August Underground's Mordum (Video 2003) Poster

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Understandably tempting to watch but utterly ridiculous!
npalmerdeverill30 April 2010
It is easy to understand what will make you look into this movie, and comments you will find will push you over the edge into watching it, just as I did.

Yes it is likely that it is the sickest film to have ever been put to film, however there is absolutely no entertainment factor to it. When a film introduces extreme gore, it works within the content of a story line that makes you look away and get adrenalin during the violent sequences. This film is a poorly filmed but accurate depiction of nothing but endless, silly gore designed to shock but that fails. It is almost certain that you will come away feeling slightly ashamed that you wanted to watch graphic rape, torture and necrophilic pheadophilia with nothing else to its credit other then it makes it look very real.

To call it shocking is to give it credit it doesn't deserve. The Exorcist was shocking, this has no 'shock' factor, no humorous factor that you get with some gore based films, no dialogue or story of any significance and any film enthusiast should feel offended that this is the most extreme film we have. Pathetic, ridiculous, childish and absolutely not worth looking at.
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Simply dull.
RedFoxVertigo26 January 2009
I love horror films and cult horror, and I spend a great amount of time watching these types of movies. I was skeptical to watch this due to the high number of bad reviews it received here. Curiosity killed the cat. I started watching the movie with an open-mind. I don't have a problem with camera shake, I'm not squeamish about gore and rape. Of course I must agree this movie is sick on pretty much every level. But all together content, quality, directing... none of that bothered me.

What I disliked about this film is that the plot is so weak. In fact there is barely a plot at all and thus as disturbing as it is, it's boring. Believe it or not. I understand the basic idea of the film, sick and twisted people on a killing spree, but a lot of the scenes seemed thrown together in no particular order. In a way it was confusing, but not in a strange artistic David Lynch type of confusing way. The composition of the film, just simply fails to be compelling in any way.

If you are simply looking to be disgusted or disturbed then I can recommend this film. However if you are looking for at least something of a functional film, don't waste your time on this one.
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What a load of crap!
PWATATO10 March 2007
I watched this film on the grounds that it had a reputation of being the sickest ever made. And it is certainly the most extreme film I've seen. But that doesn't make it entertaining. The effects are top notch and it does what it sets out to do but my god is it boring. The people on here who say they've watched it numerous times must be geeks. There is no reason to watch this more than once unless you are trying to prove a point because it is just the most boring pile of shite I have ever seen. It's basically a 15 year old horror enthusiasts wet dream. I think that the director has great potential and I am looking forward to 'The Redsin Tower' because it looks like it has entertainment value. Mordum is basically a fake snuff movie and its attempts to make it seem real are its major downfall. A lot of it is just shaky camera and shouting and when it gets to the gore and violence it just seems like it's trying too hard. Some may call it art, but they're idiots! It's just a really boring pointless film with really good special effects. I'm not saying don't watch it (because curiosity gets the better of all of us and I watched it because of reviews and comments that I read on this site) I'm just saying: don't expect too much and don't believe the hype. In my opinion a good movie should keep you gripped and a sick movie should disturb you. I was so bored watching this that it didn't disturb me. If you're a gore hound, watch it. If you're curious, watch it, but be honest with yourself afterwards and I'm sure you'll agree that it's crap.
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Absolute Trash!
Smells_Like_Cheese27 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
OK, where do I even start with this film? I guess how I came across it, a few weeks ago I got an E-Mail from a supposed fan of my movie reviews. He had mentioned how much he loved the fact that I was so open minded with films like Irreversible, The Exorcist, Taxi Driver and A Clockwork Orange but could love other films as well. He had asked me if I ever saw a film called August Underground Mordum; I replied saying no and that I don't mind violent films as long as they have a purpose or a message to convey. He sent me a link that this film was being shown on Google, which believe me is beyond shocking in itself, because I decided to go ahead and please the user and watch the film being prepared for one of the most controversial movies. All I can say is that I am beyond embarrassed that I watched this film and I hated this movie.

A dysfunctional love triangle of sorts between a volatile lead, his maniacal girlfriend and partner-in-crime Crusty, and Crusty's animalistic brother, Maggot. The triangle go to friend's houses and display who has the sickest kills, by kidnapping people to humiliating them to raping them to killing them. Not forgiving to any gender, race, age or even if they are living or dead. Going as far as necrophilia, these morons won't stop laughing or shaking the camera enough for you to barely tell what is going on.

