Andre the Butcher (2005) Poster

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Dingleberry? Jive Turkey?
Mariav-422 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I can completely understand other reviews saying it was horrible. The acting and script was ridiculous. There was a random lesbian scene involving chili being licked off toes, peaches and Vienna sausages. The "foxy Cleopatra"esquire deputy used words like Jive Turkey, I'll baste this turkey and sucka also the male cheerleader called people dingle-berries. The convicts called people ass-clowns and they were also ridiculous.

Given all that, somehow, I liked it. It was funny and I think (or at least hope) that it was meant to be. I gave it a 4 because it was entertaining to watch on an October afternoon. There certainly are millions of better movies out there though!
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Excellent stupid B-movie!
Horrorible_Horror_Films25 October 2007
This movie is a MUST for all B-Movie horror buffs! It has everything you could ever hope for: Nudity, bad fake blood, absurd killer (never explained why he kills), and cheerleader lesbians! OF COURSE this is a terrible movie. The plot and directing are OK, as in perfunctory which is actually much better than most films like this.

The GREAT: Nudity, Cheerleaders, and bi-curious cheerleaders getting naked and going at it! The GOOD: The filmmakers knew what they were making - a stupid horror movie. All the actors are really stupid and annoying, and thankfully, they do all get killed! The music was actually good, a lot of great dark metal! The BAD: The dialogue was so horrible I found myself fast-fowarding through some scenes it was so bad. Also there is a lot of padding added to this film, with characters walking FOREVER while a song plays, save yourself the time and just fast-forward. Also, the blood was so stupid and fake, its like "Oh no! I got red corn syrup all overm yself!" Ron Jeremey is absurd as the killer, his arm gets blown off multiple times, and he literally just staples it back together and its good as new. He literally jumps out of nowhere, and can't be stopped - obviously the film-makers are were just playing up the camp with Ron Jeremey's character. Also, why the hell were all the cheerleaders wearing their uniform the entire time!? Would they really be wearing their uniforms on a cross-country road trip? That was really stupid. I think it must have been just to keep wardrobe costs down, as I'm sure it cost about $50 or so to make this "film"
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chiantang_tw6 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is a bad movie, but is it so bad it is good? For me, it wasn't.

This is an indie-style horror flick. But it's one of the 2005-era "horror comedies". So if you're looking for chills, you will be disappointed - there really were no scary moments.

There's a lot that fails. Some of the acting is brutal. The story is full of holes. Some of the dialogue (a lot of it) is extremely poor. All of the scare moments and many of the funny moments fall flat.

Despite that, I feel a little guilty to pan this film. There are some nice ideas, some of the actors turn in a good performance, the atmosphere in places is even well-done: at times it is dark, dreary and confined which is why it's a shame the scare moments fail.

** spoilers ** Ron Jeremy is largely wasted as the killer. There are no in-jokes about him except the one deleted scene in the DVD.

The idea of broadcasting the sins of the victims through the TV really worked for me. But Ron kills pretty much indiscriminately when he's not watching the TV, so that pearl of an idea was really wasted.

Sigh. I could go on complaining, but I'm too disappointed. This was almost a camp classic, but I can't even recommend it as a cult movie. Frustrating!
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Boring, sick, and plot less
hodson_200818 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well, what can I say? We rented this for my friend's 18th birthday, and regretted it. Between the horrible dialogue, sub-par 70's gore, and semi-pornographic content, this movie is just about enough to make you want to rent a chick flick or an Al Gore movie.

This movie has absolutely no continual plot until roughly 20 minutes before the end. You follow 4 horny cheerleaders, 2 lonely convicts, and a crazed cannibalistic serial killer. There is really no point to most of the film, no story to explain anything at all. The plot finally thickens when you learn the back-story of one of the convicts, and the story of Andre (played by ex-porn star Ron Jeremy) is finally revealed. However, even this is hard to follow and very cheesy.

If you're into poorly-written scripts, un-passable blood, and low-grade softcore teen porn, then I would suggest buying this movie. In fact, save us all the pain, and buy EVERY COPY YOU FIND. No one else really wants to see it.
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Hey guys..?
LavoisiersHead9 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I like "Andre the Butcher". I really do.

And I'm not a plant, or a crew member, or one of the actors, or a sniveling jerk who enjoys the anonymous superiority of mean-spirited bad-mouthing on a flick's message board...but I'll tell you what I am: A life-long fan of horror films.

