Skeleton Man (TV Movie 2004) Poster

(2004 TV Movie)

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Beyond bad. So very, very far beyond bad.
gtc836 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start? Some guy has some Indian pot that he's cleaning, and suddenly Skeletor attacks. He hits a woman in the neck with an axe, she falls down, but then gets up and is apparently uninjured. She runs into the woods, and it turns out there's the basement of a shopping center out there in the woods. She meets a utility worker and Skeletor attacks again. Luckily, like any good utility worker, he's got a gun and shoots at the guy. Doesn't work, everything starts on fire.

Cut to some people walking through the woods. Even though they've been hiking together for some time, they sit down and introduce themselves to each other. Wouldn't they have probably done that when they first met? Anyhow, they're "undercover" Delta team members (undercover, I suppose, because that way they don't have to pay to dress them in uniforms). The cute girls are various things such as a sniper school instructor and, oh, I can't remember the rest. It doesn't matter. Eventually they all take their guns out and immediately start aiming them at various things. ? Anyhow, they meet an old Indian who is sitting out in the woods. He wants beans. You know, like pork and beans? He mumbles some stuff, I can only assume that it's the premise of the movie. I relied on having heard the premise from the commercials, because you can't really understand anything he says.

So, they walk around the woods some more. All the dialogue is a load of quasi-military, macho BS. I mean all of it, as in every single word. Like "This reminds me of when we were in Kabul" or "This reminds me of when we were in Laos". Skeletor attacks again. Let me give you a rundown of a basic attack. One of the female characters is crouched behind a tree and she aims her gun at the approaching guy on the horse. For some reason, she doesn't fire but yells several times for someone else. Then as Skeletor approaches, she jumps out from behind the tree so that Skeletor can stick her with his spear. Then everybody starts shooting. The bullets cause sparks to fly from the trees. Apparently the folks who made this movie never shot a tree with a bullet. They don't make sparks.

Then Casper Van Diem is all of a sudden driving a semi-truck, trying to run over Skeletor. He misses, and the truck slides to a stop. Van Diem is injured, apparently he slid across the seat and bumped his hip on the window crank or something, so he crawls out of the truck and it explodes. Later he's in the woods dying and everybody says a bunch of quasi-military, macho BS. They meet a couple guys in the woods and blow their "undercover" status by immediately identifying themselves as being from the Army. They beat on the guys for some reason, then they go away.

Some other stuff happens, people mumble, the camera shakes, etc.

I think it comes to an end eventually.

My theory is that the Sci-Fi Channel is getting a little annoyed with everyone bashing their movies, so they put this out to remind us all how bad movies can really be. Like, you think our movies are bad? Well, you haven't seen bad. HERE'S BAD!!! Okay, now that we've got that out of the way, the rest of our movies are pretty good in comparison, right?

Well, it's just a theory.
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What an awful waste of time and money.
brettdb11 November 2005
My wife and I enjoy bad science fiction movies. Some movies are so bad they are good. Mansquito was one of those. That one was bad but it had some redeeming qualities. It makes you wonder how a self respecting actor approaches lines like "Hey! Mansquito!"

This one is so bad it has now taken its place as our standard for bad. It isn't just a bad movie, it really stinks. There was the coed strike force, the "Indian" that rode around in a black cloak and used a SWORD for crying out loud. He shot down a helicopter with an arrow!!

