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Great badfilm, if you can stomach it
jogan16 January 1999
A funky 1970's blacksploitation film with Charles Robinson, probably best known for playing the fileperson Mac on "Night Court". Robinson plays an officer in the "People's Army", a group of blacks given a grant by the white community to help the disadvantaged in a section of L.A. Following the assault of a nurse working at the Army hospital and some violence in local African-American-owned businesses, Robinson asks the general of the People's Army (Rod Perry) for a few men to embrace violence against a white crime syndicate operating in the city. He then takes the group in his own direction, dressing them up in Nazi uniforms and training them in all levels of combat, finally running the syndicate out of town. However, the group becomes a bit mad with power and ends up simply taking over the duties of the syndicate, abusing the community even more. Perry, who plays the general of the less radical People's Army, now must break into the compound of Robinson's Black Gestapo alone and use his wits to put an end to the mayhem. While the plot seems okay, what makes this a "bad" movie is its production. Most of the actors fall short of adequate in believability, and the movie seems more interested in showing off nudity than talent anyway. The individual members of the white crime syndicate are hilariously bad, as are the comparisons the film tries to make between the Nazis and the black militant group, such as when the entire group is raising their fists and repeatedly shouting "Vengeance!", the movie overdubs a sound clip of Hitler's Nazis repeatedly screaming "Seig Heil!". The boo-chikka-boo-chikka guitar music kind of completes the picture. Also, it seems like when the Black Gestapo gets together, all they really want to do is have sex with white women, which was kind of puzzling. There is absolutely nothing of any value to this movie, unless you like watching prostitutes get abused, black people marching around in Nazi uniforms shouting "Vengeance!", and a gangster's genitalia being cut off with a razor while he takes a bath. Actually, based on that, it's probably worth seeing. Watch it for a laugh, if you can stand it.
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Wasted Potential--SPOILERS
bean-d11 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"Black Gestapo" (1975) is an exploitation film that manages to both rise above its material and sink beneath it. The film features a group of black men who call themselves the People's Army, funded by the state of California, who engage in acts of community goodwill. Unfortunately the local white mafia corrupts the community with drugs, gambling, and prostitution. A faction of the People's Army, enraged by the rape of black women and the violence against black men, take matters into their own hands. As a viewer, I must admit that I found these scenes of vengeance quite satisfying--and therein lies part of the film's power. The film raises questions and provides some troubling answers. We want to side with the peaceful solutions of the helpful People's Army, but we also want bloodshed--racial bloodshed. We feel conflicted.

Sadly and predictably, the black avengers, after driving the white mafia from the area, become worse than the white mafia, running more drugs, more prostitution, more gambling. In a particularly painful scene, they beat a black storeowner because he doesn't make enough money to pay their protection prices. In the end, the peaceful general of the People's Army takes matters into his own hands and destroys the Black Gestapo.

As I mentioned, while the film raises important questions about white exploitation of black poverty--and how blacks should respond to that exploitation--the film also falters as the viewer is overwhelmed by tawdry scenes of violence against women (usually naked), and one wonders if the director is interested in making a point or just peddling trash to the dumbest drive-in voyeur.
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Mack from Night Court as Hitler
nafps17 February 2022
Seriously, that's what the film asks you to buy. Mack always seemed pretty friendly and easy going. Even 15 years before Night Court, this is the last guy you could see as a dictator. What next, Doogie Howser of the KGB? Seig Heil Gilligan? Seinfeld the Terrible?

And that any effort at Black liberation is no better than mass murdering Nazis. That's what gets the film 2 pts instead of zero. Lurid Nazi-sploitation of the dumbest kind.

But really the blood and breasts thrown in for no reason are just dull.
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It's bad, but who's not going to watch this!
horrorbargainbin9 October 2002
Before the opening credits we see real footage of the Nazi army marching and chants of "Sieg Heil". Hitler walks by and the frame freezes. Lettering, "The Black Gestapo", pops up on the screen in old English and the funk music kicks in. Oh my, very weird and sure to ruffle a few feathers.