I am. So much so, that I'd even ask Clive Turner to sign my Fango #134. Seriously. Which can only mean that I am not only extremely forgiving, but also ridiculously undemanding. Of my enjoyment of horror films, that is. I'm not even gonna compare "Andre..." to other direct to video fare. Since when has a horror movie deserved that? Excuse me for invoking a cliché; but do any of us really put "The Exorcist" and "Slumber Party Massacre 2" back to back and discuss the parallels of their merits and letdowns? Theoretically, of course; we all know "Slumber Party Massacre 2" has no faults. Gosh, look me, going on and on. Okay, here we go: 10 THINGS I LIKE ABOUT "ANDRE THE BUTCHER" ( no particular order. Bear with me if you can...) 1) The lack of pretension. Thank God, Phil Cruz isn't a moralist, that's all I'll say.

2) The fake-ass spider.

3) Justin Capaz as Jimbo...allow me to direct your attention to this character. And allow me to remind you of two other characters from two other horror films: Grady in "Freddy's Revenge" and the @$$hole Boyfriend in "Slumber Party Massacre 2". Three brilliant actors? Quite possibly.

4) Fast pace. You think it moves to slow? It's because you just looove the indie cred of digging newer Troma movies.

5) Fat people dying because they love to eat.

6) Jumping from behind a tree into karate stance with a boner.

7) Body double.

8) I happen to think the "It's Good!" joke is very funny.

9) "No nudity clause" 10) Holy urine.

Like I said, I'm not too demanding. And maybe it has to do with the fact that I wasn't sitting by myself after renting this thing. I didn't pop it into my DVD player and fast-forward after two seconds, and I didn't drool over my remote at "half-mast" waiting for the sex scenes only to be disappointed at their lack of any real sexuality, thus holding a grudge over a flick for it not allowing me to get off. In fact, if I had any advice to give some particularly vitriolic reviewers of this movie, or lonely people the world over--rent "Teenage Cavegirl". Seriously. That'll do it for you.

Look, obviously I don't need much to enjoy myself. A little blood, a little boobs, an explosion and a fake-ass spider. And if that's what you want, you'll probably dig "Andre the Butcher". You certainly won't get it in "Pledge Night". Sorry, I'm starting to sound like Subovon from Houston.

Guys, check this movie out. Support independent film, and if you can make a better movie, please do! We'd all love to see it. And I mean that in the most heartfelt, honest way. In fact, most of us will probably even help you make it. Because if there's anything we life-long horror fans of horror love, it's more horror movies to be life-long fans of.

And that rhymes.
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Andre the Butcher
Scarecrow-8830 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Ron Jeremy is after cheerleaders, just not in the way you believe. He's a soul reaper for Satan and in order to defeat him, the body will have to be blessed with a prayer(and holy water)to release him from the bondage of hell..or something like that. Andre was once a nice, church-going fellow who sold his soul after God betrayed him by taking his family in an accident. It's just unfortunate for cheerleaders heading cross country to a contest when they come across Andre. The Beaver(yuk, yuk)Cheerleader Squad, two escaped cons, and a tough-talking sista( the county deputy; with a bad case of arachnophobia) packing a shot gun and attitude will have to contend with Andre.

Andre is impervious to death. Bullets are fired at his direction hitting everything but him, in one particular scene. Faye Canada's Deputy Hollingsworth is able to take Andre's arm off with a shot gun blast, but he just staples it back on..reflexes fine, all good as new. He seems to have up, close, and personal camera recordings of his targets, parlaying their "sins" back to them via television screen that is unplugged. Oh, and Andre has a device that cuts off power such as a vehicle which halts our group's plans to escape.