We tried to laugh at this movie but there were no points at which it didn't rise above pitiful. We couldn't come up with any redeeming features except for one. Those were the words "The End"

There seemed to be no plot, no character development, and no point to the movie. Someone in Hollywood needs to be fired.
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Amazingly brainless and bad
Polycledis5 March 2005
This movie tries to rip off Predator, but that movie is much better. This movie has truly terrible special effects and a mindless plot. The team that enters the forest to find the cause of the disappearances of military and scientist is a combo of rough and rugged male delta commandos and pretty but tough female rangers. None of them are too bright. All the characters seem to be more than willing to run off into the forest alone and headfirst into a spear or sword and their death. Some of the pyrotechnics are very big and must have cost a bundle. But the close-ups of the creature are laughable as are most of the death scenes. Every cliché that the writers could think of was used. If you're looking for a mindless slaughter fest, this may fill the bill. The night I watched this was very slow so I sat through the whole thing. I have to admit that it's been a while since I watched something this bad. There is very little to redeem this movie. I'm amazed that junk like this gets produced.
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Beyond Crap
Shabadoo-25 March 2005
This was so bad, I want God to give me an extra two hours of life having had to sit through it.

First off, the acting was uniformly bad. There was barely a plot, unless "Shaggy dog story with a guy in a rain poncho and skeleton mask instead of a dog" counts.

The editing was was all over the place, and the slow-mo shots of the "gore" (red corn syrup flying through the air--doubtless flung using a spoon) got irritating after the tenth time, and infuriating after the hundredth time.

I like Michael Rooker. He's done some good work. This was not good. This was less than good. And by that, I mean that it sucked. Hard.

For god's sake, don't watch this movie.
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PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE was CITIZEN KANE compared to this!
sschiff-111 April 2005
If you like to get a couple of fleeting glimpses of cleavage on some attractive women, there may be a second or two of enjoyment from this film. If you enjoy seeing poorly conceived and executed "action" scenes, there are plenty. If you are both blind and deaf, I still advise you to not have this film on in your presence. It is surely the worst or very close to the worst film I have ever seen. And it does appear that there was some money spent on it. Talk about throwing money away! As an editor, I would hope that the "editor(s?)" of this "movie" never again be allowed to edit a film, book, or even a post-it note. As a writer, I would hope that the author(s?) never again be allowed near even a broken crayon. You would think that I am not recommending that you view this movie. NOT so. Tape it (so you may stop your pain when you need to) and educate yourself as to how bad a movie can be.
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DrPostman5 March 2005
Thank God for DVR and the high speed of it's fast forward. Even with that I couldn't sit through any more of that travesty. When they came across the old Indian asking for beans I gave up and erased it. Is this the best that SciFi Channel can come up with for Saturday nights? How about some old classics instead? The idea of a coed special forces unit was bad enough. It seems like they wanted to save money by having everything filmed out in the woods. What more can I say? It was so awful that I don't think I can come up with enough lines to qualify for space to review it. But, it looks like one more line will do it. Save your time, let alone your money on this dog of a film.
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They don't get much sillier than this
bus78216 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
As I write this, no user reviews are in yet, but there are 17 votes with a 4.8 average, so apparently some people thought this movie had its moments. I didn't notice any, and even if I had I don't think I could have stopped rolling my eyes for long enough to appreciate them.

A common debate among movie buffs is whether major mistakes in science, police tactics, and the like so common in B movies should detract significantly from one's enjoyment. I tend to fall into the "Yes, that's a reasonable reaction" camp -- especially when the mistakes are central to the plot. With this movie, I look forward to reading how anyone can defend this mess. They completely botch pretty much every aspect of military tactics and strategy, police tactics, weapons, science, folklore, common sense, and human behavior (outside of B movies, that is.) In short, I can't think of any non-trivial thing they got right.

