"Batman: The Animated Series" On Leather Wings (TV Episode 1992) Poster

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First Impressions
ccthemovieman-130 June 2007
We get two Batmans flying around the skies of Gotham City is this premier episode of the '92 animated series. Fans of the comic book hero will recall that early on, Batman was looked upon with suspicion and a possible menace, not the hero he turned out to be. Anyway, early in the series, Bruce Wayne has to put up with, and particularly so in this opener when a "bad guy" is imitating him and stealing pharmaceuticals from various places. It is up the real Batman to find out who this guy is and what's the story behind him

The story gets interesting when Batman discovers a couple of scientists are lying to him When one of the scientists reveals what has happened to him since he began stealing and taking these drugs, we see the fake Batman...and those scenes are both dramatic and just plain awesome. That is good stuff and if we see villainous characters like this throughout the series, it's going to be interesting to watch

I was disappointed in the clarity of the animation; it seemed a little grainy and a bit fuzzy. Then again, this was made 15 years ago, but I still expected a sharper picture. Anyway, the colors are good and we get the dark city atmosphere one saw in the movies plus nice artwork and a music score based on Danny Elfman's Batman movie soundtracks, so the visuals and audio are classy.
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Fearsome as a villain but always a hero. Warning: Spoilers
Some years before "Batman: The Animated Series" was finally on air , fans of DC and adventure stories in general had enjoyed a great and singular fourth episode of the last season of the Superfriends TV series called "Fear" which had been actually initially written thinking on the possibility of a Batman solo series. In that episode we saw Batman and DC superheroes like never before, and according to Wikipedia it was also the first time that the origin of Batman was revealed somewhere outside the comics. From that point on, Batman was not only a cool and amazingly smart superhero, he was an interesting and deep person.

Now, in this first episode of his animated series, he was quickly confused with a villainous character and pursued by the police, making him work not against the law but aside the law, as the Gotham Police Department chases him while he is solving the mystery of the giant bat that is terrorizing the inhabitants of the city.

Curiously for me, the first comic of Batman I ever had was one where he battles a "Man Bat" too, too bad I was still too small to read it (4 or 5 years old), nevertheless the coincidence was a happy surprise for me.

We also had a first glance of Gotham City, a dark and shadowy city whose vehicles seem out of date, actually very similar to those used in the decade of the 40's, which actually confers a special flavor to the stories about gangsters to come.

Finally, as a last comment on this first episode, I can say it had a good old detective story as its nucleus with a small taste of tragedy so classic in the adventures of the cape crusader. No wonder the first appearance of Batman was in a publication called "Detective Comics" that has had Batman as his most important character since then. (It also actually gives the company its DC initials :) )

Thanks for reading

IMDb Review written by David del Real. Mexico City. Mexico. November 5th, 2017.
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kelboy1020 May 2018
Batman the animated series had me tuning in to Cartoon Network over and over. The animation was revolutionary of the time and flows perfectly. This is the ultimate batman giving him so many layers, they used what Burton had created in the early films to come up with a dark gripping style which hooked me from day one. On leather wings was the perfect opener as it shows gotham GCPD still getting accustomed to the batman. Suspicions that batman is breaking into pharmaceutical companies create a divid between Jim Gordon and Harvey Bullock. With a palette of dark red sky's amongst skyscrapers and the classic theme of Elfman this is their own batman, but also an extension of the many characters we didn't get to see in them early Burton films. I nice opening episode which sets the tone for the award winning series!!!
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One hell of a pilot episode!
TalesfromTheCryptfan23 November 2017
It seems there's a half-man/half bat creature being on the loose and the Batman (voiced by Kevin Conway) is being framed of robberies and physical assaults he didn't commit. He is on the trial of this monster in finding clues, he needs the help of Dr Kirk Langstrom (voiced by Marc Singer) who may have the key in finding this creature.

One of my favorite episodes! this was meant to be the pilot episode of the series and was shown at a comic con back in 92 and had positive responses while the sneak preview episode was "Cat and the Claw" on Saturday morning and this being a second sneak preview episode for Sunday nights to attract older viewers. It worked like a charm and the series went on to become afternoon staples and even for some Sunday nights to get older audiences to watch the show and was a success. This is a nicely written and nicely animated episode with good writing, mystery, horror, Science fiction and a Jekyll and Hyde kind of thing. Man-Bat i knew from the comics when i read them in 89 and knew he would be on the series as Man-Bat is one of Batman's most underrated characters.

