The Brotherhood III: Young Demons (Video 2002) Poster

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Verbal Diohhrea
fueled_by_caffeine24 September 2006
Words cannot describe how terrible that movie was. That SCRIPT, oh God, it was Gonohhrea of the ear to the Power of ten. It had no substance, the plot was stupid as that new movie "karate dog" ( <--seriously, holy ----!) The quality of the camera was even bad. The only thing you ever saw was the inside of a school...person running... person not running... person getting put in S&M gear... Ugly girl rubbing her crotch on other S&M guy... Thats is how the entire movie went. The director is obviously gay, I mean, when you have a guy who trips and falls in a pile of blood, goes off to TAKE A SHOWER, and then we sit somewhere for literally ten minutes staring at his crotch and man boobs.

No amount of lighter fluid could ever erase the memory of Brotherhood III: young Idiots.
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It takes an entire cast working together to make a movie this bad.
skotgp27 January 2003
Probably a third of my DVD collection is composed of Horror/Fantasy/Science Fiction movies, with a growing number being direct to video. Some of those direct to video movies are pretty good. "Mimic" is one of my favorites. This one leaves a clear understanding why it never saw a big screen.

There is minimal plot (many good horror flicks have survived this); There is virtually no acting taking place (ok, so the genre isn't noted for Academy Award winning performances); the special effects, if that's what they are to be called, would embarrass an high school stage manager; and, well, there really is not a single thing to recommend this movie. The two most annoying aspects are the almost constant use of a fog machine, day and night, in what is supposed to be a public high school . . . and . . . the excessive use of slow motion which could have been eliminated and would have made this horrible (not horror) movie about a half hour shorter.

Be wiser than I, don't let this thing ever rotate across your optical laser.
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Not what I'd hoped, nope, not at all.
spoken6 July 2003
I can put up with a lot from a movie, especially when my choices have to do with dirty dishes, Real-Trash TV and/or brushing the cat. But this one goes in the pile with "Lethal Target" and the first "Brotherhood" hoodwinker.

My comments concern the VHS version I bought "pre-viewed" for 5 bucks. I wish I could have about 3 of those back.

The first things I noted were through-the-tube voices and high school level acting. Well, I don't expect much acting in a horror movie.

The whole look and feel told me I'd picked up something from maybe as far back as twenty years ago, so imagine my surprise when I saw it was from 2002!

Some of the music didn't fit, though at some point near the end I realized it suddenly was pretty darn good. Throughout the movie I kept wondering when I'd hear some heart-jumping sounds, either music or effects, but they never came.

The rating said something about sensuality. What sensuality? Do they mean the kid showering in his hip-hugger briefs? Or maybe it was supposed to be the leather-clad couple looking as though they were auditioning for porn made by Disney.

I didn't see much in the way of violence, either. If I recall correctly the stabbings were shown in *almost* slow motion, but the camera was cut away to other scenes before any knives hit their marks.

The Plot Summary has nothing to do with what's in the movie, though at the very end we find out that, yes, this is another reincarnation-type thing. At least in the first of these "Brotherhood" movies we know what's going on from the beginning.

And I don't think there was one scream in the entire film. sigh
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Not the worst movie ever made...
Timelord-229 December 2004
This movie was so bad I can't even really call it a movie. The story would be stupid if it even really existed, the script is bad, the effects are bad, the makeup is bad, the sound is terrible. I'd say the acting was awful, but given the material and directing I actually felt sorry for the actors and can't blame them. Every single creative and technical aspect of this movie is awful.

