An American Vampire Story (1997) Poster

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An American Vampire Story
a_baron1 November 2014
Clearly this film was intended to be a comedy; if intentions were dollars, we'd all be billionaires. A teen is left in charge of his parents' home as they take off on vacation, then he and his friend meet a slightly mysterious character on the beach - it helps if you live on the coast. Before he knows it, the mystery man has invited himself into kiddo's home along with his two gorgeous female companions and manservant, the latter of whom, well, you don't want to taste his cooking. Needless to say the ladies are also ladies of the night. No, not prostitutes!

At some point, whoever wrote the script decides the film should become serious, well, sort of. That doesn't work either. The script is not so bad, but the plot such as it is leaves much to be desired, and, well, some films just don't work. True, the soundtrack isn't that bad, but the jokes, such as they are, are weaker than the script. Give this one a miss if you have something more interesting to do this weekend. Like watch paint dry.
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Like having the life sucked out of you in 90 minutes, but...
naranjas29 August 2007
Like having the life sucked out of you in 90 minutes, but the comedy audio track on the DVD is funny. Two members of the Groundlings Improv Troupe send up this hideous film on the alternate sound track a la Mystery Science Three Thousand. This and this alone makes it worth renting. However to really enjoy the comedy track you need to watch the movie without it first - a scary, not in the good way, endeavor! Otherwise bad acting, bad directing, bad boom micing plague this badly written film. It's also painful to watch Adam West sell himself out for a few bucks in a small supporting role. Carmen Electra with all her wiles can't save even a minute of this mess.
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Lackluster execution of minor potential
I_Ailurophile7 July 2021
To be perfectly honest, I'm surprised. Not because 'An American vampire story' is bad - I had no expectations otherwise - but because of the ways in which it's bad. There were kernels of good ideas here, but the execution falls incredibly flat.

The movie gives us a vibe check very quickly, making sure we know how very '90s it is. The music, the dialogue, and the characterizations are all very easily dated, and in 2021 they do not evoke nostalgia so much as irritation. The same goes for the sense of humor at hand, invoking party-ready teen comedy by way of mid-90s TV shows such as - not to be too on point - 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' (albeit without the wit). Of course there have to be gratuitous scenes of skateboarders and beachgoers for extra flavor, with shots needlessly lingering on these ancillary extras.

One could say the narrative is pretty straightforward, lacking surprises, and that's true. Moreover, it echoes the thrust of other features geared to the same demographic of teen boys and young men as it relates the story of an ordinary California kid beset by strangers in his home. He comes to suspect they're vampires, and seeks to rid of them. It's simple enough. But above all, the word that comes to mind is "thin." In every way, the entirety of the film is direly lacking in substance.

Consider even just the marketing. Promotional images 100% rely on the sex appeal of Carmen Electra and Debra Xavier to sell the film. Yet their roles as vampire temptresses are relegated to fleeting intermittent screen time, while little known star Trevor Lissauer features predominantly in the camera's eye as protagonist Frankie. Sure, you could say this is the work of the distributors, not the film-makers, yet the very inclusion of Electra and Xavier in the cast suggests particular intent. Maybe that's unfair, but the actresses' list of credits also speaks for itself.

The same music that dates the movie grows tiresome quickly. Characters are rather one-dimensional, demonstrating little depth; that Lissauer and co-star Sydney Lassick alone are able, against all odds, to inject some minor personality into their roles is to their credit. Dialogue is flat and dull, and so is the humor. I can hardly say it any more plainly than that; some scenes are so bereft as to become altogether extraneous.

When his character is first introduced, we're tricked into thinking that the greatest energy was spent in 'An American vampire story' on giving Adam West lots to do. Unfortunately, "The Big Kahuna" is no less deficient, and while the part is notably distinct from others here, it mostly lacks any punch or vigor that would allow West's dry humor to find purchase.

The premise is uncomplicated, yet within the narrative are small aspects that hold promise as concepts on paper. Lassick's character, Bruno, is enjoyable as the eccentric servant of the vampires, but also rides a fine line between "entertaining" and "grating." A party scene late in the film leads somewhat haphazardly into the climax, and there were fun possibilities in the fates of supporting characters. Yet in aiming to be a comedy, the narrative turns away from the most tantalizing opportunities. It's a little like Rollin Jarrett's writing is leading us on, only to drop out and fail to truly manifest.