Any movie would have its work cut out for it when its central premise is a supernatural spirit, impervious to all small arms, able to disappear into another dimension at will, and yet apparently vulnerable to simply a bigger explosion. (They don't make ghosts like they used to.) Combine this premise with every detail being wrong and you have a memorably bad movie.
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Angered beyond belief
kryton-17 March 2005
This ranks up there as the worst movies of all time. No research or thought at all went into this movie. Action scenes were thrown in at random intervals which made no sense in the context of the movie. Items appeared and disappeared at random, etc. It's obvious that this was directed by a "stunt coordinator", who should go back to his old job. The Skeleton Man rode a horse throughout the movie, which amazingly, could change color at will. Either that, or someone thought the audience would all be colorblind and not notice. Blood would be on the actors in 1 scene and the very next, miraculously disappear and then reappear. Seems that everyone connected with this movie forgot to check for inconsistencies.
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Masters of the Universe II?
bruceleroy5 March 2005
Although Casper van Dien and Michael Rooker are generally relegated to B movies, even they are above this movie. It fails to convey even the slightest sense of excitement, fear, or dread -- unless you count the dread of sitting through the rest of this garbage. The direction is amateurish with annoying cuts and jerky movement that hides the fact that the killer is no where near the victims when he attacks. And what a killer he is: a cheap skull mask and a black hood. I liked him better when he was fighting He-Man. This is one of the laziest jobs of character design I've ever seen. I mean, it's Skeletor! And he's on a horse! This is supposed to be some scary, supernatural creature? How are we supposed to take this seriously? All we get is scenes of this dude riding around the woods on his horse -- which he can barely stay on -- interspersed with scenes of soldiers shooting randomly into the woods, thinking they can shoot a ghost. Occasionally, Skeletor will shoot someone with an arrow or ride by and stab someone, revealing how corny the effects really are. I generally enjoy Sci Fi channel fare on a basic cheese level, but this film is too inept for any level of enjoyment. Where's Dolph Lundgren when you need him???
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Should've stuck with Cottonmouth Joe
GradeZ28 April 2006
A whole lot of the people that have seen this are confused, obviously. The original title of "Cottonmouth Joe" would've put things into better perspective for much of the viewing audience. I have personally experienced the condition of cottonmouth (often accompanied by a really bad hangover after a weekend bender) and it is indeed a lot like the movie Skeleton Man -- a dry, scummy film that provokes regret for recent choices and begs for a hot shower.

It is unfortunate that the choice of "Skeleton Man" for the title was finalized by the distributor (probably the work of some meddling Hollywood no nothing studio exec who just didn't get it) and not "Cottonmouth Joe." Those of us who have seen the film know that the Skeleton Man is actually Cottonmouth Joe (a skeletal-manish apparition, not a true Skeleton Man). The deception of the folks marketing this film is unforgivable, and for that alone, I cannot give this film a high rating. Imagine this: when future filmmakers get together to create the true definitive Skeleton Man movie and need a title, they will be totally screwed and we are all, as serious fans of the genre, diminished for that.

Cottonmouth Joe could've become a horror movie icon right up there alongside Madman Marz, Black Claw, Mansquito, Humongous, "Nature Boy" Billy Conners, Morty the wooden doll, the Boogen, Eegah, The Moon Beast, Bloody Bill, the Driller Killer, Mickey Rooney, and so forth, but he will always be remembered as a sword wielding-caped-tackle dummy skull face-tied to the side of a horse-skeleton man wannabe.

That's too bad.
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One of the best (of the worst)
Volstag5 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Bad movies fans rejoice! This movie is flat-out hilariously bad. It has all the hallmarks of a truly awesome bad movie: terrible acting, terrible script, terrible direction, terrible editing, etc. The whole package reeks of glorious ineptitude.

I could write thousands of words in praise of this flick but, alas, I'm only limited to 1k. The premise of the movie is pretty easy to cover, so let's get that out of the way: archaeologists uncover the remains of an American Indian. Indian, referred to as Cotton Mouth Joe (CMJ), _immediately_ returns to the world of the living wearing a very spooky Halloween mask and cape. CMJ proceeds to kill everything in his path, including the majority of a special forces team sent to stop him. CMJ goes head-to-head against Capt. Leary (Micheal Rooker) in the white-knuckle finale. Guess who wins? And now, my favorite part... let's talk about the weak points of the script (SPOILERS to follow -- but I'd suggest it's impossible to spoil this movie).