The first half of the film is the better with the evil white crime syndicate going to war with The People's Army. All too soon though, The People's Army is exploiting it's own people in the exact same manner the driven out whites did. No, we can no longer root for the Black Gestapo since they are shown doing or saying the exact same horrible things the whites had previously done in at least three scenes. The point, very much the same as that of the novel "Animal Farm", is really driven home so that even the least sharp viewer could grasp it. Those who overthrow the oppressor are doomed to become oppressors themselves. Sad to say, my mind was not blown.

Well, as I said, the early battles in the film are sick. The whites have to pack up and leave, threatening to return during one long scene of dialogue, yet they never do. I was left waiting for an awesome climactic gang war, but instead only got a mediocre battle between the one time People's Army leader and his organization gone bad. Yeah, there are some novel deaths, but nothing like the brutality of earlier scenes. One the whole there is some mean stuff in this picture, lots of abuse, and black people in Nazi type uniforms. It won't be forgotten.
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Afro's, and Stormtroopers Oh My!
scott-alvarado2 May 2004
Well, the version of this film that I own comes in a 4-pack of Black Vengance, found at Best Buy's bargain movie bin, it contains other genere winners like Black Fist 2, and The Black Six. Its a re-release of the material originally done in the early 1970s firmly rooted in the black power social movement, utilizing the film Blacksploitation title with liberty.

The film its self runs something like 90 minutes, contains several scenes of pointless nudity, poorly coreographed violence, and multiple overdubs of Hitler-era Germany. Language is also a mix of obscenities and jive-lingo. Children really shouldnt see this movie until they are old enough to understand the historical context that produces it.

It centers around General Ahmed's creation of a Black People's Army [read: Brownshirt revolution], that aims to end the gross injustices exercised on the local black populace by a half-assed white 'mob,' interested in extortion money, and beating up prostitutes. After a black nurse is raped by the 'mob', Col. Kojah enters to recruit a special black response unit of commands that begin extracting militant revenge on the white community. Soon after, Kojah's group overpowers everything else Ahmed's ideas stand for, and the Black Gestapo militant unit superceeds it. Most of the movie then focus'es on Kojah's unit [read SS], bedecked in the finest Nazi wears , explicitly done], and the struggle of pressure versus resistance to impose societal justices.

Several themes are somewhat interesting, including the increased violence towards women by both repsonse units, the characterization and sexuality of the women [with unnecessary nudity and sex scenes] as well as a theme of mans' degenerative nation, once given a sip of power. All in all, I'd never pay money to see this in a theater, but for comedic relief it is quite funny. Several social issues can be extrapolated, and I could see how the political/social movement of the times had strongly impacted the final version of the film. Even the end of the film, culminating in the assination of Kojah's soldiers and he himself, appear to summarize the views of the then powerful movement that was destined to implode.
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Bad Black Men
Coventry26 April 2008
In spite of the conspicuous title, controversial subject matter and the use of provocative archive footage (starring Adolf Hitler), "The Black Gestapo" is not much more than a curious footnote in the rancid world of 70's exploitation. The nearly inseparable writer/director duo Lee Frost and Wes Bishop courageously attempt to depict how immense power will eventually corrupt everybody, even those of whom you least expect it. General Ahmed founded the People's Army in order to protect the black members of the Watts community from mafia thugs, and he dreams about a society of peace and harmony as imagined by Martin Luther King. His second in command Colonel Kojah, however, sympathizes more with the principles of Adolf Hitler and insists on fighting back with hard violence. Kojah's methods expel the white criminals all right, but the ever-increasing power rapidly turns him and his men into even bigger monsters then the white mobsters ever were. "The Black Gestapo" probably would have been far more effective if the creators had spent a little more effort and attention to the black vigilantes' gradual descent into madness. Loads of playtime is spent to the white Mafiosi nagging and acting stupid, whereas the founding of the Black Master Race appears to suddenly happen overnight. Kojah and his rapidly growing army of young black solider take over the prostitution networks and drug traffic, and it's up the still unaware General Ahmed to bring his old pal's empire down again. This is a typically 70's low-budget exploitation effort, meaning there's copious amounts of gratuitous nudity and provocative footage, like adolescent black boys in Nazi uniforms. The noteworthy moments of genuine suspense and intelligent dialog are far more sporadic, of course, not to mention totally absent. The finale, revolving on one man annihilating the entire foundation, is pretty ludicrous and feels like an amateur episode of "The A-Team". Uschi Digard, the voluptuous Swedish cult siren of "Supervixens" and "Truck Stop Women" makes a brief naked appearance; I suppose that's worth a mention as well.
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"You shoot one of my soldiers, I shoot one of your gorillas."
Hey_Sweden18 April 2021
"The Black Gestapo" is visceral Blaxploitation cinema that drives its point home with a vengeance. It may ultimately be simplistic storytelling, but it works. In record time, the viewer sympathizes with the hero, and dislikes all of the antagonists, waiting and eager for their comeuppance. The violence is brutal, the level of exploitation high (with some of the actresses, including the notable Uschi Digard, baring their breasts for the camera), and the music oh so enjoyably funky.

