Samoan Wedding (2006) Poster

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Four boys are banned from their bros wedding
ericajane50326 April 2006
I highly enjoyed this film, even though some of the acting wasn't always fantastic.

This film will definitely appeal to Pacific Islanders, or people who know Islanders because the jokes are so true! Coming from a school where the colour of skin is mostly brown, I recognised all the jokes and nearly wet my pants laughing! The favourite for me had to Derek the white Samoan from Glenfeild, who reminded me of so many white try hard gangsters at my school.

Definitely go see this film, unless you are from Christchurch because then you won't understand it because there are no brown people down that way.

Duckrockers Fo' life!
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Funny Aye Bro!
jasonkaraipubrown8 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very entertaining Film from start till finish. During the movie,OK it can be Abie predictable at times but you soon forget about those little gripes & just enjoy the journey these 4 very funny samoan boys go through just so they can go to Siones Wedding.

The challenge for them each is to get a girlfriend (first) then get them to go to the wedding or else they can't go at all. (Sione is one of the guys brothers). All the actors look like they are having fun with this simple story with tonnes of tongue-in-cheek humour. The White Boy trying to be a Samoan "thats what they do in the hood" is a laugh.

Watch the different dramas unfold for each of them, you won't be able to take that smile from your face.

I like these type of movies....
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Pretty good, but everyone still missing the point ....
medcodepro20 August 2006
"Sione's Wedding" was pretty good. It wasn't an earth-shattering, pants-messing, orgasm-inducing, child-bearing, milk-out-the-nose, change-the-world-in-one-day epic, but it was still pretty good. Yes, the plot was predictable, some of the jokes were tired, not all of the acting was spectacular, but to expect something that changes the world is pretty unfair. There are HUGE stars and studio's who have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to create a lot less. I rarely see a genre that is so divisive and inspires so much animosity as comedy. Why? Nothing places people more squarely into the "like" or "absolutely hate" category.

I found "Sione's Wedding" to be a good story about men, who just happen to be Samoan, who have a typical "Peter-pan complex" and are rebelling against growing up every chance they get until they actually see the benefit of maturity and wisdom. This is a common and modern theme. Some of the moments were genuinely touching and some of the jokes really really funny.

I can tell you this, though, it is the only full-length motion picture comedy with a fully Samoan ensemble cast that I've ever seen, at least here in the states. Doesn't this account for something? Not bad for a first try, I say.
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See it!
fiverites22 March 2006
Siones Wedding is a kiwi comedy with a Polynesian twist.

It has all the right ingredients to make this movie enjoyable for all ages. (Well maybe not the under 13's due to some sexual references).

The plot is basically, four close friends from childhood are all in their thirties and not showing any signs of growing up. They have a reputation of spoiling important events at family/friends functions due to their immaturity and fondness for alcohol. (These are caught on home video which will have you in stitches!) Due to their latest antics the family and friends have their church minister inform them that are banned from attending Siones (Totally over-acted by Pua Magasiva) wedding which is Michaels (Robbie Magasiva) brother (both off and on screen). They offer the idea of them all attending with respectable partners to the minister, to which he and Sione agree. So you get the idea now right?

Oscar Knightley plays Albert, a shy 30ish guy still living at home with his mum. He came across as very genuine, likable but most importantly believable.

Leilani, was convincingly portrayed by Teuila Blakely as Sefas long suffering live in girlfriend.

Sefa (Shimpal Lelisi)has the ability to make you laugh by facial expressions alone and Stan (Iaheto Ah Hi) has a wild time waiting for his dream girl from a chat line (a la Hot Gossip, yeah, you know!)

Derek (David Van Horn) the European guy at Alberts office who tries to speak Samoan is a total crack up! Ma low eeoowsoo!

For the girls, your eye candy is Robbie and Pua Magasiva, and for the guys it is Maryjane McKibbon-Schwenke.

Sure the movie is predictable, but don't let that in the least stop you from seeing it. You will not be disappointed, go in expecting little and come out feeling good about spending your $14.00. This movie is well worth it!

The only thing that bugged me was the jail scene which is a total Fresh Prince of Bel Air rip off. But whats done is done!

Go and see it, a great date movie.
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You've seen it before, only it's with Samoans
siderite24 June 2007
This film is not bad, but it's not brilliant either. You've probably seen one version of it, probably with black people. I mean a lot of soul music in the background, lots of specific behaviours related to some regionalised Anglo-Saxon culture, like African-American or, in this case, Samoan-NewZeeland, some really easy to follow plot and some jokes that relate to human relations.