* The co-ed special forces team sent to stop CMJ contains an "underwater demolitions expert"... but CMJ lives within the heavily forested mountains. Uhhhh.

* CMJ shoots down a helicopter with a bow and arrow (w/o shooting the pilot).

* The action in the movie is supposed to take place "70 kilometers from civilization" and yet our special forces team manages to come across a heavily trafficked road, several power-stations / water treatment facilities, in addition to numerous backpackers, poachers, fishermen, etc.

* Speaking of these "wilderness" power-stations, why do all the employees have automatic weapons?

* Our special forces team manages to load their day-packs with all manner of heavy weapons and ammunition. Even better, our special forces team will routinely, and inexplicably, switch weapons between scenes.

* In a truly hilarious scene, CMJ kills a fisherman who's fishing..... from the edge of a humongous cliff. This dude would have to spool out a hundred yards of line before touching the water.

* For no reason whatsoever the movie continually cuts to this scene of an eagle/hawk that's supposed to be in flight, but it's obviously sitting on some dudes arm. There's no explanation for it at all.

* In a truly priceless segment, we're treated to some of the worst editing of all time. Get this: Sgt. Oberron (Casper Van Dien) discovers a road (in the middle of the woods). Next, we see CMJ hanging out near the road. Then we see, someone, commandeering an 18-wheeler. Quick cut of Sgt. Oberron hanging out in the woods. 18-wheeler careening down the road, presumably to run over CMJ. Cut to Sgt. Oberron hanging out in the woods. 18-wheeler spinning out of control. Cut to Sgt. Oberron hanging out in the woods. 18-wheeler explodes in an apocalyptic ball of fire. Why is this so strange? We learn later that Sgt. Oberron was, in fact, the driver of the 18-wheeler -- even though he's never depicted getting into the vehicle, or even driving the vehicle!! Further, he lives through the explosion and somehow manages to teleport from the road back into the middle of the woods! Too awesome.

This movie is hilariously bewildering. It's like the production team went out into the woods and shot scenes at random, making up the story as they went. Finally: who the heck paid to have this movie made? I really want to know. How could anyone read this script and want to fork over large sums of money to have it made? It's totally insane. You'd have to be legitimately insane to greenlight this movie. I'm glad it was made, because it's hilarious.... but jeez.

That's enough for now. Suffice to say this movie is totally hilarious! Bad movie score 8/10. Good movie score 2/10.
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Best horror/comedy
bluebullet10 February 2010
Ill be honest. I bought this movie because it was part of a 4 Films Horror Collector's Set for $5 at Walmart. I got past the intro to the movie and realized why I only paid $1.25 for it. This movie is so bad its hilarious! I mean really, what is not to love about a poorly dressed skeleton man running along, shooting his bow and arrows at Helicopters and causing them to crash and explode. This movie has a horrible plot. I fast forwarded past all the boring parts and got to the killings.

Reasons the movie is great: 1. Skeleton Man has an arsenal of weapons at his disposal to include: Throwing knives, axes, a long sword, bow and arrow and a spear. Skeleton Man is so great that he can conjure these weapons magically. Imagine him walking towards with nothing in his hands and then BOOM an axe.

2. Skeleton Man can divert all bullets by getting on his horse and doing circles. In the movie the special forces team have their guns with unlimited ammo and try to shoot him, but in the end the all miss because Skeleton Man deflected all of them.

3. He rides a horse. Not just ANY horse. A brown majestic horse that looked like it was stolen from a farm. Its awesome because he is trying to give demons and their kind a better reputation. Black horses show that they have no taste but a brown horse really says something about that demon's character.

4. If Skeleton Man wants something that your standing in front of, he will punch a hole in your stomach, grab the object in question, and pull it through you. Sheer awesomeness.

5. Skeleton Man can bring a helicopter down to its knees just by shooting a piece of wood at it. Professional! What other demon do you know of that can take down a copter with a twig? NONE I SAY! This is a movie is perfect for stoners and people who like to laugh at retarded movies.

