Sea of Fear (2006) Poster


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Why Didn't I Believe in IMDb Rating and Reviews?
claudio_carvalho19 September 2011
The college athlete Lance (Burgess Jenkins) and his friend Tom (Kieren Hutchison) meet Tom's girlfriend Kate (Katherine Bailess) and her friend Ashley (Caroline Walker) in a marina to travel in a rented boat in a leisure trip. The Captain (Edward Albert) brings his navigator and first mate Joel (Adam Mayfield) and another unexpected passenger, Derek (Christopher Showerman), in the trip. Sooner the boat is stranded and one by one is murdered on board. Who is the killer?

The awful "Sea of Fear" is a boring film and I regret that I had spent my time watching this despite the warnings in IMDb. Why didn't I believe in IMDb rating and reviews? My vote is two.

Title (Brazil): "Mar do Medo" ("Sea of the Fear")
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I don't know where to start
Christopher-Peznola18 February 2007
I love film, even bad film, but this one was just too filled with technical mistakes, bad dialogue and, for a movie about a sailboat, contained more sailboat related inaccuracies than Wiley Coyote has relative to physics. There was one scene, in particular, where someone wrapped a line around a self tailing winch, in a way that would have jammed and taken a long time to fix.

Other major problems, a 50 foot boat is just too small for 7 people, let alone, an official captain and navigator. Captains of boat under 100 feet do not normally bark orders like "everyone on deck", and never have their own navigator. I am not sure where this is all supposed to have taken place, but the tropical fish that they showed could be found in an aquarium, or in India or Australia. They showed giant kelp beds, like you would find in California, and then stock footage of fish that could not be found anywhere near California.

Had the plot been interesting, maybe I would not have focused in on these details, but I can tell you that this master director/producer/writer must have very little experience with sailboats. Cute girls, nice boat, and lots of pretty backdrops, but crazy inane dialogue and a plot as thin as consume'.

I normally like to recommend bad movies, this one I cannot.
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Its just so bad
mic_assassin18 August 2006
Excluding all the other variables, such story line, cinematography, sound effects, music, etc, the acting within the last 40 minutes of this movie alone, is enough to categorize this movie as one of the worst films of all time. The acting was some of the worst I've ever seen. This movie had it all, repetitive lines, corny acting, extensive nonsensical unnecessary dialogue, and at least one physically unbelievable scene between the penultimate characters. During the last 20 minutes of this movie I was just suffering, waiting for the movie to end so that my final opinion would be based on the entire movie. In short this movie can't even make the grade of watch able. Disregarding genre, when I think of how bad this movie truly is Aeon Flux comes to mind. Ouch!
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Sea of Boredom? Nah, not even that...
CineCritic251717 August 2006
I really wouldn't know where to begin to explain why you are better off just watching an episode of Little House On the Prairy than to bore yourself through the 90 minutes of this gruesome violation of human intellect.

It certainly isn't the end of the movie, 'cause i never got to it even though i fast forwarded most of this joke at 8 speed.

It's like they made this 'movie' to point out how to not write a script, how to not do a movie. The story was so pathetic in every way u can think of when commenting on a film that i can understand why no one bothered to actually write one*.

*it had none when i wrote this

It's insulting even to primates to dish this incoherent, laughable at best (but not even that) excuse for a thriller.

Maybe i should have highlighted the "contains spoiler" option when I say that there is no sane reason for anyone to see this, not even to check out how sad it actually is.

Avoid this even when u are stuck in a 2 by 2 room with no windows for a week and the only thing u have is a TV and a VCR with this ghastly piece of art in it.

Just say no!
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what did i just watch?
necrosblood20 August 2006
I have watched a lot of movies in my time but, i would have to say this movie bombs with the worst of them. Horrible characters, acting, and storyline (or lack there of). I will give credit on the actual look and feel of the movie. It didn't look like a typical turd movie. It still is though. This kind of movie makes me wonder, what does it take to get a movie made? Obviously you do not need a decent actor/actress. You do not need a plot. I assume that all you need is a bunch of idiots and a camera. Well Sea of Fear delivers a talentless cesspool of cinema. In closing, STAY AWAY FROM THIS STINKER! Or you will wonder why you have just wasted a small chunk of your life.
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Porno's have more plot
treydelap-13 September 2006
This movie is to psychological thrillers what porno's are to romantic comedies.

