The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) (TV Movie 2000) Poster

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Don't Get Shakespeare? Try this!
dadoo405011 March 2007
I first encountered this grandly amusing entertainment as a live production at my university campus some years ago. My son and I decided to to go based solely on the play's title, and a winking caricature of Shakespeare displayed on the poster. Little did we know what that wink signified, as we had no idea of the lunacy that was in store for us. When "The Reduced Shakespeare Company" came available on VHS (then, later, DVD), I purchased it, and have been enjoying and sharing it ever since.

As a secondary English teacher, I have difficulty sometimes getting my students to embrace the classics. When I mention Shakespeare, eyes roll, heads fall onto desks, and moans can be heard. It's like getting a small child to eat his vegetables. Like broccoli, the classics are good for us, but they're hard for some to digest.

Enter the Reduced Shakespeare Company with its "The Complete Works of "William Shakespeare (Abridged)." I have used excerpts in class to show the kids that Shakespeare can be a lot of fun. With their more-or-less complete versions of "Romeo and Juliet" and "Hamlet," even my most resistant students know the major plot points and themes of these plays.

The overview of the other plays is inspired, lumping the main ideas of Shakespeare's comedies into one tossed-salad. The histories are also compressed in a manner that only Americans could have devised.

And, one can never view "Othello" in quite the same way after hearing the "Reduced Shakesperians" rendition of "Othello Rap." This performance is much more (or less) than a teaching tool. It is a rollicking, comedic fun time for all. If you like Shakespeare already, you'll like the witty satire going on here. If you like the Three Stooges, the slapstick is right up your alley. If you have a short attention span, don't worry. One can view this performance as a whole, or pick out bits one finds amusing.

I have viewed "The Complete Works" several times now, both with my family and with my students, and each time I find a new joke, or even a new insight, that I missed earlier.

Some have suggested that Shakespeare is perhaps rolling in his grave at this treatment of his plays. I like to believe, however, that if he were alive today, Will would be laughing--all the way to the bank.
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37 Shakespeare's plays in one incredibly funny show
Galina_movie_fan21 December 2007
Do you know that it is possible to see all 37 plays of the playwright who is considered by many as the greatest ever lived in the show that is under two hours? I did not - until yesterday when I saw The "Reduced Shakespeare Company - The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)" slapstick show that actually compresses all bard's plays in the 90 minutes of wild ride and pure hilarity. Three members of The Reduced Shakespeare Company Adam Long, Reed Martin, and Austin Tichenor act, comment, sing, and not only entertain their theatric audiences but also make them participate in the most hilarious production of "Hamlet" I ever seen. If you never read or seen any stage or screen adaptations of a Shakespeare's play, you still will enjoy the show thanks to the great timing, perfect communication among three performers, and unorthodox but always hysterical way to present each of the celebrated works by the most revered author. As it was the case in the 16th Century's theater, where the male actors play the female heroines, Adam Long plays tragic characters Gertrude, Cleopatra, Juliet, and Ophelia and he is incredibly funny yet strangely sympathetic as the unfortunate ladies. Long, Tichenor who plays always serious scholar and Martin, the clown, acrobat, musician and illusionist of the show all complete one another beautifully. Adam Long and Reed Martin together wrote the script to the show, and found some very original and enjoyable ideas on how to present the plays, all 37 of them in such short period of time. I liked Titus Andronicus Cooking Horror Show. I had a lot of fun listening to and watching "Othello" as a rap song:

"Here's the story of a brother by the name of Othello. He liked white women, and he liked... green... Jell-O. Hey, yeah! And a punk named Iago, made himself a menace because He didn't like Othello, the moor of Venice!"

I absolutely adore the idea of condensing all 17 the comedies in one long sentence that was made up of all the titles to leave more times for the tragedies (because I agree with Adam, Reed, and Austin that Shakespeare's tragedies are funnier).

After enjoying so much "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged)", I am ready for the others Reduced Shakespeare Company's projects, "The Bible: The Complete Word of God (abridged)", "The Complete History of America (abridged)", "Western Civilization: The Complete Musical (abridged)", "All The Great Books (abridged)" , and "Completely Hollywood (abridged)".
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Memorize it Quote it Perform it
prayn4food29 October 2002
I first saw this film in my drama class a few years ago. It was cruel of the teacher to break up the showing, just a little bit each day. This is one that you can watch over and over again and still fall out of your chair laughing. Memorize it, quote it, perform it. It doesn't get any better than this.

"I am Omelette, the Cheese Danish" -Austin Tichener Compelete works of Shakespeare Abridged
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Shakespeare - but not as we know it!
gray47 June 2004
A magnificent stage performance. The first half runs through 36 of Will's plays, at about 2 minutes a play. The second half is the funniest production of Hamlet you are ever likely to see. These three guys provide one of the most energetic and comic stage performances possible. And they involve the audience in ways that give a new dimension to the concept of audience participation.