See, I don't mind sex, violence or gore at all, but it's the supposed "story" that bothers me. These guys honestly seemed like a bunch of morons who had nothing better to do and figured since they could do good special effects, they would make a sick movie. The problem is with this movie is that it doesn't know what it is, it's a wanna be snuff film, which I can be fine with but it also is trying to say something about society which to me is that we really have reached the world of idiocracy. People who say that this movie is a work of art are either messed up in the head or worked on the film because this is just honest to God total trash.

A lot of the times you can't even tell what's going on because the camera is shaking so badly. Not to mention the lighting is horrible along with these people who I can't even call human because who would want to work on filth like this? I admit that I am being harsh but I haven't had such disgust for a movie and not in a good way. For God's sake the lead is molesting a dead 5 year old! Like I said, I'm so beyond embarrassed that I watched this. There was a user on Youtube that challenged people to make it past 15 minutes with this movie, while I did make it all the way through I can understand why people would turn this trash off, because they are smarter than me obviously! I would never ever recommend this movie to anyone, it should be thrown out and never seen again, I give it the tiniest pinch of credit for the gore effects while they were good, the story was horrible. When I responded to the user that I did not like the film and that I respected his opinion if he liked it, but that I thought it was trash, he responded by swearing at me and calling me a nasty name, goes to show the kind of audience these creeps are aiming for and I'm glad I'm not one of them.

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mindless passé' self-indulgence
therica3 April 2007
I thought this genre of hand-held shock began and ended with Blair Witch Project.

The movie is mindless, self-indulgent porn-gore, poorly "acted" by people simply reveling in attempting to give a shock-effect, while uttering the F*-word in nearly every line.

Sure, the movie apparently meets its attempted goal, of desecrating all that is sane, normal, and decent in humans. But anyone who would sit down and decide to take every single aspect of humanity, morality and mental-health to its opposite extreme would probably easily write such a plot, from the same logical (illogical?) conclusions. The movie is therefore predictable and boring. If you're like me and can watch gore and know that it's merely special-effects, the movie is a mere annoying waste of time.

If you're into grotesque special-effects of mutilation, sexual perversion, porn and bodily desecration, then you'll probably think this movie is exactly what you wanted. Which... would then make me wonder about your own mental health. Otherwise, it's a boring, simplistic and predictable antithesis of humanity and all that is good.

I'm sure that everyone involved, especially the actors, enjoyed the mindless attempts at shock and the flaunting porn-acts. But for me, it's mere self-revelry.
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Monotonous, amateurish, empty attempt at cheap shock.
capkronos19 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I remember seeing the name August Underground on someone's list of the sickest films ever made, so I went ahead and watched it to see what all the fuss was. I also went into it having no clue what I was about to see. It wasn't until later that I found out this is actually part two in a series of three films (2001's AUGUST UNDERGROUND and 2007's AUGUST UNDERGROUND: PENANCE), even though I'm guessing they are all unrelated to one another. While I'll agree that this movie has some pretty sick and nasty scenes, I found it tedious and forgettable all the same. I had to fight the temptation to hit the fast-forward button several times and that wasn't because I was disturbed by what I was seeing, but because I started getting bored by how monotonous it was. So sad to say, I did not find this no budget homemade effort all that disturbing, nor did I find it very entertaining. I can name dozens of PG-rated vintage horror movies from the silent era to the 1960's that managed to disturb me more than this one did. Some of those actually have the ability to get inside your head, unlike this one, which has absolutely no insight into the sick minds it so gleefully likes to portray.

There's really no plot line to follow here. It's a loosely structured series of scenes following three people (two guys and a girl) as they videotape themselves torturing, degrading, raping and murdering people. That's about it. Oh except for all the utterly pointless filler where they run around on the street aimlessly, go to some lame concert, go to a tattoo parlor, go to eat and break into some person's house. As if anyone cared to actually see any of that. Unfortunately, the "characters" never shut up and bring obnoxious to a whole new level by cackling and screaming profanities at one another almost nonstop from beginning to end, which got extremely annoying after about two minutes. There's a certain spontaneity here when it comes to the amateurish camera-work/lighting and the fact that the pitiful "dialogue" all seems improvised. However, whatever realism the filmmakers were shooting for was ruined because the antics of the killer's were so ridiculously exaggerated and over-the-top it became almost cartoon-like after awhile.