In other words, it's a diluted romantic comedy. Four party guys are banned to going to a wedding, since they always come to weddings and they mess them up. The only way they can come to the wedding is if they all find girlfriends. And they do, duh!

The Samoan part of the film is not that relevant, unfortunately. The jokes are funny, but only just. You know how this film is going to go right from the start. You may enjoy it, but it provides no surprises.
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Funny at times, but film has negative stereotypes - nothing new!
Meg-17224 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
You may not like what I have to say, but I'm going to say it, anyway.

My long-time sweetheart is a high chief in a large Samoan family. Over the course of our 20-year relationship, I have attended many family events with him. We were excited to see this film to compare how they do Samoan weddings in New Zealand, vs. Hawaii, where we live.

While we enjoyed it on one level and laughed along with the others, as I reflected on the film afterward, I realized how you missed an opportunity here. As we were walking out of the theater, I commented to him that they should have filmed his family weddings - you would have seen the prayers they offer, the Samoan hymns they sing spontaneously, the dance by both bride and groom, usually in native dress brought from Samoa, the presentation of gifts to the ministers and to the high chiefs of the family.

Instead, you presented the same old negative stereotypes of Samoans - getting drunk and starting fights. I know stereotypes can be chipped away when we're presented with new information. For example, my friend's son is a pastor and father to 8 children - all good kids - other family members are police officer, diabetes educator, fire-fighter, serve in Iraq, etc. There has never been a drunken fight at any family event!

I realize you are making a comedy - but I wish you had given the audience something MORE than what you did. I know some black actors are refusing roles that promote negative stereotypes of them, so think about it. Make it funny, but make it real!
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Over-hyped and overrated
notallowedtohug1 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It seems to me, as a recent film school graduate, that in these times of New Zealand film reaching new heights, the general public seems to think every New Zealand film made is great. Sione's Wedding proves this is dead wrong.

It's completely overrated and not funny, and far from the 'hilarious' film other users of IMDb have commented. The only really funny thing I found in this film was Derek the wannabe black guy, but other than that the jokes were recycled crap that we'd all heard before.

Being of half-Samoan decent, I wanted to see how the film was going to deal with Polynesian representation. It was a complete balls-up - I know it's a supposed comedy, but I didn't feel like the characters had anything new to say about Polynesian identity, even if it was in a tongue-in-cheek manner. I was most disappointed with the ending of the film and the resolution of the character's relationships - Mikaele was the player who only messed around with white women, comes to slightly turn his ways when the 'Dusky Maiden' comes to town, has an epiphany that maybe he should start looking for a stable relationship, then at the very last minute rejects it and accepts his position as a Polynesian Playboy for palagi women. I didn't understand why they did this.

All in all, it was very disappointing. My whole family went to see it expecting to have a good laugh, but ended up being really bitter about paying to see it at the cinema. The jokes are lame at best, the acting, particularly of Sefa's girlfriend, APPALLING, and honestly I would've been happy if I had got my hands on one of those pirated copies of the film to save myself the $15 ticket price.

I think the only good thing to come from the movie is that it's the second step (behind No. 2, of course, a far superior film to this one) in the birth of Polynesian cinema. I hope Pacific filmmakers in the future can learn from Sione's Wedding in how to NOT reflect Polynesia and have something more meaningful and sensible to say. Even if it is done in a comedic fashion.
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lindsa31 March 2006
A brilliant combination of good jokes, clever sight gags and neat characters.

OK, it's a bit contrived in parts and you can pretty much guess the story and its outcomes after seeing the trailer, but it does handle things differently enough to be very rewarding. Fun, funny and surprisingly well acted.

Oscar Kightley and the rest of the Naked Samoan group play with racial stereotypes in their usual harmlessly funny way. They make the point without shoving it down your throat. The humour is not your typical Hollywood style; which gives the whole production a certain freshness.

The only thing that lets the film down a little is the director's choice to do sequences of still frame shots (in music video style). It really doesn't have any impact other than to become annoying. Fortunately, it doesn't get out of control.

On the whole, though, it was a fantastic film. I can't wait to see it again.
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Americanisation in progress
tijuanaman29 March 2006
Ever wonder why Pacific Islanders seem to automatically assume the sense of humour of Black Americans? regardless of their ethnic origins? Well this film will not provide any answers to this often pondered question - but it will provide an excellent case study.