The Reduced Shakespeare Company has been touring for many years now, but this production in Vancouver is as fresh as if they had opened yesterday. The interplay between the three actors, their audience 'volunteers' and the immortal bard provide one of the greatest comedy experiences you are ever likely to see. Don't miss them - on stage (but don't sit in the front row!) or on screen.
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My back still hurts
greenmnm627 March 2003
Oh . . . my . . . god. I just saw this movie last night and it was the best and the hardest laugh I'd had in a long time. My back was killing me by the time the movie was over. The costume changes (if you could call them that by the end of the movie) are great, the vomiting is great, and the digs at academia are great. Even though it warns that this movie is not meant for English majors (I'm an English major and I can't wait to see this movie again), I think that they really mean that it's not meant for those who take Shakespeare way too seriously, who view Shakespeare as some sort of demi-god.

Only two complaints: The director cuts to the audience a little too much. You can hear that they're having fun, they're laughing, they're getting into the play, we don't need to see their reactions as well. The action goes by so quickly, I wonder if I'm missing something on stage when they cut to the audience. The other complaint: my friend sitting next to me who was viewing it for the fifth time ("Oh, this is great," "watch this," "Oh this part's funny.")

Definitely for anyone who's read Shakespeare (which would be everyone) and thought that it could never be anything but dull and boring (which in reality his plays are very rich, but then again I'm biased). :-)

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watsol7 February 2002
This filming of a 3 person stage act is hilarious even if you know little about some of Shakespeare's plays. The plays you are most likely to know are emphasized - Romeo & Juliet and Hamlet - with sly contemporary asides to the audience mingled amongst the sometimes don't-blink-or-you-will-miss-it performances of all of Shakespeare's plays. The entire production is laugh out loud entertainment. Adam Long, who acts like the dumbest member of the trio, is the genius behind this production. He has other works like the Complete History of America and The Bible Abridged, but, as far as I know, none have been performed for video. This is the one chance to see his comic brilliance on tape.
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"Brevity is the soul of wit.*" "*Ain't that the truth!"
tinytuba6 June 2002
I had seen bits and pieces of this before, mainly done by competitors in speech and debate tournaments. I found the script funny, but there was always something lacking in the competitors.

When my mom, aunt, and I had the opportunity to see the entire original play in London, I discovered why! Not only was it the obvious; professional actors who actually knew what they were doing, but intense physical comedy. The combination of slapstick galore, eloquent Shakespearean verse, modern twists for humor, and cheap cheesy props made this THE funniest play I have ever seen, and believe me, that's a strong compliment; I'm an avid theatre goer and find many things funny, but this is the creme de la creme! After an hour and a half of non-stop diaphragmatic convulsing over absurd Shakespeare, the show was over and we returned to our hotels, groups, and individual tour. Several of the occurrences always stuck with me; and though this is not uncommon for me, I would think of something that happened in the show that would get me laughing hysterically out of nowhere. A short while after my mother and I returned home, I discovered through the Reduced Shakespeare Company's website that the video was available and jumped for joy! At Christmas, one of my many wonderful gifts happened to be this video! As we see, it stars Adam Long, one of the 3 writers of the show, who continues to perform it in London last I knew, Reed Martin, and Austin Tichenor. All three hilarious in their own ways. Although this is definitely better seen live, as most shows are, I have not met a single person who didn't laugh hysterically at SOME point while watching the video. This is one of my favorite videos in my collection, right up there with my Monty Python shrine! On a semi-related note, anyone interested may want to check out the actual script to "The Complete Works. . ." It's available through the Reduced Shakespeare Company's website, and I'm sure through certain booksellers, or Amazon, or even a public library somewhere. The script is mostly what is on the video, but contains many hilarious footnotes, pictures, and several introductions that are definitely worth it! 10 stars!
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Could it possibly be funnier?
CaptainOblivion28 January 2004
Most comedies based upon the works of others have a tendency to start with an inspired idea, but in the end don't come across as well as they should have (think _Bridget Jones's Diary_). Here, on the other hand, is quite possibly the funniest thing ever done on a stage anywhere. The three members of the Reduced Shakespeare Company have, over the course of 20+ years, refined and honed this show to the point where all you get is the lean meat - there's not an ounce of fat to be seen. The only point during the entire DVD where I stop laughing is the three-second intermission between the first and second half of the show (well-placed, as it gives me a chance to catch my breath). 10 is too low a rating to give this gem.
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Shakespeare Would Definitely Approve...
Iaryavie13 August 2006
I first saw this filmed version in my freshman year in high school when I was just starting to appreciate the works of Shakespeare, and this has just made me fall in love with the Bard more. Ever since I first saw this, I've seen it hundreds of times and even read the script, only to find myself still laughing. Watching Austin, Adam, and Reed is like spending 90 minutes with three best friends who only want to entertain you. Seeing it live was indeed a highlight and I don't think I'll ever stop listening to the Othello rap. The comedic timing is hilarious and their talent at improvisation is priceless. Reduced Shakespeare Company, you've made my life so much more complete. :)
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The reduced Shakespeare is proud to prevent...the complete works of William Shakespeare abridged.
Denton_Luke3 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
From the start to the finish, this is one of the funniest things that has ever been filmed from a stage show. In under and hour and a half, this show goes through everything, Romeo and Juliet to Hamlet (forward and backwards). All the comedies are packed into one play. Sadly though, they claim that it's filmed at the Criterion theatre (London) even though it quite clearly isn't because I've visited it. Despite that, this performance is magnificent, Adam still acts as the youngest most immature of the group. Austin Titchnor is and always will be the serious member who only wants people to learn, despite the ignorance of the other two (especially during the reading of the book 'I LOVE MY WILLY!')Finially Reed Martin (my favourite set of parts (if u ever want a trained actor for the show guys!!!) is the perfect clown of the piece, his ability to play the accordion (he plays the telephone waltz whilst he does the sonnets), Mimes himself in a box (in the 'i love my Willy' scene) eats fire, and is kind of a ringleader to the whole event. After seeing this film, i went out and bought the script to the show, which is also funny to read. I just hope that their other shows like the bible and all the great books are soon to be released like their original classic!
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Pure agony.
MikoSquiz14 February 2008
Painfully bad renditions of Shakespeare highlights, accompanied by slapstick comedy along the lines of "Man wears dress" and "Man hits head". This is the black stinking pit where comedy goes to die. I would rather come down with colo-rectal cancer than watch this again.

