T-Bird Gang (1959) Poster


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While IMDb doesn't indicate this, the film is a remake of a 1930s film.
planktonrules28 June 2013
It is an interesting coincidence that I watched "What Price Crime?" about a week before watching "T-Bird Gang" because this second movie turns out to be a remake of the earlier film. "What Price Crime?" is a dandy low-budget film and in the case of "T-Bird Gang", it's an even lower budgeted film. And, while this remake isn't bad, the original is better for several reasons.

"T-Bird Gang" begins with the beating death of a night watchman. The son of the watchman finds him just before he dies and all he can say is that the killers were in a white Ford Thunderbird (also nicknamed a 'T-Bird'). So, this young man decides to try to locate the gang and exact his revenge. However, a level-headed cop discovers the guy's plan and gets him to agree to work with them to bring the gang to justice. However, this gang isn't the trusting sort and it takes him some time to gain their confidence—and the viewer isn't sure if the gang will be stopped before this infiltrator is discovered and liquidated.

Apart from a few small changes, the two plots in the two films are nearly identical. However, "What Price Crime?" is a better film because it is more subtle and at least has a soundtrack that seemed professional. "T-Bird Gang", on the other hand, has one of the crappiest soundtracks—often consisting of someone banging on bongos or a small combo playing free-form jazz. 95% of the folks watching this will probably hate the music—I know I did. However, if you can ignore this and just take the film for what it is (a cheap B-movie), then it's not bad and is a decent time-passer. Not great but enjoyable because the basic plot is still decent.
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Not Bad "B" -- Even With Coleman Francis!
Lang Jr21 September 2008
In a film which features Coleman Francis ("Red Zone Cuba" and "The Beast of Yucca Flats"), I wasn't expecting much. But this little movie really moves. About an hour in length, the film is cut well, and given obvious limited budget, surprisingly succeeds. I like the way they left some of the obvious character clichés at the door. Ed Nelson is a bit over the top, but quite effective in his portrayal as a gang leader who plays chess and listens to classical music. And Raymond, the henchman, isn't glaringly sadistic. The story may be predictable, but the execution is good, and the characterization was refreshing. After ten minutes, I was hooked! Vic Tayback in a cameo just adds to the fun!
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I just don't understand what all the fuss is about.
Weaselsarefree26 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First off, let me state that this film is okay. I typically love 50s B- movies of essentially any genera rather they be wonderful examples of what can be done on a low budget, or complete schlock that is mainly enjoyable because if its failings. Based on the reviews I had read on IMDb, I watched T-Bird Gang because I thought it would have been of the former. I must admit I was a little let down.

The film tells the story of a young man named Frank, (John Brinkley) who becomes an inside man for the police in order to find his father's killer. The young man infiltrates the gang and eventually he succeeds in helping the police. The story has been done before, both poorly and well, here in T-Bird Gang, it's done "okay." Frankly, the story itself is told so quickly the viewer really doesn't have anytime to care about any of the characters involved.

It isn't that the acting is bad, in fact, I found the acting in this film to be rather good. I was even impressed by Coleman Francis' portrayal of a stereotypical overworked police detective, which he plays very convincingly. The problem is, the film just doesn't make me care very much. The viewer isn't given the time to understand what Frank is going through with the murder of his father, and although it is hinted that Frank and the detective have a history with one another, it isn't ever really discussed in depth. In stark contrast to this is the 1959 film "The Bloody Brood." "The Blood Brood," has a very similar story line to T-Bird Gang, but instead the viewer is shown how the characters feels about the people and situations unfolding around them, which makes the viewer care more.