6/10 Because its just so damn funny.
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Awfully Boring, Annoying and Senseless
claudio_carvalho28 December 2008
The scientist Charles and his wife (or assistant) Marissa receive some objects and a skull from an ancient Indian cemetery, and while cleaning a vase, they are attacked and murdered by a mysterious being, the Skeleton Man. Then, a military squad commanded by Captain Leary (Michael Rooker) seeks out two groups of four soldiers each that vanished in the jungle. They face the Skeleton Man, shooting him while he kills each soldier. Then the Skeleton Man goes to a power plant, and Captain Leary explodes the facility destroying the supernatural being.

I bought "Skeleton Man" on DVD expecting to see a funny trash, but I found an awfully boring, annoying and senseless crap, with shoots and explosions. The imbecile story is totally disconnected and does not make any sense, and the military team is composed of imbeciles, insisting in shooting the supernatural Skeleton Man until they are totally slaughtered. Their leader is also the most stupid, with the blow-up of an entire facility in the end to destroy the supernatural rip-off of the extraterrestrial warrior Predator. On DVD, it is possible to use the fast forward button along the movie and reduce the suffering of the viewer. My vote is two.

Title (Brazil): "Skeleton Man"
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Truly wretched--worse than "Raptor Island"--really!
rbunnell7 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
As a helpful warning for others, I believe "Skeleton Man" is actually worse than "Raptor Island." I have been using RI as an example of the worst original movie presented on the Sci-Fi channel, but SM is the most laughably incoherent and wretchedly designed movie I have yet seen. Yes, I did watch almost the whole thing, coming into it about 35 minutes into it. It drew me in with its pure ineptitude. What was Sci-Fi thinking? Once Skeleton Man and the surviving platoon leader (or whatever he was--I'm not good on military unit terminology) reached the chemical plant, the movie moved into a zone of impossible nonsense that was almost mesmerizing. I had the same idea as another viewer who wondered if more than one movie had someone been edited together to make one terrible whole.
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Pointless waste of time
Sollus5 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This may contain ***SPOILERS***

Where to start on this particular empty wasteland? Well it would have been nice if they actually had a plot. Acting talent, decent dialog, suspense, humor, hey even gratuitous sex would have helped this flick. Unfortunately there was only a lot of gore, (even that wasn't done well), shooting automatic weapons and missing.

There seemed to be no reason to attach the basic premise, a Native American cursed to protect the bodies of the tribe he murdered, with his being tracked down by a Federal Special Ops team who dressed in civvies(?). Most of the time involved violating one of the basic rules of conduct in a Horror movie, separating from the group so you can be picked off one by one. You'd think this team would know better, especially because they are actually the third team sent to investigate, the other two teams disappearing without a trace. When they finally realize they're being picked off they make one of several stands and fire their weapons only to hit the trees a whole lot. Tree shot scene repeats endlessly in this movie to save money.

When they're not shooting trees they're tracking this spirit who leaves no trail, (who knows how they're tracking it), and spouting a lot of macho BS. By the way, did I mention that most of this team are women? Interesting listening to them talk tough. Not very entertaining, but interesting.

All in all, You can find better movies in the bargain bin at Kmart.
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imwalt20 January 2014
Anytime someone asks me what is the worse movie I've ever seen, Skeleton Man always comes to mind.

I tell people to watch just to see how dumb it is. It is probably good for a laugh if you like horrible movies.

Or maybe it would be amusing if you were on drugs. I'm guessing the writers and directors were when they made this.

Seriously, how does something like this even make it this far? I'm pretty sure my 15 year old nephew could make something better on his computer.

So if you are in the mood to see how bad a movie can be, and you can download it or whatever for free, then go for it!
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Absolute garbage
jaguarfiend6 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this on Sci Fi, and in retrospect, I'm not sure how I actually managed to watch it all the way through. This is utter trash. It's not a B movie, it's a "D movie" at best.

