"The X-Files" Excelsis Dei (TV Episode 1994) Poster

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"Good. Because I put it back in that drawer with all those other videos that aren't yours."
DWilliams108912 December 2010
"Excelsis Dei" is a better-than-average episode that could have easily been a season two gem if not for a muddling storyline. Dana Scully finds the case, creepy settings are abound, ghosts and invisible rapists are on the loose, and the script is rounded out by an excellent guest cast. Unfortunately, Paul Brown's story is a little too ambitious for these high spots to beggar the myriad plot strands that undermine them.

It doesn't help that this comes on the heels of a particularly confusing mythology episode. Like "Red Museum" before it, "Excelsis Dei" dabbles in a lot of unsettling social themes: rape, abuse of the elderly, abuse of women, the encroachment of immigrant cultures - and twists them into a bizarre knot of conjunction and happenstance. A nurse at the Excelsis Dei convalescent home (Teryl Rothery) is strapped to a bed and violated by an unseen presence. A male Asian nurse (Sab Shimono) dispenses presumably illicit pills to residents that have invigorating effects. A creepy mushroom garden is found in the facility's basement. An elderly woman wheels the corridors conversing with ghosts. But where does it all come together? As one might imagine, this episode makes for some great imagery. The drab grays and greens of the building's snaking corridors lends to the eerie quality of the script. The scene where Mulder and Nurse Charters hall-surf out of a flooded bathroom is particularly delightful. Also, Gillian Anderson has some great lines of dry humor. Although there aren't a whole lot of intimate character moments between the two agents, their chemistry continues to shine.

Unfortunately this episode leaves the viewer with too many questions and too few answers. We don't know whether or not Hal Arden traveled out of his corporeal boundaries to rape Nurse Charters. We don't know how the magic mushrooms evoke the presence of spirits (or are they simply hallucinations?). Where is Leo dragged off to in act four? Ambiguity can and has worked in plenty of episodes of The X-Files, but it's hard to excuse a script that fails to offer answers to any of its questions. Still, "Excelsis Dei" is creepy and enjoyable. 6 of 10.
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Quite infuriating
svh59 September 2008
I just want to talk a little bit about the orderlies' characters. What a horrible bunch of people in this episode.

I have personally worked in a nursing home. It's a thankless, badly paid job where you often have to work long hours. But I'm certain that if an orderly ever behaved as horribly toward the residents as the orderlies in this episode he or she would be fired on the spot. I shudder to think that in some places it must be like that.

I've been an X-Files fan since I was 12 years old. I used to have nightmares about it. No other show has given me the creeps like that. A milestone in TV history. Excelsis Dei is a solid episode from season 2. The problem with it is probably that the buildup is much better than the denouement. The climax is a bit of a letdown, it just peters out. Solid episode, none the less.
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Innovative and creepy episode
Halfang18 October 2006
This is a refreshing chapter from the series. Since "Shadows" (1x05), any "invisible" monster has appeared.

In this chapter, Mulder and Scully have to investigate a nurse's rape, apparently made by an invisible being. Their investigations will lead to some deeply-saved secrets, involving some of the residents, and workers, too.

Apart from the main tagline, we can see Scully fully recovered from Duane Barry's series. In fact, she is leading the investigation, while Mulder is more reticent to do so.

It has great moments, panic scenes, and scary plot. Also, the typical paper exchange makes this chapter really a "almost" must see. Not the best one, but sure a great, worth watching episode.
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"Something's been unleashed here, Scully."
classicsoncall28 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Something that surprised me in this episode occurred when Dr. Grago (Jerry Wasserman) described his deprenyl treatment for Alzheimer's, stating that it was an enzyme inhibitor that increased the amount of acetylcholine in the brain. This was the second time in the series that the subject of acetylcholine came up, the other occurred in the first season episode 'Ice', in which an alien tapeworm was responsible for the substance leading to violent behavior in it's victims. I wouldn't have picked up on that watching the series when the episodes originally aired since they were a season apart, but I'm watching the shows now at a clip of three or four a day, so it's easier to make the connection.