The direction is no better. There are many shots that are arranged only to show characters entering or leaving a scene. Not only are these sometimes orientated so as to pretend unnecessary and unrealized sophistication, but they needlessly linger after the actors are no longer on-screen. Other shots are outright dubious, to say nothing of the lack of instruction Luis Esteban seems to have imparted to his actors to fulfill his vision; performers appear on screen, and at times that's the most that can be said.

That leaves us with the comedy. 'An American vampire story' could have taken a number of approaches, including sexploitation, more balanced horror-comedy, or a farcical spoof or parody. The tack Jarrett and Esteban actually attempted is more along the lines of lighthearted '80s comedies involving characters (generally high school kids) squaring off against an intrusive and often supernatural or paranormal force or antagonist. But this was made in the 90s, is clearly dated to the 90s, and for the most part just isn't clever enough - and too annoying - to mirror its points of inspiration. To occasionally be amused is not the same as laughing, and this movie failed to provoke me to laughter.

To glance at other reviews, I understand the argument in retrospect that this is a film that's appropriate for families, including younger kids. There's blood, but it's not especially gory; there's sensuality, but it's not really sexual. It's pretty well middle of the road in any regard that may be objectionable. I freely admit, maybe I've been looking at this the wrong way. Yet I'm inclined to think that this appeal for broad audiences has little to do with intent, and is more about how lackluster the production is in every regard, failing to meaningfully realize its potential. At best that appeal tells me that this feature didn't know what it wanted to be. At worst: In my opinion, the favor this may find among folks looking for something their kids can watch - the lack of titillating sex or violence - is a result not of the film-makers trying to achieve this end, but of their inability to create the eye-popping feature it might have been.

I'll watch almost anything - any genre, any intended audience, any anticipated level of quality. I entered 'An American vampire story' with low expectations - and for the handful of good ideas herein, my expectations were actually surpassed, much to my surprise. But that's not saying much. And no matter how I try to consider the movie in hindsight, the fact is that I was just not especially entertained. It's far from the worst movie I've ever seen, but 'An American vampire story' fails to truly light up the imagination, and perhaps that says as much as anything could.

Maybe another viewer can find worthwhile value here. But save for the most perseverant of moviegoers, I can't specifically recommend trying.
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Funny, not super dooper funny, but funny
Mjack2k28 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have got to tell you I disagree with the review I read here already. The movie starts off a little confusing as to whether or not they are trying to be a serious vampire movie but if you watch you will come to find out it is not. I mean if you have not already figured out this is a comedy once the vampire slayer (The Big Kahuna Adam West) shows up you should have no doubts. I do not think this movie is super great fun and it definitely did not play to it's assets (i.e. Carmen Electra's body and Adam West in a hawaiian shirt). They should have definitely had more fun with that. It's a so-so vampire comedy with large lapses between funny's. If you get a chance to watch this movie for free and you really have some time to kill with nothing else to do then check it out, but really you should find something else to do.
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Good Clean Fun!
rjcj19 July 2001
Well let see, It's not full of blood and guts, it's not really scary, it's not sexual by any means, hmmmmmmm seems to me that a movie of this nature would be a good thing for kids and for people that are just wanting to get away from the garbage out in the video market today.

I believe that this movie is one of a kind. It has some cute parts to it, and, it has the venerable Adam West back in a Batman-esque kind of role. Being serious and over the top as he was in so many Batman shows of days forgotten.

Johny, Trevor, and Carmen were funny and enjoyable, as well as Sidney and Debra . I think for children this would be a cute and enjoyable movie and something parents ought to look into.