Rod Perry ('S. W. A. T.') stars as General Ahmed, who's started a People's Army to give an assist to the folks in Watts. When nasty white mobsters begin to throw their weight around, he reluctantly agrees to let his second-in-command, Colonel Kojah (Charles Robinson, 'Night Court'), bring in more men to become a protection squad. Wouldn't you know it: once Kojah ascends to power, he and the men he trains become just as bad as the creeps who were oppressing the people before. They have no problems resorting to crime (namely, drugs and prostitution) to generate funds.

Admittedly, the button-pushing "The Black Gestapo" *does* work best in its first half, when Kojah and his associates are striking back at thoroughly despicable heels like sleazy mob enforcer Vito (Phil Hoover). Indeed, Vito's comeuppance is one of the unqualified highlights of the film. Exploitation veteran Lee Frost ("The Defilers") directs with verve, and also appears on screen as top white mobster Vincent, who cradles a toy dog in his arms and sports a toupee. Frosts' frequent collaborator Wes Bishop makes his custom appearance, this playing a mob flunky named Ernest. Perry is good as the impassioned Ahmed, a determined hero if ever there was one, but he's outshone by Robinson (a long way from the role of the lovable Mac on 'Night Court'), who looks like he's having a whale of a time. The foxy Angela Brent does well as the victimized Marsha, a nurse and Ahmeds' former flame.

Good fun in general, "The Black Gestapo" wastes little time and wraps up in a succinct way. The main problem is that not all of the story threads are paid off within this time, so it becomes less than completely satisfying. One may assume that the filmmakers might have intended to give this a sequel at some point.

Seven out of 10.
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A Poorly Made Blaxploitation Film
Uriah433 May 2021
This film begins with some black men forming a group known as "the People's Army" with the intention of helping the citizens in their local community of Watts. To do that their leader, "General Ahmad" (Rod Perry) has set up a medical clinic and a food store with a grant of money given to him by the governor of California. However, when some local white gangsters harass many of the people and eventually rape his girlfriend "Marsha" (Angela Brent) he finally concedes to the demands of his second-in-command "Colonel Kojah" (Charles Robinson) and allows him to set up a small security force to protect the community as well. What General Ahmad doesn't realize, however, is that Colonel Kojah has a totally different agenda in mind and it is the exact opposite of the peaceful direction for which the People's Army was initially intended. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this movie was produced during a time when Blaxploitation films were increasingly popular. Some were good. Others--like this particular one--not so much as the script was extremely weak, the acting was poor and some of the scenes bordered on the ridiculous. That said, those familiar with this sub-genre might get some enjoyment out of this picture but even so it's not something that I would recommend and I have rated it accordingly. Below average.
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Worth the price of admission on title alone
dworldeater28 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Black Gestapo is a very cheap and trashy blaxploitation film that is really ridiculous, but still entertaining. A certain segment of the black revolutionaries decide to get more militant and take down the local mob, taking over the gambling, prostitution and drug dealing racket for themselves. They go back to their African roots but dress like Nazi's and become a formidable force for goofball white gangsters with training and military hardware..Once the leader of the black movement finds out about this , he takes action to take out this rogue criminal group. For a cheapie flick, this is rarely boring. There is a good amount of boobage and some decent action scenes as well. The film is not much for social messages, The Black Gestapo is pure exploitation. The acting is mostly on the bad side, but is passable. The bad acting actually works for a ultra trashy movie like this. I will say this, history has proven once the government concentrated on eliminating groups like The Black Panthers, poverty, crime and drug use skyrocketed in urban black areas soon thereafter.
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THE BLACK GESTAPO (Lee Frost, 1975) *1/2
Bunuel19767 October 2006
I had been intrigued by this title ever since I first saw it at my local DVD rental outlet; however, it turned out to be a disappointment - both as a blaxploitation effort and, more importantly, its supposed indictment of organized violence. While it occasionally throws in an image featuring Hitler and the true Gestapo, the film is really just the typical action fare with blacks rising up against the arrogance of the dominant white population (characterized by a faction of sleazy gangsters led by the director himself!) - after which the black "saviors" get too big for their boots and are themselves put down by their own people (without ever resolving the black vs. white conflict and, in fact, the latter are conveniently forgotten after the halfway point!). There's violence and nudity aplenty but no discernible talent - and, like I said, the possibilities offered by the theme are barely scraped...
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A real anti-racist movie! (I'm serious!)
Cescotto25 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
In this movie, the army formed by a Black community fail to accomplish its purpose because some of the leaders don't give a damn about the good cause. They just think about making money (except the main character)... just like White gangsters! This is a real anti-racist movie, because it shows that in both White and Black races,there will always be goddamn gangsters who don't care about the color of their own skin, of the meaning of their own culture, and of fighting with their community for a real purpose, for a good cause. Savage capitalism and profit just haven't got any color! This film shows in every race, there will always be people who will sell their own color and culture for money... (Am I right Will Smith?)

