American Pimp (1999) Poster


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Pimpin' Ain't Easy
mattymatt4ever1 October 2001
I've always had a guilty curiosity about the life of a pimp. Of course, we have those "pimp stereotypes" in films like "The Mack" and "Willie Dynamite." But do we really, really know ALL about this lucrative, though immoral, profession? Thanks to the Hughes Brothers, now we do.

First of all, this well-made documentary doesn't glorify the life of street pimps. I'm sure a lot of you out there (especially women) will take one look at a film like this, and say to yourself, "Why the hell do I want to watch a movie about greedy, heartless, misogynistic 'mack daddies' who make a living at degrading women for their own financial pleasure?" The Hughes Brothers don't try to take sides. In fact, the film opens with a montage of opinions (mostly negative) from everyday people about these pimps. Whether you condone the industry or condemn it, that's not the issue.

Allen and Albert Hughes do a wonderful job at intercutting the views and "days in the lives" of real pimps with clips from seventies blaxploitation flicks and topping it off with a vivid soundtrack filled with classic soul music. The film starts out by showing the more luxurious, darkly comic side of pimping. It's interesting to learn what real pimps really have to say. Of course, their vocabularies practically consist of three words: "ni**a," "motherf**ker" and "b**ch." But hey, that's how they talk. Am I going to blame the Hughes Brothers for writing an excessively profane script? They didn't write a script! This is how these pimps really talk!

As the film goes on, we learn the more serious side of pimping. We learn the pimping REALLY ain't easy. But at the same time, they're not completely heartless. When one of their "hos" die or get sucked into drug addiction, they can't go on with their lives like nothing happened. And it's interesting to see how different pimps took different paths. Some decided to quit the business and concentrate on raising their families, some ended up in the penitentiary and some (believe it or not) found religion. But some still feel that pimping is the way to go, and though it's immoral, they don't necessarily think it's wrong. We even get a brief introduction into the lives of "legal pimps." You know, those clean-cut white guys with the fancy whorehouses with quality hookers who will do anything they please for a large sum of money.

Expect to see gratuitous close-ups of female rear ends. At times, you feel as if you're watching a 2 Live Crew video. This is another film that I can consider a feminist's nightmare. Nevertheless, it's wonderfully done, eye-catching, compelling, funny and sometimes heartfelt. The Hughes meant to explore the subject without patronizing it. And I found it quite fascinating. If there happened to be a filmmaker who explored the world of pimping before these guys, then let me know. Until then, I give Allen and Albert two thumbs up for taking on daring subject matter involving an underworld of people often overlooked--or broadly portrayed--by the average filmmaker.

My score: 7 (out of 10)
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Super Fly wannabes...
jotix10017 May 2006
You have to hand it to Albert and Allan Hughes, two fearless film makers, that take us along to see how the other half live. The world of the pimp, in this case, American pimps, is something no one had dared to explore up to now. Whether it's worth your while to take a look, or not, is ultimately, up to the viewer.

We are presented several men who make a living out of women. These men that are showcased in the documentary appear to be well adjusted to their status. They are all successful in what they do, otherwise, one can't explain how they have stayed around for such a long time. Their stories, which obviously are spontaneous, tend to bore us eventually. After all, how many times can one hear them repeat themselves again and again using the same derogatory tones for the women they exploit.

What the Hughes didn't show is the other side of the coin: how these women exploited by their pimps. They only present a few prostitutes who appear to appreciate the role of this element in their lives. The directors also tend to glorify, in a way, the sleekness of the pimps' style, which tend to make them dress in outrageous costumes that only them can wear in our society.

The film is an eye opener about an underclass we know little, or nothing about. One can only hope they will not be role models for others to follow in their footsteps.
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pimpin' ain't easy, but it sure is fun, as the song goes
Quinoa198429 December 2007
American Pimp, a film by the Hughes brothers, is probably more entertaining, almost in a manner that crosses between a typical documentary and as one of the film clips shown from the Mack as an exploitation film, than it deserves to be. But then the Hughes brothers have made a film about exploitation, the self-glorified glory of it, the stylish inner world that they've created for themselves and their 'ho's' that is like the mob only, well, more stylish and specific. Unlike the mob, as the film tries to show (however true to life compared with facts you be the judge) that they aren't all violent criminals, but see it as a way of life. The Hughes's- maybe wisely and not wisely at the same time- don't try and interfere with these guys and their dialog. There's no preachy message that "pimping and prostituting is wrong." They know audiences aren't completely numb to what the facts are in a (for now) criminal enterprise.

