Albert Fish: In Sin He Found Salvation (2007) Poster

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Campy, poorly written, and not particularly informative
bwcaudill-2849016 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Albert Fish's story is one of the most fascinating and shocking American tales of the 20th century. If you haven't heard of him or seen this film, feel free to take the time to Google his name and get some backstory.

If you've already done that, then this film isn't really going to tell you anything new. "Albert Fish", the film, offers a confusingly paced story told through cheaply produced reenactments, with input from subjects without any real qualifications to be exploring the mind of a serial killer, sexual predator, and psychopath.

The film opens with the story of the Grace Budd murder, including a voice-over (portraying Fish) reading the infamous letter. During which we hear melodramatic sound effects including a second voice-over (portraying Budd) squealing "I'll tell Momma!" with a tone so campy I literally started laughing out loud. It's then explained how Westchester Police used the letter to finally arrest Fish. So right off the bat the most horrific and compelling chapter of Fish's disturbing life is laid out to us, removing all drama it could've held later.

But that's OK. This film isn't interested in drama. It's interested in exploring Fish's religious psychosis without any real narrative to follow. And it insists on laying out the depth of Fish's psychosis not through psychoanalyses, but through lots of projection from its interviewees and even more cheaply made dramatizations portraying what the film insists are the visions Fish had. Fish may very well have had some extreme religious psychosis, but the film makes little effort to produce the evidence of this.

It also provides little background of Fish himself. Mentioned sporadically throughout the film are anecdotes about his childhood and adult life, but rarely is this explained in any detail or with any connection to a narrative. The film notes his married life, fatherhood, and abandonment by his wife with little interest in the psychological impact any of these aspects had.

Many reviews have claimed Joe Coleman's inclusion in the film was superfluous, but I disagree. Coleman was the perfect allegory for what the film was trying to accomplish: heavy projection in lieu of evidence or thoughtful examination. Coleman's credentials hardly make him an authority on the subject of serial killers. Such as they are, his greatest attributes seem to be having a creepy collection of souvenirs and apparently stealing the Grace Budd letter from the police. Unable to speak authoritatively on Fish, he instead openly uses his own religious background to speculate greatly on the motives for Fish's crimes. Eventually he claims that he (Coleman) personally was meant to own the letter.

If you are hoping to learn anything new about Albert Fish, head to the library, because you won't find it here. It you'd like to literally watch paint dry (there's a reenactment in the film which gives us this opportunity) feel free to watch this film.
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lallen0822 June 2010
The story is so horrifying and gruesome, even by today's standards, that the director's attempts at dramatization add nothing and are more of a distraction. Multiple shots of roasting meat in the shape of ass? Really? And too much time is spent with two dubious "experts," one of whom proudly describes how he acquired Fish's confession letter in an act of larceny (anyone send a copy of this film to the cops in Westchester County?) and who creepily asserts that Fish MUST have loved Grace Buddd in order to do what he did to her. Huh? Anyone want to go dig around in THIS guy's backyard? And all of the religious motivation nonsense is completely at odds with what we know about sexual homicide. It's all about a toxic mix of extreme self absorption and the desire to control others with a nice positive feedback of orgasm. That's it folks. No religious motive here. The religious stuff may have helped him rationalize what he did and certainly sweetened the filth aspect for this guy, but that's probably it. Read Schecter's Deranged instead for a good Fish account.
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How to summarize this mixed bag?
punishmentpark15 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, this is not the 'documentary' I had expected, but the tagline 'In sin he found salvation' could have been an indication. This is not so much a professional documentary as it as an amateur project that throws several overly exaggerated ingredients (such as re-enactments, bombastic music, religious scenes and voice-overs) into the mix with the serious subject matter of an American serial killer (among other horrific things) called Albert Fish who lived in the 19th and 20th century.

It would be easy to disqualify this (and it should be, for the greater part) as an over the top piece of amateur art that does not distantiate itself enough from the dark matter it claims to shed light on. Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate a good hobby project that is labored with love^ - and this seems to be just that - but the fiction and non-fiction are just not in sync here. The re-enactments are mostly of poor imagination, a lot of it is repetitive, the voice-overs are stereotypical and the music is pompous and unimaginative. The only pluses that I can find are the use of clips from old New York, actual pictures of Fish and newspaper clippings and Fish' accounts of his life and that of several sources around him from that time. And a few re-enactments were actually okay.