There are two titillating scenes, both involving the Kip character (who is undeniably cute). In the first he goes into the locker room to wash the blood off his back (he fell into it) and ends up doing an erotic look-at-my-body shower scene instead. But at least the story had him in the shower for a reason. Then after he and another character are "posessed" they do another soft-core bondage dance with poor Kip looking terribly bored. Not only wasn't it worth it, but there was no reason for the scene to exist! It made no sense! These comments come from a guy who *loves* bad movies. I had rather low expectations to begin with, and they were not met. Take, for instance, Brotherhood II. It too, was terrible, but in that fun, what a great way to waste some time way that bad movies ought to be.
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rgad5 October 2002
I must say I'm amazed that I have spent nearly 82 minutes watching bewildered people walking around through dimly lit corridors of a school frequently illuminated with inexplicable flashes of "lightning." And that's what 90% of this movie is. Boring. Perhaps seeing the first two "Brotherhoods" would have clarified the seeming lack of purpose of this sequel, but I don't believe I want to waste the time to discover if this would help. The only innovative scene was that of a person taking a shower in his underwear. I don't know about you, but that's a first for me.
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Oh my god, this movie sucked ass
hatebreedsrage11 September 2002
I can't believe I wasted 5 bucks on this movie. Absolutely no plot, no storyline, and no respect. I had no idea what was going on the entire movie. The acting was so bad, it can't be compared. I'm convinced they used cue cards while filming this movie. I would suggest watching it just to see how horrible it is. Nobody in their right mind would praise this movie. Anyone who does, must have had something to do with filming.
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cool refreshing,just like the other two.
ecene2330 June 2002
very cool,nudity is very good but u need more,lol,but amazing good plots I'm sure everybody sees the creative plots these writers have or who ever thinks off them.congratulations,for the good work,and we all expect more from you all and brotherhood're fan john thanks you for you're good work.
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Forrest Gump on glue....
svperc22 July 2004
I seem to have been duped worse than other site posters.... I paid $20 for this movie in an effort to see just how bad it was. I got more entertainment from reading this site's comments on the movie than ever I got from watching it. Substandard acting and a nonexistent plot converge to create what can only be described as the worst film of my life. It reminded me of Blair Witch in that it could easily have been filmed by a group of high school students set loose at night with a camera and a fog machine. All that was lacking was a snotty-nose scene. In conclusion, I'd have a hedgehog forcibly inserted into my rectum before I'd consent to view this film again.

Translation: Don't do it!
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30 minute movie stretched into an hour and a half
kwofine8 August 2006
This movie was by far the worst movie I have ever seen! Literally half of it was of the characters walking around the hallways in slow motion. This movie is especially bad because of the annoying heart beat sound throughout the entire movie. Also, in my school, there isn't any fog on the inside. And what about the jock character, Roger. Can he make any other expression besides that goofy smile? This is just a 30 minute movie that was stretched out with slow motion scenes. I think it's safe to stay that they can stop making "Brotherhood" sequels now. On a positive note, this movie is great for teaching patience. If you are extremely bored, and have a strong urge to torture yourself, this movie is for you.
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Bad, Just Awful
ttenchantr14 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'd heard good things about David DeCouteau's movies going into this. Campy, guilty pleasures to be sure, but fun to watch and leer at. However, this fails on every level. Terrible acting, awful scripting and little worth leering at.

I got dizzy watching as the "actors" wandered through the sole three sets, rarely encountering one another and seemingly unable to spot the "dungeon master," despite their being in the same room as him.

Also, as a gamer, both live action and tabletop, I was upset that no true role playing game elements were used. I found myself wondering just what the players were supposed to accomplish, besides just dressing up and wandering around in the dark. If I mounted a campaign as dull and pointless as this, my players would tar and feather me and I'd deserve it! :)

You would do well to avoid this at all cost. If you really want to see a good campy movie with role playing game elements watch "Mazes & Monsters" ( instead.
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mbchaos3 September 2002
Brotherhood 3 was decent, not nearly as good as the first two, but I sat through the whole thing. Perhaps dropping down to a pg-13 rating they cut out some of the parts that would have made it a bit better. Some of the chase scenes were long and drawn out. The plot was predictable, but then again it usually is in De Coteau films.
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Definitely Lacking
TBelton112 September 2002
I realize that director David DeCoteau's movies are intended for fun as much as they are the occasional scare; but we the viewing audience do demand at least some quality in a movie. The plot in this movie was cheesey and the acting talent was basically talentless; with the very pleasant exception of Kristopher Turner who played the part of Lex. Hopefully, DeCoteau will bring him back to star in a few more B movies, I would pass on the rest of the cast members. One of the most annoying points of this movie were all the drawn out boring chase scenes; the victims ran for what seemed like miles and they always ended up in the same places? I could see the shower scene coming; where would a DeCoteau film be without at least some kind of sexploitation; but even that was made cheesy by well... I can't spoil it. If your looking for a better DeCoteau film I recommend "The Frightening" or one of the first two "Brotherhood" movies.
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Awww Come on, we know what to expect with Dave now !!
jackdethtrancer22 September 2002
Considering myself to be a veteran of pretty much all Dave Decoteau's movies, when this one landed express delivery from Amazon on my doorstep, I yelped with excitement and hurried it into my DVD player.