But, as I said, it's also entertaining, the kind of entertainment that comes from listening to someone you know is crazy or f***** up and at the same time has a weird, hypnotic quality. They go through telling what it's all about- the breaking in, so to speak, of new prostitutes for the pimp, when said prostitutes might leave, the ins and outs of being a new pimp or an old pimp or someone who talks a big game and may or may not mean what he says. Actually, for the latter, the Hughes's don't seem to skimp on any of their interviewees: they all appear to be genuine to the business, appear being the big word. But it's the intent that counts, and these guys at least sound the part, as well as look it, and in a dirty way these guys are really, really funny, sometimes without trying to be even due to their own self-aggrandizing. As for the prostitutes themselves, they are shown not quite as much. While it might have been difficult for the Hughes's to get any legitimate documentary footage of them, aside from a couple of moments revealed like when a pimp named RC (I think that's his name) berates a girl for getting drunk, with the menace of violence in the subtext, it works fine as it is.

It's like a candid string of tall tales from characters painfully believable, as those who think that the media portrays them stereotypically, and why not? Some of these guys ARE walking stereotypes- doesn't stop them from getting their pimp-hand on. It ain't easy, but it's almost in a guilty way insatiable.
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Fascinating movie.
Infofreak14 April 2002
'American Pimp' is fascinating from start to finish. The Hughes brothers documentary is relatively non-judgmental, and lets the flamboyant and ultra-verbal pimps do the talking. And boy, can they talk! This lack of moralizing troubles some viewers but I found it refreshing not to be manipulated and told what to think about a subject for once. Audiences will be divided in their reactions and opinions to these guys and I like it that way. Recommended viewing for anyone with an open mind and a sense of the absurd.
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A lurid look at a group of unparalleled villains.
irvingwarner21 December 2002
The editing is super-slick in "Pimps", and the subject matter can't help but fascinate. In the end, a viewer feels rather like a co-participant in a freak show. Yet, why dedicate such art, skill and effort (not to mention moolah) to a lot of criminals? There's explicit racism, too; not all pimps are black--not by a long shot. But all pimps are villains--recruiters (almost invariably) of underage girls and boys into the business. There's not a one of them that doesn't commit two or three felonies a week--if not more. But, this documentary does serve up what a documentary is supposed to do--it documents this underbelly of the American underpriviledged. This is the ugly mold that sprouts from the odium of poverty and prejudice, the latter of which is still alive and well, such as recently demonstrated by the likes of Senator Trent Lott.
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A documentary about pimps. Wow.
jeida9 December 2000
Like post-it notes you think to yourself, "I could have thought up that idea!" This is a documentary that, in premise, can't go wrong. And it does well, a bit slow at times, but does well.

I have only known one pimp in my life, and I asked him why a ho needs a pimp ta walk the track and turn tricks. Okay I didn't use those words, but they were repeated so many times during the film that I wanted to try them out. Anyways, he didn't answer the question. In these 87 minutes, I do get the answer I was looking for. You have to read a bit between the lines though. And you have to read around a corner, upside down, and a bit twisted by the time the pimps stopped talking and confusing things. I also got an answer to the reasons behind the ubiquitous 70's flash and gaudiness of the pimps' gear.

I thought that 87 minutes was a bit long. A couple times it felt like the same questions were being answered in the same way that they were last scene. If you are looking for some kind of soft porn, or a Jackie Brown style, black glamour, behind the scenes edutainment special, I'm sure it's out there somewhere. But this is an interesting education. That's all it wants to be. So if you don't feel like paying for the new release, I am sure that if you give it time it'll end up on the Discovery Channel. It'll be right along side Inside Finland's Knitting Circles, and Conversations With The Midwest Farmer Union. So watch for it!
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Fascinating look at pimphood!
dvanhouwelingen23 October 2000
The Hughes brothers new film AMERICAN PIMP is a fascinating look at the life of a pimp. These people are always the subject of much mocking in the movie industry (as the film itself points out showing us clips from everything from STREET SMART to I'M GONNA GIT YOU SUCKA!). If the film has a flaw, it's that it goes on too long. After about an hour- they'll really don't have anything new to say about being a pimp, but are simply repeating what they have already said. Still, a fascinating movie though.
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6/10 Interesting I suppose
The_Wood2 February 2002
I think the Hughes Bros. have a VERY bright future as film makers. Especially since they were able to make the marvelous FROM HELL after this time consuming documentary on pimps.