Beyond those ingredients, especially the presence of painter Joe Coleman jumps out; his adoration for Fish borderlines the unsound, even though he at times wants to emphasize otherwise. Or maybe he is better with paint than with words? In any case, I felt he had no place here, other than that he may have offered the original 'Albert Fish letter' for display. The only other interviewee, Katherine Ramsland, is an author and professor who is apparently most famous for her book 'The science of vampires'. I haven't read it, nor do I know anything about her other work, but why would someone of status would get involved in something like this? It makes me wonder.

I agree that the story of Albert Fish and his victims is one that should be told, but this is not the way (let alone the fact that a few details about the Grace Budd killing were inaccurate). Or at the very least, not for me. Still 4 out of 10, because there was still plenty of info and footage to be appreciated.

^ The call of Cthulhu (2005) or Wisconsin death trip (1999) for instance.
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The most disrespectful true crime "documentary" I've ever seen.
TokyoGyaru15 January 2021
Ever since I was a child, I've been hooked on true crime TV shows and documentaries, so I've seen countless versions. But, my goodness, I know the victims are long dead, but the level of disrespect in this is off the charts. This is the most shameless, exploitative, low-brow tripe masquerading as a true crime documentary I've ever seen. It's almost like the creepy, pretentious superfan they kept talking to had directed the documentary. The different narrators are laughable, from the "old-timey newscaster" voice to the "ghostly" woman voice to the voice meant to be Albert Fish's, they all increase the awfulness tenfold. The documentary trivializes the deaths by focusing on terrible, "artsy" "reenactments" and inserts (that all look like total crap, BTW).

This documentary was made by a failed film school student who loved Albert Fish. I'm actually curious to know about Albert Fish, but I'd do better watching a random on YT talk about it. In fact, there are YT channels who do a better job than this by far.
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Disappointing Documentary
Michael_Elliott22 September 2016
Albert Fish: In Sin He Found Salvation (2007)

** (out of 4)

Extremely disappointing documentary from John Borowski who had previously made H.H. HOLMES: AMERICA'S FIRST SERIAL KILLER. This one here takes a look at Albert Fish, a now notorious killer who not only brutally murdered people but he also ate them.

This is part documentary, part re-enacted drama but neither one really works and they certainly don't work together. I was really disappointed with this film because of its extremely slow-pacing, which just kept it from having a very good flow. What really hurt the film is the fact that the narration is way too dramatic for its own good and there's just not too much life to the picture.

There are some some very good moments scattered throughout including a confession that is read, which just shows how crazy and downright creepy this guy was. The film like to go for some shock value as there are well detailed accounts of the cannibalism and the violence towards children.
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Pretty Good
Scars_Remain10 April 2008
This was a good little documentary that could have been much better but still, I enjoyed it quite a bit. I've always been fascinated with Albert Fish and other serial killers so it was very interesting to see documentary on the man. I was actually pretty disturbed through most of the film. I always say that I can watch any movie that I know is fake and it won't bother me, but when it's real, it really gets to me and this one did just that.