The transformation of man to man-bat was just jaw droppingly amazing and well animated and badass. This one had mystery and action and an excellent first starter.
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Review: On Leather Wings
The-Social-Introvert5 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
OK so here's the deal – I need an excuse. An excuse to revisit one of my childhood memories Batman: The Animated Adventures. I never managed to see the series in its entirety due to the channel it was aired on becoming too expensive for my family and me. But what I did see of it I absolutely adored, including the feature length movies and the eventual follow up series Batman Beyond. And though it's difficult not to come across as an old phobey whose struggling to remove his nostalgia glasses when saying this, I do believe that cartoons like Batman and X-Men are far better than most of the ones kids are getting today.

Anyway, if a family member barges unexpectedly into my room and demands an explanation as to why I, a grown man, am watching a children's cartoon show I obviously need an excuse prepared beforehand (It'd be easier providing an explanation for watching porn), so that excuse, dear readers, is that I am watching this animation for a 'blog' or 'review site'. Surely it'll work, right? If not, I'll just put my hands up and say "the cartoon is on the screen to distract you from the 16 porn tabs at the bottom of the screen."

So here it is – hopefully the start of a review of each individual episode of B:TAS. I hope I manage to do better than I did with The Sopranos, where I started reviewing the first few episodes and then ended up binge watching the entire series.

The first thing you notice about the series is the remarkable opening title sequence – a moodily lit chase sequence that perfectly establishes the nature of the Batman character. It's a great example of visual storytelling. The score from the opening also borrows heavily from the Tim Burton Batman film. Speaking of which, the music in On Leather Wings, and the series as a whole, is outstanding. Shirley Walker and co. did a great job, and their varied and expressive music is an integral part of the series just as much as the characters, voice work, animation and stories.

On Leather Wings is a prime example as the tension-filled score throws us into the city of Gotham, in which a winged beast is terrorising and stealing from pharmacies, injuring doctors and scaring the crap out of anyone who gets close enough. The cops blame Batman, as they do, and it's up to the man in black- I mean, the man in grey, black, blue and gold- to bring an end to this menace and find out just what is going on.

Overall OLW is an excellent introduction to the dark, stylish neo noir-esque nature of The Animated Series. Terminology used can often fly over the heads of kids, as it did mine when I was younger, and the episode genuinely provides some scares…if you're a kid, of course.

Batman's showcases his detective skills as he attempts to track down the fiend. His relationship with Commissioner Gordon is introduced as is a quick glimpse at a pre-Two Face Harvey Dent.

As anyone familiar with Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde will have guessed when watching, the winged beast, or 'man-bat', turns out to be one of the scientists, Kirk, who is unable to fight off his addiction to his alter-ego. The scene in which he reveals himself is a bit weird as I didn't see a reason why he wanted batman to know unless it was a subconscious call for help. The subsequent chase through the Gotham night sky is a highlight though, and Batman's fight with man-bat in front of the police is enough to clear his name of the crimes. Batman ends up knocking the beast out and takes him back to his lab, where he develops a way to find a cure. It all ends on a rather uneasy note as Batman is unsure whether the antidote will last.

This episode is a fine introduction to the series and I look forward to watching the rest of them. One of the things I noted was the 'little details' that end up making a big different in the long run. For example, when man-bat is fighting Batman a female scientist, one of Kirk's colleagues, walks in on them and is shocked but cries "Kirk!" so she is obviously aware of his frequent transformations. Man-bat then turns to her and emotes a sad expression before talking off, possibly out of guilt and embarrassment. Its things like that which add depth to the characters and makes the series stand out amongst many of its kid.

My Rating: 8/10
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THIS is Batman.
melowareskill31 December 2016
This is the first episode of the show I watched. Boy was I absolutely impressed.

Batman shows he's not just a guy in a costume who likes to beat down and arrest criminals, he's also a detective, and billionaire, Bruce Wayne. He actually goes and investigates as Batman, and as Bruce Wayne.

The portrayal of The Batman in this episode is completely perfect.

Enough on Batman's portrayal, let's talk about the episode itself. The episode basically starts off with a cheesy joke. "Did you see that! I swear I just saw something!" That kind of thing. But then it drops into the most perfect tone for this show. It doesn't exactly go too light, but not too dark. It's just right.

Anyways, this episode is my favorite (so far, I've currently only seen the first 23 episodes.)

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Oh the Hu-BatManity!
injury-654473 June 2020
So in this second episode we get a version of Man-Bat, a villain I always found fascinating as a dark reflection of Batman himself. It proves the point that a giant bat shaped silhouette in the clouds is, to a normal person, not something to be celebrated but to be feared.