Anyway, this one enters genuinely weird territory with a tale of medicinal mushrooms and nursing home patients seeing the ghosts of deceased residents who were mistreated while in the facility. It begins with the 'rape' of a staff nurse by an invisible entity, and proceeds to explore the revenge motive of said ghosts, while a randy group of current resident patients just can't get enough of janitor Gung's (Sab Shimono) miracle mushroom powder.

As another reviewer points out, I too was left wondering how a hospital bathroom could have been constructed so airtight that it managed to fill to the ceiling with water from a series of burst fixtures. But the topper was when the glass window gave way, and flooded the floor of the building with more water than could have possibly been released from the smaller area. Seems like that exercise in physics could have been the subject of another X-Files.
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This is Eastern :)
CursedChico25 October 2020
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I think this is first time we saw myth from eastern. I cant say exactly myth, maybe belief.

This time mulder said once "it is not making sense" and scully was believeing something was in the building other than those people. In fact, mulder said "you worked with me too much ". So, even mulder could not believe at first that thing.

Somehow, magic mushrooms (or not magic maybe?) gives health and makes extra ordinary things for those old people. But none of the doctors know anything. Even they dont know the name of the asian worker when mulder asked.

They should be punished more in my opinion.

We again see the despair of humans against unnatural things. Mulder was locked but noone could do anything. They could try to break the door but noone tried.

And i did not understand why the souls tried not to kill instead of making drowned in water?

To sum up, i like the episode. That water scenes were extremely thrilling. At same time, old guy was poisoned.

And other interesting thing is in the end scully said noone will search for mushroom, even mulder. This does not make any sense.
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Are you saying that the building's haunted? Because if you are, you've been working with me for too long, Scully.
alexandercappelli10 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Are you saying that the building's haunted? Because if you are, you've been working with me for too long, Scully." - Fox Mulder.

Episode 11, 'Excelsis Dei', original air date December 16th, 1994. Written by Paul Brown, directed by Stephen Surjik. Monster of the week episode count, 23. Known mainly at the time for directing the 1993 film Wayne's World 2, Stephen Surjik requested to direct this episode as he was a fan of the series. Paul Brown, writer of 'Ascension' returns for his second and final episode with a MOTW that touches on a few different social issues while weaving a delicate path between comedy and horror. The outlandish subject matter in this episode could have easily pushed it into the realm of comically absurd. However I felt that Brown's script and Surjik's direction, in conjunction with some capable performances, managed to find just the right balance between creepy and corny. The horror aspects are handled well and there are some genuinely unnerving moments coupled with emotionally charged drama. On a side note, the episode's title is misprinted on the DVD box set and in the disc menu as 'Excelsius Dei'.

One night while on duty at the Excelsis Dei, a private nursing home in Worcester, Massachusetts, nurse Carters (Teryl Rothery) is viciously attacked and sexually assaulted by an invisible assailant. Contrary to custom, Scully is waiting for Mulder in the basement while she examines the video evidence documenting Nurse Carter's injuries that were sustained in the attack. Possibly due to subject matter of rape, she has appeared to take a personal interest in this case, which Mulder is quick to dismiss as another unsubstantiated phenomena involving spectral entity rape. Scully urges him to investigate with her further and they visit the nursing home. The residents of Excelsis Dei are all suffering from degenerative diseases such as alzheimer's and dementia, though thanks to their involvement with an experimental drug trial their symptoms seem to be steadily decreasing. It quickly becomes evident however that the pills we witness them taking are not the drug in question, rather they are being provided by an orderly named Gung Bituen (Sab Shimono). This traditional medicine, made from mushrooms and various herbs is having a remarkable effect on the resident's condition. People who were once unable to speak now appear lucid and full of life. However, the drug, which is used traditionally to allow the user to communicate with the dead, has somehow allowed some of these residents to develop super human strength and spirit-like powers. It's possible that the drug has created a bridge between the physical and spiritual world where the residents are able to cross over at will and cause havoc with the nursing staff. Nurse Carter's was raped by one of these residents, Hal Arden (David Fresco), though no one, not even Mulder at first believes her. As the episode continues and the chaos ensues it quickly becomes clear and undeniable to the agents that these mushrooms are causing some extraordinary side effects.