Basically this grim reaper looking thing on a horse (and sometimes not on one) goes killing everything in it's path somewhere in the mid west of America. A load of people are missing (infact murdered) and a bunch of mismatched spec op soldier types go looking for them. The best part of this movie, I'll tell it now, is there's some really cute girls. Let me now spoil this by telling you that all but the least cute one get their heads either chopped off, slashed apart, or hit so hard with a mêlée weapon that the head explodes off. That's no spoiler... The gore in this movie is over the top and really grotesque. It serves no real purpose, either.

Here's what's good: The sets look OK, the actors sometimes act OK, The outfits and props, some of them, are decent.

Everything else that you can think of, sucks. A lot of the badness is in the editing. Some times it just switches over from a rapid action scene to a real quiet and dormant scene. Sometimes the characters do non-understandable things, and they're always splitting up, but not even in a way that the viewer can follow. Looks like they get split up without realizing it amongst themselves but they also all seem to know that they're splitting up all the time and are OK with it even tho they're in a really dangerous situation and there's bodies all over the place and people are dying right and left. Nothing in this movie is the least bit plausible, most of it is incoherent and confusing, and I don't really get how this immortal, indestructible bad guy killer was able to be stopped in the end, and frankly, I don't care. Too much stupid, hilariously bad nonsense happens during this movie and I don't really care to list it all here. And they're all so serious throughout the whole ordeal when it's almost laughably bad... just awful.

This movie is a complete waste of time. There's no excuse for watching this, unless the only channel you happen to receive is SciFi and you're bound to a chair in front of the TV. But if you're not bound, you're better off doing a crossword, throwing a Frisbee, or even just thinking. There's lots of much better B movies that you can watch.

My senior year in high school my friend and I, in visual communication and deign class, made a long movie trailer type deal for our own movie (There was no full movie, just a really long trailer) and we did a better job of filming and editing the piece with premiere. It was better work than this movie. That really says something about this and I'm puzzled and troubled as to why Sci Fi would show anything like this when there are so many good low rate movies they can show.