It's a very simple episode. Guy steals chemicals. Gets mutated. Batman stops him and cures him. There really isn't much exploration of the Man-Bat beyond a generic mad scientist dealie.

Alfred pops up with some pretty lame comments. When Batman said "I only toss butlers" - I was like ok ok so the relationship is like that huh? Figures that two men living alone in a giant castle would require some companionship.

There is an undercurrent of the pervasive suspicion in the community against Batman himself. Always willing to point the finger at their saviour as a villain at the least excuse, with Commissioner Gordon as his stalwart defender.

I liked the bat vs bat fighting.

Ok episode but not particularly special and I fear this villain is probably a once off despite the ominous closing lines of "it's over... for Now "
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havokthegamer30 November 2021
A great improvement over the Catwoman two parter in both tone and writing, you really get a sense that Batman is at odds with the city he's protecting. Also Batman detectives the hell outta this story. I love everything this episode is amazing. But Manbat feels like an old monster movie, he's so scary and imposing for a kids show, which I'll probably have to get used to saying... THIS SHOW DOESN'T PULL ITS PUNCHES.

This is the best episode of my first viewing session. Fantastic writing and tone. 9/10.
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Another sympathetic foe
VetteRanger28 January 2023
Particularly in Batman: The Animated Series, the writers had a thing for criminals you could feel sorry for, and here a man has taken a formula which periodically turns him into a Manbat. Unfortunately, his bat shape and abilities have the police thinking Batman is behind what the Manbat is up to.

Batman uses his detective skills to find and preserve hair from the creature, along with noises, and discovers an animal research facility he donates generously to has something to hid, as they lie to him about both the hair and the noises. Time to investigate.

Now, can he defeat the creature and find a way to return him to his normal human side?
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absdgbnkzztj24 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Part 2 was beautiful. And it was better than part 1, the cat and the paw. And it is a pity that DC did not make such an animation for another character.
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Bat-Man & Man-Bat
panagiotis19937 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so in this episode we wil have the police against the Batman because they thing that the bat creature that attacks people is him, that's interesting. I noticed that this episode doesn't have Catwoman or Red Claw in it which is kinda weird because the previous episode ended with ''to be continued''. So the scientist is hiding something and that is that he found a way to transform into a bat like creature or a Man-Bat. A bit ironic Man-Bat, Bat-Man. This has to be one of the most silly villains ever. The first episode was better than this. This episode is ok but nothing great. My rating is 6.6.
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A stellar and fitting opener.
maxglen30 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is just about everything you'd want from a first episode. We get Batman versus what is essentially his polar opposite, Manbat, as well as a few visual cues and plot points from Frank Miller's Batman: Year One. The animation is fantastic and Danny Elfman's score is quintessential Batman. Artistically this was just the beginning of what I think just might be the essential Batman experience. A strong 8/10
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A Solid Beginning
amongpixels27 September 2020
A suitably effective, tight and enjoyable entry into the series - establishing its moodier tone and style with ease.
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Classic Batman: TAS
Mr-Fusion21 December 2016
'On Leather Wings' wasn't the premiere episode, but it sure does lay down the fundamentals. Batman as a detective, working the case3 with crime scene analysis and actual legwork; even as he works in opposition to an array of trigger happy cops (while Gordon stands aside as a conscientious objector).

This is an exciting episode, with Batman taking on both the police department and a giant bat. The animation works nicely in the action scenes, particularly the big aerial chase scene. A solid treatment of both the Dark Knight and the misguided mad scientist.

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A Fantastic Introduction
tadavies-155687 July 2022
On Leather Wings acts as a fantastic introduction into this new animated universe of Batman: The Animated Series. We are placed into a universe where batman and robin are already established meaning we aren't re-treading the well known events of that evening in crime alley. Another smart choice made by this episode is to start with a Batman villain who doesn't often get used in the form of man-bat who is also well executed and it's very interesting how we see Batman approach situations as Bruce Wayne throughout the series, a trend that is started in this episode. Overall, in twenty minutes we get a lot of brilliant content as well as a genuinely good story. 9/10.
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Amazing Intro to an Iconic Series
TheDarkRooms4 January 2024
What a fantastic first episode. Dripping with atmosphere and dread. The Man-Bat is smartly kept in shadow until the big reveal, and he is a monstrous figure straight out of a horror film. The decision to start with a lesser known villain helps establish this series as its own entity and a serious project rather than just a rehash of what the films and older series had done. One terrific shot stands out with Langstrom walking behind a test jar and his face distorting through the glass. When Batman rescues a police officer from an explosion, there is the tiniest glimpse of a shiver from the man as he doesn't know whether or not to trust Batman. This quiver is not necessary, but it provides nice character detail and is indicative of the thought being put into this series to create a realistic world inhabited by believable people.
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DC Animation's Renaissance Begins
mkurland2325 August 2018
As the first episode produced of "Batman: The Animated Series," the show started off on a very high note. (Excuse the pun, due to Man-Bat.) With this solid start, DC Animation began a major renaissance period, thanks to Batman.
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On Leather Wings - The DCAU Begins
jones-markjones-mark59212 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Story: A great mixing of the Man-Bay and early Batman career stories with the GCPD after the Dark Knight. Some great, interesting Detective work from Batman that has been missing from a lot of the more recent Batman shows and films. A simple but effective Batman take. Easily the best Man-Bat episode (though he's only in two). I would've liked a longer police chase. (6/10)