Looking at all the previous comments, predominantly in the negative, I have to say that I myself am more than happy with Mr. Decoteau's creative output since launching Rapid Heart. I know I'm not likely to be comparing it to one of Romero's, Fulci's or Argento's, but I do know it will sit very well in my DVD collection alongside most Full Moon films and their alumni. So , to sum up, hats off to Dave Decoteau for churning out another homoerotic journey into the underworld.
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Leofwine_draca5 May 2015
THE BROTHERHOOD III: YOUNG DEMONS reaches a new low in cinema. The first two movies in this franchise were bad enough, but YOUNG DEMONS breaks with tradition and the type of storyline offered up in those flicks for something new and much, much, worse.

David DeCoteau heads off with his camera north of the border to shoot a clunky Canadian piece of trash. The very loose storyline involves a bunch of roleplayers who decide to break into their high school one night to play a new type of game. Unfortunately for them, they use a real-life book of the occult to summon up some very real demons who proceed to wreak havoc among them.

There's virtually no story or dialogue in this film, just a constant stream of bad acting and worse direction. The entire soundtrack of the film consists of a single, thumping heartbeat, which as you can imagine gets tiring before a minute has passed. DeCoteau pads his film out with a lengthy S&M sex scene and an interlude in which a buff young dude - what else? - strips down to his underwear and takes a much-needed shower, and such moments are as cheesy and horrendous as they sound. There are no redeeming values in this film whatsoever, making it one of the worst I've ever witnessed.
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* out of 4.
brandonsites19816 June 2003
If you have already seen the first two films in this series, then you know what you are in for. The premise involving wizards and warlocks isn't a bad one at all, but the lousy direction is what causes this film to sink. The director seems more concerned with displaying perfectly toned male flesh instead of creating suspense and terror.
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Barely better sequel to a rather decent original
slayrrr66620 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"The Brotherhood III: Young Demons" is pretty much like the others in the series.


Getting ready for his first football game, Roger, (Landon McCormick) learns from fellow students Stan, (David Johnson) and Victoria, (Julie Pedersen) about a secret activity held on campus. When word gets out that Lex, (Kristopher Turner) who holds the game, has been given a book from his brother Ramsey, (Paul Andrich) about demonic spells and casts that is going to be the basis for the game, they invite friends Megan, (Ellen Wieser) and Kip, (Andrew Hrankowski) to participate in them. As they go about the games inside the school after-hours, they start to realize that something else is among them killing them off, and when they discover it's actually a student possessed by a demon that is turning them into slaves that serve him and try to get away from the murderous hordes before turning them all into minions.

The Good News: There was some good stuff in this one when it counted on it. There's a really great ability of the film to be able to make sure that the guys in this film are presented more in a sexual light than the women are. There's plenty of useless, throwaway scenes of the men in here running around topless or in their underwear, which is usually the type of tactic that is reserved for women in these films, and there's some good stuff to go around for this. The most obvious one is the shower scene, which has one of the guys taking a shower with super-short boxers that manage to get soaking wet with the camera right up in there catching the whole thing in several extended, close-up shots that pan over pretty much everything possible without anything being shown explicitly. It really stands out in the film. The main part of the story, about the role-playing game in the school's halls is unique and actually has the potential to be fun and enjoyable, and the scenes from it that are shown is actually pretty cool. There's some parts about it that really could've been exploited more, but it's still some fun to be able to get some time with it. That's also when the really cool-looking force that the demon has, as the mask and jewels look very imposing and like something that would be feared, making those scenes look even impressive. The last big plus is the way that the film throws in some really nice suspense scenes. The opening stalking in the hallways is incredibly impressive and manages to start it off with a really nice suspense. From the darkened walk-through with the flashing lightning and the quick glimpses of someone else there is what works for this. There's other scenes like this spread throughout the game, where they're stalked through the school and get really creepy at times. That they all pretty much follow the same pattern of showcasing an incredibly-slow going walk that lasts a long time. These are the film's big pluses.