The only movie that I've ever endured that was worse than this is Raptor Island (another brilliant SciFi work)-though it had smoother and more followable flow than this movie- but this comes very close and is definitely 2nd on my list of worst movies I've ever seen.
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Why the hell did he steal that truck???
tas_tas12 February 2006
For the most time it was like a "Predator" for much less fastidious ones. The rest of the movie was just a bunch of scenes, tied together only by characters, one can say. We can see a group of soldiers on an undercover mission and vicious Skeleton Man. Who is hunting who? Guess! One thing that this movie provides us with when it comes to the main characters group and "Predator" didn't are 4 not bad looking girls with mean guns. But the rest... We see that female soldier hiding behind a branch, then walking somewhere, then again behind that branch. All they do is just walking... and walking... Sure, they are looking for something. But sometimes it feels like even director didn't know what is it. And again, those scenes completely without any trace of sense... If you manage to stand half of this movie, you will witness a scene with grand theft truck. Why the hell did he do that?? You will ask many questions like that after seeing this. I think 2 quotes of one of the characters sum this movie up pretty well. "It makes no sense" and my personal favorite "Whatever you do, don't fall asleep" So why did I give this movie 5 stars? Because I just love this kind of low-budget, silly-story and sense-lacking flicks! It have no suspense whatsoever, no sense, it's badly acted (yet I liked Rooker), special effects are like taken from a movie made 30-40 years ago, it shows no logic in what characters do, scenes are packed together in a box, mixed and showed at random. It's really, really bad. And still I had my fun watching it. If you're into this kind of movies, so will you.
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Bottom of the barrel stuff
Wizard-810 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The B movie studio Nu Image has made some good direct to video movies over the years. Unfortunately, "Skeleton Man" is not one of them. In fact, I think that this could be the worst effort to date that's come out of the company. For starters, it looks really cheap. Everything about the movie looks real tacky, especially the title monster, which looks like it was put together from Halloween product offered at a dollar store. The characters are just as unengaging - there is precious little development done with these people. They are simply bait for the monster. The movie is also badly directed. It's slow and endless, and the, ahem, horror sequences have absolutely no shocks or even serviceable splatter. But I think the worst thing about the movie is that there is NO real explanation for why the title figure has appeared and why it's doing what it's doing. Does it have to do with the archaeological dig mentioned in the first scene? Does it have to do with the Native American the team finds in the woods at one point? It's never made clear. This movie is junk in every way you can think of. If it had been unintentionally funny, there might have been a reason to see it, but this is one bad movie that's so bad it's bad.
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The scriptwriter must have been the first who got killed...
Coventry15 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have very few to add to what all the other reviewers already made more than clear! This movie is awful! Beyond awful... In fact, so insufferable that they have yet to come up with a term to describe the awfulness that is "Skeleton Man". In case you expect your movies to feature a minimum of logic and plot, you should stay as far away from this as humanly possible. Sure, loads of people are getting killed by this skeleton-puppet wearing a ridiculous cape, but nobody ever bothers to properly explain what he is, where he comes from or why he's so angry with the world. He looks like a crossover between Skeletor from "Masters of the Universe" and the horseman from "Sleepy Hollow" and runs amok in some godforsaken wilderness. The setting of "Skeleton Man" is another totally retarded aspect! For nearly half an hour, I assumed that the movie took place at a small isolated island, but it simply plays at the mainland where fancy highways cross the forest and power plants are located at the end of the woods! Huh? Why does everybody pretend to be trapped when there are like a million escape routes? Anyway, after a couple of totally random killings, a special commando squad, led by poor washed-up Michael Rooker, arrives to come and hunt a monster they don't know anything about. Really hilarious is how every member of this squad introduces him/herself as the expert in a certain field (we have a sniper-specialist, a tracking genius, a drill instructor...), yet they ALL die before any of them is able to demonstrate their supposedly masterful skills! The horror Gods must really hate Casper Van Dien, as he's present again as well, portraying an heroic soldier who steals a truck for no apparent reason, crashes on the highway, but somehow gets catapulted back to the middle of the woods to die there. Right, that makes sense... Furthermore the characters steal cool one-liners from "Predator", the bonehead's horse constantly changes colors, helicopters are brought down with bow& arrows, ordinary bullets cause trees to explode and completely pointless Vietnam flashbacks haunt Michael Rooker. I say we all combine forces and vote this pathetic flick into the IMDb bottom top 100 ASAP!
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Halloween Costume Man
Carrigon30 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Was this supposed to be a comedy? The black cape and skeleton mask are hilarious. There is like zero plot. The movie starts out with an archaeologist and his assistant. They make a small mention of their dig site being cursed. And then, lo and drops Halloween Costume Man, dressed in the shiny black cape, with a skeleton mask face, holding an axe. So, he kills off these two people. Then we cut to the woods with a bad imitation of Predator, only the commandos are being hunted down by Halloween Costume Man who is now riding a horse! More commandos show up, but these people are supposed to be disguised as a hiking group. Yeah, production probably ran out of commando costumes. Can you say, low budget? Anyway, they come upon a lone old Indian guy sitting in the woods. He's just too funny. And he starts babbling about something, but you really don't know what he's mumbling about, so they flashback to some Indians getting killed. None of it really makes sense. And then we go back to our commandos where more of them get killed. And that's really basically the plot. It's so laughably bad, you just can't really look away because you want to see just how low it sinks. You could make the same movie with a camcorder, a Halloween Costume and a bunch of your friends with fake guns. Don't see this thing if you want a horror movie. If you want a comedy, maybe? Or just skip it and get something like the real Predator.
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Loved this movie.
uberaj10 December 2005
Seriously, I think this is the best B movie ever, ranking right up there with "The Fear" a movie about an evil mannequin that makes farting noises when it runs. My parents rented, yes RENTED this movie when I was visiting the other night. My step-dad asked if the movie was going to be just the Skeleton Man running around killing people. To which I replied, "Yes, and the movie's only 37 minutes long." Unfortunately my parents decided to switch movies to "Bewitched," ironically after about 37 minutes of this movie. I borrowed it and watched it myself and have asked for it for Christmas. This is what every bad movie should be. I mean come on, they have an underwater demolitions expert go with them when they're IN THE WOODS. I don't think she even had any explosives with her.