The mistreatment of the residents by the nurses and orderlies is a motivating factor in their ghostly attacks. As Gung says, we don't treat our elderly with respect in this country, referring to the United States, abandoning them at nursing homes. They are not given the emotional love and support they deserve from the community. This is one of the issues Brown is examining with this episode. The nursing home staff hold the residents in contempt and to some degree we're made to feel like the violence inflicted upon them by some of the elderly members is deserved. Mistreatment of patients and residents in elderly resting homes is a very real issue and certainly from an emotional point of view there is a moral grey area in the way many people 'commit' their elders to these places and relinquish responsibility for them to often underpaid and unappreciated medical staff that bare the brunt of (often Western) societies who do not respect the elderly. Certainly this is show exists within the realms of science fiction but the social issue is still relevant and helps to lend emotional weight to this ghost story.

Some reviewers have criticised the episode for its depiction of a rape case and the cavalier attitude that many of the characters have towards a woman who has clearly been brutally assaulted. Mulder in particular is quick to dismiss the case and if not for Scully he would have pursued it no further. Additionally, the nursing home management refuse to acknowledge the issue of rape, claiming that Nurse Carters simply concocted the story in order to take advantage of her employer's medical disability. Whether intentional or not, it's difficult to say what the writer's personal viewpoint on cases involving rape is, I actually feel like the representation and victimisation of the female character, while frustrating is nonetheless a generally accurate depiction of the reality rape survivors. It's a depressing truth that it's near impossible to build a case around sexual assault due to the common lack of conclusive evidence. Due to this, rape survivors are often dismissed by law enforcement and offered little in the way of compensation for their physical and emotional trauma. The fact that no one believes Carter's story or offers much sympathy for her is actually a fairly accurate portrayal of society's attitude towards sexual violence involving women. Consequently, I disagree with the criticisms that this subject matter was handled poorly. If an audience member feels a sense of frustration and disgust at the treatment and lack of care afforded to the character in this story, it's a reaction that I'd like to think writer Paul Brown was aiming for by tackling this social issue.
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The second episode that deals with Ghosts
SleepTight66620 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is the second episode that deals with Ghosts, and is certainly a much stronger effort than 'Shadows'.

Having said that, it's still not perfect. Although the majority of this episode is really enjoyable, some of it is also very campy. The explanation of the ghosts being on drugs is really silly, as was the ghost rape. seriously? I wasn't too keen on the main guest star either.

But the rest of the episode is well done, especially the ghosts were actually kind of creepy. I love the scene where they drag Leo into the shadows. another great scene is the flooding.

This episode is also the first one that is also quite funny. Hal was a great comedic character and I think that the episode would have been better if it had been a comedy instead.

I'm going to give this episode THREE stars.
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Wash your mouth with hospital grade soap, Hal!
XweAponX7 March 2022
David Fresco (Hal Arden) definitely uses that word, that another Reviewer was asking about. I have played back that section repeatedly, and you can hear him start pronouncing the letter "Eff". I am wondering if the audio had been edited back during when the show was on the air.

Meanwhile, Dr Janet Frasier from Stargate SG 1 (Teryl Rothery, who was also Jean Gray's voice in the X-Men animated series of 1992) gets accosted by "The ghost of (Eric) Christmas". Or was it the ghost of Hal Arden? But she cannot get any justice for this attack, because it can't be proved. And Hal gives an accounting for himself that we can't really argue with.

Interesting cameo role for Eric, that man had done television shows from their infancy, in the 1930s. Many shows which we don't really know anything about other than their names and approximately when they were made. He did take a 10 year hiatus before he started working heavily in the 50s, after which he had done a lot of work including the film "Johnny got his gun" (The film that Metallica decided to create an official soundtrack song for) and "The Andromeda strain"... even "Harold and Maude".

And for David Fresco, who was also in several of the 90s shows that Eric was in. Illustrious careers for both of those character actors, David Fresco was a gunman in the John Garfield film "Force of evil".

So what we have here is a show about ghosts and mushrooms, interesting combination. The hallucinogenic effects of mushrooms are well known and many of us are familiar with those effects. But this is the first time where the use of Hallucinogenics is mixed in with Gung's Malaysian traditions and mythology.