Even the presentation of the psycho characters was hilariously clichéd. Naturally, one of them looks like he hasn't bathed or shaved in weeks a la Charles Manson. The female lead is all decked out in silly little Hot Topic punk/goth accessories right down to a ridiculous pair of spiked panties that scream "I'm a sadistic bitch." All of them have multiple facial piercings and are probably the types who describe themselves as "extreme" and "hardcore" to their friends, thinking they don't conform to a certain image or lifestyle like the rest of us boring folks do, when clearly they do. I've always found it amusing that some people equate being vile and disgusting with being "edgy" and anti-establishment, but I certainly wouldn't want to refer to any of these fine folks as degenerates because I'm pretty sure they'd take that as some kind of complement. And that's giving them way more credit than they actually deserve. There is a LOT of full frontal male and female nudity on display here. Obviously done just to shock. Not that it really matters all that much, but all of the female victims are on the hefty side and none of them are particularly attractive. Looks like they raided some pretty seedy dives, or street corners, or maybe even some truck stop parking lots, to come up with the "talent" they used here. Then again, it would have been difficult to find an attractive woman, or one with even a sliver of self worth, who's going to lay there and let someone puke into their mouth.

Even though I found this mostly worthless, I went ahead and gave it a 2 instead of a 1 because the gore effects are pretty good. So what gory goodies can you expect to find here? Well, a guy is forced to cut his penis off; then the stub is inserted into the vagina or his screaming, bound-and-gagged girlfriend. There are two nude women who look like lesbian rough trade that get puked on, are forced to kiss and lick each other and are then sliced to ribbons. One of those girls is even gutted and "made love to" in her abdominal wound by one of the killers. All of the torture scenes go on for what seems like an eternity. There's also a headless dead baby covered in maggots, a guy screwing a dead child in a bathtub and a little incest thrown in for good measure. If that sounds like your cup of tea, then sit back and "enjoy." Personally, I was just bored.
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An antisocial adolescent's wet dream
Der_Schnibbler21 June 2007
A bunch of morons with a hand-held camera go around screaming ceaselessly and laughing idiotically in a never ending profanity-laden cacophony whilst performing "sick" acts which, as some unknown rule apparently dictates, can only be inflicted on disgusting fat chicks who forget to resist.

This is not a movie, since it has no plot, and it is not disturbing, since you can find worse things on the internet in less than a fraction of the time it would require for you to waste your time with this childish foolishness called "August Underground's Mordum," which belongs in the same trash bin as "Scrapbook." Just because damaged American kiddies with fractured psyches, short attention spans, and a penchant for anything that can momentarily lift them out of their fuzzy world view-defined, over-indulgent, instant gratification-based existence manage to praise this film with the vocabulary of someone who - surprisingly - has at least managed to attain a high school senior's vocabulary, does not make it worth watching. Then again, I suspect anyone who falls for it will probably be the same category of human: a confused child in a man's body, his emotional development permanently arrested at point "Beavis and Butthead." This review is for the sane who like horror cinema, not boring pseudo-porno splatter fluff worshipers: stay away, folks.
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Well I Never...
Discopants16 August 2008
That was honestly one of the worst hours I have ever spent in my life. This is the dullest film I've ever had the misfortune to view.

So I got this because I heard it was a sick, unique film (which I have to say interests me) but this was truly shocking for all the wrong reasons. For me, it failed on every level imaginable.

Firstly, I still don't really know what happened. There was some "alternative" kids laughing while the camera focused on either some bloody scene or basically, nothing. But, I'm guessing this was the "crazy" idea behind it all. Well it failed completely for me. I hated the people in it because they annoyed me by constantly laughing and shouting at nothing. They came across as idiots really. The fact they happened to do nasty things as a hobby seemed so irrelevant because it was done in such a ridiculous manner it was unbelievable. They made a pathetic attempt at being deranged but like I said, it felt more like idiocy and I cared so little about the whole thing that there nasty habits simply began adding to the boredom of it all.