From its onset this film acts as a sort of "Old School" for Pacific Island New Zealanders, which immediately raises the question what exactly is the point of such a task. Is it meant to perpetuate ingrained stereotypes of Pacific Island New Zealanders? or is it intended to exploit this potential market? The story is weak, jokes humorless, and the ending is expected. This film has done nothing for New Zealand cinema, as it is merely an appropriated romantic comedy that is devoid of any merit.
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Very funny and simply brilliant!
romulanbee3 April 2006
I just came back from the Blenheim Cinema and all I could think of was to tell as many people as I could that I just watched a totally brilliant kiwi film. The film is more or less about 4 Samoan friends in their thirties and their quest to find a date to bring with them to Sione's (Pua Magasiva) wedding. The film is a brilliant portrayal of life in the contemporary Samoan community of Auckland, sort of reinforcing the stereotypical Kiwi Samoan guy. This film reminds me a lot of Australia's 2000 film "The Wog Boy" which is centered around the antics of a couple of guys from Melbourne's Italian & Greek community which reinforces those ethnic stereotypes as well.

I found Oscar Knightley's performance as "Albert" a shy guy in his thirties who still lives with his mum to be totally outstanding, his acting was very genuine and convincing.

The story was strong and held together very well, the movie was very straight to the point without any needless scenes that causes the mind to wander.

The Cinematography was great, I love all the scenes of Auckland, really gave it that "Aucklandy feel" if you know what I mean.

I think New Zealand should be making more films based around the lives of the Pacific Islander communities, this would give the world a broader picture of life in contemporary New Zealand.

I highly recommend this film to anyone who enjoys a good comedy and at the same time would like a peek into the life and times of Auckland's Samoan community.
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Pure Crap
Rn23119 April 2006
I just sat in the theater bored as hell, i wanted to leave halfway through the movie. The plot is simple 4 Samoan guys wreck weddings. So They have to bring a dates in order to get into the wedding. Yawn.

The thing that peeved me off the most was the so-called crude jokes... They were highly UNfunny, clichéd and thrown in your face, to make you get into the already dull movie. The acting was below-average and i felt this movie just went on and on about nothing but a bunch of unfunny jokes and a predictable plot.

All in all, one of the worse movies i've seen of 2006, unfunny, bad acting, just ugly.

Well thank god a friend shouted me.

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Siones Wedding
ezyjamma12 June 2006
Just watched the movie and reckon its one of the better flicks to be released in NZ for a good few years. Oscar and the boys (and all the babeliscious wahines ) should feel proud that they've all made a totally cool film.

We definitely need more films like this, as its a complete break from all those over the top, no brain, action farces that Hollywood spews out each year.

This story is hip, its vibrant, its not over done or fake. Its all about the social problems and silly situations that we all get ourselves into at one time or another, oh and did I mention funny?

The actors all did a great job, and watching them play their parts was great fun, especially the Palagi home boy wannabe.......what a crack up!!! this movie is champion, blardy champion!!

Thanx to the director and cast for entertaining us, and for showcasing the rich cultural stylez of our Pacific Island brothers and sisters, I cant wait for the sequel.
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Stereotypical and Racist
white_flour28 January 2009
Not only does this movie have a poor plot, bad direction, and terrible acting, its opens up a whole new meaning to racism.

In this film "White" chicks are the sluts, "White" boys are the wana-be gangsters, and successful (yes again) "White" businessmen are revolting toilet shitters.

I just wonder what would happen if I made the exact same movie with the exact same story line and script, only I made it about Caucasians. "He dude, its good to finally see your've stopped dating those black chicks".

Nobody seems to notice it, but watch this film again and you'll vomit at how they have portrayed the new Zealand "white boys". All of a sudden its white folks who are the main cause of gang aggression, and whores out for a quick bang. Only Samoans girls have a heart, there's no such thing as a non-slutty white girl.

It disgusts me that they couldn't make this film without giving the Caucasian community in New Zealand a repulsive profile. If you think I'm overgeneralizing, go watch this film, and see what you make of the "white boys". Just because Samoans choose to call us "white boys" in actual life, doesn't mean its funny. If I said hey black boy I'll loose my teeth.

Don't see this movie. Don't waste your money. Don't be racist.
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I loved it!
NZHoney25 April 2006
This was such an awesome movie, I enjoyed every minute of it, laughed my socks off!

If you loved Bro Town, you will love this. If you don't "get" Bro Town you won't "get" this movie.

This is one I will be buying on DVD as soon as it is out!

The boys show just how hard it can be to be taken seriously in that weird game of love.

It is also a good insight into the samoan community, how they love life and really put everything into a party!