Ludicrous plot(intentionally silly, I imagine)allows Jeremy to have all kinds of fun killing folks. I believe this is the first time I can recall seeing a head butt decapitating someone. Or, urine used as holy water! A movie this stupid will have it's supporters("It's not to be taken seriously")and Jeremy will bring the curious to see him wield a machete and butcher knives(he also wears a blow torch helmet!). A running gore gag has a deputy(whose whole lower half is removed)begging for everyone who passes by to kill him, his intestines strewn out on the ground..yep, it's that kind of movie, people. Does include lesbian smooching and camera shots up and down Heather Joy Budner's legs and body(although, I do believe the filmmakers used a body double for her breasts' shots). April Billingsly, the heroine, gets to kickbox Jeremy in the finale so that might interest some viewers. Gene Nash is the old timer hillbilly narrator with a know old folks who use profanity are always funny, right. Some cannibal jokes are included as well as the usual sexual innuendo(notice one scene where Billingsly and Budner discuss virginity and sexual orientation using Vienna sausages).
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chicken and porn
wrlang10 September 2006
Andre the Butcher is about a satanic demon that took the place of a family man butcher who lost his family and takes up performing his profession on everyone that stops by. A ridicules film whose saving grace is that it is supposed to be demented, and that it is. Cheerleaders, convicts, and cops all get in on the act and fall prey to the butcher. Ron Jeremy plays the butcher in a way only he can. Of course with Jeremy, you would also expect to find gratuitous nudity. Luckily, it's the cheerleaders and not Jeremy. If you like mindless demented films with little redeeming qualities, this is for you. At some point during the film you will snicker and walk away shaking your head. Perhaps you can make it to the ending. And would someone please, please, kill that darn half a sheriff that keeps popping up on the screen. I bet he's even in the sequel.
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my tuppence worth
stevelaing14 May 2006
this is one of the most dreadful flicks i have seen in a long time the tubby old porn star Ron Jeremy who's description in a earlier comment is rather insulting to all the blokes/lassies, who know him from VHS long ago porn films, as he has to act out very badly written scripts,and he still does it......

i agree the film is totally waste of film but u cant say you have seen Ron Jeremy in a flick without taking his clothes even though there was a hint of porno, but nothing revealing, so if you are looking for cheap thrills, watch the rabbits in march.........

after a few Min's in to the film i started wondering if the garden shed needed painting....uh huh that bad,

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Break out the popcorn and settle in for a laugh...
ladymara918 January 2007
I saw this little bit of horror with its cast of virtually unknowns (although, one of them looked like a guy I see on a soap opera...but then again, I could be wrong)with the exception for Ron Jeremy. You know what I saw...A horror movie that definitely didn't take itself too seriously....and let you know it from the start (yeah, I loved the Uncle Jesse-type character "tellin' a story"). Good gore effects and it really didn't matter if you rooted for the character or not they were good. In my opinion, if you want to waste an hour and a half and don't mind laughing your a** off, rent it and, oh yeah, break out that popcorn.
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Good Fun
Tweetienator16 October 2020
I was well entertained by Dead Meat aka Andre the Butcher - what we get are some gory scenes, some unique and fun ideas, and on top a solid production, and, last but not least, a cast who had obviously a lot of fun making the movie. Yes, my tummy did not hurt but at least the movie did make me smile here and there. In its core Dead Meat is a parody of slasher/cannibal movies and of the (soft)porn genre. If the humor does not ring a bell in you, I guess you won't like the movie at all or much. Anyway, if you like sometimes to watch some mindless fun (like The Final Girls, Cooties, Fido etc.), spiced up with some gory action - watch.
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Amazingly Bad
plygolf0922 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This could quite possibly be the worst movie ever. It looked like it was made in some guys garage and in his backyard. There was nothing scary about it as it seems to be. If u want to be scared don't watch this movie. It has random Sheriffs that pop out of no where that have shirts that say SHERIFF on the front and the killing scenes were funny, not even scary. My favorite of the few was when the guy was head butted and his head disintegrated. Also the sex scenes were the gross and disgusting and ill never look at chili and sausages the same way again. Insults were lame also. Let me point out the reference to dinglebarry and fart knocker. Save yourself some time and don't watch this movie.

PS- Why did Ron Jeremy decide to do this movie.
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The funniest cannibal movie I have ever seen
julie-stanton9 August 2005
Even if you don't love Ron Jeremy, or understand his place in pop culture history, you will appreciate his contribution to Dead Meat. He is hilarious, even without speaking a word. The usual slasher ingredients are here (ingredients, get it? Ha Ha!) cheerleaders, boobies, questionable chili, a scary dude killing people, some escaped convicts, etc. You know the drill: pretty people end up in a scary house in the woods, and are killed off one by one after they have lesbian sex/take off their bikini tops/eat some chili. It totally rocks, right down to the sound track. The best part of this film is the writing, which is funny, surprising, and full of fun. The actors all seem to be having a blast, even in the Florida heat. The special effects are surprisingly awesome for an independent film. There is one that deserves particular praise, but I won't spoil it by telling you. Quality all the way! I saw this film at its premier, and loved it from start to finish. There are not many big budget movies that are able to keep my attention the way this independent film did. I hope to see more from the filmmakers in the future.
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Truly Awful.....the worst of the worst!
FrightMeter17 May 2006
The film caught my eye at Blockbuster this past weekend. Being a huge horror/slasher film, I was lured in by the great box art and the blurbs on the cover by so-called horror critics declaring this film "the best low budget horror flick in years." PLEASE!!! I really question how many films these people have actually seen OR how much money the producers of this flick paid them to say these positive things! Believe me folks...this film is A-W-F-U-L!! If you are truly a horror fan, you have probably seen the 80's slasher flick "The Last Slumber Party." This film is absolutely horrendous.....well..."Andre the Butcher" comes pretty close to beating that flick in terms of awfulness.