It failed to shock me too. The one thing it was so very desperate to do. Don't get me wrong, I didn't approach this in a sceptical manner, quite the opposite in fact. I wanted to be disgusted, scared or at the very least entertained by it as I do with every horror movie I watch. It was an interesting (but not original) idea having a first person horror and doing it "home-movie" style but obviously not if it's executed so very poorly. The atmosphere this film created meant the sick parts had little or no effect. They did look quite good some of the effects but it crossed over the realistic/stupid line almost immediately.

I have to say I would be very surprised if anyone actually enjoyed this film. I presume this was aimed at the likes of me. People looking for sick and unique horror films but this film preoccupied itself so much by trying to be "sick" that it totally missed the mark. Saying f*** a lot and having some gory torture scenes has to be done very very well to have any affect on people today. Something more than just visual effects are needed because this sort of thing just isn't shocking any more.
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So very bad, but not for good reasons!
dragonstime24 March 2007
It wasn't just that this film was painfully boring, it was also incredibly annoying. There is no plot to talk about. Although they have done well with the grainy amateur look and although certainly not unwatchable, the jumpy camera made me loose interest after ten minutes. I agree with previous comments that it would have been better if it was shorter. It takes a lot to shock me and this was no exception. I found it predictable and most of the special affects I found really quite poor. Watching this film (which had to be done on mute as the constant swearing and screaming to fill in time was so irritating) has robbed me of 77mins of my life! This film is developing a cult status amongst gore fans that it really does not deserve, a lot of the depraved acts appeared to be put in for no reason other than as an attempt to shock, however the emphasis has to be on the lack of plot. This really is just a long, boring collection of gory acts. Don't waste your time and money.
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Ugly People Cursing for 80 Minutes
bwebbh-12 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have no clue where the 'film' makers found these people to 'act' in this, but they are absolutely the most hideous people I've personally ever seen.

As for the film itself, well, you could spend about five seconds doing a GIS for real shocking stuff and not have to hear out of shape morons saying the F word literally every other second.

This film is boring, plot less, pointless, horribly acted, and the ZOMG SHOCKING scenes certainly don't come close to making up for the rest of the idiocy.

Fred Vogel, film-making is not your thing. Learn a trade like truck driving or carpentry.
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stunospam-ta25 December 2006
There is no entertainment factor to this. It's just mindless pathetic and sick. Done for shock factor and yeah it gets that. Why watch something that turns your stomach so badly? I don't know, I loaned this from a friend who hadn't had time to watch it. I watched it out of sheer boredom whilst nursing a sense of disgust/hatred/anger/nausea.

OK, people may like those types of films that's up to them.

I like horror films, this isn't a horror film, it's just a brutal. Paedo-necrophilia does not make for good viewing. There are enough social problems going on in this world without rubbish like this polluting the minds of the psychologically vulnerable.
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I am certified as "mentally disturbed" but this...
arcane360-113 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Like many to post before me have said, "if your reading this than you already know what kind of film this is", but no review can really prepare you for what this movie has in store. I am a court certified 730 case (not sane person)who has spent many a night alone watching the greats like "Last House on the Left", "Last House on Dead End Street", "I Spit on Your Grave", "The Prowler" etc. and trust me: Those films are comedies compared to this.

I told a friend about "Mordum" and though I had not yet seen it, I knew when I finally got my hands on it this would be the one person I would want to watch this with. Having already seen AU, we thought we were ready for anything. I put on "TRACES OF DEATH 4" just to get amped up for Mordum but little did I know that not even my most prized "TRACES" box set could not prepare me for this. I started the film.

Just 15 minutes into MORDUM, my friend and I were looking at each other as if we had gotten stopped by the cops or something. Apprehensive but still steady, we pushed on.

As time slowly crept by, we were becoming detached from reality, truly absorbed by the carnage we were seeing. A man cuts of his own penis for god sake! Sex with a hole in a corpse! Now, not so steady, we paused it.

1 shot of Crown Royal, 1 Heineken chaser were ready. Push play.

Like the film never stopped, I am ripped away from home and back in that messed up house with those wackos; watching and waiting to see what could possibly top what just happened. Steady and strong we pushed on.

Wait...Is he doing what I think he's doing? Is that a dead kid in the tub with him? We paused it again. Now I am really disturbed. How did they get away with this? I have to know. Push play. A maggot covered dead baby in a trash can, this is crazy! More killing and finally it is over.

