Cookers (2001) Poster


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Good entry in the horror genre
slake091 October 2006
Most low budget horror movies are pretty bad, hence the desire to watch a lot of them hoping to find the gem that publicity has overlooked. This is that gem.

The storyline deals with a crew of methampetamine cookers who hole up in an old house to make drugs. Since this is a horror movie, the house must be haunted, and of course it is. That the plot is predictable doesn't take away from the entertainment; you might know what's coming, but the way it's presented is the enjoyable part here.

The pacing, the story, the acting - all good. The way that tension was gradually ratcheted up throughout the film speaks well of the director. I especially enjoyed the brief hints that the people were not alone in the house, somewhat reminiscent of The Grudge, but not as blatant.

You'll know how it's going to end, of course, and that's OK. Again, knowing doesn't detract from the movie in any way. The humor is understated, the horror is creepy, and the cast is entirely believable.
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A must see if you enjoy dark and depressing films with brilliant acting!
grimrogue18 December 2005
Cookers was quite a movie. When I made my first attempt to watch it, I was expecting to see a simple story about drug addicts fighting off evil spirits, much like any other low budget haunted house horror flick that we've all seen before, but with an interesting twist in that the main characters were speed freaks. After watching about thirty minutes I had to shut it off to take a break. With only three characters and an empty house in the woods, Cookers manages to create such a tense and unsettling atmosphere that I found it to be almost unbearable at times.

The story could indeed be viewed as a simple one, as we see a young couple, Hector and Dorena, who are on the run with a crystal meth lab in their van and are looking for a place to set up shop for a while to lay low. With the help of Hector's buddy Merle, they find a secluded house that has been abandoned on the outskirts of town and make it their temporary home. Dorena is a "cooker", who specializes in actually making the crystal meth so that it can be sold on the street. Hector's specialty is doing crystal meth, so they are a good couple. Things get spooky and strange very quickly after Hector and Dorena get high, as the house may not be completely empty after all... Are they seeing ghosts or just hallucinating? And will Merle eventually betray them to cash in on the deal himself? Brad Hunt plays Hector, and he deserves much credit for holding this flick together. His acting in Cookers is award worthy. I don't remember ever seeing a junkie portrayed with such realism. Cyia Batten as Dorena was also impressive. The two of them worked very well together. Even Patrick McGaw was believable as Merle, who provided brief moments of comic relief and added a much-needed element to the film. All three actors delivered the goods and were always interesting to watch.

Cookers also succeeds in the writing and directing department. Although it doesn't have a big budget, the few special effects that we do see are suited to the shooting style of the film, and never distract from the overall sense of "what's real and what's not" that keeps you guessing until the end. But this movie is not about building to a big twist or tricking its viewer. It is about drawing you into a bleak world of fear and hopelessness, and director Dan Mintz does an admirable job in capturing these emotions on film. Jack Moore and Jeff Ritchie wrote the script, and it is fresh with gritty realism and excellent dialog. Merle tells a bizarre story one night as the three of them are getting stoned, and it is truly chilling. Dorena also tells a story to Hector about her past, and it was heart wrenching.

Cookers is not a film for everyone, nor do I think that I will ever watch it again. It is a movie that I will always remember, and one that I am very glad that I saw. Although the ending is somewhat weak, it is a relentless and riveting story that will appeal to those with an open mind who are in the mood for something different.
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How good things can be done with little means when you keep things consistent.
Vomitron_G27 May 2011
"Cookers" sure was a nice surprise, as I expected very little from it. A good tagline for this one could possibly be "Tweeker Hell", or something. Because I've seen quite a few people act a bit "weird" while "under the influence", but those were a far cry from the way freak-junky Hector behaved in this flick. Man, that guy was messed up. Totally. The whole time. It might have been an accurate portrayal when it comes to "speedy" behaviour. It might have been exaggerated. But I do not want to even know how much dope it takes to make a guy act like him. Anyway, so the drug-part was pretty fascinating in this one, but the 'ghostly/haunted'-part was, well, pretty good (with the creepy stuff interacting with possible drug-induced hallucinations and all), but near the end it seemed like the movie went a little too "Blair Witch" for my tastes. Well, at least that's how it seemed, because unfortunately my DVD started messing-up near the end (pause-continue-pauze-etc), so I couldn't quite make out all that was happening there... Still, I'll gladly give this one another watch, just to see what's up with the ending.
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Intelligent Horror/Psychological Thriller that stays with you after the fact
jxcalifornia3 April 2002
The premise for Cookers is simple; three white-trash crystal-meth addicts on the run lock themselves up in a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. Things quickly get strange for the trio as they begin to see terrifying and ghastly apparitions. Is it the massive amount of drugs their taking or is their hideout truly haunted?