T-Bird Gang gives me enough information to want to care, but it doesn't give me enough of a story to MAKE me care. Recommended, but only to those like me who just love 50s B-Movies.
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Teenager joins the wrong crowd.
michaelRokeefe13 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
John Brinkley co-writes and stars in this very low-budget crime drama. Brinkley plays Frank Simmons/Frank Minor a teenager, who is still reeling from his policeman father's death. He vows to find who murdered him. Frank goes undercover and joins a gang led by Ed Nelson, who drives a T-Bird to each of the robberies he plans. His number two man is Raymond(Tony Miller), who is suspicious of Frank from the get-go. Frank's cover is blown just as the gang is busted up. Raymond changes his mind about Frank and "takes care" of Nelson for him. Acting is pretty horrible. But this flick is bad enough to get a laugh or two. Also in the cast: Pat George, Coleman Francis and Nola Thorp. Miller is the co-writer and Roger Corman serves as uncredited producer.
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Flaw in the plot
jland8 August 2008
The acting's middling, the direction poor, and the sets look cheap. Then there's the cinematography. They must have used really low-budget camera and film, because the DVD shows little detail, and in some scenes the white levels are so high, details are lost. Now, I love old black-and-white films that have high production values (Casablanca and Citizen Cane come to mind) but this film isn't in their class.

Now for the flaw in the plot. The gang's leader drives his white T-Bird to every crime they commit. Then why would the cops go to the trouble and risk of putting a stool pigeon in a gang, when it be easy for the cops to tail the T-Bird and catch the crooks in the middle of their burglary?
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Fast car & teen gang "beat" classic!
donavan-421 December 2002
John Brinkley & Tony Miller wrote & star in this tale of a high school student that goes undercover to bust a gang of twisted youths.

Watching these kids rob houses, even the rooms occupied with sleeping occupants, is simply delightful. These guys are slick! Big belly laughs at the similarities between some of these "sneaking" scenes and the dance in "Beat It".

Worth watching a couple of times. This film has recently been re-released on DVD & VHS.
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Some private undercover
bkoganbing22 May 2019
About all I can say is that the Ford Thunderbird got a lot of free publicity from this that looks like it was shot with my father'd old Bell&Howell home movie camera.

John Brinkley who authored this mess is our hero looking for the gang who murdered his father during a heist at a warehouse where dad was working as a nightwatchman. Dad retired from the police and Brinkley successfully infiltrates the gang headed by Ed Nelson. Other than Nelson the only other name you might know is Vic Tayback playing a cop.

T-Bird Gang also has a loud, obnoxious jazz score which really adds nothing to the film.

Skip this one by.
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Rushed out
Leofwine_draca11 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
T-BIRD GANG is a really cheap, rushed out teenage gang flick from 1959, very much in the line of the budget Roger Corman exploitation flicks. A kid's father is killed by gang members so he goes undercover for revenge. There's a great deal of chit chat here and next to no tension, just a lot of hanging around as the viewer waits for something interesting to happen. The occasional flash of a muscle car will be please some, but the lack of strong performers and proper suspense really hurts this.
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Music to commit crimes by.
mark.waltz6 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
To give criminal mastermind Ed Nelson a touch of class, the writers have him listening to classical music while planning his next criminal activity with teenaged thugs doing all the dirty work for him. One of them is an angry teen out for revenge because of the murder of his father. It is cliché after cliché, combining jazzy music into the actual crime sequences. Nelson is fine and would fortunately go onto other things that would really give his career some class. But this isn't it with a string of warehouse robberies being connected for a burp of a plot. If this is what American independent film producers considered new wave in the mid 60s I gladly wave it goodbye. At any rate, it is over in just an hour, so you won't have to put up with the excessive violence and angry atmosphere that was appropriate for the time but seems a bit too much today. When you see a movie and can only praise the score and certain technical elements, that's a pretty sad commentary.
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Movie about a 1950's youth going wrong for all the right reasons
sol121819 July 2004
****SPOILERS**** 1950's youth movie about murder revenge and double-crossing that's a few steps above the average 1950's or 60's "Hollywood youth" films with an undercover bit by Frank Simmons/Minor, John Brinkley. Who's goes out to break open the Hendricks mob by getting it caught red-handed by the police in the commission of a crime.

This all starts after Frank's father, a night watchman, was murdered in the robbery of the warehouse that he was guarding, with the police knowing that it was the Hendricks mob who committed the murder but not having any evidence to arrest or convict them.

Frank going all over town trying to find and join the Hendricks mob runs into to it and it's leader Alex Hendricks, Edwin Nelson. That happened when he gets into a fight in a bar after breaking the concentration of a bar patron playing a pinball like bowling game. Impressed by Frank's ability to use his fists Hendricks offers him to join his mob. Even after Frank joined he was set up in a failed robbery of a gas station to see how he'll react under pressure, Frank passed with flying colors.

