Hank Williams First Nation (2005) Poster

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Real characters from a community you probably don't know
dgaither7 March 2005
There's a joke or two about "Indian time" in this movie, but in reality, the whole movie moves in "Indian time". Conversations are at the opposite end of the spectrum from Altman's overlapping dialog. Here a character speaks and the other characters pause for a couple of seconds thinking about what's been said before making the next comment. It's all very unhurried and laconic. For example, at one point we here on the radio, "So that's your forecast . . . It's cold today . . It'll be cold tomorrow . . . It'll probably get colder after that. But this here's February, so what'd you expect?" The music is terrific, but I don't think any actual Hank Williams' songs are used. Everyone talks about playing Hank Williams, but somehow it never seems to happen on camera. All of the characters in this film are so real, that by the end you feel like you've spent a week getting to know your cousin's neighbors in a town you've never visited before. You should also be aware that the quest to visit Hank Williams' grave is not really the centerpiece of the movie. The movie mostly takes place in the Cree Nation community it starts in. The quest is mostly there to give the locals something to talk about. I was deeply moved, to the point of tears, by this movie.
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A Film of Wall To Wall Parallels.
info-412826 February 2005
At A Theatre Near You! By Larry Chartrand of Lakeland Video Productions

Hank Williams First Nation Comedy Drama, rated PG. 92 minutes in length. A Canadian Film produced in Alberta. Directed by Aaron James Sorensen, starring Stacy Da Silva as Sarah Fox, a grade 12 valedictorian, and Sarah's grandfather, Adelard Fox, played by Gordon Tootoosis.

This movie goes against the Hollywood style and is totally Canadian. Without giving away the story, a boy and his uncle leave their northern Alberta reserve bound for Nashville in search of the truth. Is Hank Williams Senior really dead?

We are drawn into a world of parallels, that is more the focus of this film, than its' title. The different scenes that play out are bundled together with the common theme of young and old, as seen from a native point of view. Hank senior & Hank III, a cow moose with her calf, Adelard raising his granddaughter Sarah, dilapidated vehicles next to shiny new trucks, Sarah yearning for her paternal mother, to name only a few parallels. I was lost at one point in the movie, when about 5 minutes played out in Cree language, with no translation. There was obvious humor, because the Cree audience was laughing, but I had no clue. I later realized, what a brilliant way to make a statement.

The story line itself is solid and develops into a good ending, yet leaves the viewer with a lot of questions. Is Hank senior dead? What happens to the cow moose? Where are the traditions? These truths don't affect every ones lives on the surface, but they are important to individuals. As I said, the real story lies hidden in the parallels. The conflict is between old and new, the modern versus traditional.

This film is fun to watch, will likely get you thinking, and now that you know what to watch for, you can count up how many parallels there are. 3 ½ Stars out of 5.
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These people will be okay.
ChuckCram15 April 2005
It took me a day or so of reflection to reach that conclusion. You see, Sarah aches, envies and dreams, but when she is knocked down, she picks up what self-esteem she can gather and gets up again. She desperately wants to be loved by a boyfriend and a parent. Adelard is thoughtful, accepting and wise, but most of all loving--not just of people, though certainly that, but of the vital things of his life: peace, understanding, personal growth, and the natural progress of life's events.

The Cree dialogue scene is rich with communication. The primary conversant, a politician wannabe, displays through his gestures and intonation that he is sincere, and believes in himself and his integrity. That, along with the sporadic inclusion of English nouns and adjectives (Cranglais?), leaves little uncomprehending—and keeps the audience rapt and grinning throughout. I was impressed.

If a story has to go somewhere—if you need to be taken from point A to point B—then you won't appreciate this one. This is not an action film, it's a "setting" film, and parallel to the concept of Oral Tradition, it's all about the dialogue. That's what gives this film a depth well beyond "A Day In The Life of…" or "A Cultural Snapshot". The generous use of silence, without becoming Pinter-esquire, speaks volumes.