After I saw this film I kept thinking about it for quite some time. The acting is great (Brad Hunt is amazing once again) as was the storytelling and the direction. Cookers is the type of film a studio would never make. Everything isn't spelled out for you and there's no Hollywood type BS ending. You actually have to think about what you've just watched and have to make decision about what actually happened during the film.

This is an intelligent Horror/Psychological Thriller that stays with you after the fact. The last move I saw like this that forced me to think was the brilliant Donnie Darko (even though that had themes of time-travel and sci-fi they somehow fit in the same genre).
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Strong, claustrophobic horror film
Roel19737 August 2015
Three junkies enter a derelict house in order to cook crystal meth. Soon they start sampling their own product and paranoia takes over. Or is there something spooky going on?

Director (and DOP) Dan Mintz makes great use of the old boarded up house with its creaky floors and doors and where nary a ray of sunlight can enter. He also offers some effective jump scares, but it's the oppressive, claustrophobic atmosphere which makes this surprisingly strong horror film stand out for me. I also love that it offers only a hint of the paranormal and remains ambiguous until the end.

Also worth mentioning is lead Brad Hunt who can act all kinds of nervous and paranoid and really gets under your skin.
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shannonsuxx17 November 2019
Absolutely had to write this review to say the either these are the greatest actors in the world, or Brad Hunt was genuinely wired off his face. If all the "high" or "wired" drug acting in films i've seen, he unbelievably pulls off the twitches, the glances of his eyes at things and reactions to sounds... I'm genuinely sitting here wondering if he had a *boost of confidence for his acting.

The other guy and Cyia were good too. Surprised to learn she was actually a trained dancer and member of the pussycat dolls.

Anyway, this film is pretty spot on with the atmosphere of being in a meth binge and how some people ive encountered act. The editing really sells it all, so kudos to the team behind the movie.
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Rather realistic
bestkath31 January 2021
They did a good job with what they had to work with. Its a difficult job when the drug and acting mix because they want to portray the idea of being so whacked out of their minds they went nuts and turn homicidal and delusional. For the cast in Cookers they were able to do just that. As compared to Blair witch it was much more entertaining as I thought Blair was a little dry and lacking the thrill factor that I did enjoy in this one. I'd recommend it to just about anyone as it is a hit in my book classic. And really did have me a little freaked out which is hard to accomplish with movies these days. Good job.
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The horror was when I realized this was an awful movie.
Christine_Plymouth_Fury195826 February 2012
I saw the high movie rating and read the great reviews, so I felt compelled to watch it. I've seen my share of "intelligent" psychological thrillers and such, but there was nothing of that here. Stupid, yes.

Still, I forced myself to watch the movie, thinking maybe the Meth-head characters just didn't get any sympathy with me; and with that in mind, I thought I'd give it a chance and finish the story. But in all honesty, I could not see an iota of what the positive reviews raved about.

Granted, the actors were convincing in their roles, but it takes more than that to make a good movie. It did occur to me that maybe everyone involved in this film was snorting something, hence, the awful outcome.