The film is interesting, if not totally original. Documentarires have already been done on the life of Pimps and their ladies. The film, Pimps up and Ho's down comes to mind.
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Very Entertaining and Revealing
charlie-paris19 June 2001
I saw this last night and was surprised at how much I liked it. I have my own opinions about whether prostitution or pimping is wrong, but this documentary helped me understand why pimps pimp. Obviously there is something about pimping that keeps them in the game - money, sex, power etc. I never saw it from their perspective before. The interviewers did an amazing job of getting these guys to talk openly about what they do. I also enjoyed the colourful personalities some of the pimps have.
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Same thing as Pimps Up Hos Down, but on film
dillrod14 March 2000
Saw this at SXSW this year. Pretty interesting, but unfortunately is territory already covered by HBO films with their piece titled 'Pimps Up Hos Down'. Well done, but not any more insightful than the HBO movie. Perhaps a little more coverage of the history and lots of old pimp scrapbook photos showing them with their cars, girls, and clothes. Definitely worth seeing if you missed PUHD.
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Glorifies exploitation of desperate women.
sonya9002812 January 2010
I could barely sit though this film. Unfortunately, our society still glorifies male outlaws, which is what Pimps are. They may dress stylishly and drive expensive cars, but Pimps are still criminal dirt-bags.

Virtually all of these Pimps in the film, are black. As a black female, I'm especially offended that black males, who have been oppressed in our society, turn around and exploit desperate women. These black pimps in the documentary, are no better than the white males that they rail against because of racism. Yes, racism still exists, and it has been very damaging to blacks, and other minorities. But racism shouldn't be an excuse, for these black Pimps to abuse, and live off of prostitutes. Pimps are a disgrace to the black community, and are horrible role models for black kids.

Many women in society, especially women-of-color, become prostitutes as a way to support a drug-habit, escape poverty, or because they're fleeing terrible home lives. For a Pimp to take advantage of women in these situations, is utterly abominable. These Pimps have no scruples whatsoever, and don't deserve to be glorified in the media. This film has no redeeming qualities, and I don't recommend it.
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American Pimp is a Masterpiece!!!!!
louisdr216 June 2000
Despite the Critic's various negative reviews of this film, I thought it was one of the greatest documentaries I have ever seen. The Hughes Brother's have crafted an intricate portrayal in the world of the Pimp. Now I know what you folks are thinking, the subject is too crass and the language and dialogue are raunchy! But that is the way the Hughes have to portray the pimps as they are basically being themselves. The documentary shows the pimps just how charismatic and charming they can be despite their infamous occupation. This film might probably also right the media and the general public's sterotypical viewpoints and stereotypes. I also liked the way they portrayed the woman(or the Politically Incorrect term, Ho's,Bitches, and tricks) who work for and live with the pimps. Now heed this warning, this film contains extremely rauncy content including sexual situation and foul language, meaning that the general public will not flock to see this. But if you are an open-minded person, a film of documentarie freak, or just darn curious about pimps then i suggest you go see this movie.
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Could have been better (know what I'm sayin.)
jerchiappelli28 July 2003
This documentary on a subject that everyone is at least mildly curious should have been much better. They clearly had access to all sorts of great fotage that they use very well. The way it was shot and put together was very nicely done but the material that they use is, well, boring. In the beginning you discover that pimps are loud, flamboyant, jerks who use poor English and that's it. Despite the intriguing questions that the interviewers asked and the different topics explored, very little else is discovered.
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Pimps talk game and are never pressed for the dirty detail – a waste of 90 minutes
bob the moo2 November 2002
The Hughes Brothers look into the world of pimping in America. They interview pimps and `ho's' from New York, Hawaii and all over the USA. Pimps share about how they came into the game, what they do, how they are perceived and what they are needed for among other topics.

I have watched many documentaries into the sex industry and have seen good and bad ones. The best ones are objective and they let the bad side and the good sides of any subject just come out without forcing the point or judging them. Louis Theroux is one of the better ones at this – he has done documentaries on pimps, porn and hip hop and has simply let his subjects talk – basically feeding them the rope as they want it till they eventually hang themselves without even knowing it!