If you can't get to a screening of this film, find it on video—it'll be good there too.
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Great movie, great music, nice moose !
ada-dollevoet6 April 2005
A real feel good movie with a deep story going on around it. A lot of symbolism and underlying messages it seemed. I didn't get all of them at first and I'm sure I missed a lot - need to see it again. for instance the two moose in the first shot and then the lone moose at the end. All the 'Indian politics' going on but it was funny enough that it was not controversial or depressing or offensive. I liked the cinematography, the music and the humor. I expected a choppy perhaps awkward movie given the budget but I was shocked at what a small budget and a good script can produce. The characters were believable and the story was heart warming and made ya think.
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Originality admittedly breeds frustration
StevePulaski6 January 2015
Hank Williams First Nation is a rare film because it's a film that focuses on aboriginal Native Americans and builds a narrative that encompasses characters of the like. The film concerns an elderly Cree man by the name of Martin Fox (Gordon Tootoosis), who lives on an Indian Reservation in Northern Canada, boasting a peaceful and relatively quiet life. Upon consuming far too many tabloids, Martin questions if many famous celebrities are really dead or subjects of a massive scandal. He decides to take his seventeen-year-old nephew Jacob (Colin Van Loon) along to visit the gravesite of country music legend Hank Williams, which, to Martin, will prove that the man he idolizes is really dead or not. Meanwhile, those back where the two are from are experiencing life changes all their own from a young woman desperately searching for a prom date to a chief working to run for re-election at an appointed office.

Hank Williams First Nation gains immediate points for being a quirky piece of work, as all of its characters exhibit some sort of offkilter strangeness about them. Consider our lead character Martin Fox, who speaks softly and slowly and carries a certain eloquence with everything he says. Or, for that matter, consider the radio station "Cree Nation" (not "Cree Mation") that we hear quite frequently throughout the film, which has a lax, ostensibly careless DJ who lackadaisically announces events like the radio station's bingo night or the lottery numbers in a manner that implies carelessness or indifference.

There is a saying early on in this film about a character running on "Indian time," and frankly, I'm convinced that Hank Williams First Nation is an ode to that kind of time progression. Everything moves at a glacial pace, writer/director Aaron James Sorensen doesn't seem to be in any particular hurry when it comes to developing or expanding on his characters, and the overall effect is one that charms because of its slowness. The film is methodical, spending a great deal of time on each of its characters and not seeming to be in any particular hurry to rush any remnants of a plot along.

Probably the quirkiest thing about Hank Williams First Nation alongside its characters and their personalities is the fact that not one original Hank Williams song is played throughout the entire course of the film. Quite frequently we're teased by the "Cree Nation" radio, with the anchor often stating a Hank Williams song is being dedicated to a specific person before the character in the room, listening to the radio, quickly shuts the radio off. This only begs the same question I had with The Last Ride; why is Hank Williams such a sacred cow that we can mention his name, his legacy, and his life on film but can't so much as honor him by playing one of his songs in a film?

Moving on, while the relaxed style makes for an intriguingly made, carefully executed film, the downside to that matter is Sorensen never seems to fully realize the script. The humor is inconsistent and dry, meaning it never knows when to be low-key or simply nonexistent, and the drama of the film plays out like a cheesy, unconvincing soap opera, particularly when we watch one character try to land a date for the prom. Hank Williams First Nation is always mildly interesting because you never know exactly which way the film will go, or where it will end up for that matter, thanks to a relaxed writing/directing style, but you also never know what kind of mood it will put you in. Therefore, we have a film that sometimes crushes its own emotional possibilities because it's too fixated on being a slowburn work without any clear direction in its genre.

Starring: Gordon Tootoosis, Jimmy Herman, Colin Van Loon, Stacy Da Silva, and Bernard Starlight. Directed by: Aaron James Sorensen.
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Hank Williams First Nation is a great film.
thedeanes6 April 2005
No smoking No swearing No belittling sarcasm No drinking No angry temper-tantrums No hurtful put-downs No forcing change No judgmental discrimination No grad dress No Hank Williams No subtitles for the Man Speaking Cree

This movie flows like water over rocks in clear air. It has strength and resilience because of events which occur before the film begins, during the film, and after the film closes. It carries us along for a time with the lives of these people, and provides us with a hopeful promise of a new tomorrow at the same time recognizing the enormous impact of a far-reaching past. The characters maintain their integrity throughout. The Music is also Great!
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See this film!
faeryhound2 August 2005
Forget Tom Cruise and his invading aliens - my pick for THE movie to see this summer is "Hank Williams - First Nation".