The plot is absurd and centers around a trio of cheerleaders who stumble across the house of a supposed serial killer, apparently called "Andre the Butcher" (I say apparently because absolutely ZERO background is given to the killer or his motives). The house, despite being the residence of an apparent cannabilistic serial killer, is actually quite cozy and tidy. Nothing at all scary about it at could be your grandmother's house, for crying out loud! At least make the house creepy to add suspense!! The stupidity int he fact that the cheerleaders simply go into the house and basically start living there (they were suppose to be looking for a phone to call for help) adds to the stupidity of the plot. Secondly, the acting is atrocious from EVERYONE involved....the cheerleaders are terrible and are quite out of shape and homely. The lighting and direction are strictly amateurish in every sense of the word. There are shifts in the picture color and contrast throughout the entire film. Ron Jeremy makes for a terrible killer and an obvious body double is used for him almost the entire film--it's obvious because the body double is twice the size of Jeremy and wears a silly looking black curly wig.

I understand this is suppose to be more comedy than horror, but tell me what is funny AT ALL about this mess? And why try to appeal to horror/gore hounds with the box art when the gore and murders in the film are all very mild and fake looking? And if you can even make it through the opening scene of this film, which is absolutely laughable terrible, you deserve some sort of prize.

This is seriously the worst attempt at a horror film I have seen in at least 15 years. Rent if you dare, but don't say I didn't warn you! 0 out of 10.
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Its like a US version of Sadomaster! its that stupid!
ultra_tippergore26 February 2009
I read in the IMDb horror board a post that was like this: Andre the butcher is stupid! Its like a US version of Sadomaster! its that stupid!. That comment inspired me to comment on this movie.

I watched Andre The Butcher a year ago so i don't remember all the details, but i do remember that it was fun to watch, like Sadomaster. And yes, this movie is as stupid as Sadomaster, and i like them both. But Andre The Butcher is a better movie, its not only fun like Sadomaster, this one is a decent low budget movie (Sadomaster is just a funny no budget video).

If you want to watch a real horror movie, stay away from this. This is a gory comedy, just like Troma movies are. Ron Jeremy is a serial killer that punish sinners and dismember cheerleaders. There is a very good amount of blood and gore and lesbian sex. Cant fail. 7/10
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Exactly what's expected . . . terrible
theglovesareoff2 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Before people get all crazy, the above rating is on, overall, how good a movie it was. It was somewhat clear, and had some funny/creative moments in it. Now, for more specifics.

The Cons: This movie drags. It's about an hour and a half, and if this is the only entertainment or focus for the time you watch it, it will be hard to resist turning it off. However, if you're having a get together or friends over or something like that, this would be fun. The acting is bad. The special effects aren't good. And it's nowhere near scary or disturbing.

The Pros: (1) At one point, there is a fight between two cheerleader squads. I've never seen a horror movie with two cheerleader squads, much less two of them duking it out. (2) Ron Jeremy is the killer. It's really nice to see this guy branch out, clean his image up a bit for the kids. (3) There's this guy who's always screaming for mercy. He's been severed at the waist, and he asks for people to kill him. He's like a mini, hugely-apparent easter egg every time he shows up. (4) The end, while somewhat boring, gets points for creativity. Let's just say that Holy Urine used to condemn a butcher to hell, well, that's pretty funny. (5) Oh, yes, and the narrator: an old guy playing the harmonica as he uses modern vernacular. Pretty priceless.