Awful script, painfully poorly acted, and awkward transitions make this among the worst movies ever.

The cinematography was the only semi-decent 'quality' for this black hole of time. I am saddened to think that the time I lost watching this flick will be gone forever.

I want to know who paid for this movie to be produced. I have a sneaking suspicion that Violet's daddy (From Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) put up the money to satisfy a spoiled child.

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Definitely dreadful
sueuprising323 August 2006
Despite the fact that I have been a fan of Edward Albert's since a teenager, this film is hardly worth mentioning in his filmography. Albert plays a captain of a sailboat for hire, catering to what looks like rejects from the Laguna Beach set. The movie is pointless, and irritatingly confusing but just silly enough for you to get a chuckle from the fun you are going to be making of it. Of course there is the clichéd scenes dear to every post Jaws rip off that include sharks, and islands. But in this film, these features were especially badly done. One wonders why animal activists didn't applaud the makers of Sea of Fear for making the fish more agreeable than the people. Oh, let me also mention that there is a preposterous "pirate" song rendition added as "atmosphere". I could not understand the words, nor could I possible believe Mr. Albert was at all serious when he gruffs his way through a couple of stanzas. I am not so sure the actor who played "Tom", singing it at the end of the film felt quite the same way. Anyhow, the actors, aside from Mr. Albert are unknown and unknowable, and I hope they did something creative and perhaps compassionate with the money they earned from this stinker. Goodness knows,the producers had no mercy on us.
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Fish or cut bait
sol121819 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
**SPOILERS** The film "Sea of Fear" is so handicapped by its cockamamie and overly complicated plot that it even fail as being an entertainingly bad film despite the many unintentional laughs in it.

There's this psycho killer on the loose on this chartered boat out at sea who's murdering the passengers and crew with impunity. The killer is so stealth and acrobatic that he's able to disappear, on a moments notice, into thin air without anybody knowing or getting the slightest glimpse of him until he just about murdered everyone on board! You know that the unseen killer has to be one of the seven people on board since he knows just what his victims fear most in the way they die! This information on his part was in them telling him their darkest secrets during an evening barn-fire and BS session on the deserted beaches of Snorkel Island earlier in the film.

It's when the ship's navigator Joel, Adam Mayfield, suddenly disappeared, possibly in the stomach of a Great White Shark, with the navigation equipment that things started to go down the drink with the passengers and the boat captain, Edward Albert, being terrorized and murdered by the shadowy killer.

The acting in the movie, with the exception of Edward Albert, is so lame and unemotional that those the psycho killer does in evoke absolutely no sympathy at all in just how easily they end up being killed off! It's as if that's exactly, in order to get out of the film, what they really wanted in the first place!

Besides the missing and left for dead Joel theirs Lance, Burgess Jenkins, who ends up being shark bait together with Derek, Christopher Showenman, who end up being deep sixth with the boat's anchor tied to his legs.

As everyone on board ends up dead we end up with only Ashley, Caroline Walker, and the Captain left alive and it becomes apparent to the movies audience that one of the two has to be the killer but which one!

***SPOILER ALERT*** It's then that things start to go haywire with the movie getting into high gear in trying to be some kind of super IQ, that only members of Mensa can figure out, whodunit with its slew of ridicules and unending twist endings. By the time you finally get it straight to who the killer is your brain had been so twisted out of shape that you don't even care any more.

If the film just stuck to the basics of you garden variety slasher film it may well have been worth watching. Instead it tried to be so cute and overbearing in it trying to fool or impress its audience that it fell apart long before it revealed who its killer really was. About the only thing interesting in the film, besides it sunning at sea photography, was the reason the killer did in his victims. That I have to say was about the only thing that shocked me in that it was far more of a surprise in what the killer's motives were then who the killer was himself!
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This movie is a fine example of why one person should rarely write, direct, and produce at the same film.
creol17 August 2006
The acting in this film, while not great, is solid throughout and visually there are many instances that look wonderful. The problems start and end with the plot itself. Watching this film you need to totally suspend belief to the level you would expect from watching anime featuring giant robots versus demon swordsman. This is rarely a good thing when watching horror where a touch of realism is almost always required to keep the mood. So much in this film is either totally impossible or just tossed in with no hint of explanation as to why it is even in the movie. The ending helps explain somethings while being unexplainable itself. This movie pushes the limit of being a waste of time and it would be difficult to even list it as mindless horror entertainment. There is very little that is horrific about this movie. Even for a PG-13 movie, there is better horror being shown on basic cable television daily.
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It's just fun
iguana-725 November 2006
The film has some really beautifully shot scenes and the young actors show a great deal of potential. The script does have some weak spots, but the actors give it their best shot and it's fun to see it now and be able to "remember when" later when they really hit their strides. Edward Albert is a true pro - a cross between Captain Ahab and Captain Kirk and he brings a sense of campy fun to the movie.