Calgarian Aaron James Sorenson wrote and directed the film, all the music was done by local artists and the cast is made up of local actors, including Gordon Tootosis - whom many of you will recognize as "Albert" from North of 60 and also having appeared with Brad Pitt and Sir Anthony Hopkins in Legends of the Fall. Sammy Simon does a phenomenal job as the Radio Announcer, providing a great deal of HONEST laughter.

When I say "Honest" laughter, what I mean is that, unlike many of the "slick, high budget, Hollywood blockbusters" - this film doesn't rely on laughs generated by potty jokes, self-depreciation and at the expense of others.

Hank Williams, First Nation is a story based on characters that Mr Sorenson grew to know. The story itself is about a family, a community, a dream. Uncle Martin, a lifelong Hank Williams fan, has decided that perhaps Hank isn't dead after all. He decides to travel to Nashville to see Hank's grave for his own eyes. His younger brother sends his grandson Jacob with Uncle Martin not only to keep the oldest Fox family member company, but to teach his grandson a little about the world. The two become celebrities in the U.S., being interviewed by small town newspapers and having their picture taken to be posted at diners along the way.

Meanwhile, at home, Jacob's sister, Sara is facing her pending graduation and all the emotional ups and downs of the big event that we all faced. Her boyfriend is a big schmuck, her brother's best friend has a huge crush on her and she is a sure bet for valedictorian. On top of it all, her absentee mother, whom Jacob has only seen once when he was a toddler, may be coming for a visit.

The other characters have issues of their own to deal with and they do so as we all do. Mr Sorenson has created some of the most REAL characters I've encountered in film since Fargo and Beautiful Girls. They don't win the lotto, they don't drive insanely expensive cars, they aren't unbelievably beautiful and spend nights having sex we can only envy. They don't have some sort of "lightbulb" moment and solve every problem they've ever had. They laugh. They cry. They get up every day and head off to work when they'd rather stay in bed. They have car starters that don't work. They look forward to the weekly Radio Bingo games. They have crappy winter weather. What you see is what you get. In short, I LOVED these characters. I cared about them. I wanted to see what would happen to them. I STILL wonder how things will work out for them.

As a writer, Mr Sorenson has accomplished what many writers strive for. He created characters with heart and soul and depth. Some of the cinematography will knock your socks off. The film captures the beauty of the Canadian landscape which is often overlooked in Canadian cinema.

I laughed. I laughed a LOT. Not just a little smile here and there or a chuckle kept to myself. I experienced honest, out loud, unabashed laughter the likes of which I've not experienced in a film in some time. My advice, grab a friend and go see this film. You won't regret it.
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Expected fun, got great
rexcine5 April 2005
This is mostly a movie about people and their most sincere levels of connection. Don't be confused by the title. Hank Williams is only the nail to hang this story from. In fact, although almost all of it centers on a town of Cree Indians in Alberta, it is a universal story of people going through their lives, living with family, and working to make or deal with connections. Funny at the start, interesting in the middle, moving in the last. A well filmed, well crafted story, that leads you along a simple path that will eventually fill your heart with more than you expected.

I think if there were any flaws, they were budget related. For instance, there was no actual Hank Williams music in the film, but I'm sure that was only due to the cost and complexity of arranging to use his music. At this lower-budget level, it works anyway. The script is great, actors feel real, and the filming looks good.

I expected a small light-hearted movie. It is that, in part. It is also a great story that slowly pulls you in, gets you involved, and then draws you to an experience that should resonate deeply if you have a heart. It seems simple but weaves that simplicity into something more. In the end I was choking back emotions. I walked out feeling myself taken to a place that makes me glad I keep looking for these film experiences -- sometimes because someone told me, sometimes unexpected.
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Support this Canadian (Albertan) gem
aaaaboos8 May 2005
I had a great time watching this movie. I do wish that I spoke Cree, or that I would have brought a Cree speaker with me. There is a scene where it would have been handy. You can infer what the conversation is about, but the woman beside me was killing herself laughing and I only had a little chuckle at the parts of the conversation that were in English. The acting in this film is superior for the most part. However, there was one role that I would re-cast if it was up to me -- the teacher. Her acting was poor and actually quite distracting, but I am sure that it was well intended. Her role in general was a little confusing. There seemed to be some inconsistencies around her character. That said, Sorensen did an excellent job capturing the spirit of the north, and Da Silva (especially) brought his words to life. I laughed and almost cried. Support this Canadian gem; you will not be disappointed.
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An amusing yet respectful gaze at the Cree Nation in northern Alberta
roland-10431 October 2005
I cannot understand the low consensus ratings so far on the IMDb (4.4/10 as of today) for this lovely film, which was my personal favorite among the 15 features I saw at the recent Idaho International Film Festival in Boise. The opening night feature, this relaxed, soulful narrative film is set on tribal lands of the Woodland Cree Indians in northern Alberta, where Mr. Sorenson, the director, taught school for several years.