With the Hughes Brothers attached to this documentary I had hoped it would be this type of thing. So I wasn't surprised when it started out glamorising the life. But I waited for the film to show me something that would hang the subjects on the bad sides of their lives. Even when the pimps talked about beating girls etc they were allowed free reign to defend themselves and were never pushed for details. Are they trying to be ironic I wondered? But no, instead the bad sides is only skated across when you compare to how much screen time is sent defending and glamorising the lifestyle.

The pimp life can't be too difficult to expose as cruel and exploitative can it? But here this documentary manages to do neither. Women are interviewed but only in the segments where their contributions are used to defend or support the glamorised version of events. But when the pimps talk about beating girls – no girls are there to put their side! Likewise I would like to hear more girls talk about how they feel to have the one man in their life called them `b*tches' all the time and taking their money.

The pimps all come out of it well despite being honest at times. The fact that all but one of the pimps are black made me wonder if it is only a black thing in America. Maybe this is the reason for the Hughes brothers bias – they are middle class and maybe their guilt makes them believe their `brothers' when they say `it was my only way up' etc. They manage to be so in awe of their subjects that they fail to bring anything of value out of this film. I know they must have been being careful not to judge or look down on their subjects, but their approach simply allows the pimps to talk – so do you really think we're going to get a full and honest picture about this business?

Overall I gained nothing from watching this and at best it bored me. The pimps simply talk game to cameras for 90 minutes and at the end of it I felt that they had been allowed to used me just like they use their `b*tches'. I expected more from the Hughes brothers.
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I cant stop watching it!
johngraef24 August 2006
This is in the my top 20 films of all time. From start to finish an epic adventure of pimps making that money and pimping those hoes. There are just so many great lines.

Make no mistake this is an educational film. I used this movie for fashion tips at Halloween. I learned how to treat a woman (women). I even learned my car needed a new horn.

American Pimp builds confidence. Sometimes people don't understand what I'm saying. After seeing this movie I learned I actually do have a pretty good grip on the English language.

It makes a great Christmas present.
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Interesting theme, boring realization
Bored_Dragon18 October 2022
After the success of the previous two films, the Hughes brothers had quite a bit of free rein to do whatever they wanted. They decided to take another step forward and go deeper into the taboo and shock the public, so they filmed a documentary about pimps.

The Hughes brothers opted for a completely impartial approach to the subject and were careful not to glorify or condemn the oldest trade and the men who found ways to use it. There is no script, but the film consists almost entirely of a series of interviews with real successful pimps around the US. It's well shot, edited to hold your attention as long as possible, and peppered with a couple of interviews with prostitutes, some archival footage related to the subject, and great music. But...

"American Pimp" is quite one-sided in many ways. First, it deals exclusively with black pimps from the area of street prostitution, which is only one branch of this profession. All the pimps depicted in the film are more or less of the same mold, and all the prostitutes are of the job-satisfied kind. There are no whites and Asians, there is no elite prostitution, drug addiction, and violence are only mentioned in passing as something that happens to someone else. The whole thing is shown only from the pimp's point of view, while we can see the real picture only if we interview more different profiles of prostitutes, the police, social workers, clients, victims of violence and addiction...

The topic is interesting, the film is original and arouses curiosity in the beginning, but very quickly you realize that you will not get answers to most of the questions and that the film keeps repeating the same thing for an hour and a half, and becomes boring and loses all meaning. Kudos to the idea, courage, and technical aspects of the film, but the final product fundamentally missed the point and would only be good as a single episode of the series that would cover other aspects of this story.

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Do We Learn More About Pimps or the Hughes Brothers?
dccorleone6 February 2000
After becoming fed up with the Hollywood system, the Hughes brothers make a documentary examining an archetype that has fascinated them all their lives: THE PIMP. Interlaced with interviews of actual and former pimps across the country are film clips of 70's blaxpoitation films featuring pimps (e.g. THE MACK and WILLIE DYNAMITE) along with other representations of pimps from the media. We learn that many of the cliches are grounded in truth and are fascinated by the moral spinning that is done to justify the profession. And one can't help but laugh as the winner of the Pimp of the Year holds the trophy over his head.
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The worst!
cbrooks7931 January 2001
This is the worst documentary I have ever seen! Too uninteresting, and not realistic. This movie was plagued with "tired, too old, fake, wanna-bee players." Dumbest thing I ever seen. "Pimps Up, Hoes Down" it's not.
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see this movie, or get pimp slapped, sucka
magnumpi826 October 2000
if you are a fan of blaxploitation films, american pimp is a must. it's got all the style and pimp ass swagger of all of those films, and on top of that it's hilarious (think ike turner). to top it all off it has about as good a pimpin soundtrack as there is with james brown "the boss" one of my favorite songs. while i don't think this film if perfect or works on every level (the white pimp?), it surely did not deserve the lashing it received at the hands of many critics. this was the most entertaining hour and a half so far this year. preferable to all of the condescending bull**** that hollywood puts out each year about black people (can you say green mile? how bout remember the titans?) well thats a whole other story. please see this film, it will entertain and enlighten you to what it means to be a real pimp.