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Lots of Laughs
whpratt117 July 2006
Just knew that this film was going to be a BOMB and it sure was, however, it held my interest because of the different characters who loved cooking and eating cats, dogs, pigs and anything with blood running through its veins. Every week, a neighbor would post a sign on a fence for their poor missing pet or person. This all started when a young man invites a certain guy he met on the beach to come to his home for a party while his parents were gone for a week or more. There are plenty of sexy gals running all around and like I said before, this is really a very low B Horror film with Lots and Lots of laughs. So, if you like a slap stick silly vampire film, this is definitely the film for You.
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Another Day, Another Dollar Store DVD...
MetalGeek13 January 2006
I'm hooked on those cheap DVDs you find at dollar stores. It's like a disease. Anyway, when I walked into my local Just-A-Buck and saw a fanged Carmen Electra on the front cover of American VAMPIRE (a.k.a. AN American VAMPIRE STORY, for those of you interested enough to care) I thought to myself "We have a winner!" As a bonus, Adam ("Batman") West makes an appearance? I was in B-Movie heaven... until I actually watched the film. American VAMPIRE tells the story of a California surf bum teen who unwittingly opens his rad beach front home to a pack of vampires (led by a pudgy guy named "Moondoggie," I swear to GOD)while his parents are away on vacation. If you're hoping for a bloodsucking variation on RISKY BUSINESS at this point, you're going to be sorely disappointed because...well, nothing much happens. The kid spends much of the movie asking his dim-bulb friend (who was apparently channeling the "Bill & Ted" films in his performance) "How am I going to get rid of them?" until he is led to Adam West, a Hawaiian shirted descendant of the Van Helsings (again, I am not making this up)to help him slay them. This all could've been played out in half an hour but drags out for an excruciating near-90 minutes. Worse, we barely see Carmen Electra and when she is on screen she doesn't do anything. She's basically wallpaper. Don't get me wrong, I love bad horror movies and I love silly comedies, but American VAMPIRE does not classify as either one. If it weren't for the bondage gear that Carmen and her female-vamp com-padre are wearing in the brief time that they're on screen, this thing could run on the Family Channel as a Halloween special. Ignore, delete, destroy. The Dollar Store DVD maven has warned you.
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awful! truly an insult to vampire movies!
neal662 August 2002
Avoid at all costs! This was the probably the worst vampire movie I've ever seen.Any movie that has Adam West as a surfer-dude called The Big Kahuna is something you should miss.
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Pure smelly cheese
scace-213 June 2002
Rarely have I ever had such a hard time watching a film. There could have been so much potential to make a truly enjoyable, cheap, campy vampire flick along the lines of David Decoteau. (see Voodoo Academy or The Brotherhood I & II) However, when our main star, Frankie (Trevor Lissauer) appears in bed with both shorts and briefs underneath - forget about it.

The male supporting cast was a pain to look at, especially Frankie's sidekick Bogie (Danny Hitt). The women were fine -when seen. Don't expect any real sexiness. It should be noted that the director, Luis Esteban's last credit was as a transportation office coordinator. It is amazing, however, that he was able to assemble a cast that included Carmen Electra, Adam West, and Sydney Lassick as Bruno. This film is a true example of marketing over substance. Insist on a credit should you rent it as a Blockbuster "favorite".
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make it stop
sore_throat5 October 2002
To date I have seen over 1100 films, and I try to watch a variety of movies with regard to year of release, country of origin, budget, genre, quality, from films everyone has heard of to films that are amazingly obscure. For me this was a new low in cinema.

It was so difficult to sit through this film and finish watching it. It is simultaneously amateurish (in a bad way), boring, irritating and painful. If you can sit through this then you deserve a special prize, like never having to work for the rest of your life.

I would say that this would have been an ideal film for the MST3K crew-but I could not have them go through the agony of dealing with this torture.

The absolute pits.
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It Stinks!! Total Trash!! Not worth 2 hours of your life!!
sbr28 May 2001
I saw this movie at Blockbuster and saw Carmen Electra on the cover, and thought. Oh, she was so funny in "the chosen one"......was I wrong about this one. First of all she's in the film a total of 5 minutes, secondly this film was just boring. It wasn't bad in that good had no plot and left you thinking, "why doesn't this guy just call the cops?" It simply frustrates the viewer.

Someone said it was a coming of age film....please, coming of age films have people we can relate to. Sorry but no vampires live in my town, I can't relate.
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I Laughed So Hard Tears Started Rolling!
liberalgems28 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is absolutely the most humorous vampire movie you will ever see! It's deliberately campy, but doesn't go overboard! The acting, overall, is surprisingly good! Even Adam West looks great!

I enjoyed the premise of the story where a bunch of beach bum vampires need a place to stay for the summer! Another amusing aspect of this hilarious tale is when the main characters's hormones start to surge because his girlfriend now wants to spend the summer "with him alone!" But he can't do so with a bunch of partying vampires hanging around the house! Before this quandary, he just accepted the fact the beach bums were here to stay. Now, with his hormones surging, he gets the courage-up to give those pushy vamps the boot!