To cut it short and save you the hassle, I found this movie to be utter rubbish and would not recommend it to anyone--not even a Meth addict.
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Creepy and Compelling
rodsterla26 October 2007
I wasn't much of a horror/gore fan, but late one night, this movie converted me. Rescued from a $1.99 bin at a video store on Halloween, we fully expected this to be a standard, low-budget haunted house flick. It turned out to be so much more. Creepy and compelling, the film builds in tension with every frame and surrounds you with a constant feeling of dread. You just know something bad is going to happen, you just don't know when. Helped along by decent acting and some very clever audio design, there are a couple of scenes that should make your flesh crawl, a few that will surprise you, and some that will make you say "wait...was that reality or a hallucination?" Good movie for a late night fright or two.
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Good effort that fell short
drunkmothableep30 September 2002
I wanted to like this movie, but many elements ruined it for me. The use of a fisheye lens throughout and choppy editing did not give me a sense of being in the world of the meth head, but it did make me think I was watching MTV for a few short moments. The movie never did seem to go anywhere and the acting was truly an excellent example of over acting. I love movies that give us a glimpse into the seedy underworld, but this film couldn't decide if it was a bad horror film or an even worse serious commentary on the horrors of addiction.
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Horror Fans Check This One Out
atomic_age573 December 2006
This film is a surprisingly effective and creepy little masterpiece that is a cut above its peers. Most low-budget horror films shot on grainy film are substandard, but the raw look works in this case, creating an unsettling realistic feel. This is due in part to good actors who are able to really create three-dimensional characters, something generally not seen in low-budget horror film-making. This particular film almost felt as if it were made in the 1970s, as it conjured up memories of movies I saw as a child which I found quite scary. Once again it can be proved that the absence of gore in a horror film can actually make the movie MORE frightening and disturbing, and this one is an excellent example of that technique. I hope other horror filmmakers can take a cue from this director and bring back the REAL horror movie as we remember it.
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more about drugs than horror
trashgang26 July 2012
First of all, on the DVD sleeve it was written, in the style of Blair Witch project. I haven't seen anything in that style. secondly, it was filed here in shops as horror but it's more one of those flicks that has not that much to do with horror but more with flicks about drugs and hallucinations.

If you have seen the flop Someone's Knocking At The Door (2009) then you know exactly what I mean. But that flick did had some creepy moments but Cookers never satisfied me. Maybe I didn't get it after all but for me it was all about talking and taking drugs. Once things go wrong with the house their in you will see for example a CGI hand coming to grap the girl's hair.

Not for everybody, that's a fact and be it that I didn't like it, maybe the sentence Blair Witch tricked me and fooled me.

Gore 1/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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what a crappy movie!
woowoowoonin4 January 2006
Judging by the hype, and other reviews on this site, I was ready for an awesome horror movie focusing on junkies. What i got was complete crap focusing on junkies. I wonder if there's another movie called "Cookers" that these people reviewed? There are only 3 main characters, and none of them struck me as well-written or well-acted. Basically the whole movie I just spent shaking my head and marveling at the stupidity of these drug addicts.

Do yourself a favor. Don't rent this movie. Rent "Cabin Fever" or some other decent horror movie. Hell, rent "Mary Poppins"! The animated penguins are scarier and more convincing than anything you'll find in "Cookers."
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Dope Kills
aqos-118 June 2009
If this movie as meant to discourage people from doing drugs, it fails. I was ready to start using them I got waiting for something to happen and nothing ever really did. This movie is neither horror or drama. It's just the paranoia of meth users. This movie may win an award for the using the "F" word so many times and so uselessly. It was not well stated, but I felt like they were making Meth to replace Meth they owed to someone. Hector just got worse and more paranoid as the movie went on and the girl just got more hopeless. The ending really made no sense. The movie made no sense unless it was just showing how annoying is is to be stuck in a house in the middle of nowhere with a meth-head. I relied on the other feedback when I decided to watch this movie and the rating on this movie should be a much lower average.
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The Wonderful World Of Addiction
Metapharstic29 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Cookers is a tidy low-budget number, an excellent foray into the world of Meth addiction. Two cookers, Dorena and Hector, disappear into the wilderness with the idea to cook up a batch of high-grade meth, sell it at a huge price, and spend the rest of their lives on permanent vacation. The problem is, the cookers can't keep their fingers -- and noses -- out of the goods. As they continue to cook, they continue to use, staying up for days at a time. Paranoia, hallucinations, and petty squabbles ensue. The story pretty much demands that you buy into their addiction, otherwise it's just going to fall apart. Brad Hunt's performance as the constantly-tweaking Hector really sells the entire movie, his twitching, nervous, Meth-fueled paranoia realistically portrayed.