This caretaker "Gung" (Sab Shimono- who is mostly known for doing the voice of Subotai in the original Conan the Barbarian, although acted by surfer Jerry Lopez) - seemed to be the only person in the entire facility who cared about the well-being of the people being looked after. In fact another reviewer talks about how they are appalled by the treatment that these people were getting. But this is actually a realistic portrayal, people who live in nursing homes are often neglected. It is one of those unfortunate things. And in the end, Gung is punished. I suppose the other responsible parties were also punished, in other ways. Gung was the only one trying to help, because the orderlies could care less.

But with Gung's efforts, everything goes wonky.

Jerry Wasserman, who was last seen in Watchmen (2009 Film version) and I, Robot (The police tech who wants to pick up something for his kid at US robotics)- is the actual doctor in this joint. He thinks he is doing the inmates some good, due to the alleged success of an experimental medication... but what does he know? He is only there a couple of days per week.

Gung is correct when he says one thing: The administrators of the facility are never around to see it when the orderlies were doing something incredibly cruel.

Tasha Simms is Stan's daughter, we have seen her on the X-Files before in "Eve"... as Ellen Reardon. We have also seen the tall administrator woman "Mrs Dawson", in the actual first episode of The X-Files "Deep Throat".

So there are a couple of X-Files alumni in the cast as well as these excellent character actors and actresses. One of my favorites is Dorothy (Frances Bay), who makes the orderlies work very hard to even move her wheelchair, much less get her to swallow some pasty hospital oatmeal. Dorothy appears to act as the conduit between the mushroom "entities" and the real world, it is through her character that we see what they are doing. She is acting as the de facto "Narrator".
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It's OK
odiaz-3907925 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This episode had potential but fell short of expectations. As others have pointed out there are many things that go unexplained such as the invisible rape, mushroom effects, what awoke the spirits, why was the medicine so effective etc...

If you turn off your head you will find some sort of entertainment, but compared to other episodes this one was not very impressive. They should have worked more on answering questions rather than ignoring them as this negatively affected the plot.

I am taking away 4 stars for missing explanations and unsolved plot issues.
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House of Horrors
thebigeasy55530 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Bizarre incidents are taking place at a care home for the eldery.A nurse visits Mulder and Scully to report her recent rape.The only thing being it was a seemingly invisible entity that carried out the rape.To confuse matters further the nurse is certain that a resident of the home committed the rape but cannot prove it.

The duo investigate at the home and the strange goings on still continue along with apparent hallucinations received by the residents.i t is discovered that a worker at the home is cultivating drugs and supplying to the residents to help overcome their Alzheimer's.This is the only conclusion piece of evidence that is found.After the withdrawal of the drugs the patients Alzheimer's worsens and the incidents stop though no concrete explanation is offered for the bizarre incidents.The case is unsolved and many questions are left answered.

Still i think this is a highly enjoyable episode and a creative plot
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Hot nurses and sex-starved wheezing geezers
westside-surfer10 August 2014
A nurse is raped, she claims, my an invisible horny old dude. Right off the bat, it's funny and disturbing. The X-files team investigates the old folks homes which kicks off a series of geezers kicking the bucket. Dark tones crammed into a claustrophobic, spooky setting reminded me of John Carpenter and Nightmare On Elm Street: The Dream Warriors.

The story nicely develops the traditional "haunted house" story by combining elements of alternative medicine and shamanism. Excelsis Dei seems to continue on the last episode's concern of using experimental substances on people; though, whereas the last episode is more science- fiction, this episode takes the paranormal route.

I'd mark this one as a "good episode." The only problem was that by trying to include the science fiction, while this was obviously a supernatural tale, the plot was spread a little thin. They should have concentrated on the fear brought on by the break down of logical reality and science. Luckily, the episode holds strong by interesting guest actors who were quite disturbing. (Wheelchair bound little old ladies talking to empty hallways will creep anyone out.)
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OK, did anyone else hear this line?
withanx8627 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Early on in the episode, when Hal and Stan are arguing about the shroom pills, Stan accuses Hal of ratting them out, to which Hal replies, "Oh f*#k off, Stan!". Now, this episode is really convoluted and disorganized, but this to me was the weirdest part. How did this slip through? Why was it written in, when in other episodes the swearing was limited to pretty much just damn and hell? Its really been bothering me. Am I crazy, or did someone say "F*#k" on The X-Files?