The characters were so real and so funny! . Totally recommend!
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awful script
hotchoco77 March 2008
The clichéd Polynesian males drink, fight and make a stream of sexist, stupid and unfunny remarks. Real life Polynesians are much funnier than these stereotyped, cardboard characters. The supposedly Samoan girl didn't look or act Samoan at all, seemed more like the stock white female who has sex with anyone on a whim. With weak as water story lines you can't say anything about the acting - even the most brilliant actors could do nothing with this script. It's sad to see Polynesian actors willing to play such sad stereotypes in a film with not one good scene, and only two or three 'jokes'. What a waste of Kiwi taxpayers' money, what a lost opportunity to make a great film about a vibrant community. It's better not to make movies if they're as bad and mindless as this.
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Loved it
thorney28 April 2006
OK it was predictable that Oscar would go to the wedding with his co worker but hey Four Weddings and a Funeral was pretty predictable. I loved Siones Wedding as black. white or Brindle boys will be boys. I must admit i haven't been to many weddings where the Police and The Fire Dept have arrived! The scene shot from out of the taxi back window of Oscar calling "ruth" was one of the classics of any movie I have seen. And at the end of the day don't we want to come out of a movie with that feel good emotion ? Good on you John Barnett for the idea. Thoroughly recommended and even though i don't live in Auckland now i loved seeing the landmarks and trying to recognized the parks etc !
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Only mildly entertaining at best...
dalstorey25 July 2007
Despite the rave reviews this flick has garnered in New Zealand, any hype surrounding the production is sadly undeserved. Apart from a clichés-only plot, the movie is let down by some weak acting, accents, and overall lack of tension.

Whilst having the overall look of a big budget (for NZ), the feel is decidedly small-town Kiwi...

Has anyone not seen The Brothers ?? ( ) Those who have will pick the similarities straightaway....I've heard comments that scenes like the boys playing basketball etc were shot to poke fun at the clichéd "boys talking crap", but it comes across as forced...

I believe Oscar Keightley sees himself as deeply ironic, but again his delivery always seems merely vaguely self conscious.

Those who have any doubts left at all that Samoans-living-in-NZ culture has been deeply , hopefully not permanently ,affected by American speech , culture, and everything inbetween will certainly have their minds made up at the end of this movie.

Robbie magasiva always looks good on screen , but is let down by the script..

It always rubs me up the wrong way when a "comedy" has scenes that are set up in such an obvious way, you are left feeling like having a good groan at the clichéd punchline - see the wanna be white boy...

I know someone who found this movie hilarious -however, that person has the brains of a tadpole, and would struggle to spell her name if offered a million dollars....

That kinda sums up the mentality of this flick , OK but not great , fun but not funny.....Wake up NZ - this is NOT a 5 star movie despite all the glowing (middle class white guilt ?? :-) ) reviews....

My advice ? if you watch it, get drunk first!!!
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Humourless and bland.
wxid12 September 2006
The most positive thing I can say for this dull witted local "comedy" production is that it's inoffensive. In fact it's so astonishingly bland that one wonders how many dozens of re-writes by committee it went through to have such a complete removal of personality. It's not witty, it's not entertaining, it's not insightful, and it's not charming. It's just a staid, laughless, progression of four losers who must change their ways - and their attitudes towards women - to be allowed to attend their best friend's wedding.

With acting that would be sub par for the local amateur dramatics society, a plot line so tired it'd make a forty third season of 'Allo 'Allo look fresh, and jokes about as humorous as watching decaying vegetables, Sione's Wedding nonetheless scored ten (yes 10) nominations in the NZ film awards recently.

Fortunately, somebody saw sense and it didn't win any.
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Cinema Verite New Zealand style
largelyhappy30 March 2006
For a slice of life (or larger than life) in the Samoan community, Sione's Wedding is a perfect vehicle. Of course it's over the top, but in all caricatures there are some truths.

Four guys, well past their sell-by date, habitually spoil community celebrations with their drunken bad manners. The minister of the Samoan church tells them they are banned from the next wedding, (Sione's) unless they can bring partners - women being considered to have a calming influence on Samoan men. Ha!

And the film is about the various ways they try to find dates. The old double-standard applies of course: Michael can sleep with a different girl every night (some of them married) and be regarded as a bloke to look up to. When a Samoan girl arrives from the Islands and shows the same sort of tendencies, Hello! She's a tramp.