There are a few minor problems, however. Dorena's backstory is a little, shall we say, TYPICAL, which is kind of odd considering how well the script is otherwise. Also, the film tends to lose steam as it reaches its ultimate conclusion, as if the writer couldn't think of an appropriate way to end the film. I will note, however, that Hector's demise is horrifying, especially considering his state-of-mind at the time. And other than a few poorly-executed special effects sequences -- which could have easily been replaced with more of that bump-in-the-night suspense the film relies on most of the time -- there's really nothing to complain about, technically speaking. The film looks great despite its limited budget, though you can't go in expecting this to look like a slick Hollywood production. No, the film wears its budget on its sleeve, something you'll have to overlook if this type of thing is a problem for you. Let me put it this way: If you dug Session 9, then Cookers shouldn't be a problem.

The guy at the video store gave me a heads-up in terms of what to expect, and I'll repeat it here: "It's basically just three actors, one camera, and one house. I think the Blair Witch Project had a bigger budget, though it works on the same level." If that doesn't tell you what you're in for, then I don't know what else to do for you.

Cookers could have fumbled the ball, especially considering its subject matter. But instead of using stereotypical images, situations, and characters to dress a by-the-numbers horror film, the director has chosen to insert these tragic figures in the middle of a realistic situation, something a lot of Internet reviewers seem to have a problem with. Though the following statement may give away a bit too much, I'm of the belief that the things in my head are far more terrifying than anything in the real world, supernatural or not. Was I expecting a big pay-off? Not really. The film ended as it should, I think, with the viewer coming down from a serious mindf*ck and stepping into the sunlight for the first time in days. My hats off to everyone involved. Fine work, indeed.

Cookers, is a little flawed, but highly recommended. Keep in mind, however, that it's not strictly a horror movie. Horrifying, yes. Horror, no.

But don't let that stop you from seeing it.
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Not so great
yen-kha25 December 2005
I see what the director was trying to do but he missed the mark. The main actor was really good but the editing around his moments takes you out of it. The camera work, ie lighting and exposer is kind of amateur which I could forgive if the direction was more fluent but it wasn't. The sound was a bit off and that takes you out of the film as well. I see could see this director doing a little bit better in the future so not a total right off but don't expect a dv movie nearly as good as 28 days later or anything, keep your expectations low and you'll get more out of it. At least it was only an hour and a half. Oh yeah and other than the lead the acting was pretty bad if you ask me. But I'm a movie snob so take that for what that's worth.
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Drugs (And Ghosts) Are Bad...
EVOL66629 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone that's spent any time around tweakers will fully relate to COOKERS. I was expecting a really cheezy SOV bore-fest, but instead got a pretty damn solid mix of REQUIEM FOR A DREAM meets THE AMITYVILLE HORROR that pretty much works on all levels. For a relatively no-budget, unknown film - COOKERS surprised and impressed me...

Hector and Dorena are a couple of white-trash meth-heads who are running from some thugs that they ripped off. They hole up in an abandoned house to set up a lab to cook up a whole rack o' crank. Hector's dim-witted pal Merle joins the fun to help out - and a good bit of the film is watching Hector and Dorena smoke, snort, and slam about 400 ounces of meth while Merle drinks beer and smokes a bit himself. Eventually we find that the house is haunted - add to this the increasing paranoia as Hector and Dorena's drug use escalate to ridiculous proportions - and you have a pretty tense horror film that'll make you wish you had an 8-ball handy...

Seriously though - there are a lot of plus-sides to this film. The performances by the three leads are all strong and believable. The actor's who played Hector and Dorena were either addicts at one time, or REALLY did their homework - they were spot-on as a couple of skeezed out speed-freaks. Their performances rival any other actor playing the role of an addict that I've ever seen. The storyline was interesting and the mounting sense of tension was well handled. The only gripes I have were that there were a few cheezy CGI scenes that were ineffective an actually brought the realism of the situations down a notch, and there were a few spots that tended to drag a little bit - but COOKERS is the type of film where the good aspects definitely outweigh the bad. The ending was also downbeat and dark, and I dug that a lot too. I'd definitely recommend this one to anyone lookin' for a haunted house story with a "twist", and a strong message - Don't do a bunch of crank in a haunted house...I got that message loud and clear...8.5/10
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Cookers is everything the "Blair Witch Project "was supposed to be!
sidyre17 March 2006
"Blair Witch" was hailed as the pinnacle of ultra-low budget, ultra-small cast indie horror, but "Cookers" simply blows it out of the water. The suspense builds perfectly from start to finish in this film (both suspense between the characters and their surroundings and between the characters themselves) to an exhilarating crescendo. This movie cost next to nothing to make, yet the budget is reflected in neither the direction nor the acting. The direction may put some people off, but it so accurately captures the frenetic, drugged-out mood, that one cannot help but be drawn into the movie's very uncomfortable world. Brad Hunt is bound to start turning heads with several roles in upcoming major releases.