I loved the scenes where it just told the story of Albert Fish with a narrator. However, there were quite a few interviews with a bunch nobodies that no one cares about and those really annoyed me. I just want to hear the story, not a bunch of idiots babbling about how they know soooo much about Albert Fish. Other than that, it was very creepy the whole way through and completely chilling. Check it out.
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Repulsive and Boring
atomicis26 February 2021
I've been watching some "True Crime" stuff and this fluffed-up film got recommended by Amazon. Not even watchable. Normally I make a point to endure movies all the way to their ends before reviewing them here, but this time I have to admit I turned it off halfway through. It's as though they had about ten minutes' worth of facts and fluffed them out to become a feature length film. Just read the Wikipedia article if you're curious about this repugnant human being.
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Prepare for a TRUE Shock-Experience!
Coventry25 November 2008
Strong stomachs and nerves of steel are required in order to sit through this "shockomentary" revolving on the crimes and confessions of Albert Fish; sadomasochist, cannibal and undoubtedly the most perverted serial child-killer in the history of the United States. The documentary opens with the extended analysis of the murder of young Grace Budd; the crime that eventually – six years after it was committed – resulted in his arrest. The notorious letter Fish sent to the girl's mother alone, explaining in great detail what he had done to her, makes you sick with disgust and automatically causes you to contemplate how a human being can possibly act like such a cruel and relentless beast. Subsequently, Fish's childhood and the development of his bizarrely perverted sexual tendencies (physical suffering, morbid religious aspects and the interest in young boys) get further explored and the life-story of the monster personified becomes more incredible and astounding with each minute. Quotes like "I always had the desire to inflict pain on others … and I always desired others to inflict pain on me" suitably draw an image of this deranged monster. If this were a fictional horror movie character nobody would ever take it seriously, that's for sure. The documentary is professionally made, with authentic images of New York during the depression era of the 1930's being altered with scenes with actors, atmospheric music and sinister voiceovers and nightmarish collages of morbid religious tableaux. The subject matter is truly engrossing and repugnant, yet fascinating to behold if you are interested in the darkest sides of the human mind. My sole complaint is one that I read in some of the other reviews already. I was hoping to get to known some new and still unknown little facts about the life and crimes of Albert Fish, but the documentary features absolutely no "scoops" or additional background.
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Weird Reenactments
elizabethannbolte19 January 2021
The voice acting is disgustingly overdone and the speculations by the interviewees are unfounded. The owner of the Odditorium is not a real expert and his rambling about Fish is not helpful. The reenactments are bizarre and weirdly drawn out and make it hard to take the story seriously. Examples: bare bottoms being spanked over dramatic music; an old man painting a wall with fake blood (twice); a tied-up man being whipped; a young man standing against a cross with arrows coming out of him while an old man stares at his ribs; Jesus standing in front of two angels; raw beef being chopped with a dull knife; an old man writing with a fountain pen and laughing while classical music plays on the radio. When there isn't an uncomfortably long reenactment scene, there are photos and clips of random images, most of which are irrelevant to the story. It was pretty clear that a lot of the pictures were grabbed from a Google search for some generic topic (the most egregious was the inclusion of a painting from an H. P. Lovecraft story as a reference to cannibalism). Any images that are actually important to the information (like a photograph of Fish) are used over and over and over again and are buried in the muck of "flavor." Really bad.
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Part History, Part Dramatization
gavin694231 January 2013
Albert Fish, the horrific true story of elderly cannibal, sadomasochist, and serial killer, who lured children to their deaths in Depression-era New York City.

While Fish is well-known among serial killer fanatics, I do not know if he is well-known to the general public. He should be, or at least he certainly should deserve the honor. For all the films that have been made based loosely on Ed Gein, it surprises me that Fish seems to influenced practically no one in the artistic world (beyond Joe Coleman).

The biggest complaint about this film from other reviewers is that it is slow and boring. I will grant that it is a little bit slow, but you are dealing with a subject that has limited photos and even fewer videos. To compile this, the director had to stretch things a bit. Maybe it would have been better as 60 minutes, but I am still impressed by the images they were able to find (some I had seen before, some I had not).

I also liked that Fredric Wertham plays a role in here. I was not aware he testified for the defense of Fish, as Wertham is better known (at least to me) for his crusade against comic books and television violence. There is some irony there, I suppose, that a man who defends the insane ends up battling comic books for their erosion of morals.
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What the bloody hell was that about?
Kianna_J14 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok. Gotta few issues with this 'documentary':

1. Joe Coleman. I think anyone who watched this documentary in its entirety knows what I'm about to say. As if the fact of him being a painter and being interviewed about psychology isn't bad enough, the man doesn't keep quiet about the fact that he adores Fish and his acts, calling him a God at one point and claiming that Fish should be allowed to speak...? Yes, one or two of his sentences are plausible. But 98% of his monotone rambling is disconcerting and uncomfortable. Not to mention he claims Fish "couldn't have done what he did to her (Grace) if he didn't love her."