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Way, way entertaining
Big O-77 August 2000
It is a small pleasure to sit back and watch these 'legendary' pimps try to justify their existence. And to think that they actually have an awards ceremony a la I'M GONNA' GIT' YOU SUCKA's "Pimp of The Year" sequence. Treat yourself, your friends, your family, or girlfriend to this unique movie experience.
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A waste of time and celluloid.
=G=17 October 2000
"American Pimp" is NOT investigative journalism or an in-depth look at the underbelly of street pimping. "American Pimp" IS distorted, egocentric, self-aggrandizing *****speak from a handful of pimps jumbled with some old film footage and muddled by poor camera work. A disappointing waste of time. Know what I'm sayin'?
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The Hughes Brothers Do It Real Big
fillmoreSLIM4 July 2003
"American Pimp' is one of the most underrated and overlooked documentaries I have ever seen. The documentary is seamless, and it flows along almost as smoothly as the words that roll of the tongues of each pimp profiled. The opening scene alone with Rosebudd was enough for me already, and the other scenes with him were just icing the cake. The Hughes Brothers successfully merge so many diferent aspects of the game through the recollections of both retired and pimpin macks. Rosebudd's story about the first hoe he turned out is absolutely classic cinema. Contrary to what may say about the film, particularly that it only glamorizes the game, is completely untrue. The film lets the viewer be the judge and conveys each person in a fair on objective light. I doubt these fellas were meant to be taken super-seriously in the first place. But nonetheless, this is an essential glimpse into a world that most 'squares' could never even begin to comprehend. An excellent piece of work.
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great idea bad movie
snout-210 October 2000
What was a great idea for a documentary becomes a lazy mess lacking in investigation ("there are no white pimps") and seemingly obsessed with image and using the word "bitch". They could have interviewed more pimps who are active now, and at worst interviewed more hookers about their relationships with their pimps. Hard issues like viloence are glossed over and in the end one has to wonder if this is a documentary or a weekend film by guys who loved Starsky and Hutch. I hope this film encourages somebody to really do a documentary on pimping.
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Pimps are nice and funny
DJAkin13 November 2004
This movie showed that PIMPS are not that mean. Sure, they beat women, don't give them a CUT of the take. The never murder though. At least, not that we KNOW OF. I loved the way these PIMPS talked. They were all like SITCOM people. It was really intense. So intense, that in some scenes you had to wonder of Bernie Mac was going to jump into the ROOM and yell something about how he wants to make a PIMP TV show. Alibaster Jones from KING OF THE HILL is a legendary pimp. He was played by SNOOP, who claims to BE A PIMP. He also played HUGGIE BEAR who is a very funny PIMP.

Good flik!
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PIMPIN AIN'T EASY/and neither is ho'in
soloartist196625 May 2007
I feel that all of the pimps in the movie were real, and they told of their lives and how the streets affected them. Once you are a person of the streets and have lived that life, you know the inner workings, and even if an outsider cannot see the truth of that, the pimp, ho, drug addict, homeless person, hustler, etc., does, because it is their life. The Hughes Brothers should be commended for their true and factual portrayal of the pimp/ho life because perhaps it can stop some other unsuspecting young lady from falling into similar traps that lay in wait for them on the cold hard streets. This movie served as a first, and it showed the harshness, callousness, and reality of selling your body to strangers and it's eventual crash and burn cycle, for the pimp as well as the ho. This was a learning tool for so many people, not just African Americans, but White America as well. As the movie stated, blacks are not the only pimps, there are plenty in all races, and they pimp legally and get away with it. Kudos for this film and the soundtrack was SLAMMIN!!!
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