Hendricks seems out of place with these 1950's teenage or early 20's greasers who he was using to do jobs for him all over town by breaking into warehouses and homes, even with those who lived there asleep, and stealing everything that wasn't tied or nailed down. Raymond, Tony Miller, Hendricks #2 man who did all the dirty for the gang and who killed Frank's father was getting very jealous of Frank because his boss Hendricks was getting to like the up and coming young hoodlum. Raymond felt that he'll be replaced as the #2 man in the Hendrick mob by Frank.

This jealousy on Raymond's part had unknowingly uncovered the fact that Frank was working undercover for the police. Frank, knowing this, is very careful in tipping off the cops when the Hendricks mob was going to pull a new job and found a way to do it without Hendricks and Raymond knowing about it by leaving massages on matchbooks.

With the police setting up a trap for the Hendricks mob at a warehouse after they were tipped off by Frank the entire Hendricks mobs gets arrested but Hendricks and Raymond and Frank get away in Hendricks white T-bird. With Frank's cover blown during the robbery the three are now back to the Hendricks bar hideout. With Frank tied up and Hendricks thinking that Raymond is outside looking out for the police he tells Frank that after Raymond knocks him off he'll have him turned over to the police in order to save the one and only one worth saving in this whole movie as well as the world HIM.

Raymond who just happened to come into the bar and hearing that Hendricks is going to double-cross and sell him out to the cops goes wacko and beats Hendricks to death with a pool stick that he plunges right through his body. Running out of the bar Raymond is shot and killed by the cops as he pulls a knife on them.

Even though the movie "The T-Bird Gang" has a very predictable story and the acting is adequate it did have it's moments and some scenes where very, if not original, innovative. I especially liked Hendricks girlfriend Marla, Pat George, who at first came across as a typical dumb blond but as the movie went on you realized that she was the smartest person in the film. Marla read classical novels like they were comic books and beat the smart and obviously very educated Hendricks in chess every time she played him.
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This 65-minute thrill-an-hour should be shown at police academies to demonstrate how not to run an investigation
scsu197524 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens with a gang knocking over a warehouse. They bump off the night watchman, who we quickly learn was the father of the film's main character, Frank Simmons, played by the obscure John Brinkley. (Brinkley also co-wrote the script, thus proving he can stink at two things simultaneously.) The only clue to the robbery is his father mumbling about a white thunderbird. Frank has a conversation with Captain Prell, who is played by Z-movie director Coleman "Beast of Yucca Flats" Francis. You can already tell this film is going into the dumper. Prell tells Frank they suspect it's the Hendricks gang, since they pull heists with a white T-Bird. So do they call Hendricks in for questioning? No, that would make too much sense.

Frank decides he will infiltrate the gang to avenge his father's murder, so he hits a bar where Hendricks is known to hang out. Frank immediately runs afoul of one of Hendricks' goons, who is named "Boy." The two scuffle while Hendricks (played by Ed Nelson) puts a bet on Frank. Frank beats Boy, and for good measure, kicks Cheetah's butt. This impresses Hendricks, who immediately offers Frank a job with the gang. Their first job together is holding up a gas station. Today, the gas stations are holding us up. Anyway, Frank is captured; one of the cops is played by reliable heavy Vic Tayback, billed as Tabback. When Captain Prell hears about this, he agrees to let Frank go undercover. Yes, this is exactly how a police force should work. Don't stake out Hendricks' house, or use a surveillance team - no, that would make too much sense.

One member of the gang, Raymond (played by Tony Miller, the other co-writer), is suspicious of Frank, but Hendricks brushes him off. Meanwhile, Frank is tipping Captain Prell about heists after they occur (yes, I did say "after" - real big help). Frank uses his girlfriend to get messages to Prell, while Frank's girlfriend coincidentally uses Prell in her hair.

This film sinks into tedium pretty quickly. If you can hang around for the climax, Frank finally gets through to Prell and the cops set out to stop Hendricks. We get treated to the usual Brod Crawford-like dialogue: "Unit 27, message received. Units 13 and 17, Unit 27 calling. Unit 13 cut off, Unit 17 follow me at my speed, lay on the siren, give it everything!"