2. The Reenactments. I personally am not one for reenactments seen as they don't add anything to a story anyway. But these reenactments were beyond awful. Firstly, they were way too long (one lasting about 100 seconds in counting). Secondly, they were very cheaply done, to the point of it being almost pitiful. Thirdly, they were completely unnecessary. I mean, random cuts of a man playing Fish walking either down a street or through some woodlands or simply him staring at the camera being 'creepy'. It's just not needed when dealing with an already disturbing subject. Let's not even discuss the self-flagellation scenes shall we.

3. Shock Value. A documentary informs us of the information. This documentary shocks us of the information. And that's not to say this shouldn't be disturbing. It's the story of a sickening man with sickening desires, of course it'll be disturbing. But, come on. Voice overs of Fish murdering Grace and her screaming whilst the disturbing letter is read? And the emphasis on certain words like 'eat'-which is repeated three times in a row at one point during a terrible dream sequence. Furthermore, the same deep bass drop is used over and over and over whenever something 'shocking' is said or described. Needless to say, Borowski (the director) really doesn't do just to the victims by using their murders as shock tactics.

I think I've said enough. There is much more I could describe but this page doesn't need an essay. The DVD is actually selling on Amazon for just under £70. Which says an awful lot. It's a strange piece of film, if you want to learn about Fish, read Deranged by Harold Schechter, but be prepared. It's not an easy read. This film has less information than a book which was released eight years prior.

All in all... terrible.
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An absolutely mesmerizing documentary!
alanmora11 June 2007
This is a brilliantly filmed documentary on one of America's most notorious serial killers, Albert Fish. The film contains intricately detailed and accurate accounts of the crimes and does not shy away from the sheer brutality of it's subject matter during the re-enactment segments either. The musical score adds to the creepiness of this bone chilling account of a man who is undoubtedly the worst criminal of the twentieth century! As the film reveals, there is no known perversion that this creepy old man did not practice and practice frequently on both himself and others. He was a cannibal, a pedophile, a necrophile, a masochist and a sadist and he also practiced numerous other unspeakable perversions! Known to have murdered several children (the actual count of which were lost in his foggy memory) and most noted for having inserted dozens of needles into his own body, many of which were discovered after his death rusted and corroded (an indication that they had been there for YEARS) and dangerously close to vital organs. The actor who portrays the "Moon Maniac" in this film bears an utterly chilling resemblance to the actual perpetrator and this aspect only adds to the value of this film. The DVD release boasts of additional footage and documentaries on the case and the film itself. True crime buffs and horror movie fans alike will thrill to the delight of this devilishly gruesome little documentary!
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In Sin He Found Salvation
Shattered_Wake22 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Albert Fish, like H.H. Holmes before him, was a serial killer before serial killers were commonplace names like Ted Bundy and the Son of Sam. Even as one of the first known serial killers in America, Fish was one of the most disgusting, perverted, and vicious murderers in history. He was a vile, sadistic, and despicable child murderer & cannibal and I would be hard pressed to find many more humans to be more disgusting in this world's history.

However, this review is not for the horrible man that was Albert Fish, but for the documentary, 'Albert Fish: In Sin He Found Salvation.' Before viewing, one should realize what this documentary is about. I do not believe this film's main goal was to be informative. Much of the film was about the 'shock' of the events of Albert Fish's life and crimes. Information was regularly repeated, but in just more dramatic ways. The film itself was compiled well, however. The dramatizations are well done, the structure of the film flows well, and the narration is fantastic.

If you're unfamiliar with the life of Albert Fish and looking for basic information with flair, this documentary is for you. However, if you already have done your research on the monster that is Albert Fish, watch this film for nothing more than seeing what you already know exhibited in new ways.

Final Verdict: 7/10.

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Ridiculous and amateurish
mocho-5048916 June 2020
S-L-O-W Horrible acting and long, drawn-out sequences. Didn't finish it, couldn't make it through.
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A really bad fetish film not a documentary
ingridg-2214919 August 2022
It's a more a fetish film for sadistic cannibals than a true crime documentary. And not even a very good one at that.