"Shell Shocked" is the closest term I have for the feeling I was left with after viewing this film. I thought I had seen and imagined it all. I even entertained the notion that I was evil. This film broke me. I had finally found something that shook my sensibilities. I realized that under all the scarred, twisted parts of my mind, I am not evil. People, who in real life, do the things depicted in this movie are evil. This movie cannot be overlooked. I think all horror-snuff-core fans should see this at least once. You may learn something about yourself, and what is and is not evil. We as mere viewers of entertainment, no matter how sick and twisted the material, have nothing on the real maniac serial murderers of this world. AWESOME EXPERIENCE, but be warned: this one will leave you feeling a bit grimy and it WILL seer itself into your memory for a very long time. 10 out of 10 stars.
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"August Underground's Mordum" is indeed vile, disturbing and twisted. Yet it leaves me conflicted.
This film is an enigmatic work of art. Yes, this is "art." At the end of the day, that's something that can be said of it for certain. Regardless, some consider it a masterpiece. Some consider it "bottom of the barrel." Some don't know what to think of it. And I find myself falling into that last camp to an extent.

From Co-Director Fred Vogel comes "August Underground's Mordum." The second in a trilogy of absolute extreme-horror. A trilogy that doesn't just test the taboo and "distasteful"- they literally skip past those barriers with a demented glee and joy that is almost absolutely admirable.

The film is presented as the home-movies of a group of serial killers, and follows them through a plethora of events and occurrences. Everything from random clips of the daily lives, to disgusting displays of torture as they mutilate, molest and murder their victims. Often in ways so explicit and cruel, I don't think I can accurately describe them here without A) going into "spoiler" territory and B) violating some terms and conditions of this site.

When I first saw the film, I was repulsed. I was upset. I was angry. In sheer rage, I made every effort to speak down about it, insult it and try and dissuade others from seeing it. Yet, as I looked back with an analytical eye, and gave it a second viewing, I found myself having a change of heart. The purpose behind this film, at least from a base, simplistic analysis, is to disturb the viewer. Enrage the viewer. Even HURT the viewer. And my initial reaction of revulsion and anger actually made sense. I was feeling what appears to be the intended feeling behind this work.

So... that means it worked. By god, every negative feeling this gave me was by very design. Thus, this film was a success. And for its aspirations and goals... it was actually GOOD.

However, I am still conflicted. Because despite fundamentally succeeding, this film still does have several issues- both practically and artistically, that hold it back.

Without saying too much, you can often tell that the events therein are staged, and some elements do come off as fake. In addition, though it succeeds in its goal to disturb, I do think that it could be argued that the film is shallow in a way. True, I often do admire films that others feel are "shallow" (stupid comedies and action movies, for example), yet here, this is a slightly bigger issue due to a lack of story, development, etc. Yes, the film might have its agenda (to disturb and distress and frighten the viewer, in this case), but that doesn't mean it shouldn't attempt to be "more" than that agenda.

And so, I find myself conflicted. It achieves what it sets out to do. But what it sets out to do isn't necessarily interesting or extraordinary enough to make it "special."

However, that criticism being said, I do think this film does show talent and a potential for much better work. And I will definitely keep my eyes open for Vogel and the gang's future work. Because I do think they are capable of producing something that could potentially be considered a "classic" of the horror genre. And in fact, with some more thought, this could have been that film. They just haven't quite hit that mark.

I am giving this an average 6 out of 10. This is for EXTREMELY limited audiences, but those who can stomach it might very well enjoy it. (And I would not recommend this film to those under the age of 21. I know it's probably technically for ages 18+, but I do think that anyone under 21 is probably too young for its content.)
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From then to now...
a_dancersdream20 May 2009
Before trying to track down this movie to own it, as I usually do I like to read comments on here to see whether or not it would be worth it. One this I have noticed with this movie should have been that I shouldn't have read all the comments and spoilers people have given. I'm 40 minutes into the movie as I write this and I don't know how I feel towards it.

The comments made about this movie in the beginning was nothing but good ratings and people who thought this would be worth it for horror fans out there looking for a fake snuff/gross movie. This movie obviously delivers. Now however with all this hype surrounding the movie to what "it is suppose to accomplish" people have lost the shock value while watching it.