Very interesting film! I recommend it (I rate it 9 out 10)
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There's nothing jive 'bout this film, baby.
ElijahCSkuggs3 February 2010
Supposedly one of, or THE most mean-spirited/violent blaxsploitation flick (which I assume is the reason why it has such a low rating). Sounds like must-see-TV to this guy.

TBG initially revolves around a group of black guys in uniform standing up to a bunch of white honkey's who are terrorizing their community. Well, this group of black guys, led by the bailiff from Night Court, turn themselves into a private army of lethal and brutal vengeance. But plans backfire as they eventually become what they despised and it's now up to the original guy in charge of the People's Army to set things right. Yeah! Anyways, this was a pretty good flick. Initially it started out very entertaining with oodles of racism by redneck jerks who were all in their own right laugh-out-loud funny. The director Lee Frost was especially good as the leader of the bad white guys. But as the story develops, it becomes a little less entertaining as the racism kinda fades away, and your left with black on black drama. Which isn't as entertaining in my book. But the movie still stays violent, and you also get to see some Uschi Digard boobies.

In the wide world of blaxsploitation I think this flick is a must-see. Especially if you want to see a black dude call another black dude a 'jive-ass n-word'. Hell, I think they use the word 'Jive' like a couple dozen times. And that's a recipe for success in my book.
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Don't let the title fool you. It's an instantly forgettable blaxploitation film.
soulexpress29 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
In the 1970s, blaxploitation cinema produced a bumper crop of instantly disposable films. Despite its intriguing title, "The Black Gestapo" was one of them.

To protect the people of Watts from an encroaching Mob presence, General Ahmed (Rod Perry) forms an inner-city People's Army. After a nurse friend of Ahmed's is brutalized by mob enforcers, the general authorizes his second-in-command, Colonel Kojah (Charles Robinson), to form and train a protection squad out of the normally non-violent army. Their first order of business is to attack the head mob enforcer in his bathtub and cut his balls off with a straight razor. Kojah tells the newly-created eunuch, "Consider this a warning." The protection squad soon runs the Mob out of Watts, after which Kojah gets too big for his britches. He turns his reactive squad into proactive vigilantes who terrorize the very citizens the People's Army was formed to protect. Under Kojah's command, drug use and prostitution in Watts rises to an all-time high. To protect his people, General Ahmed now must go to war against the very army he himself created.

THE BLACK GESTAPO fails on two levels:

1 - As a statement against organized crime. For the first half of the film, it's the People's Army vs. the Mob, so we know who to root for. But once the People's Army drives the Mob out of Watts, it takes over their businesses. Now instead of white gangsters threatening the prostitutes, drug addicts and small-business owners of Watts, the black soldiers are doing it—in their brand new jet black, oh-so-Nazi-like uniforms. So it's "meet the new boss, same as the old boss" time.