I do have to admit I didn't watch all of it. The first half hour was unpleasant enough to convince me the remaining hour of my time would be better spent ramming #2 pencils through my ribcage while rolling around in a compost heap.

Audiences in Bill Shakes' day would have laughed themselves silly, but then, they were drunk out of their minds.
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You will not be disappointed
gross_fangirl_sobbing19 December 2006
Only this could contain the unholy pairing of wit and stupidity, roll it up in insanity and call it brilliant. Having just seen it, I must say it's one of the better(if not the best) satires of Shakespeare's work.

A great performance is given by all actors, who you can tell are dedicated to their craft. A particularly good performance is given by Adam Long, who has a sweet aloofness about him that is instantly charming. Austin Tichenor is amusing and likable, and Martin Reed has good comedic sensibilities. I hope to see more work from these actors in the future.

This movie had me laughing almost the whole time, and is very quotable. The only issue I have with it is it's jumpy hyperactive nature which is exhausting to watch, particularly in the Romeo and Juliet sketch. After the first fifteen minutes you will feel tired, but once they launch into their other acts you will grow accustomed to their style and love every second of it.

A wonderful show you should try watching at least once.
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Brilliant !
nchickey27 December 2013
As a high school (British Literature) English teacher, I share parts of this amazing show with my students so that they can appreciate the wit the Bard. My students love the Hamlet finale best of all. That being said, of course they adore the Romeo and Juliet opening segment and the Othello rap. My kids also practice rolling their r's after the Scottish play scene. I can't tell you how many students have borrowed my copy of the DVD for a weekend or have bought their own copy! This is a must have for anyone who appreciates Shakespeare and good, solid, smart parody. The three actors are fun, a little bit naughty, and highly entertaining. The true mark of a great piece is the ability to play it again and again and still belly laugh!!
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Make it Part of Your Life!
mlktrout23 December 2010
I saw this live in London in 1996. At the time it was just a show to see to pass the time. I had no idea.

From the beginning, it was one howling, screaming laugh after another. I was in tears and had nearly wet myself by intermission -- had to run to the bathroom just to keep from wetting myself in the second act!

Several years later the video came out. After all I had told my husband and sons, they couldn't believe it and held no great expectations; even I was wondering if I was remembering "with advantages," to quote the Bard. But within minutes all three of my teenaged sons were howling -- and two of them didn't like Shakespeare at all. My husband, who never laughs out loud, was bellowing and gasping for air and had tears in his eyes.

Since then I'm pretty sure we have seen it a hundred times. And it's always funny, even though we could recite it right along with the actors. There's the glint in Adam's eye just before he "vomits," the hysteria-inducing advice "tuck your boobies in!" when performing in drag, the idea that's "totally boatless." We all quote lines from it frequently and adapt them to our own situations. (As a beta tester at my job, I swore that I would "refuse to do dry, boring, vomit-less computer testing.") Oh, the production? Well, they don't actually do all the plays. The comedies are all combined into one (and are better for it). Macbeth is done "with authentic Scottish accents." Othello becomes a rap number (that I frequently sing around the house). Titus Andronicus is an Emeril-inspired cooking show. Some plays, like Coriolanus, are barely mentioned; others like Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra are briefly sketched. The ones done in most detail are Romeo and Juliet, and Hamlet (which is given by far the most attention, even being performed backwards at one point).

There's no way a review could do this wildly imaginative three-man show justice. See it yourself--repeatedly. Learn it backwards and forwards. Quote from it. Make it a part of your life! You won't be sorry.
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One of the few DVD's I own
lyleoneal-9022131 July 2021
I enjoyed this comedy so much I purchased the DVD so that I could watch it anytime I needed a good laugh. Excellent stage performances and well written.
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