Noah's Arc (2004) Poster


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loved it, loved it, loved it
yvj6623 November 2004
It was nice to see gay black men portrayed realistically. I had a chance to see the screening in New York City along with some friends. The love scene was very tasteful. All of the characters were addictive to watch. For a movie in unchartered waters, it has done well. The producer & director will hopefully be the ones to watch in the future. The director also directed the movie "Punks" (which I missed) and that movie still hasn't come out to DVD; but when Noah's Arc hits the shelves, I will be one of the first to purchase the DVD when it comes out.

In the future, if we can see some gay black females share the screen, then it will get a 10!
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Queer as Bruthas
smegma2317 October 2004
Three promos and the pilot episode of Noah's Arc just screened last night at Washington, D.C.'s 14th Annual Reel Affirmations Film Festival, and it was a sold-out house--just like when director Patrick-Ian Polk showed his feature film "Punks" at RA in 2000. The hype behind this showing was all about "At last we get stories of gay Black men!" And indeed, whereas other films at this festival are attended overwhelmingly by gay WHITE men, Noah's Arc attracted a larger African-American gay audience than most of us light-skins ever get to commune with. Who knew? Are all these guys out? Where do they hang out? Not the same clubs my friends and I frequent... It's incredible that in wonderfully diverse D.C. we're still so damn segregated.

Anyway, the shorts and the pilot were wildly appreciated at the fest. I cannot help but surmise that this was due at least in part to the aforementioned thirst for gay Black stories in film. Noah's Arc is definitely entertaining, but apart from being the first gay Black (soon-to-be-) cable network show, there's really nothing new here. It's Queer as Folk, translated to African-American L.A. I liked the characters; but that's because I was supposed to like them. I like the issues they deal with--relationships, sex, family--but there are no real challenges or surprises here. The central dilemma of the pilot--Noah falls for an acquaintance who has historically been hetero but seems to have some more-than-friendly feelings for Noah--is NOT an exclusively (or even a primarily) Black phenomenon.

Don't get me wrong--the production is great (though the sound could use some editing) and the cast are uniformly talented (and for the most part drop-dead gorgeous). But the characters are all *upscale* L.A.--even the "struggling" screenwriter Noah drives a convertible--and apart from a few Black street terms ("downlow" and, yes, "nigga"), there's little in Noah's Arc to distinguish this group of gay guys from the cast of Queer as Folk, or of any mainstream sex- and romance-themed feature film of the last few years.

So my question, then, is: Is it enough to take a recent, successful formula for a TV show, change the race of the characters but little else, and resell it? Is it really all my Black neighbors want, to be able to see Queer as Black Folk? From the reception Noah's Arc received at the Reel Affirmations fest, the answer seems to be yes... but I'm personally doubtful.