2 – As a criticism of black-on-black violence. Not only does the People's Army under Kojah engage in violence against their own people, so does General Ahmed when he launches a one-man attack on the People's Army compound. He shoots and kills a good three dozen young black men, including Colonel Kojah. The screenplay had already abandoned its storyline of white-on-black violence, leaving it unresolved, and now does exactly the same thing for black-on-black violence. Once Ahmed kills Kojah, the film quickly ends, allowing no epilogue on how Watts might deal with the problems the movie so effectively raised.

Granted, the film's creators were under no obligation to play peacemaker, but because they went for the quick buck, THE BLACK GESTAPO fell considerably short of its potential.
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I'm a honky.
DevastationBob-320 April 2001
Hmmm, I bought this flick for $1.99 in the used bin at a local video store, that being said, I don't think I wasted the money.

It's pretty indicative of the Blacksploitation ouevre. Highlights include Mack from Night Court as a militant terrorist and would be ghetto fuhrer, nekkid women for no good reason, and fight scenes that look like guys rough-housing on their lawns after a few too many, (if you know what I mean,).

It's not a great exploitation flick, it's not a horrible exploitation flick, best viewed with a few cold ones and some buddies. Peace.
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I don't think this was filmed. I think it was excreted.
mark.waltz12 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's interesting to note that as the general of this black power movement becomes determined to start "The Black Gestapo", his face turns bright red, almost like a devil. You certainly can understand the anger that the Watts community feels to white mobsters extorting money from them and keeping them from making success in their own community. They won't live in peace until these mobsters are taken care of, but then they turn around and become just as bad, possibly even worse than what they had before. The point of film makes is well intended. The execution of it however isn't at all well done. It's crude, tasteless, one-dimensional from both sides for the most part, and definitely agenda driven. I've seen a dozen or so of these blaxploitation films of the 1970's, and most of them had a fairness in showing a mixture of races fighting for equality and not in a way that was pandering.

The violence shows no mercy, some sequences truly repulsive to even imagine. The acting is even worse with everybody screaming, thinking that it's emoting. The filming is even worse. It looks like the most wretched of 60's drive-in movies, barely watchable with its tinny sound and blury photography. But the bottom line is it really serves no purpose other than for the filmmakers to unleash some anger and really do little to help any tensions that are out there. Watching it today is horrifying because the characters who start off simply trying to defend their hood end up being extreme hypocrites, bloodthirsty not just for revenge but for the sake of just seeing carnage wherever they can get it. All that it goes to prove is that a thug is nothing more than a stupid bully regardless of race, and the way it presents humanity in this film makes you wish we can hit a reset button. This is not entertainment.
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Great concept, OK execution
BandSAboutMovies1 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Lee Frost was behind some strange films like Race With the Devil, Love Camp 7, Chain Gang Women and The Thing with Two Heads. None of those films will prepare you for this one. After all, how does one prepare for a movie where an army of black men get inspired by the wrong side of World War II and become the new master race?

General Ahmed (Rod Perry of TV's S.W.A.T.) starts a People's Army to protect the black people of Watts, but after chasing the drug dealers out of town, his second-in-command Colonel Kojah (Charles Robinson, who played Fabulous from Sugar Hill and would go on to be Mac on TV's Night Court) takes over, turning the group into a fascist paramilitary outfit that controls every racket in town.

With a concept like that, you'd hope that the film itself would be more out of control. Sadly, it isn't. That said, Uschi Digard shows up and really, that's worth seeing the film in the first place. Comparing the Black Panthers to the Third Reich and castration are things that you don't see in movies any longer. I'd argue that this is the lone movie that combines both.
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I hate blaxploitation movies that turn grey, which is what you get here
jordondave-2808524 August 2023
(1975) The Black Enforcers/ The Black Gestapo SOCIAL COMMENTARY CRIME DRAMA

Co-written and directed by Lee Frost who also has a small role as loan shark Vince. It opens with gangsters or the syndicate going around collecting debts inflicted by two thugs of Vito (Phil Hoover) and Ernie (Wes Bishop). They are among two who work for loan shark, named Vince (Lee Frost), and he instructs his men to turn up the heat. Butting heads with "the People's Army" led by General Ahmed (Rod Perry) which was intended to act like a volunteer group. And it was not until a particular nurse, the People's Army is familiar with by the name of Marsha (Angela Brent) gets assaulted by one of Vince's men, Vito is when General Ahmed allows his right hand man, Colonel Kojah (Charles Robinson) to have six men to go with him to act as a security force. And he adamantly instructs Kojah to function only to protect African American citizens and not to attack. And the first thing Kojah does is acquire a violent black guy, Delmay (Edward Cross) to recruit members before letting it all go to his head, by first taking the over the syndicate's money reigns before beginning to act like thugs themselves.