An aging member of the tribe longs to visit the gravesite of his favorite country musician, Hank Williams, Sr., in Nashville. His younger brother Adelard, a tribal leader, played by Gordon Tootoosis (a prominent Native Canadian actor from the Cree/Stoney First Nations in Saskatchewan), arranges for his teen grandson to accompany the old man and off they go by bus. We tune in now and then to the progress made on this junket, but most of the film is about small dramas among the folks back home. Affectionately observed by first time filmmaker Sorenson, the people and their daily lives are followed with respect and gentle humor.

All but three of the actors are first timers, amateurs. The best of these by far is Bernard Starlight, cast in the role of Huey, a young teddy bear of a fellow whose offbeat charm graces all of his contacts with others. Gordon Tootoosis is a marvelous actor whose subtle facial gestures cover a broad range of self-contained emotions. Mr. Sorenson, who was present at this screening, says that he built each of his characters upon people he got to know while teaching among the Crees.

An important goal of his film, he said, was to dispel common negative stereotypes about Native Canadians (e.g., that they are slackers and alcoholics or addicts). As Sorenson perceives them, they are typically people of integrity and faith, with a splendid sense of humor and a passion for country music; their hero, almost to a man, is Hank Williams, Sr. (who, by the way, is buried in Montgomery, Alabama, near his birthplace, not Nashville). Sorenson does touch on the issue of drug abuse, but only in an oblique manner, one that highlights a local family's resolve to take care of its own troubled relative.

Eastern Canadian film moguls turned their backs on this movie for being "too small and too regional," Sorenson told us. So he distributed the film himself in Alberta and did $140K worth of box office gross in that province alone, over half the cost of his film. Now people are interested.

There are a number of loose ends left dangling in this story: the fate of Adelard's grandson and granddaughter, the outcome of a local election, Huey's future. Fortunately, a Canadian TV producer has asked Mr. Sorenson to create several 30 minute films to follow some of these stories further, to be screened following the present feature length movie.

I asked Bruce Fletcher, the IIFF Director, how he discovered this splendid film. "Simple," Bruce said. "First of all, I'm from Alberta. My friends told me about this film. Second, I married a Cree Indian." Any more questions? Visit the film's website: www.hwfn.com. My rating: 9/10 (A-). (Film seen on 09/29/05). If you'd like to read more of my reviews, send me a message for directions to my websites.
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Seen it three times - can see it at least three more!
lsnyder-111 May 2005
Been to the movies lately? Well I have one to get you back in that theatre seat, munching popcorn, and having a great time. I attended Hank Williams First Nation, the little movie that is causing a big stir. The movie was exceptionally well done with clever humour, family values, and a real down-to-earth plot to which we Albertans (and all North Americans) can relate.

The majority of the audience was responding the same way I did, as the laughter rang throughout the building many times. It has been a long time since I sat in a theatre and so thoroughly enjoyed the audience's response.

Besides experiencing many good natured belly laughs, the film exposed to poignant moments of reality, with a number of realistic sub-plots being respectfully addressed. Although these story lines are a bitter reality in the world today, Aaron Sorensen's movie presents them with dignity and exposes the vulnerability of the characters, all the while letting us examine how we would respond if placed in similar situations. It was very soul searching.

This movie is one of Canada's best family films this year (no sex, no violence, and only one "small" swear word), and there is no finer place to view it than on the big screen at a theatre near you!
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Slice of Life in the Peace or anywhere else rural for that matter.
nyoongar10 September 2006
I finally picked this up as a rental DVD and had heard about it last year at the Calgary Film Festival, but failed to catch it in its regular release in Alberta. One can watch it over and over again - a gem of a movie with a great soundtrack and about a place and society that is not covered a lot. I am trying to find a comparative from Ozzie flicks, without any camp.