I know this was just the first episode, and I'm totally willing to give the series the benefit of the doubt. I very much wish for the success of this project as a cable series, and I look forward to seeing future episodes, in the hope that we get to see (a) further exploration of what, in all its diversity, "Black gay America" means, and (b) examinations of more of the weightier issues barely touched on in the pilot. For example: the family situation of Noah's friend Chance, who has just married a partner who has a young daughter. So far that daughter is nothing more than a political prop and a running joke regarding her name ("Kenya"), which the "diva" friend can never remember. I have no doubt that Mr. Polk's heart is in the right place, so I look forward to seeing where he takes these characters--hopefully someplace we haven't all seen before!
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I Love This Show
tnotel2 June 2005
I absolutely adore this new American program. It is a new twist to Sex in the City. Even as a straight female I appreciated the story lines and humor this show offers. It targets issues people often shy away from with a breath of fresh air. My mates told me it differs from programs like Queer As Folk because sometimes they feel those shows mostly place and stereotype gays into one image. Instead of being overly gay jokes like we normally see now on the telly, Noah's Arc deals with life in general. The characters are in relatable situations despite sex, race and sexuality. Kudos to the writers. I am in love with the character ALEX! I cant wait till it comes on in September. You will fall in love with the show and Alex as well...Cheers!
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Two thumbs up for Noah's Arc
mystiquelady395 February 2006
This is the best show out there, it's a way for heterosexual people to get a glance into the homosexual world. Especially being of color there are no shows out there that can portray the lives of homosexual African-American and Latino males. I've never seen a show so unrestricted and carefree, they took this show to a whole other level and it just sucks you in and you can't get enough of it. It's breathtaking men, captivating plots, and not to mention the amazing make-out(sex scenes) have you completely drawn in, in the very first episode. This show makes you laugh,cry,but most of all you feel the love and support between the men. I can't get enough of this show and I have recommend it to all my friends and family that has access to the LOGO station. I can't wait until the new season and feel those same emotions plus more. Good Luck to the whole cast and I wish many more years to come.
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Amazingly funny and smart!
ej9001928 July 2004
The series was amazing! I've seen a couple of the episodes and was blown away. Although the characters are primarily African American and gay, it has great crossover appeal because the writing is smart and funny, and the actors are well cast. The show doesn't get caught up in stereotypes, but it doesn't shy away from them either. The show is about four black, gay men living and loving in Los Angeles. Each character is different and a bit complex. It is easy to see a bit of yourself in each of them. Who you were, who you are, or who you want to be. And I love the LA locations they use! The show is bold, intelligent, sexy, and extremely funny. This show has GOT to find a home! I've never seen anything like it and its well overdue.
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Definitely too hot for color TV
newbaby7629 June 2006
I never heard of a black gay series, until I saw Noah's Arc on the internet. I love it. I wish that the TV show and film festival versions would come out in stores. It is original. When my sister first watched it, she said it was "off the chain." Darryl Stephens(Noah) is so fine. He remains of a Hershey's with almonds. I do not care if he is straight or gay, I'm in love. Trey is fine too. This like the black, gay, male version of Sex in the City. It is so funny and I like some the fashion. Like the skirt and jacket Noah wore on episode 4. BET is not ready for this. Noah's gets 5 out of 5 stars. I hope it get a GLAAD award for Best TV Series.
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Noah's Arc is the best show ever aired for the gay community
bmoreira2814 September 2006
Noah's Arc is the best show ever,It truly give's a real life look into what gay men must go through and the issues of everyday life. Since Noah's Arc has aired I have not missed one show. The second season is even more better than before there is no show quite like this. Every episode is even more exciting than the last one, It leaves you at the edge of your seat wondering what is going to happen. I only wish that it would be able to air on regular T.V so that other people that don't have cable would be able to see this outstanding show. It has become a weekly meeting for my friends to meet and watch the show together. I wish you all the best and many, many more years to come. One more thing...there's a song that played during Noah's and Wade's night together from the first season. It's not the one from Musiq-(whoknows) this one is more slower beat and the words that play keep saying "will you comfort me". If anyone knows the name or artist of that song, please let me know. Thank you.
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with potential
vickywelsch4 September 2007
How good it could have been if the budget had been higher. Four black gay men living in L.A. - that's really new and original. I admit I am a really big fan of QaF and at first I was disappointed of Noahs Arc: one-dimensional characters, bad timing and some stupid plot ideas. If the timing was right it could be a really funny comedy show. I am now in the middle of season two and it got definitely better: better sets, better dialogues and better acting thanks to guest stars, who up the performance of the whole team. There are low budget television shows for every social group and it was time for a piece about black gay men. So what? Not every gay themed production should be a potential Emmy nominee - and that's good.
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I enjoy the show
glecia_hood19 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy Noah's arc very much. I am not gay, lesbian nor do I support gay lesbian marriage. I am heterosexual and married. I don't approve, but I am sure as people I probably do things that THEY don't approve of huh? They are people just like the rest of us and God made us ALL. It also helps me to understand better.

It is a very interesting show, and some of the characters really make me laugh. The stories are good ones. I like to see the character Noah dance, (like he did at Chance's wedding). It is a very deep show. My husband watches it with me, but not all parts, but the story lines are the main thing. I am in control of the remote when Noah's Arc comes on. I can't help it, I just like the show.

I give it a thumbs up!!
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At a Brooklyn Premiere screening ... I lost my ENTIRE mind
TaylorSiluwe26 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
August, 2004 ...

The Brooklyn Marriott was filled to the rafters with more beautiful black men than my roaming eyes could count.

They'd all converged for the NY premiere of ... Noah's Arc by PUNKS writer/director Patrik-Ian Polk.

Sponsored in part by People Of Color in Crisis (POCC) and the Human Rights Campaign, Noah's Arc has been touted as Queer as Folk meets Sex in the City meets Soul Food. But in my opinion it's so much more than that ... this steamy sit-com will have all the industry scrambling to duplicate it.

It's a daring and witty show about Black men who are, as the banner in the lobby proclaimed, Loving to the Beat of a Different Drummer.

The shows lead morsel, Noah (Darryl Stephens) is a struggling screenwriter who falls for Wade (Jensen Atwood) who's sexuality is questionable. Outspoken HIV counselor Alex (Rodney Chester) has some self-confidence issues and is struggling to hold onto his sexy anesthesiologist boyfriend. Ricky (Christian Vincent), euphemistically speaking, is the feisty member of the crew who owns a trendy Melrose Avenue shop. Ivy-League professor Chance (Doug Spearman) is recently married to Eddie (Jonathan Julian) and they've adopted a daughter. And as all 'our' friendship circles do, they navigate the sometimes turbulent seas of life, lust and black gay identity, together ... as a tight-knit little family.

The screening was at nine. I got there early, about seven-thirty, because seating was on a first come basis, and I sensed the rush, the excitement. So me and a friend just waited around in the three convention rooms which were combined for the event. Just us, a huge screen, and a sea of chairs which seemed to go on forever. At first it seemed like not many were coming, but... true to form, just before nine o'clock ... WE came in droves. (Who said we don't support one another?) Mature ... proud ... SGL men in all sizes, shapes and shades (NOT A THUG IN SIGHT)... men who, like me, are sick of either being invisible in the media, caricatured by Hollywood, or vilified by black press as the source of countless ills ... men who know that we need to shine a positive light on Same Gender Loving people of color as the antithesis to the questionable DL 'phenomena' that the press can't stop talking about ... and to the internalized homophobia behind it all.