You want the movie go black and white and it goes very grey, that is supposed to symbolize something that has no meaning.
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A great 3:00am in the morning movie.
welambert0121 November 2019
As a kid, this movie has followed me throughout my life. One reason or another, I resisted as the title alone screamed stupid. The plot is unbelievable, to say the least, the classic theme where the cure is worse than the disease. Rod Perry, Charles Robinson and Angela Brent turn in wonderful performances. If you are looking for a T and A movie? Will not disappoint. The movie will hold your attention, do not think to hard about the plot. 3:00am, unwind, relax and get ready for a few good laugh; the key is 3:00am.
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bergma15@msu.edu26 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't know what to think of this little piece of celluloid. At first, I kind of liked it. The black army group starts taking the streets back from the mafia hoods, they kill a couple of racists and even cut one guy's balls off. Then the movie, where it got it's title from, took a crazy turn. The off shoot of the black army group becomes the black gestapo headed by Mack from Night Court. I can accept the overall poor film quality and low production value (it is a budget film after all), but a black fascist group? I think they were trying to make a commentary about the problems of the inner-city and how there would be gangs (regardless of color) there to exploit the vices of the under privileged. But it still missed the mark by a lot. They could have done this quite a few other ways, for example having a black gang that isn't blatantly fascist.

The movie wasn't that bad, but it still seemed to be a little confused.
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An atrocious film that manages to be mildly entertaining
MoronUnited23 April 2008
The Black Gestapo is primarily a movie about racism in Los Angeles in the 1970s. The film revolves around a group of black radicals who are fed up with paying a percentage of their hard-earned money to the whites. This is turn leads to a Nazi-type movement which leads to a separate group of black soldiers taking the situation into their own hands. It is a very confusing story that does not hold up well throughout the film and is left in pieces by the end.

I will make it clear before I get into it though that this is definitely not a movie for kids. Between the full nudity that is in no short supply throughout, harsh racial terms, a scene in which a man gets his genitals cut off, tons of blood......this is a strong R and borderline X rated film. That said, the rest of the film is just not worth watching. The music is random and sporadic. One moment it will be this serious type of tune, and then out of nowhere it will break out into some crazy funk. I mentioned before how the story makes no sense, the characters are extremely hard to follow, the locations seem to follow no real path, the film ditches the main conflict for a new one by the's just a total waste.

One of the best signs that this movie is a low-budget, low-quality piece of crap is when two men are fighting in a pool (how original). At the end, when the dead corpse of the loser emerges, we see that the actor forgot to take his goggles off (not present at the beginning of the fight). The actors are a mixed bag, with some being just barely passing, while others are just completely inept.

Don't be expecting an amazing ending either, because there is hardly any resolution to the conflict at the end. All in all, "Black Gestapo" is a very bad film that can be mildly entertaining if you are into watching bad films. If not, just skip are not going to miss anything.
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A choice nasty chunk of vintage 70's blaxploitation sleaze
Woodyanders30 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Humanistic General Ahmed (well played by the charismatic Rod Perry) forms the People's Army so he can protect the citizens of the blighted Watts area in Los Angeles from criminals. Ahmed's angry second-in-command Colonel Kojah (a fierce portrayal by Charles Robinson, who later became a regular on the hit sitcom "Night Court") starts his own squad and declares all-out war on local gangsters. Unfortunately, the increasingly arrogant and megalomaniacal Kojah and his men take over the crime rackets and prove to be even worse than the previous hoods they bumped off. It's up to Ahmed to stop Kojah before it's too late. Director Lee Frost, who also co-wrote the sharp and witty script with frequent collaborator Wes Bishop, delivers an extremely harsh and entertainingly trashy rough'n'dirty flick that offers a pleasing plenitude of raw violence (the definite brutal highlight occurs when a slimy rapist has his penis cut off and flushed down the toilet!), coarse language, and gratuitous nudity (the ever-delectable Uschi Digard shows up so she can display her awesomely ample figure in all its eye-popping full frontal glory). Perry and Robinson turn in fine work as bitter adversaries; they receive solid support from Angela Brent as sweet nurse Marsha, Phil Hoover as vicious strong-arm thug Vito, and Frost as crabby mob leader Vincent. Derek Scott's plain, scrappy cinematography, Allan Alper's groovy diggin' funk score, and a potent central message on how power corrupts are all crudely effective. A real scuzzy treat.
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Do you want to turn around and see it coming or do you want it in the back!
sol-kay27 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
**SPOILERS** With crime out of control young and charismatic Gen. Ahmed, a Swahili name he took for himself, forms this neighborhood self-defense and watch-dog organization "The Ghetto Warriors" to do the job that the police are either unable or unwilling to do.