The Bad News: There's a couple problems in this one. The fact that there's a ton of scenes that also go on a lot longer than they should've makes for this is the most obvious factor about it. There's a huge amount of scenes that pretty much go on much longer than they really sure. The opening walk through the hallways, which is just so long that it gets nearly exhausting when it gets going since the long walks through the hallways are pretty much done in complete slow-motion to stretch this one out even more. Pretty much all of the stalking scenes are done in this manner, and since there's so many of them it makes the film that much longer since they're spread out for so long. This here manages to be the biggest flaw of the film, although's more. There's also the film's almost complete-dryness that the film exhibits. There's no kills in here, and the transformations are done off-screen, which is really irritating and pointless as there was no way to see how the changes occur. The most graphic thing in this is a slashed arm that is seen only as aftermath and this really needed to be bunched up a little as well. The last flaw to this is the uncomfortableness some might have with the film's frank portrayal of men as sexual objects. Rather than doing this for women, it does the same tactic for men, and because it's so different than the norm, it can be something that is new and a little off-putting for some, even though it's not a complete detriment and doesn't hurt the film at all like the others do.

The Final Verdict: Pretty much the same thing that the other sequels have about them with almost the exact same good parts and flaws. Give it a shot if you're into the general style or are in the mood for a more homosexual experience, while those who can't get around that factor are urged to seek caution.

Rated R: Violence and Language
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Some good parts
landon_boucher6 September 2002
I thought it was average, some "chase" scenes, or "stalking" scenes were really done slow. I'm assuming the actors in the movies are just starting out in the biz judging by the number of films they've been in. However you can see potential in some, headlined by Kristopher Turner who played Lex. I thought he did a great job, and people have told me he's the greatest Ultimate Frisbee player that ever lived.
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One of the Worst Movies of the Year
tabuno27 January 2019
26 October 2002. Suckered in my Blockbuster's advertising in the store, this Brotherhood is terrible, long, boring. I had to fast forward through most of it to find anything of interest. Poor, wooden acting, dead script, lackluster effects, long, tedious music. This movie should never have been produced and released on an unsuspecting public willing to spend money. This is an example of how not to make a movie. I'd be embarrassed to have my name in the credits on this one and I'm surprised that anybody allowed their name to be.
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I am Ramses II
nogodnomasters11 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A bunch of kids play a role playing game in school on Friday nights. They have unwittingly unlocked a demon from Egypt armed with a voice enhancer and ridged eye brows. Most of the action is kids running around in the school and a guy in his underwear. Pretty boring stuff.

Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity.
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Running. Lots and lots of running...
TobyS26 October 2002
The Brotherhood III: Young Demons pretty much blows. Nothing happens except for a LOT of running. The acting is the worst yet in the Brotherhood series, as is the "plot".

Lex (Kristopher Turner) is his own Jeff Probst in a game he has created and plays in the school at night. The players all dress up like they're on their way to a renaissance festival and search the school for something that I really don't care to try and remember. During the game, Lex is able to see, hear and talk to anybody, anywhere in the school from his position in the library. As an added touch, a really stupid looking mystery man is loose in the school and appears to be making all of his victims pleasure him orally. This all builds up to a lame climax (no pun intended) that makes the end of The Brotherhood II look like Shakespeare.

This film is annoying. From the constant running though the halls to the never stopping heartbeat, this movie rots. There are two redeeming things about The Brotherhood III: 1: Lex is hot! 2: The shower boy has a killer butt! It's good to see DeCoteau did something right. Other than that, there is nothing in this film to recommend. When will he realize that constant lightening in every scene is not scary? And what was up with those camera angles? I was starting to get motion sickness watching! If I was to list every plot hole in this thing, we'd be here all day.