The "old man of the mountain or Mr. Mountain" provides a steady course of rural, cultural guffaws and Cree nation insights - terrific.

Great performances by Gordon Tootoosis and the two younger unknowns, Stacy de Silva and Colin Van Loon. At the end I realized that Jimmy Herman (Joe Gomba from North of 60) did not have a speaking part in the whole movie other than to cuss at his frozen boat anchor! But his face tells a thousand stories. Very touching eulogy given at the end.

Get this one folks - you will be pleased. I need to go pick up my bingo cards!!
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An elderly First Nations man and his teenage nephew travel to see Hank Williams's grave-site
Sinnfire25 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this film! One of the most satisfying films to watch I've come across. A beautiful blend of clean, real humour and heartfelt sorrow.

Very rarely do you come across characters that hold your attention as rigidly as the ones portrayed in the film. The relaxed and slow dialogue has a strange way of pulling you further and further into the story. Even the scenes that Cree is being spoken without subtitles, are interesting and hold your full attention.

I found this film to be similar in many ways to "Smoke Signals" directed by Chris Eyre (1998). The road trip, the journey's end in "Hank Williams" when they reach Hank Williams's grave-site and in "Smoke Signals" when Thomas picks up his father's ashes, the two friends, the awkward relationships, even the "rez radio" humour is similar.

That's not to say that the two movies run completely parallel with each other. "Hank Williams First Nation" holds its own lessons and charm.

Laughter was a huge part of this movie, though much of the humour is quite dry and takes a second for it to sink in. I was laughing almost the whole way through and when I wasn't, I was almost in tears.

The point I'm struggling to make is that this is a wonderful movie with many strong lessons to teach. I recommending grabbing some popcorn and a friend, sitting down and enjoying this flick.
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Intimate, wise, realistic in setting
ignominia-115 November 2006
Just loved the movie. It's people are so real, it was almost like a documentary. I loved the dignity of the old Indians especially the grandfather. He was kind and wise and well-placed in his time and reality. I would have like to see more of the trip to Hank William's grave but anticipating the trip was fun enough. The dialogue was good but the little details made the movie: the old man trying to beep open the car doors from inside the house; the woman cooking unfamiliar (to me)food; the nature shots to place you in context with the landscape, the loggers trucks passing, the morning radio with its mundane yet so endearing chatter: little details of everyday's life that is not your life. So little can become interesting without the need for special effects or a weird story. These are the movies I like, turn a banal story into a bewitching one and make you want to see more of these people's lives...
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Soundtrack and DVD release
pasderant12 July 2005
Hey everyone... First of, everyone who has made the trek out to see this film, good job. It is one of those movies which you can see ten's of times and you pick something up every time. The seen where they are speaking Cree in the kitchen is one of the funniest scenes i have ever seen, if you do not speak Cree, find the person in the audience who is laughing the hardest and ask them after the film what happened, its one for the ages;) I got a little off topic, what i meant to write about was the fact that lots of you people who have seen the movie have picked up on the fact that there was no actual Hank Williams music in this motion picture. The reason for that was not just because of budget (total budget was only 200,000 dollars) but it was also because they truly wanted to get a good feel for Albertan life, so they picked a completely Albertan soundtrack. This movie has one of the best soundtracks i have ever heard in a film in years. For all of you out there who loved the film and loved the soundtrack here is a little bit of information for you. A Calgary company has talked with Aaron and has gotten the rights to distribute the official soundtrack and they are hoping for it to be available sometime in the near future ( a couple months) and for those of you who are dying to get your hands on a copy of the DVD, the Word from Sorensen is that pending on how many theaters hold this film over, and how many more would like to see this flick come through their theater, the DVD should be on selves by Christmas... Spread the word about this movie, and get all family and friends out to see it because it is a movie that truly the whole family can enjoy.

Thanks for your time
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Bittersweet feel good movie
theredmare14 September 2006
The name Hank Williams added to a native movie made it a certainty I was going to watch this.

Adelard Fox, his wife and his 2 grandkids live on the rez. Uncle Martin gets in his head to go down to Nashville, TN, to make sure Hank Williams Sr. is truly dead. Adelard asks his grandson Jacob to go with Uncle to make sure things go smoothly on the trip. Meanwhile, Sarah the granddaughter, who has a crush on Larcis, and Huey, who is in love with Sarah are still stuck home on the rez, and all live their teenage lives as best they can.