Sure it doesn't have grade-A actors, and a fantastic plot (or plot at all), camera work is what grade 8 cyber-work class looked like, and the camera cuts are random... but the shock, grotesque-ness, nausea levels and "snuff" is right up there. If you haven't seen a movie that shocks you enough I would suggest this movie... just stop reading about it!!!
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For Gore Hounds and Makeup Wizards Only.
LLAAA48372 October 2007
The film is supposed to be a pretend snuff film, but I don't even know if an actual snuff film could take things this far. There is vomiting, genital mutilation, cannibalism, rape, torture, sex with severed penises, murder of children(something that REALLY REALLY gets under my skin), and lots more. A lot of perverted stuff. I do recommend this to people who just want to see disgusting stuff. This film is filled to the brim with all kinds of nasty, depraved, and terrible things that should really satisfy people who want to be shocked or are obsessed with special effects and makeup. This film has excellent special effects and makeup, not to mention the acting being pretty darn convincing. I give it a half star because it's not my kind of film, if you can call it that. But I can definitely see the appeal. Jerami Cruise and Killjoy are geniuses of the macabre. I congratulate them on a job well done. They have made a film that I found physically nauseating. It's hard to gross me out, but they've done it. I can't recommend the film to people who want to see a good horror film. But I definitely will say that in terms of gore, makeup, and mayhem, it's stunning. Check it out if it sounds like you'd like it.s
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1/10 bad!!
ESXTony21 October 2010
I admit, I wanted to watch this as I love horror movies and this was listed on the internet as being possibly the sickest movie ever made. I can only imagine that the director rounded up a few college kids who had never made a film before and said to them, here's an old video camera and a couple of hundred bucks each, please go away and make me the sickest film you can think of. Off they went, camera permanently being juggled making it difficult to see what's going on, a deliberately grainy picture, supposedly for realism but realistically to cover up the poor effects in places, constant screaming from said college kids, probably because they couldn't learn more than 5 word's bad, very very bad. No story line, just a series of sketches around ways to dismember, torture, maim, murder and have sex with, dying or dead people. Sick? Yes it is, more the idea of what they are doing than what you actually see. I won't add spoilers by going into detail, suffice to say, if you are a horror film fan and think this might be up your street, don't bother, it really isn't worth wasting 80 minutes of your life, there are plenty of decent horror films out there......this most certainly isn't one of them. I have never rated a film 1/10 before, I think I'm probably being generous with this one!!
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dogsofwar24 November 2008
This collection of random violence had some interesting scenes, but they were too disconnected to make me care. I refuse to call this a movie because it had no plot, no character development, no dialog or anything to make me interested in why they were doing what they were doing. It was like watching the content of "The Aristocrats" blended with camera work of "Blair Witch".

Watch it once, just to say you have watched it. Gross out your friends with your knowledge of this trash. And gore for gore's sake maybe mildly amusing to some but it is not entertaining or artistic, just weird.
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Just plain sick.
picasims22 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine a group of random people playing sadistically with every part and every fluid of their bodies. That's August Underground's Mordum. And that's when we are trying to understand what's going because half of the time, the screen is so dark we can't see the action. They are always in one the smallest corridors with no light. We don't actually know what is going on. At the beginning, we kind of understand the situation, but it doesn't matter for the rest of the movie.

The word that could describe the movie the best is FILTH. Everything about it is filthy. They are always shouting, the men are always masturbating. They eat maggots, vomit, body parts. And it's not like if it was the rape of a bimbo, the women are actually very ugly.

Forget the blow job scene in Pink Flamingos, in AUM, you'll see every kind of paraphilia. I gave it a 2 because at least, they had to come up with this sick idea and they actually thought about bringing a flashlight.
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porn wrapped in a horror DVD case
rickdark15 September 2005
Wow!!! what can I say ,slicing,stabbing,rape,drugs. The only thing missing from this turd is a storyline. The real name of this movie should have been 8 min. of good special effects in a huge 80 min. waste of time. the internet buzz was way off on this one there is nothing good about this movie, if you bought it like i did sorry,if you are thinking of buying it, think again.