Anyway, I've rambled on enough about a movie that didn't deserve this much review space to begin with. I won't tell you not to watch it, for you have to decide that for yourself. But I will tell you that I stopped shy of hating this film, and hope that the inevitable Brotherhood IV is more on par with the first in the series than this effort.

My grade: D-
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jaimedance34 November 2018
Horrible Acting With No Damn Plot At ALL ~ Terrible Terrible Terrible Terrible
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wtxx27 April 2008
I cannot fully describe how amazing it is to watch what looks like a really cheap movie version of a Goosebumps episode, and then gradually come to realize that the little things you were laughing at because they accidentally looked sexual weren't really accidents.

This movie is essentially a children's "scary movie" crossed with gay soft-porn. How awesome is that?

Though, I've probably spoiled the surprise with this review. On the other hand, I suppose looking at this IMDb page at all has already spoiled it. The best is to get someone to watch this thinking it's a run-of-the-mill b-movie, and let them experience the wondrous journey of discovery on their own.
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Don't bother with it...
drg3574 May 2003
Much like the others who have left a comment, I fast forwarded through at least 50% of this film. The acting, the plot, and the special effects were all sub-par.

I purchased the DVD in the "bargain bin" at Blockbuster and paid $6.00 for it. I think that I paid $5.00 too much.

I only had two reactions as I watched the movie. The first was knowing exactly what was going to happen next (just a little too predictable), the second was saying, "Huh? That doesn't make any sense?"

The only bright spot in the whole ordeal was Kristopher Turner. I hope that he continues with his acting classes as I think he has the makings of a fine character actor.

One final thing. You see the American flag quite often in the school, yet all of the students seem to have a rather thick Canadian accent.

My rating - a 1/2 star out of 5 stars.
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Wow. i'm speechless
lilditz655 November 2002
this movie (if you can call it that even) is THE WORST movie i've ever seen. so many things wrong, where do i start? I had to fast forward through the movie every 5 seconds, it was basically just ppl walking around trying to avoid this dude dressed in black. there is no suspense, no nothing because they just keep walking around and it gets so boring that you have to fastforward in order to keep yourself awake. and what was the plot? i made the mistake of paying $3.69 for it, when i could have rented another horror movie worthy of the $3.69 price, like Hannibal or something. This movie was soo bad, this doesnt even start to describe how dumb and pointless it was. I was so angry when i was watching it, the people in there CAN NOT act, they were just reading lines with no emotion. For all you wanna be film makers out there, i recommend you rent this as a guide to what NOT TO DO when you make movies. > you can take notes on what not to do when making a movie. i cant belive they got 3 of them out. its HORRIBLE!!!
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BSscott15713 September 2002
All though I like how the director tries to make a lot of the movies seductive. He doesn't do a good job of it. This movie was trying to get their but It didn't work, just like when this girl with curly hair was dancing around this guy strapped to a pole and they were wearing these clothes showing some cleavage. Their's no nudity cause they possibly say the movie is PG-13 and the only nudity their is a guy who slips in a puddle of blood and takes a shower with his white underwear on. The zombies in movie were dumb/pathetic. They should make movies that aren't sci-fi. The whole movie mostly deals with this guy in a costume walking around trying to catch these guys playing a game. Well im getting ahead of myself. The story goes like this. A group of teenagers play a little game at school like really late at night. They protect themselves with fake weapons and ditzy costumes. They invite this jock to come play, but he thinks the game is cheesy as he starts to play along with it. The leader of the game just stands in the library giving the clues to find the prize. What the teenagers think is. Is that the game is all fun and games to see who can find the prize. What's really dumb as that the guy in the library keeps giving clues and everybody knows the prize is in the computer lab, but they just prance around doin' nothing. Just scaring themselves. What the game really is. Is that it's a real killing spree. The teenager makes it like it's all fun and games, but in the end he's some kind of stupid psycho. The movie is terrible. Don't waste ur money on this. The whole movie deals with running you ain't missing anything!
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