There was a sense of empowerment in the Marriott ... you could almost breathe it in, fill your lungs with the sensation that this was the beginning of something very ... very ... special. People couldn't sit still, stand still, at least I couldn't ... the excitement was that palpable.

Just before the lights dimmed, the show's lead, Noah, played by Darryl Stephens, slipped in looking slightly incognito with his baseball cap pulled down low. Couldn't fool me though, I recognized him from all the promo's ... and trust me, he's even hotter in person. Later in the evening he signed my poster, Taylor ... thanks for the love, Darryl S.

If he only knew.

As the screening progressed I experienced the gamut of emotions ... and by the end I felted drained and moved and giggly and even slightly aroused ... with the overwhelming need to stand and applaud. Just seeing the lives of black gay men, men like me, men like my dear friends, played out on the screen for the very first time was almost too much to take.

One mature gentleman commented how it brought tears to his eyes.

I couldn't agree more. Our lives on screen ... US ... at last. The moment was more powerful than I can express.

And I did stand. Oddly enough, not for the sexy lead, but for Rodney Chester (Alex), who's scene stealing performance brought the crowd to it's feet at the evenings close. I cheered and applauded 'til my hands hurt.

My highest Kudo's to Patrik-Ian Polk, who in our brief meeting seemed to be the nicest man you'd ever wanna meet.

I want to urge everyone to spread the word ... it's time we stepped out of the shadows ... time to openly shine like we've always shined in secret.

I've only got one voice, but I plan to use it make everyone know about Noah's Arc.

Because his journey, his ARC ... is our arc too.

Taylor Siluwé
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Regressive and Foolish
WholeNote684 March 2006
What a stupid pretense for a show. Set in the present in Los Angeles, we're supposed to believe that four gay men who are very secure with their sexuality and have a strong support structure of friends and family, are too cowardly to ask a man who is obviously comfortable around gay men, "Are you gay?" the real world, of course they would ask that very question, to hell with all the juvenile shenanigans portrayed in this show. But then, you'd have nothing left to make a television show about.

This show is hardly the progressive step it pretends to be. It's a step backward, and the core audience to whom this show is intended will see it for what it is in just one episode.
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About his Lovely Show
nehemiah7260212 October 2006
I would like to say, That I love this show, and that it is awesome to have a gay show like this on TV. I am a lesbian and I can relate to some of hat goes on in the show...Keep bringing more to the show, I don't want it to end...Me and My girl watch it every Wednseday night... we have it programed in our TV to come on.....I love I love...It keeps you in Suspense...Like whats going to happen next.....All the cast Keep doing Ya thing..I love all of you Especial Noah, Wade and Ricky. I hope that one of these days I will get to meet all of you. So when is the Season 3 coming and when will season 2 come out on DVD, I already have Season 1. I even have my peoples watching Noah's Arc ( Darryl Stephens you are very talented actor, I Love the way you dress, with you style and personality)- Jenson Atwood you are awesome too.........All the Cast Love You.......... ...... Holla from Connecticut.........
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Olson61203 May 2008
I don't know what the first few reviewers were watching, but this program is dreadful. The acting is pathetic, the plot lines are implausible, and the writing is so sophomoric, horny teenage middle school children could put two words together that made more sense. I fully understand that black, gay culture is a mythical creature, not unlike lesbian culture, that needs to be shared and expressed with the homophobic world we live in, but I find it hard to believe that any of these people could ever exist in real life. Mostly due to the fact they are such blatant stereotypes. One's a twink, one's a sex fiend, one's a repressed nerd, and the last is a drag queen waiting to happen.

Beyond the hot guys and the deleted "sex" scenes, there is absolutely no reason to watch this show. My partner and I forced ourselves to suffer the first season just to mock the characters.

Please, if this is your first foray into gay culture, run away! Fast!
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estet_carro17 July 2007
Oh honestly. The dialog is terrible, I couldn't care less for the characters and the acting is... so bad. SO bad. Calling it stale, flat and cheesy would be letting it down easy.

I watched the first four episodes, because I wanted to like it, especially since Queer as Folk has yet to find a worthy replacement at the gay drama throne. Well, I'll just have to keep on looking. QAF gave us interesting characters and exciting twists and turns in the storyline. During these few episodes of Noah's Arc I fast-forwarded several times because I wasn't intrigued with what was happening.

Darryl Stephens is very cute, I'll give you that. But this show is just too painful to watch.
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Queer As Folk's Little Sister
bbwlove4eva20 October 2005
It definitely catches your attention!! I just saw my first dose of the show. It's a good watch that's for sure. Even though its entertaining reminds me a lot of Queer as Folk.

Queer as Folk is my favorite gay TV show and Noah's Arc is definitely it's little sister. It has the same problems and challenges. Nothing really new beside the fact that they're black.

The characters unlike QaF are way more feminine. Even the character that is supposed to be the stud is a total queen. The actors are more hopefuls than anything else.

I think Noah's Arc has a 50/50 chance of being canceled. A good show that might go!
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