The script is very light and basic, nothing much happens, and if you've seen Dreamkeepers, you will find some similarities. The film is pretty short, which sometimes is a relief in this era of overlong monsters, and very lighthearted (I found a fair few funny bits). May I add it never drags nor is it boring, and is very carefully and pleasantly edited.

While one might think there isn't much to it, it manages to deal with a lot of the problems currently faced out there, but in very delicate and low key way. It's not thrown in your face at all. Yet it is there, for all to see: parents missing, drug abuse, white father who didn't adapt, illiteracy, patronizing whites, family ties stronger than anything, religion, polar difference in sense of humour ...... it's amazing the numbers of subjects being broached, sometimes with no more than a sentence, or even a simple look or sigh. Although it's absolutely not a depressing or dark movie. The main characters are all happy people that anyone would look up to.

The acting was quite simply amazing. I finally discovered Gordon Tootoosis for what he is, probably one of the best actors out there. The man has a charisma and a presence rarely encountered in the last 40 years of cinema. I was hanging onto his every word and look. His performance is Oscar worthy, and like Graham Greene, he is ludicrously underrated. I found a genius there. He carries the film entirely, and makes it what it is. Stacy Da Silva, who plays Sarah, is another talent in the making. She is utterly pretty, normal, and fabulously believable. Look out for her last scene. Breathtaking! Big mention to Bernard Starlight too (Huey).

Why are these people stuck playing "indians" most of the time? These 3 have more talent than all of Hollywood put together!

Tough I don't wish to spoil, I found the last sentence in the "buffalo tracks" poem in the end to be worth a whole book. It may make you stop and think for a while. Quite bittersweet.

All in all, a light movie with a fairly unoriginal script, a lot of feeling of deja-vu, but with a very delicately put message, a good bit of hope, and peerless acting. Completely adequate for the whole family too. Oh, and amazing soundtrack! (if you like country)

6/10 +1.5 for acting (with all due props to the directing and editing that show it off) +0.5 for first movie

total: 8/10.

I'm definitely looking forward to more movies by Aaron Sorensen. May they all be as fresh and as touching as this one.
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All kinds of good things in this movie
derlang17 July 2005
My family and I saw this July 16, 2005 in the newly refurbished Park Theatre in Vancouver. The theatre is owned by Leonard Schein, and I cite him because he makes a point of bringing local audiences good movies from everywhere, including Canada.

Hank Williams First Nations is excellent: funny, moving and thoughtful. One of the funniest running themes in the movie is the radio broadcasts of "The Old Man on the Mountain." Everyone stops what they're doing and LISTENS to his commentary. It's not knee-slapping funny, it's sweet funny, and every time he comes on (you never see him) everyone in the audience starts laughing even before he speaks.

Colin Van Loon, part-Cree and one of the stars of the film (he just turned 20) was on stage after the movie---again, a Leonard Schein idea---and answered questions from the audience. A nice folksy close to a nice and not always folksy movie.

Seek this one out, people. It'll stick with you.
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about the Cree language scene
lindasko199922 October 2005
First off, let me say this movie was wonderful and beautiful and I'd recommend it everyone! No sex, no violence, no sensationalism...what a refreshing relief!

Like one or two have posted, at the time of viewing the movie, I at first thought I'd have liked to have known what the local politician was saying in Cree. However, I realized that not knowing added to the magic of the film.

Writer/director Aaron Sorensen (as well as Gordon Tootoosis and Colin Van Loon) spoke after the screening in Vancouver, and said they had intended that scene to be spoken in English, but it just wasn't working during the shoot. He told the actor to say it all in Cree, and it's just a delightful scene! I'm glad they didn't give subtitles, because it was a joy watching the interaction between the characters, and listening to the "feeling" of the exchange. Sorry -- hard to put into words!

As it turns out, amazingly the script is on the movie's website. There, the scene is given in the original English. When I saw it I was about to read it. Couldn't bring myself to do it!

Of all the beautiful poetry I've read in my life, and all the movies I've scene, I've almost never had one line stand out so powerfully:

""We might not be through with the past, but the past is through with us" ~~ Spoken by "Sarah" (Stacy Da Silva)

After the film, Aaron Sorensen said that both the DVD and the CD should be out later this year. Keep an eye out for it! You won't be disappointed.

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