If you have a good sense of humor for the ironic, and absurd, you will definitely enjoy this unusual film!
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Beach movie injokes in American Vamppire
wamwatcher2 February 2009
I come down on the side of this movie is a fun time-waster, but maybe my age is showing in that I noticed in three pages of comments about this film (apparently the Carmen Electra cover had a lot to do with that) No One has mentioned the ton of references to the old William Asher/AIP Beach Movies -- starting with Frankie & Dee - The Vampire "Moondoggie" AKA "Count Eric Von Zipper" (that was MY biggest laff watching this) - The Big Kahuna actually hearkens back to Gidget.

Carmen does show skin but not as much as any male viewer would like. Daisy Torme looks great in a bikini so why are most of her jobs voice work? No justice in my world.
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Oh my GOD...
cassidy255671 February 2007
OK, I watched this movie the other night, it was purchased by the GF on a lark, and it's hilarious, in a kitsch-ie sort of way. I can't believe it was made in 1997. From the look of the "Special" effects and hair and wardrobe, it should have been a 1986 vampire flick. A very bad 1986 vampire flick. Would I recommend it? If you are in the mood for some hilarious, misguided silliness, then yes. I'd be more than a little disgruntled with any friend who recommended it on it's merits, but if it were loaned to me as an "Oh my god, this is the cheesiest flick I've seen in years" style rec, then I'd let them live. I gave it three out of ten only because they may have been going for cheese.
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Take a deeper Look
ecsangel11_200024 April 2001
I thought that this was a pretty good movie. I rented it expecting something sleazy but got a terrific movie with a good hidden meaning. Once you get passed the cover and know that your not going to get a T&A flick it is great. I thought it was a good coming of age film and I liked what was really being said. I defiantly think that the producer has some definite potential to make some more quality films. It took me watching it twice to appreciate it but it was worth it, but with the cover that was slapped on it I can understand how it might be misleading. So I suggest you give it a try.
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The Cover of Carmen Electra is the best part!
ksford29 March 2001
Surfer/Vampire movie with barely a plot. Two kids on the beach meet the head vampire, Moondoggie and invite him over to party with his two vamp girls. Adam West plays the seasoned Vampire Killer (Kahuna). They serve up missing dogs, and the gardener (nacho) as snacks. Carmen Electra has a small part, showing no skin. Don't wait for it to get any better. It doesn't. Many scenes show the boom microphone moving around over the peoples heads!!! IMDB lists two separate films, American Vampire (2000), and this one. They are one in the same. Just repackaged for DVD with Carmen on the cover. Not worth renting.
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Aside from a few moments, it mostly sucks
mitsubishizero10 July 2021
There's not much to really say about it other than it's slow, boring, and stupid. The acting's decent, though most of the characters are too unbearably dumb to watch at times. The story itself feels very slow. I hated Frank's friend, he's the one that caused all this.