There's the guy whose drinking is spoiling his relationship with his live-in, and the hopeless dreamer who haunts the personal ads for his "ideal girl", and the "wimp" (who does not come across as wimpy at all) scared of women and living with his Mama well into his 30's.

If you watched this and the movie "No2" you'll get the impression Pacific Islands people are into power-control, macho and alcohol (not that it is confined to PI, but this is what these films highlighted) so it's a shame that in Sione's Wedding, they did not balance that, (as in No.2) with some of the more positive aspects of PI life.

There was the obligatory derogatory reference to a fat person (the way most bad films get a cheap laugh these days) In this case one of the guys took a plump girl to bed and a thin chick later said, 'Euw, you slept with Sasquatch?' Great stuff.

However, one of the funniest lines from the movie (and this will give you the level of humour it relied upon) was with the same big girl,

'You told me you were a Size 14.'

'I am.' '

'Your feet maybe.'

This portrays Samoans the way 'Once Were Warriors' portrayed Maori. In other words there is a *grain* of truth in it but the characters are so stereotyped as to be laughable - where laughter isn't appropriate. And sad where it is.

I've given it such high marks because there is such a rich pattern in the movie, it has so much between the lines, it's the kind of film you think about later and notice lots of underlying themes and messages which don't, at first, strike you. So it's well worth the dollars.
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Probably New Zealands worst Movie ever made
Deathrow_nzl10 March 2009
Probably New Zealands worst Movie ever made

The Jokes They are not funny. Used from other movies & just plain corny The acting Is bad even though there is a great cast

The story is Uninteresting & Boring Has more cheese then pizza huts cheese lovers pizza kind of like the acting Has been do 1,000 times before

I watched this when it came on TV but was so boring could only stand 30 minutes of it.

This movie sucks

Do not watch it,

Watch paint dry instead
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Fun Buddy Movie
musclebeach20015 December 2006
I loved this movie - you really feel the friendship amongst these guys - it's not a perfect movie in the "Three Act Structure/Everyone has an arc way" - but it's funny and real and the guys are easy to relate to - and it's ultimately emotional. I understand why it's a big hit in NZ. I think the actors were all in a comedy troupe together which explains their chemistry. It's interesting that the Samoan culture in NZ seems to be akin to the black/hip-hop culture in the States - they even have their version of the "wigger". I also like that the flick is fairly natural - not to broad like a lot of comedies. It was also interesting to learn more about the Samoan community - they weren't too heavy handed with the racial angle though. It reminded me a bit of a cross between Wedding Crashers and Diners. Seems ripe for a Yank remake.
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A story of four idiots...about who, I couldn't care less.
planktonrules24 April 2012
"Samoan Wedding" is a film that will probably appeal to the same audience as "Hot Tub Time Machine" and "Bachelor Party". In other words, if you like watching a group of idiots acting like idiots, then the film is certainly for you. But, if you are like me, and you DON'T like these sort of films, then after a short time it will all become very tiresome.

The film begins with an intervention. All the friends, family and the preacher all confront four very immature 30 year-old men. They are told they cannot attend the upcoming wedding of one of the four guy's younger brother--for reasons the audience is shown. Each has managed to ruin someone's wedding--all because of boorish and immature behaviors. This is BY FAR the best part of the film and the preacher is quite funny. Because of this great setup, I THOUGHT the film would be a lot of fun. Nope. After a very promising start, the film just goes no where. Why? Because of two main reasons. First, you just don't care about the characters--they are clueless jerks. Second, the writing just isn't very good and for a comedy, it just isn't very funny. Maybe you will like it--I just felt it was tedious and wasted a cute premise.
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Siones Wedding is a kiwi comedy with a Polynesian twist.
torrent200521 April 2006
Siones Wedding is a kiwi comedy with a Polynesian twist.

It has all the right ingredients to make this movie enjoyable for all ages. (Well maybe not the under 13's due to some sexual references).

The plot is basically, four close friends from childhood are all in their thirties and not showing any signs of growing up. They have a reputation of spoiling important events at family/friends functions due to their immaturity and fondness for alcohol. (These are caught on home video which will have you in stitches!) Due to their latest antics the family and friends have their church minister inform them that are banned from attending Siones (Totally over-acted by Pua Magasiva) wedding which is Michaels (Robbie Magasiva) brother (both off and on screen). They offer the idea of them all attending with respectable partners to the minister, to which he and Sione agree. So you get the idea now right? Oscar Knightley plays Albert, a shy 30ish guy still living at home with his mum. He came across as very genuine, likable but most importantly believable.

Leilani, was convincingly portrayed by Teuila Blakely as Sefas long suffering live in girlfriend.