The major reason for the crime wave in the neighborhood, Watts L.A, is the local Mafia headed by mob boss Don Vincent who's hoods got the people living in fear in and outside their homes. Shaking down local businessmen for protection money and pushing both drugs and hookers, who are addicted to drugs, on the local population has made life almost impossible for the people in the neighborhood.

It's when Gen. Ahmed's second in command Col. Kojah takes over the field operations of "The Ghetto warriors" that things go sour for everyone, the Mafia as well as the local population, in the neighborhood. Stayling himself after Adolph Hitler Col. Kojah use the power that Gen. Ahmed gave him to form a sub-rosa para-military organization styled after the notorious Nazi secret police the dreaded Gestapo!

The Black Gestapo in no time at all have the Mafia on the run knocking off their top honcho's, Vito & Earnest, and having Don Vincent, hair-piece and all, check out of Watts and head for what he considers to be a safer place for him to do business Harlem in New York City. It takes a while for Gen. Ahmed to realize what his right-hand man Col. Kojah is doing behind his back. Col. Kojah is not really involved in helping those in the neighborhood but instead he's shaking them down and pushing drugs on them.

The people now fed up with what Col. Kojah and his Black Gestapo is doing to their neighborhood fire bomb the local drug detoxification clinic run by Dr. Lisk and Gen. Ahmed's girlfriend Nurse Marsha. Gen. Amhed who was busy with other things, like doing interviews with the local TV networks and radio talk-shows, finally realizes what Col. Kojah has been doing all this time.

It's now up to Gen. Ahmed to put a stop to what Col. Kojah and his top crony Capt. Delmay have been doing to the neighborhood, pushing drugs prostitution and shaking down businesses. But with Gen. Ahmed all alone with his men now under Col. Kojah & Capt. Delmay's control it may well be too late not only for him but for the people of Watts!

Mind bowing final with Gen. Ahmed leading an army of one, himself, against the Black Gestapo and hitting them where they live: Their home base of operations. Not letting numbers deter him the General, after being shot and left for dead by the Black Gestapos, using what he learned in Vietnam as a member of the US Special Forces puts an end to Col. Kojah's mad dreams of power and conquest.

With his army of Black Gestapos now either wiped out or in full retreat Col. Kojah is down to having it out with, one on one, his former boss Gen. Ahmed. This all ends with both the General and Colonel struggling for control not for the city of L.A. but for a water logged and rusted rifle at the bottom of Col. Kojah's swimming pool!
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I'm speechless...
blackxmas25 July 2002
BLACK GESTAPO is a hoot. I mean it's funny and entertaining and never bores. It keeps clicking along right until the very much unbelievable end. You got 'nads being chopped off, naked women all over the place, black men dressing up like nazis and a mean,nasty vibe this picture just can't shake. I suggest buying it. Today.
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The people's army
nogodnomasters29 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A group of black people start a "people's army" in order to stop white mafia crime and shakedowns in their neighborhood. Anyone familiar with "Animal Farm" knows the chain of events.

Some in the army have gestapo style uniforms while others wear Boy scout khakis with cute red berets. The year is 1975 and it is dated becoming camp at times.

Guide: F-word, sex, rape, and 4 stars for the FF nudity (Donna Young, Uschi Digard, Angela Brent) Available on many multi-packs.
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