More than being a horror ("suspense" or "terror" might be a more accurate description) it's a compelling story with good dialogue that is flawlessly delivered. There really isn't a dull moment. All in all, my only complaint about this film is its flimsy resolution--that being said, I can't recommend this movie highly enough, even to those who typically shy away from the horror genre.
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a nail-biting, impressive film
bestlil113 April 2004
I loved this movie. I loved it because it was disturbing and it cuts to the core of all our fears, touches on every insecurity. It was a wild ride that respects its audience. It forces us to think and analyze or interpret. No cliff-notes here-- it is up to you to decide for yourself what the film means, what is happening, how it affects you. The acting was superb. Each character clearly defined and sussed-out. Brad Hunt gave a strong performance, if at times, slightly exaggerated. Cyia Batten's performance was impressive, gut-wrenchingly touching and extraordinarily brave, particularly being the only female to have to stand against two, very powerful men. Patrick McGaw was unrecognizable and fantastic-- funny and tragic all at once. In my opinion, awards should be doled out here to each one of them for what they brought to the table but if I had to pick just one, I would have to pick Cyia Batten, who plays the heartbreaking Dorena. It is not easy to embody vulnerability and power at the same time and yet she appeared to do it with ease. The editing can be dizzying at times, fast paced and over-stimulating but it fit perfectly considering the nature of the demons these characters fought. It almost got you into their heads for a time. Overall, I was moved, scared, saddened, angered, overwhelmed by this movie. I couldnt get it out of my head for a long time. I hope this movie does well, because everybody should see the raw, brutal truth of drug addiction annd losing oneself to their own private demons.
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Better Than The Blair Witch Project, By a Large Margin
laurel4729 September 2007
Girlfriend comments

1) "I had no idea it was this exciting!"

2) "Did you know there was this much suspense?"

3) "I love this movie."

4) "This is so rad!"

People afraid of horror movies but like offbeat or indie films should not overlook this title. This is actually not a horror movie at all. It's more like a suspenseful drug movie with supernatural overtones. There are no serial killers or monsters, and the filmmakers are uninterested in doing things many, more accomplished, filmmakers might do if they were to make a horror movie -- like inserting a pointless murder or similar scene of carnage just to keep things interesting. Cookers is one of those kinds of movies that seems like it should have been a play, or possibly was adapted from the stage. The dialogue is great fun, with sinister and paranoid ramblings scattered throughout. The cast is very strong, and seems quite comfortable with the dark material. Each of them is given a specific character arc that we get to watch them travel on, and there are some nice payoffs for each of them. The story definitely plays second fiddle to the creepy ambiance. This movie is all about the enclosure of these unpredictable characters in a claustrophobic, dilapidated setting. The dusty and abandoned old house is perfect. The production designer did some superb work on the interior—it's reminiscent of the wildly confusing layout of the house in Evil Dead 2. The music is perfect—it isn't manipulative or inappropriate, and has a studio-level quality that is very satisfying. Another strength of the film is how effective and consistent the quality of light is throughout; it never seems like there shouldn't be as much as there is, or that there is too little of it for all the sources present. The overall look of the film falls somewhere between video and celluloid; not quite cheap, but not glossy at all. 35mm might have been a more appropriate format, but it looks fine in standard. The sound, however, leaves much to be desired. At times it is extraordinary, but at other times dialogue levels are either disproportionate or completely inaudible. One of the most glaring weaknesses of the DVD is the lack of captions. For an indie effort, that's saying something—usually, there are either major continuity errors, logic blips, pathetic actors, and/or a lack of understanding of tone, story momentum, showing not telling, etc. The fact that this movie contains no real noticeable hiccups like these is quite extraordinary, and the creators should be proud of their work.
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freaked me out!!!
jeanna329 February 2002
This movie totally freaked me out!!!! Even though I am only 18 and a freshman in college, I have been around several people that use and the movie was right on. Some parts scared the crap out me but I can't wait to see it again and take all my friends.
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