The special effects were violent and semi-bloody the location they used was the most disturbing thing in this movie. 2nd only to the

horrible camera and sound I am all for amateur film makers as long as they are actually making a film (even a bad film) but this was like 8 or 9 people running around drunk with a camera. Special effects can't make up for the lack of storyline and camera close-ups of walls, carpets and cat litter boxes. Next time try a Trypod. and not making a horror movie.
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August Underground's Boredom
ashley-39320 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this directly after watching August Underground.

What a let down. Horrorbrain said this was the number 1 sickest film. This is total rubbish. They also said that toe-tag are the masters of gore.

When the woman pulls the other woman's nipple ring off at the end, you can see her just put the gore in place on the nipple. Come on... how is this "masters" of gore. Ridiculous. And earlier the main woman "cuts" her stomach, basically she just rubs some gore on herself and its blindingly obvious that this is what she is doing. Yeah this is "mastery"...

When the guy gets killed with a hammer in the second scene, the main character looks like he is arranging some pillows or something, way too gentle. The leg wobbling is a copy of Texas chainsaw massacre.

The penis cutting scene is actually pretty good. I give you some points for this.

The so called puking scenes, should be called dribble scenes - lame. If you want puking, you can see this for real in Japanese porn. I read a review and some dude was like "oh man its like the ones being puked on are not enjoying it and the ones doing the puking are".

First of all, the woman character just dribbles a bit on the other women, there isn't any proper puking. Secondly, the women being "puked" on alternate between bad acting and what seriously looks like laughing.

The disembowelment scene - disembowelment is painful, not funny. So why is the woman laughing her head off? Bad acting. Also its really amateur.

Maggot then shags the stomach wound. This is pretty dumb because there could be some hydrochloric acid in there. Its funny to watch his stupid expressions of "passion".

Dead baby is quite good in the shed scene. Eating the "maggots" off the baby was lame. He could have actually ate a maggot for this but you can't see anything.

The kid being raped in the bathtub scene is pretty clucked up. It doesn't really look like he is raping the kid but the kid is a real kid. The producers are morally reprehensible for doing this. I'd be interested to know how they did this, how old was the kid etc?

Again in this film, there is no plot, apart from some "character development" and the little tiff between maggot and main character, over the main girl.

Well alright, I was mildly entertained by this movie but it is over- hyped beyond belief.

The only thing that is sick about this film is the fact they depicted kiddie rape. Its not like its super graphic or realistic, its just the fact that they felt the need to include it.

The rest of the film looks like some teenager's shooting a school horror project or something. This is really going to annoy all the fan-boys but the scene in Hostel with the eye at the end is about 50 times more compelling and reaction generating than anything in this movie.
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sldier54329 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS When I say terrible I mean the acting, effects, camera, everything in the movie. It starts off with a guy having sex with his girlfriend then the guy is yelling "OPEN THE F*CKING DOOR OR I WILL BREAK IT DOWN " and it shows that he has a hammer in his hand a few seconds later the girl and guy yell at each other. The guy is saying "YOU'RE A FU**IN WH*RE YOU STUPID B*TCH" then the girl walks away from yelling and screaming she then gets a peace of glass and cuts herself. Later on they break into a house and kill a guy with a hammer. Trust me it's a waste of time a I'm surprised I watched the full thing. There is about 4 rape scenes the first one has a girl being forced to rub another girls vagina. A man is forced to cut off his own penis with scissors it shows everything. A Few seconds later the girl puts it in her mouth then puts it in the other girls vagina. Sorry if it's hard to read my typing. It starts off stupid and ends stupid and it is boring cause there is no plot and no story. You will fall asleep because it is very sh*tty and annoying.I wasted my time on this peace of sh**.
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Slightly less boring, more peepee shots
kalenkaiju16 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The lesbian member of Smashmouth makes their second on screen appearance in the sequel to August Underground. This time, with their MySpace girlfriend. A circumcision is botched. MySpace girlfriend vomits on some poor gals, then they go to a Great Value Limp Bizkit concert. Pigtails humps a plastic child. Those are all the major plot points I remember, I was playing Animal Crossing with my parents through most of the runtime.
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Hell on Tape
higginstommy29 July 2010
I like to consider myself a pretty screwed up person and I do enjoy movies that disturb most "normal" people but I'm fine with that. I took on a personal challenge to watch the most disturbing movies I could find movies like: Freaks, Salo: 120 days of Sodom, Irreversible, Last House on the Left, Caligula, and others like them. August Underground Mordum is the antithesis for all humanity.