It's completely laughable at every turn- terrible make up, horrible soundtrack, ridiculous reenactments.

Oh, and no salvation, sinful or otherwise.

Joe Coleman? What a disturbed individual.
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Don't bother
mydadhasnohair8 May 2011
Ridiculously slow and corny as hell. I like serial killer documentaries but this was too awful to ever watch again let alone recommend. Reenactments of things that DID NOT need reenactment, and I'm not talking about anything gory just stupid stuff like him painting a wall with fake blood. It added nothing to the story and didn't even happen they just did props like that to be ridiculous in the film. I hated the narrators voice in which they tried to make the guy sound like he was from Jersey. The only thing remotely interesting was when they were showing a man cut up some obvious raw beef to try to make it look like it was a human. Well at least I got a good laugh out of it.
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Decent Documentary About A Deranged Serial-Killer...
EVOL66617 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I was expecting a different type of film with ALBERT FISH than what I got. For some reason, I was under the impression that the film would be a "dramatization" of Fish's life, but instead got a pretty straight-forward documentary. As far as documentaries go, it holds up pretty well, but I didn't really get a lot from this film that I didn't already know about Fish already.

ALBERT FISH chronicles the life and crimes of the sexually-deviant serial-killer of the same name. We are given some background on his upbringing and some by-the-book details of some of the crimes that Fish admitted to when he was finally caught and imprisoned.

This documentary is relatively interesting and the facts are handled well - I just found that the information that was provided was much the same as any information that could be gleaned by reading any material about Fish. I didn't really learn anything new or find this particular docu to be very enlightening or provide any new insights to the man or his actions. Worth a look to docu-enthusiasts, or to anyone who may be interested in Albert Fish but doesn't know any details about him. Those that are already familiar with Fish and his actions will probably not gain a whole lot from this one...6.5/10
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Spoiled all on its own, and may contain Spoilers
real_hiflyer22 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I could have accepted a lot of the 'artistic license' used in this film if it were claiming to be a movie based on fact, rather than presenting itself as a documentary. A previous comment does a good job of pointing out the errors in the added period footage.

It was a good introduction into a serial murderer I'd never heard of. It was also a disgusting overly dramatized exercise in attempting to concentrate more on the gross out factor than reporting the facts. Not content to describe once how good certain parts of a child's body were when roasted and eaten, it describes the heinous deeds in fact and again in a first person voice-over narrated by an actor playing Albert Fish.

For shock affect it delved into ramming the details of his crimes down the throat of the viewer, again and again. At the expense of his victims and their families the film wallows in filth and was offensive in the extreme because of it. Either we're too stupid to digest the horror of his acts, or sales were forefront and above any other consideration the film makers claim.

It's not a documentary. A documentary informs us of real events without trying to sicken people with fictitious scenes added catering to the director's opinion of what took place. That's fiction. It's not a movie, in a movie you can accept that 'based on' gives the director license to add whatever he thinks will sell. It is a sick perverted film on a sick perverted killer but that not being enough, it approaches the same type of sick twisted deeds on film, that Fish did in person. In this, the film makers succeed in showing their perverted intention on wringing out every last drop of human suffering in their own race for sales.

Joe Coleman, obviously delighted to lay claim to notoriety by surrounding himself with the artifacts of the infamous and psychotic members of our society, sits smugly as he tells us he's thrilled to have the original letter sent to one victim's family, describing what Fish did to their child. How he was 'meant' to have it. Most serial murderers take trophies and this particular derelict of humanity, Coleman, does the same here, living with the material surrounding the worst part of themselves humanity has to offer. If any proof was needed for what I'm saying here, it's in the repeated interviews with this piece of crap. His sole participation in this film should have been only in examining this letter. Instead we're treated to repeated interview segments with no other reason than to try and help sell this presentation of crap.