Moondoggie's groupies are one of the few good things. The Big Kahuna ok, though even he gets annoying. As vampire movies go, it's pretty harmless. At the same time though, it sucks (and not in a good way). Aside from a few make out scenes, it's not worth it. Find a better movie to sink your teeth into.
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The only thing these Vampires will drain is your time and $!
Asmodeus Night4 April 2001
This movie was horrible, a definite 2. The movie had almost no redeeming value whatsoever, and I mean none. Obviously I did not rent this thing expecting to see academy award winning performances so that's one. I am also a fan of occult type movies as well as many others, and in particular vampires, that's two. And three it was no coincidence that Carmen Electra was on the cover and I rented it, that's three. I say these to let you know that I have good taste but I rented the movie for some campy fun, I was slumming as far as movie rentals go. This is important to know because when I say this movie was bad I am considering it from all angles. It was worthless in any respect; it was just cheap and ridiculous. It failed to be comedic, dramatic, scary, or even fun in that B movie sense. And let me add this for the fellas, NO NUDITY! Believe me Carmen Electra on the cover is a clever marketing ploy, she's barely in it, and I don't mean barely as in naked, let me assure you. The movie is a constant let down with terrible characters, no plot development, and horrible punch lines. The plot suddenly by about half way through became a comedy and this didn't work either. This movie was the worst I've seen in a long time and believe me that's bad. The only thing that saved this movie from a 1 was the fact that by switching suddenly to an attempt at comedy, the director at least showed that, while his attempt was sad, he had a conscious. He realized he was making something so horrible that the least he could do for the viewer was to try and make it laughable (though he failed).
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For a buck?
Bluerose22120 July 2006
I bought this movie at one of those superstore places for a whole dollar. It is okay, but I agree the cover is misleading just like the trailers for Cabin Fever. It would be a good movie to watch at a party where no one is really paying attention to it. Very campy and more funny than scary. But other than that it was worth the buck. Carmen Electra does a fair job. The cover art is far more appealing than the movie. What else is there to say? Except don't rent it or buy it if it is more than a few bucks. And If you are ready to laugh. The music does not go with the movie. But other than that it is just a fun movie and they are banking off the re-release because of Carmen and Dave's Divorce.
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A refreshing journey into decent filmmaking and storytelling.
hanithore3 April 2001
As a parent, I often have to sit through films with my child that often have embarrassing situations and/or plotlines. This film has none. It's a throwback to the days when characters were fun and intriguing to watch. Where not everything is thrown in your face and completely explained. Where the ending is satisfying enough yet full of possibilities. I respect the filmmakers and actors who participated in this endeavor and look forward to more of their work because the movie industry has forgotten a very important thing: the mind and heart of the young viewers who are looking for identity and have little good to absorb in the media today. This film has fun characters, good direction and a heart of gold. Mr. Staley, my hats off to you for making this movie.
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The cover box is intentionally MISLEADING!!!
stapuf18 July 2001
Can you let go of the unfulfilled promises written on the cover box? If so, then the true film enthusiast will see the movie for what it is, a decent, entertaining, tongue in cheek camp piece. My take is, the cover box was intentionally created to quickly grab up the "I want to see Carmen Electra get naked crowd" for quick sales that benefited the distributor and left the renter, "high and dry"! It is no wonder they hated it, they were ripped off! Nothing is worse than renting a film with a deceptive cover!!! That is definitely the case with this film. It is clear the filmmaker intended for this story to be told to the pre-teen audience. Look at it from that point of view, and you will see what I saw, nothing more, nothing less. Just a story that youngsters can enjoy.
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Dont judge a book by its cover
poison28114 August 2001
This is a great film. For many reasons this film deserves to be seen, first of all there is humor in it which for me makes it an easy film to watch. While there are lots of things happening that are not so funny like vampires taking over your home the funny remarks from the cast make it fun. Each charactor is great with a unique sence of humor and can easly be identified with. Then there is a deeper side to it. which afterwards made me really think. Granted i rented this with my boyfriend his wanting to get it because of the carmen cover which makes you think t&a made me not like it but afterwards it was worth the rental fee. This film is sort of like, weekend at bernies meets interview with the vampire. The funny easygoing film with the serious plot. So anywho mad props for the guys that did this and go rent it for yourself insted of believing what everyone else has to say.
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Bout time somebody made a kids film ... for kids!
hanithore3 April 2001
For those of you misled by the overemphasis on Carmen and wanting to see nothing but a skin flick, go elsewhere. For those of you who want to have fun with the kids and derive some nostalgia with Adam West, this is the one. Another viewer stated that there was no plot to this movie. What sort of plot does this reader normally get from T&A skin flicks? This picture has a plot, just not hurled at your face with bold red letters, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. There are films for those who want to see Carmen exposed and doing nothing more, this is not the one. So go to a different type of video store and spare those of us looking for family films the pseudo-intellectual comments. This film has more than enough dignity for those seeking an alternate source of entertainment for their kids. Well done, Producers. Looking forward to your next picture.
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An American Vampire Story.
niallmurphy-3005114 August 2022
If you are interested in watching a vampire film that is surprisingly lacking in bloody violence then this cheesy but fun comedy horror will do the job.
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just when you thought adam west couldn't get any lower...
tripperM20 June 2001
you know i love "B" films if you've read any of my posts, but THIS was a "T" film. "T" for tripe! i thought it might get better as it went along but it didn't. the cinematography (if you can call it that) was amature, the story line was minimal, and the acting -pardon the pun- SUCKED! big time! i mean it felt like it might even turn into a soft porn flick with the way the lack-of-acting and camera work was done, but not even...

if you want a good "B" vamp film, rent razorblade smile. now that was fun. i only thank god that i work at blockbuster and didn't have to pay for a rental of this really hideous flick.
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