Conclusion: If you're looking for a good piece of film or a thrill, do not get this movie. If you're looking for a good, half-brained, 'interesting' piece of horror to keep on while doing something else, it might be worth checking out.
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ginamandell9 March 2008
I hated this when I first saw it, but then I thought about it more and realized it wasn't quite as bad as I thought originally. Still not very good though. It had its moments, like the cheerleader kung-fu. The obvious body double shots of boobs was just plain ridiculous. The only thing this movie has going is its silly humor. Most of it didn't work for me, but I can see where some people may appreciate it. I was pretty disappointed that this was not a super gritty creepfest like the box art implies. The tone of the movie is nowhere near as cool as the cover. Then again, these movies usually aren't. I should probably get used to that kind of disappointment.
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Interesting Concept, Completely Horrible Execution
gavin69428 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
So, the guys at are all over this film, praising it and kissing the director's buttocks in an interview. The review says you have to have a sense of humor to appreciate it. Well, let me say I saw the humor but was still let down unparalleled.

This review is a companion to my review for "The Janitor" because there is a difference between good bad horror and bad bad horror. This is simply bad (unlike "The Janitor").

The writing I think is decent, because the idea is classic horror: cheerleaders, slasher, cops, etc. But the execution was awful. The acting was very weak and the characters took themselves very seriously even though they have no skills. The music made no sense and was more of a nuisance than anything half the time (especially because it was much louder than the vocal track of the film).

Some scenes made no sense. Particularly, the television scene. I guess since the film has a supernatural element to it that we can invent ways this makes sense, but I really don't want to work that hard on thinking about this. Also, the scene where the main character finds out how to stop the monster... I do not understand.

The things the Killer Review guy liked: the eyeballs and the scabs... very disappointing and completely unscary and unrealistic.

Even the nudity was a sham. Whiel there does exist one scene that is quite sexy, overall the women in this film are played up to be a lot more attractive than they actually are. In another review I read the girls were "homely" and this is a fair assessment. (I normally do not judge actresses on their bodies, but when you are cast as a stereotypical sexpot cheerleader and you are only average looking, the casting director really dropped the ball.) I enjoyed Ron Jeremy reattaching his arms. I enjoyed him giving the "field goal" sign when hitting people. I enjoyed the chili scene. I absolutely loved April Billingsley, who was by far the only really decent actress or actor in the movie. And I liked how the monster was defeated (don't worry, no spoilers). But these things simply were not good enough to overcome all the shortcomings. Sorry.

Watch this film at your own peril. Rent or buy "The Janitor" instead.
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Not bad, just standard b-rated horror cheese.
theouterplanet5 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, this movie was meant to be a B-rated cheesy horror flick. You cannot take anything with Ron Jeremy in it too seriously anyhow (non-porno that is). I was expecting a serious, brutal gore-fest, but instead got a fun, gory, laughable movie. There's the usual blood, babes, and boobs and a hilarious old timer who helps narrate the tale. There is even a "fart" scene. Gee, what else could you ask for? The effects are decent for this type of flick and the acting isn't all that bad. Plus, there are a couple of hot looking chicks that aren't hard on the eyes. I just wish the DVD had more extras, like maybe a behind the scenes featurette or interviews with the actors and actresses. Anyhow, looking for a cheesy, fun, enjoyable late night movie? Check it out!
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Why can't we get more movies like this
TdSmth525 April 2007
Every once in a while a surprisingly good movie surfaces. And lately it's low budget movies that manage to come up with something unique and entertaining. This movie is one such gem. No A-list actors, which is always a good thing unless in your world, RJ is an A-list actor. That does not mean that the acting is bad. All the main actors do an outstanding job, if you appreciate subdued acting. This is not hyperhysterical sceaming dialogue that goes as good acting these days. Granted that some of the secondary actors aren't all that great- I'm thinking about some of the cops. The actors here succeed in portraying their characters, young community college kids, horny, hungry, funny. The script is outstanding. First of all, there is a script, unlike most movies these days that give you fancy effects and no dialogue. The script is fresh, funny, witty, unique. What starts out as a mundane story line of stranded cheerleaders in the middle of nowhere turns out to have plenty of surprises in store. The special effects are good and quite gory at times. The girls are pretty and there is a seriously erotic scene here, something you'll never see in your megaplex. In fact, there are a couple of scenes that only independent filmmakers have the guts to create and there are a few of those here. I like that this movie is filmed on location in Florida and not in some Hollywood backlot or in LA. This is an outstanding effort by a group of people who seem to like movies and know how to make a good production with a limited budget. I hope to see more from them. Andre the Butcher II would be something to look forward to. You won't be disappointed with this movie if you like your movies light, entertaining, fun, and sexy. For sure this is a better horror movie than 95% of the junk that ends up in theaters and is marketed as horror these days.
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loosen up haters
gatorgirlswfl2 March 2007
We all accept that certain things are funny. Maybe your one of those who suffocates a giggle when someone burps or farts out loud. I am. I await the "thank you" that it usually doesn't come. The point is some things are just plain FUNNY. This flick celebrates the exaggeration of EVERYTHING that is inherently funny.

