. Gohan catches up with the kids and duels with Broly, causing Broly to enter his Legendary Super Saiyan form and Gohan to enter Super Saiyan 2. This is one of my favorite fights in the Dragon Ball Z movies.

This movie does lose some points for me, however, because of Broly's death in at the end. He could've at least apologized for what he did to Goku and the rest of the gang. But Broly dying in the sun was cool as well.
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Broly returns, just do not expect the super fight he had in his previous movie.
Aaron137525 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This Dragonball Z movie was a bit weak. They return one of the best movie villains up to that point in Broly and proceed to waste him. He would sort of reappear later in another movie, but it was not the real Broly there only a clone so I am willing to forgive his weakness a bit in that one. This one features the young Trunks and Goten as they along with Videl are searching for the Dragonballs. So right away you are stuck with basically all newer characters instead of the ones we really enjoy (no Vegeta sorry to say). Well Broly appears and proceeds to track down Goten and Trunks as Goten's crying reminds him of Kakorot's which really ticks Broly off. Well Gohan soon appears and though at this point he has the power to go Super Saiyan 2 he instead stays level one. Why you ask? Perhaps because they make Broly so weak in this one that he does not need to ramp up his power for the fight in this one. This raging mass of hatred for Goku, reduced to an easily dispatched foe really kind of sucks. Another thing that is bad here is that the first movie featuring Broly could actually be referred to as a movie as it had a decent run time and so could develop a rather good plot. No such luck here as there almost is no plot, way to much comedy and a weak fight. Its like the makers are saying "Remember that great fight in the first film? Well here we are not going to make it quite as intense". It is not all bad as I enjoyed the appearance of the one Z fighter, but overall this one was just weak.
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Not much to improve upon
kakarott5516 October 2001
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** I've been a fan of DBZ for some time and I've developed my likes and dislikes like everyone else. I enjoy the fighting scenes and humor but sometimes the plot leaves something to be desired. One thing I can't stand sometimes is that the characters always use the dragonballs in the aftermath of a battle but never to help with the battle, but if they did then the fighting wouldn't be as good(oh well). This movie features my favorite villain, Brolly, and he is seriously tough as usual. I enjoy the humor that Trunks and Goten bring and seeing Gohan grown up is cool. If you are any kind of DBZ fan then check this out now. If you like any anime then I also recommend this movie. NOW FOR THOSE WHO HAVE SEEN THE MOVIE. SERIOUS PLOT SPOILER: It was kind of old stuff with Brolly, I admit, but damn he's cool. For some strange reason he couldn't think or say anything not about kakarot. If Brolly had to meet his end I'm glad the writers decided to use the dragonballs to beat him and not any specific character. It was a cool ending with the family all firing at the same time and throwing Brolly in to the sun. Whether or not Goku was really there, or he was an image to inspire Gohan and Goten is up to us to decide. I think Goku was and image that Shenron made and Shenron also weakened Brolly and that's why his blasts had no effect after Goku showed up. I think I might be dissecting it too much but that's what's fun about these types of endings in movies.
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Really Really hate the 1st half of this movie
granzadam7 June 2022
Dragon ball z broly second coming is okay the 1st half was so boring it only get good when gohan shows up the 1st one was classic the second one is good but not great the three one can go to hell the many years later we got dragon ball super broly which is a masterpieces I give b.
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Broly's Worst Movie
JayWolfgramm15 March 2023
Yes, worse than Bio-Broly. Let me explain.

This movie focuses on Goten, Trunks and Videl. Certainly, an odd combo to pick for the movie but sure, let's go with it. Broly somehow survived the encounter in the last movie and crashes to Earth. I guess if he was able to survive Planet Vegeta blowing up as a baby, getting exploded by a Goku punch and being on the planet as it gets destroyed is just a minor inconvenience. Broly is then frozen in a lake until hearing Goten cry like a baby wakes him up. From there he goes on a bezerker rage only yelling "Kakarot".

This movie also takes quite a bit of time just to get started. Trunks and Goten agree to help out this town that is being tormented by a monster. Is the monster Broly? No, we haven't gotten to him yet. They agree to help out the town becuase Ttunks really likes the necklace that the priest is wearing. At first I thought it was because the necklace looked just like a Dragon Ball, but apparently that never crossed anyone's mind. Goten, Trunks and Videl are gathering all the Dragon Balls to make a wish. What were they planning on wishing for? I don't know, maybe Goten finally wanted to meet his dead-beat ghost dad.

Along with, how did Broly survive? And, why do they need the Dragon Balls? This movie raises other questions. Most of them wander into spoiler territory so I won't go over them here. But suffice it to say, the lore of the Dragon, how wishes are made, who is dead, and why Krillin is dressed like Piccolo are all put into question.

This movie has problems, it is poorly paced, poor action scenes, power scaling and lore that makes no sense. But I am one of the few that actually does like Goten and Trunks as characters, and some of the back and forth they have during the fight is good. Also, more than any other Dragon Ball movie, the team feels completely out of their depth and out classed. This does lead to a good sense of fear for the audience. The conclusion makes little sense, but it does give some simple satisfaction.
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better than the first
erminahotmail1 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Then this is number 10 of the Dragon Ball Z movies in this movie Broly returns and this was the second villain together cooler that were closed the villains that appear in multiple movies then in this movie Broly is not much during his previous movie and he alternated on land thoughhe was blocked by ice in the meantime Goten, Trunks, and Videl went to look for the dragon balls and upon impact they find a village where a priest wants to use a little girl to make the sacrifice but Goten, Trunks, and Videl want to stop all this to to do it You mustdefeat the monster andobabbe killed that gigantic dinosaur for now to make Broly who attack our heroes So what do I think of this film is you read the title correctly this film I consider it better than the previous Broly film and for me it is also one of the most good Dragon moviesBall but a lot of people say that it's not like that I can also understand why So I liked how this film was made but the only very negative thing about this film is the story of the village really the story of the village doesn't adds nothing at all to this film andthen the words that said the monster as they all described it we thought it was Broly and instead it was just a dinosaur he is killed by Goten, Trunks, but when Broly appears the village is completely forgotten I don't say no to all the people who live there Ah I tell youalso another thing I don't like the character of Goten Tecno I only found a useless character But not only in this film but also other times he appeared I swear this was just a useless character long two things he knew make this character and do the fusiontrunks and also do something at the end of this film But the thing that really amazed me in this film and since it always happened the thing arises or the little one who saves Gohan but in reality he wasn't little but Krillin you're not because he disguised himself like small Maybe to make a type ofbubble since we were always used to him being small saves Gohan seeing as it happened in the previous chapters but in these other chapters small doesn't appear at all Well I know the reason old people This time he understood that Gohan doesn't need to be saved seeing as the same person that is which iswent out to kill cell and then I was very pleased that Broly returned since this is one of my favorite villains and then the part that made me very very happy was this film and when Broly throws a shot and Gohan throws kamehameha and then comes also goten and then incrediblesurprise Goku also intervenes and together they unite the forms they form family kamehameha it is this gliento no Broly putting him inside the sun killing this film I liked it a lot and it will help another of my best Dragon Ball films and for me this film is underrated but it is definitely not It's not like the next film I review will be really very very painful much more than the Z warriors who take it to conclude with a rating of 9.
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It good but not great
adamgranz9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well what can I say about this movie it good but it was some pombles 2 reason why this movie not great number 1 the first half suck all that was about collecting dragon balls number 2 they too much comedy in this movie but one thing good but the movie gohan vs broly that it the only good thing and the family. Kamkam ha only then that is not great movie still like but not great.
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