Hendricks and Raymond escape and snatch Frank, but Raymond turns on Hendricks and pool-cues him to death. Then the cops shoot Raymond to death. Meanwhile, the audience is bored-out-of-their-skulls to death.

The acting is lousy, for the most part. Brinkley is especially bad, and looks like a bizarre cross between Sylvester Stallone and Joe Pesce. Francis acts better than he directs, but that's like saying deer droppings don't smell as bad as dog doo-doo. The only saving grace is Nelson's performance as Hendricks. He wears a hat and overcoat on every heist, looking like Dick Tracy. He seems to be an intellectual, likes classical music, spills orange juice on his "ho," is bored by the idiots in his gang, and has a house full of objets d'art, which is French for "crappy stuff." I could spend days trying to figure out who those people are in the paintings all over his house. One in particular was a toss-up between Louisa May Alcott and Charles Middleton.
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Without a doubt, one of the finest movies I've seen, a period classic
jayfurr2 May 2000
This is without a doubt one of the finest movies I've seen, a real period classic. It's obscure, but well worth the time it would take to find a copy. Vic Tayback is especially good -- in a small role, admittedly, but displaying early hints of the greatness he achieved in later roles.
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Not bad
stevenfallonnyc16 January 2009
T-Bird gang is a fun quick one from the 50's, complete with hip talk and beat music. Despite the title and some descriptions, this is definitely not a car movie at all, and especially not a hot-rod movie. The title of the film really just relates to the white T-Bird that Alex, the brains of the criminal gang, drives and that car is hardly even in the movie at all! But it's an OK flick about a young man who infiltrates a local gang to get to the killer of his dad, a cop. There are some dull sequences where nothing much happens and there are some pretty girls too. It all comes down to not exactly the ending you thought would happen, but something similar.

The leader of the gang does a few funny things, such as spill milk on the dress of his "moll" because she was laughing too much, and boss his workers around by giving sudden orders and snapping his fingers. The rest of the cast isn't bad and they probably had a good time making this movie. Definitely a fun way to spend 65 minutes.
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Watched it twice in a row
samadler36 November 2012
This flick is cool, daddio. I agree with another reviewer that the Shelley Manne bebop score alone makes it worth watching, but there's a lot more. The acting ranges from fascinatingly bad to surprisingly good (well maybe good is an exaggeration; maybe "convincing"?). Good-looking cast. The screenplay isn't half bad. It moves along at a nice pace. Has a noirish quality. The moll's makeup job! The gang leader's "understated alpha male" shtick: he's a total control freak--renames one gang member "boy", god forbid you should make a peep while he's listening to classical music. Also affects a James Cagney-like style of speaking. So much more to savor.
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A masterpiece
wallyglb6 May 2000
The T-Bird Gang, a Fifties masterpiece, is one of my all-time guilty pleasure classics. I watch it at least once a month and have never stopped discovering new aspects of its scope and grandeur. Vic Tayback is outstanding in a minor role.
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Quirky, noir, interesting, mini-classic
rebeccax55 April 2019
Saw for the first time on a public domain youtube channel. Low budget, but worth watching for those interested in Roger Corman's Hollywood. Needed more characterization and background stories. to be a true classic, but interesting nevertheless.
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Astonishingly good
jayfurr6 January 2003
By far the greatest movie I have ever seen. When I feel a longing for the films of yesteryear and the optimism and bright future they saw on the horizon, I always pop my DVD of "The T-Bird Gang" into the player. The only thing missing was a giant octopus.
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Getting the goods on a criminal gang
Woodyanders22 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Young guy Frank Simmons (a fine and likeable performance by John Brinkley) joins a criminal gang in order to find out who killed his father.

Director Richard Harbinger keeps the enjoyable and engrossing story zipping along at a constant pace as well as maintains a serious tone throughout. This movie further benefits from sharp characterizations from Ed Nelson as ruthless smoothie Alex Hendricks, Tony Miller as browbeaten lackey Raymond Gunderson, and Pat George as flighty moll Marla Stanosky. Vic Tayback has a neat small part as a police officer. The groovy bebop jazz score hits the swinging spot, too. A fun little flick.
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