Going in with that premise is 'specially important with this film. Of course I would be forced to take issue with ANYONE who watches ANY Ron Jeremy film in expectation of artistic greatness.

This movie absolutely excels at being exactly what it is & I wish someone would sent me a copy to share w/ my friends cuz my vid store doesn't have it any more :(
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Not a horror film- but a funny well executed indie film
sexishanti14 June 2006
I waited over 2 weeks for Andre to arrive thru Netflix and it was definitely worth the wait. There's not much to do in my town so I watch A LOT of movies, and all kinds. Andre The Butcher really didn't meet my expectations, which was a good thing. Andre is probably the best low-budget indie I've seen in the last 3 years. I call it an indie and not a horror film because there is a lot more going on in this film than just pretty faces and slasher gore. Unlike most shoestring digital movies out there, Andre actually has good actors, sharp dialog, good camera work and its just a damn funny movie. Yeah, its obvious this wasn't made with the budget of Titanic folks. But the filmmakers really got a lot of bang out of their buck.

The only negative thing I would mention is the boxart. The front of the DVD box makes it look like a straightforward gorefest, which is definitely not the case. I can see a lot of disappointed horror fans out there in this regard. I would recommend that horror fans and audience in general not get fooled by the sinister boxart. This is best described as a comedy with horror elements- the kinda flick to watch with the gang and a kegger. Once you understand the true nature of this film, it is a blast! I hope these guys make more movies, and more with that delicious hottie April Billingsley. She can lick chilli off my toes anytime! ;)
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A fun little flick
fanita006 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
If you like slasher movies and would like to enjoy a refreshing gore-and-boobies movie, this is for you. From the incredibly creative minds of Phil Cruz and James Hyde comes this witty humorous horror flick. How funnier can you get when you have Ron Jeremy feeding off his own flesh, who staples his arm back to his body after being blown away, and who summons chubby girls to their death by suspending a donut from a tree? Young men with hard peckers, scantly clad cheerleaders, blood and guts. It's raw, it's indie, it's here. Now it is what it is so be aware this is not a made-for-Oscar flick. The best way to enjoy this movie is by gathering a few friends, eating a wide variety of potato chips and knocking back a few cold ones.
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how could you hate this film?
ericxton25 November 2006
really now gives new life to the bad guy "slasher" killer for once ...he (the bad guy) has personality ....whoa ...hold on now, a bad guy that kills and then pretends to be scoring a touch down thats ridiculous!!! ...come on thats great ...and ron as the bad guy that was great....the acting was pretty good for low budget, the story, OK sure it was an old one - kids get stuck out in the middle of no place and get killed ....but then you have its redeeming factors like ...hey I'm a priest let me bless my pee and use that for holy water !!!!! thats great !!!! you know the more I'm on here (imdb)the more I'm realizing that people over complicate movies .. i mean the point of movies is fun ...FUN PEOPLE FUN!!!!! not "hey i saw the stings holding that guy up" or "that monster looks cheesy" hhmm did any of you ever think maybe the people making the movie were having a good time with it so you should too ??? I'm betting that the people making this film, had a great time and you know what did i ....

(4), vocalist- GOD IN A MACHINE
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The funniest movie I have seen in years. A true masterpiece.
aaatile29 May 2006
I was given this wonderful film by a friend to watch and enjoy. The cover really made it look like another stupid horror movie. They are all the same. Thank God it wasn't. This was hilarious. The first five-minute scene (THREE POINTS!!!) is one of the funniest sequences I have ever had the pleasure of viewing. The ridiculous jokes, especially the name-calling (fartknocker), were truly hilarious. Watch this movie. And watch it without the expectations of being scared. Whenever you might get scared during this film, the director adds something like passing of gas to take away any suspense. This is a great, hilarious film starring Ron Jeremy, and should be watched and laughed at by any very mature audiences. Enjoy it for what it is.
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