The story is a real "...and then there were none" mystery. Who's going to die next - and how? Who's the killer? It has a twist at the end that leaves you wondering whether or not you should smile.

Don't be put off by the surface - this movie has more than it appears to! Remember, like the tag says: "Terror Runs Deep"
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not much fear in the see
wrlang24 August 2006
Sea of Fear has some things going for it. The camera work wasn't too bad and the lighting was better than expected. The acting was pretty raw, perhaps in a few more years the young cast will ripen. A pay check for Edward Albert as he had a relatively small role. The story is about a group of young people that pay an old captain that take a boat trip to party and have some fun. They tell some spooky stories, drink a few beers, down some rum, and then start dying off. Sort of a twisted ending, but not unlike some other films of the recent past. It's worth a watch, but keep the remote handy so you can FF past some of the languishing melodramatic dialog.
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Wish I would have read reviews first
liam24-126 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
One good thing about this movie, I didn't rent it, I got it free.

The acting was terrible, plot was terrible, sound was terrible.

Its a 15 foot boot, I am sorry if 1 person went missing you would know it. Its like the people weren't even that scared.

The part where the girl says "is that blood over there"... If I was on a 15 foot boat in the middle of the ocean and I saw blood on the bow of the boat, I would be a little worried.

I knew it was going to be lame the first 10 minutes. I should have read here and seen that most these lame actors creds include lame shows like One tree hill and OC..... The director should have his license pulled for this one.
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Have you ever been on a sailboat?
ld-2730 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The boat they used in this film was a nice modern sailboat, but it was way too small for the plot idea. If your familiar with this size and type of boat, you know it gets crowded with seven passengers aboard. I love the scene where the three male passenger come bolting out of the rear cabin, they must have been in there sleeping like the three stooges. At another point in the film one character asks another, "where's the Captain? to which the reply is "He's in his cabin, in the front end of the boat!" Meanwhile, this conversation is taken place about five feet away from the "Captains Cabin". They could have heard him fart from there. Although it wouldn't have saved the poor plot or lousy dialogue, the cheapskate who made this movie should have used a rented a larger, perhaps older boat, where it would have been possible for one passenger to not know where the others are, as they pretend to do on this wreck of a film.
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thviddfrk3 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This entire movie was awful. It wasn't as bad as the movie I had watched right before it (Satanic), but it was up there! So first off, the acting was horrible. The only reason they had guys and girls being frivolous is in a dire attempt to get someone to watch the movie. Honestly! >>>>>>HERE COMES THE SPOILER PARAGRAPH<<<<<< The thing that bugged me the most, though, was the end. Especially the last 15 minutes after Joel disappears. I'm still not even sure what was going on! One minute Ashley's the victim of everything, and the next she's in on it with someone she's fighting with?! And she HIRED the captain so why did he have to die? And why was she all oooIloveyou to that other hoho (Matt or something??)? And then at the end she was still with Joel? But going to kill him? I don't know. The whole movie was dumb.

I really hope nobody ever watches this movie ever again. It stunk more than anything else in the world. =\
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Check this one out for the weekend.
prainer8223 August 2006
Sea of Fear was exhilarating from start to finish. I usually figure out the "who done it" well before the end of a scary movie, but this one had me stymied. I was taken by complete surprise when the villains were revealed at the end. In my opinion, that is the best sign of a fear-flick done well. The acting was top-notch. Both women in the movie were excellent at portraying their characters. Kate was totally captivating. I was enthralled by her low and sexy voice. She made all her scenes thoroughly realistic. This is not a movie for people who aren't prepared to "jump" with fright. Take my word for it, and rent this movie. I will recommend it to all my co-workers in the morning.It is well worth the watch. Enjoy!!!
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