Sefa (Shimpal Lelisi)has the ability to make you laugh by facial expressions alone and Stan (Iaheto Ah Hi) has a wild time waiting for his dream girl from a chat line (a la Hot Gossip, yeah, you know!) Derek (David Van Horn) the European guy at Alberts office who tries to speak Samoan is a total crack up! Ma low eeoowsoo! For the girls, your eye candy is Robbie and Pua Magasiva, and for the guys it is Maryjane McKibbon-Schwenke.

Sure the movie is predictable, but don't let that in the least stop you from seeing it. You will not be disappointed, go in expecting little and come out feeling good about spending your $14.00. This movie is well worth it! The only thing that bugged me was the jail scene which is a total Fresh Prince of Bel Air rip off. But whats done is done! Go and see it, a great date movie
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A Nutshell Review: Sione's Wedding
DICK STEEL21 January 2007
It's early into 2007, and I've already got one contender for film of the year. Sione's Wedding from New Zealand has this impeccable charm to it, and it's been a delightful surprise watching this at only the one hall it is currently screening at.

I suppose most guys at one point or another have been "brothers" during wedding ceremonies, either to shield the groom from pranks, or to actually put him through one of your own. Sione (Pua Magasiva) is getting married, and the last thing he wants is his friends from his ex-brotherhood "Duckrockers" gang (check out that hand signal!) ruining his big day with their madcap antics, things like shagging the bridesmaid in the bridal car, or drinking until drunk.

The focus therefore is on the quartet of Albert the respectable office insurance worker (Oscar Kightley, who also co-wrote the script), Michael the courier guy (Sione's brother) blessed with good looks, a hot bod and routine womanizing ways (Robbie Magasiva, brother of Pua in real life as well, who will also star in an upcoming movie co-produced by Mediacorp Raintree Pictures called The Tattooist), Stanley (Iaheto Ah Hi) who is infatuated with the voice of Latifah, a girl whom he only rarely communicated over phone-chats, but yet to meet up in real life, and Sefa the non-committal type of guy who frequently ditches his girlfriend to attend parties with the Duckrockers (played by Shimpal Lalisi),

Their dilemma comes in the form of the community pastor, who banned them from Sione's wedding, unless they can prove themselves to be responsible in their actions and not spoil the wedded couple's day. And with the counter-proposal by the guys, they want to prove that if they turn up with committed dates, they should curtail their nonsense, and be allowed entry. So a deal has been made, but the problem is, these guys actually are your usual slackers, and have immense difficulty in living up their end of the bargain.

I think that every guy could identify with one or more of the buddies here, never mind if they're Kiwis, as relationship issues are always universal. You have the shy type, the one who can snag one night stands at the snap of his fingers, the one who refuses to spend more time with his loved one and prefers time out with the boys, the one who's always fantasizing that his online counterpart is a hot blonde chick with a killer bod, and so on. You can slap them with caricature labels, but to do so will be unfair, as the actors take pains to ensure their characters are believable and realistic, and delivered on their performances.

But the mood's not always serious - this is actually one heck of a fine comedy! The dialogue lines are extremely witty and at times subtle, and there are many well timed humorous moments that will catch you off guard, balanced nicely with plenty of heart warming scenes. Rare are movies these days which offer a healthy balance of the two, and it makes Sione's Wedding very refreshing to watch, never boring at all. While you can see certain subplots developing in a certain way because of familiarity, rest assure that the delivery in this movie is excellent enough to offer its own take on these deja vu development, especially the one involving Princess (the beautiful Maryjane McKibbin-Schweke) or Tania (Madeline Sami).

Filmed in Auckland, and accompanied with an awesome, if seldom heard, soundtrack, Sione's Wedding is a must watch for those in love, relationships or attended that quirky wedding or two. The characters are lovable, the issues real, and you'll get a glimpse of how a Samoan wedding gets conducted. A much much mature version of The Wedding Crashers two years ago. Two thumbs up, a must watch!
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thumbs up
dmysta7725 March 2008
I guess for me seeing the movie over and over again never gets too old or bland it actually makes me happy to be a polynesian, I think you have to take the movie as it is.

It is not meant to be a big blockbuster, but a funny story of four friends finding out what is their versions of love Oscar is so convincing as Albert and that is what makes him lovable.

One thing I will say is that this movie is good for my girlfriend as it reminds her of home and her brother and his friends.

Thank you for bringing out a wonderful funny polynesian movie that reaches everyone on some level Malo
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