This is a movie about the person next door to you, a co-worker, or even a friend. This is a movie that dives deep into the mind of the types of demented individuals that people like to pretend don't exist. You will witness acts of pure cruelty and sadism, the likes of which even a movie based on the magnum opus of the Marquis de Sade (the man whose name is where the word Sadism comes from) Salo can't even touch.

This is a movie that violates, destroys, and mocks our belief that all people are good. The most disturbing parts of the movie are not in the murders and tortures of the helpless victims (although these are very very realistic) but rather when we see the parts of the normal lives of the murders. They visit concerts, eat fast food, and live lives like we do. This is a movie that forces us to look at people who revel in torture and killing and forces us to acknowledge that they are in fact humans like us.

Not for the faint of heart.
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Repulsive and depraved.
HumanoidOfFlesh9 November 2004
"August Underground's Mordum" is easily one of the sickest and most repulsive horror films ever made.The film is extremely dirty and hateful,but at the same time it fails a little bit at the realism that "August Underground" achieved.It lacks the disturbing feel of the first,but it surpasses it in the shocks and gore department.There is a really sick castration with mini scissors,vomit degradation with taunting,cannibalism,fetus eating,sex scene with entrails or a maggot ridden baby torso.The plot of "Mordum" is easy to follow:three serial killers degrade,rape and kill their victims,whilst videotaping their sickening actions.Towards the end the fourth sicko is introduced(played by Killjoy of Necrophagia)and the film becomes almost too unbearable to watch.The special effects are incredibly realistic and the violence is ugly and vile.So if you like truly extreme and nihilistic horror give this piece of depravity a look.7 out of 10.
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Truly awful
srh_hogarth24 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
After I watched August Underground's Mordum I found myself asking just one simple question...What was the point? The story is non-existent, it jumps from one scene to another with no explanation and seemed to concentrate exclusively on the most horrible depravities. It's not the content of the film I object to, after all it is just a film, but without any justification of the violence it is merely an exploitation film that requires absolutely no thought.

The script is also non-existent and sounded amateurish in the extreme. I read somewhere that it was mainly improvised, supposedly to make it sound more realistic, well it didn't, it was just annoying. The dialogue did nothing to explain their actions and mainly consisted of childish insults and shouting.

The camera-work was so shaky as to make it virtually unwatchable. I don't buy into the theory that somehow this cinema verite style added to the realism. It seemed to me that it was used to disguise some of the dodgier special effects.

But my biggest objection to this film is the claim that it is somehow "disturbing". I would like to quote Fred Vogel himself, when asked about August Underground series, who said "So looking back I think we've what made, and I think we made the most disturbing films to ever come out of America." And asked about the end scene of August Underground's Mordum "going back over to Jeramis' to rewatch the footage, and I started to well-up and was ready to cry because I knew that we'd done something special. And that was either we'd filmed the most disturbing scene ever captured in a movie, or we were going to jail!" Sorry Mr Vogel, I disagree. It's extreme for sure, certainly the most extreme film i've ever seen. It's graphic almost beyond description, exceptionally violent, repulsive in the extreme and unbelievably gory. Fair enough, I have no problem with that it's just a work fiction after all, it's not actually real (thankfully!) but you seem to think that gore and repulsion equals disturbing and horrific.

It would've be disturbing if we knew why they felt the need to do what they do. What actually caused them to sink to such depravity and cruelty? What caused them to choose the victims they did? And how did each of the killers relate to each other? Did they help fuel each others depravity? The psychology of the killers was totally ignored, instead August Undeground's Mordum concentrated purely on the violence itself. This renders August Underground's Mordum an exploitation film and nothing more.

I will concede that the final scene of the dead girl in the bath being raped is disturbing, but only due to the unbelievably extreme subject matter, and not due to any skill shown by the filmmakers. Yet Irreversible's rape scene manages to be just as disturbing without being anywhere near as extreme, purely because it's much, much, more skillfully directed. Overall Irreversible managed to be a much more disturbing film than August Underground's Mordum and yet there was comparatively little violence.

In conclusion, despite the lofty claims of Vogel, August Underground's Mordum is nothing more than an exploitation film, that revels in it's own violence but fails to justify it. Yes it does push extremes, and that brings me back to my original question...What's the point?
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