If you need a laugh, this movie will definitely provide it. It's definitely funnier than "Bewitched."
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It is not for the SERIOUS people Warning: Spoilers
In an unspecified wilderness of the American West, the spirit of an Indian goes hunting for humans. Years before he wiped out in a fit of madness and its trunk is now back to demand more of life. After two archaeologists and a team of military his sword (!) Have fallen victim to be an undercover team of Special Forces, led by Captain Leary (Michael Rooker) and Staff Sgt Oberron (Casper Van Dien) charged with the murder to put an end to ...

It is completely funny film. Don't take it seriously. Never take such a film seriously... I mean come on, even the title is ridiculous. I mean sure if you are one of those people who don't see the point in B-type horror or other films like this then this is not for you. Can't blame you... but even if America has brought us shitty wars, then this is their better side the not so serious. I mean what are the actors thinking? How can they do their roles in such seriousness when the Skeleton Man enters... I sure couldn't could you?
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I think a more fitting title is Garbage Man, don't you think?
TheLittleSongbird6 June 2012
I'll be honest, I knew from the idea that it was not going to be great, but I saw it because I wanted to see if Skeleton Man could at least be better as a movie than the idea it sprung from. No chance of that! Although I have seen about 5 bad SyFy movies in a row, Skeleton Man in my opinion has to be the worst. There have been worse-looking SyFy movies before, but that doesn't excuse the far-too-rapid editing, dull scenery and terrible make-up. There are countless continuity errors as well, including blood appearing and disappearing and scars on one side of a face and one minute on the other side. And Skeleton Man is a joke, and a bad, cheap and completely lacking in menace, and I do think the film could've done at least with an adequate explanation of how the horse could change colour at will. The dialogue is very unfocused and awkward with nothing standing out, the story is an insult even to the word threadbare and is handled in an un-suspenseful and predictable manner complete with numerous and inexcusable mistakes in regard to the military(furthermore showing that SyFy don't do their research properly) and the character are underdeveloped clichés. The acting is poor, with a wooden Casper Van Dien and Michael Rooker trying hard but really this role is beneath him. The climax is completely uninteresting, in fact Skeleton Man's sole bright spot is the protracted scene where Rooker falls down a steep hill. Other than that, the movie is utter garbage. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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shanfloyd22 June 2006
What just happened on TV? The theme of the this crap is some weirdo who wears a skull mask and a torn velvet cape like Skeletor, lives in a jungle, rides a horse by day and walks at night... and sometimes moves through, well, tele-portation and yes, he loves to kill people with arrows and a sword.

And people love to get killed by him. A girl who's a combat instructor or something confronts him with a gun but never shoots. Instead she shouts out something to another guy and gets killed. The Skeleton-Man also kills military guys in a hidden army lab, a rescue team with cute girls, destroys a helicopter by shooting arrow and booms up a truck in some highway -- all in his jungle, all by himself.

The characters in this story speak lines like "Over here", "He went through here...", "There he is!" or "I need back-up" most of the times and that is the screenplay. There's a crap of story, laughable visual effects and lots of red liquids spattering out.

And these things are being shown on television all over the world. I'm utterly disgusted.
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