Characters: Nice cameo from Harvey Dent. Not my favourite voice actor for Alfred (glad he was replaced). Kevin Conroy is excellent for his first time ever as Batman/Bruce Wayne. Man-Bat was an okay villain for a simple stand-alone, introductory episode. However, good forshadowing for Francine's transformation into She-Bat. (7/10)

Animation: The security guard was too cartoony in his movements for my liking. The dark backgrounds make the show and atmosphere unique and memorable. Impressive Man-Bat transformation. Amazing flying scene in the finale. Batman's shocked face looks stupid and was even mocked in the Honest Trailer. Also: BLOOD!!! (7/10)

Verdict: 6/10
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I certainly liked this one more, the show's strengoare becoming more and more evident.
madelynmcfly-202743 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I certainly liked this one more, the show's strengs are becoming more and more evident. Man-Bat has never been my favorite Batman villain, but this episode showed that he's not a bad villain... Alluding to the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, that adds a ton of nuance. I also like how how Batman seems to be at odds with Gotham City in this episode, and that's incredibly interesting. This is a better pilot than the actual pilot, the characters seem to be on a better level than in the first two-parter. I also like how this episode shows that Batman is a caring hero, he actually wants these villains to get better... This show also continues to get greater and greater, and I can't wait for more.
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I first saw this on TV just over thirty years ago.
Carycomic12 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
And I was immediately hooked!

First off, even though it was based on Time-Warner property, this animated spin-off of the 1989 Michael Keaton Bat-movie debuted on the Fox Network. Which, at that time, had previously only aired programs on Saturday and Sunday evenings (alternating with the daytime programs of Metromedia Television)! And, for those too young to remember, 20th Century Fox had been the production company that first brought the 1966 Bat-series, starring Adam West, to ABC.

The second thing that hooked me was the use of DC's most tragic anti-hero; Kirk "The Man-Bat" Langstrom as voiced by Marc "The Once and Future Beastmaster" Singer. Because it reminded me of the very first issue of Detective Comics that I ever purchased with my own money (even though it was drawn by Franks Robbins and Springer; an artistic team I've never been too crazy about).

Last, but not least? The voice-over done for the title character was by an actor I had never before heard of. But, who was probably the best alternative to either Adam West, Olin Soule, or Michael Keaton, himself.

I refer, of course, to the now-late, great Kevin Conroy. From now on, when I watch the episode that first introduced Zatanna the Magician (as initially voiced by red-headed comedian/actress Julie Brown ), I will think of you, sir, and literally salute you. Rest in peace!
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Firecracker Start for the Epic Superhero Detective
Aegelis18 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Bombastic opening to the series with incredible animation, action, sound, story, dialogue, and voice acting. Although the art-style is basic, special attention was given to shading, lighting, and minutia to carry the viewer's attention. Batman was/is a detective, which often seems omitted in many renditions, but this episode highlights the core value. Engaging story, character interactions, and development bring the drama to life. Backbone holding everything all together is the writing because without a good story, the show is mere flashes on the screen and sound. This was as good as (or perhaps better) than I remember the show, looking forward to viewing more.

My only critique would be some parts felt 'disjointed' and a few pieces seem never explained at all. Hints of recurring characters though, perhaps more revelations in due time.
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A certified classic!
lbramson19 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While I still prefer "The Cat and the Claw Part I", this is a unforgettable classic. I always love stories when mirror villains commit crimes and frame the main hero. It just creates an interesting conflict, and interesting it is! The whole city hating Batman is nothing new, but it's executed in nearly flawless fashion. Mysterious, fun, gripping, action packed, and even tragic at times, "On Leather Wings" isn't going to win any awards in the technical department, but it's enjoyable. Overall, an episode that I love to death and so far this show is going smoothly. Not one of the greatest, but I had a good time!
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