These flaws ruin what could have been a remarkable recounting of Fish's deeds. The makers of this prostituted themselves for sales and in doing so, reflect a watered down mirror of the same sort of sickness Fish succumbed to. It's a perverted reporting of a perverted person and because of this they have more in common with this man than they may want to realize.
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Cliché-ridden but mesmerizing
le-misanthrop19 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Like before, in his 2004 documentary about "America's first serial killer" H.H. Holmes, Borowski focuses on a monstrous serial killer: the cannibal Albert Fish.

Though he manages to vividly portray Fish as driven by an excessive religious belief, Bukowski's film is not free from lame dramaturgical tricks: Red paint symbolizing blood, awkward musical arrangements to highlight dramatic climaxes, and so on...

But Fish is a thankful subject. His story is so bizarre and stunning that you get completely sucked into the tale. Credible proof is delivered that he was not insane but simply sexually deranged, and driven by a perverted form of Catholicism - His cannibalism is compared to the holy communion ("eat my flesh, drink my blood and I shall become a part of you") All in all, a compelling documentary with some weak moments.
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stupid garbage
odddit5 November 2018
Repetitive, slow as hell, filled with corny re-enactments and cartoonish voice acting, interviews with some of the smuggest people i've had the displeasure of seeing in a documentary.

2 stars because there's a bit where they read out the grace budd letter with cheesy sound fx in the background while shaking a camera at a house and zooming in and out and it was hilarious.
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A Parent's Worst Fear
igjn7 September 2019
Watch with keeping viewer discretion in mind. The details regarding the confession are graphic and terrifying. The documentary is well done, but it would have been better without the museum interview which may have been done to add levity to the film.
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Over-dramatic,silly, lame, wannabe documentary
Filippos0111 April 2010
I had the unfortunate chance to watch it in a theater. This is a TV documentary and not to be seen on theater!!

Many things bothered me, but the fact that the narrator was repeating the same informations 3 times through out the "docu" completely annoyed me.

It was very annoying how much effort the creators put into making it a shockumentary. But it was o-so- lame. Over dramatic narrator pointing out words like "pain" and "virgin" and "fish" and the dramatization focused on very handsome naked teens instead of the brutality and the character and the causes of Albert Fish. It only gave us a spoonful about Fish and repeated the same informations again and again and again and then "naked teens" and "virgin" and only had 2 interviewers!!

The worst one was this psycho horror artifacts creator who was mainly talking about himself and his origins and a few words about Fish as if he had something important to add to Fish's story. And the other one was a woman obsessed with Fish and his sexual life. At a point they had access to Fish's psychiatrist records and they didn't use real Fish's voice at all, and his sayings for not more than 5 minutes! Why??

In a few words don't waste your time with it, it's just super lame.
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Well worth a watch!!
nicholalloyd-5969130 November 2018
Deeply disturbing and full of gory detail. This is definitely worth a watch. I enjoyed it in a morbidly fascinating way
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Unwatchable Garbage
zen-state15 October 2015
This was apparently made in 2007, but has a much much older feel. Pretty much all documentaries from the mid-80's and back have this same lowbrow over dramatic recreations.

It has no proper flow, no credible basis for telling a story that is already written for them, and just generally insulted my intelligence. On several occasions while watching this I asked myself... do they think I'm some moron who's drooling on themselves? This could be used as an example of the worst way to document something on film.

The maker of this, and anyone who likes this style of documentary, must live on a different planet than me, and may be even be a different species of human.
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jski-790557 September 2022
This is a terrible documentary. The director attempts to sensationalize an already gruesome story. There are not a lot facts here, just the reading of letters and statements of the sick individual with stock footage of roasting meat. I read and watch a lot about psych and crime. I do want to know more about Fish, but not from this documentary. It's demented and unfit.

Avoid this documentary at all costs. I always watch a whole show to get the complete story. I am turning this off about half way through because it is sickening.

This is a terrible documentary. The director attempts to sensationalize an already gruesome story. There are not a lot facts here, just the reading of letters and statements of the sick individual with stock footage of roasting meat. I read and watch a lot about psych and crime. I do want to know more about Fish, but not from this documentary. It's demented and unfit.

Avoid this documentary at all costs. I always watch a whole show to get the complete story. I am turning this off about half way through because it is sickening.
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