As for the rest of the episode, it is both one of the creepiest and dumbest I have seen so far. The "ghosts", if that is what they are, are a frightening entity, especially how they manifest themselves to the old woman. The way everything is laid out throughout the episode, however, makes this very hard to appreciate. They try to tackle many controversial elements without focusing on any one of them completely; the references to Asia's respect of ancestors and the elderly are especially abnormal. And how do the mushrooms help with that? In the end it makes very little sense and ties up none of the mystery. Despite this however I found the episode very enjoyable. I really just can't get that one line out of my head. "Oh f*#k off, Stan!". This, in my opinion, is the true mystery of the episode.
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Not a favourite with me.
Sleepin_Dragon27 September 2020
A nurse claims she was raped by a Ghost in a so called care home for the elderly.

It's a mixed bag, on the whole I'm not a huge fan of this episode. On the plus side, I love seeing a largely mature cast, it's so refreshing, but on the flip side, it's an old People's home naturally.

Once again, every cater portrayed is a bully, without any respect for the elderly, they work in care, and must be abusive, that sucks. The plot doesn't make a huge amount of sense, if any, and isn't explained or resolved. The theory for the events is pretty lame.

Eric Christmas as Stan, is an absolute joy, that accent was forever wonderful, he is the shining light in this rather joyless episode. The acting is very good in general, and some of the imagery creates a degree of impact.

On the whole Excelsis Dei is a disappointing, 4/10.
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Too many unanswered questions
NatashaJAmos201519 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode never fails to creep me out. But this episode falls short and is confusing. I really thought Leo had died but the spirits had dragged him away somewhere. Where?

The staff were horrible-mistreating the elderly and it's a bit weird rewatching this episode while it was in the news recently of staff mistreating the elderly in a nursing home where I live.
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Exotic and flimsy episode!!!
elo-equipamentos2 October 2019
A mix of horror and spiritualist episode, perhaps with a proper adviser should be better, a nurse raped by spirits don't make sense at all, even on wildest dreams it could be happened, starting for the wrong premise the episode collapses itself, however has an interesting point on the show, all those almost invisible ghosts really occur quite often, seen by several people who has some special gift and feelings, another good point is about the mushrooms, in fact it was largely used as medicinal purposes, it was wisely exposed, furthermore stays explicit a slight criticism over the accidental manner which they treat their parents and relatives, overall a suitable subject to exploit!!


First watch: 2019 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 7
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Too confusing to be scary...
Sanpaco1312 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Excelsis Dei the Limerick:

Nursing home resident's rooms

Are now haunted due to them taking 'shrooms

A resident Hal

And Stan his room pal

Will be soon be the orderly's doom.

Ugh. I remember when I first saw this episode finding it somewhat scary mainly because I get easily freaked out by ghost stories. However, after watching this episode again and seeing all the plot holes I find it more irksome. I always knew that there was something that bothered me about it but had never thought about it too hard. I think the main problem I have is that the effect of the 'shrooms is never really explained at all. I mean they say that the 'shrooms are used to communicate with ancestors which explains why Dorothy could see the ghosts of the dead residents, but how does this explain Hal being invisible or Stan being extremely agile, or Leo being an overnight Picasso? None of this makes any sense.

Some other things I disliked about the episode were first of all, all of the orderlies were jerks other than Gung. None of them seemed to care about the residents at all. Even Nurse Charters. I mean seriously who cares if a couple of old guys want to stay up after 9 watching a fight? I do not condone rape in any sense at all but I don't think I was all that sympathetic to Nurse Charters because she did indeed seem like the type of person that would "concoct this story to get out of a job she hates". The other two, Upshaw and Tiernan, I don't really know what these guys were doing working there anyway. I mean they obviously hated it (and with good reason) but they were also only getting paid $5.50 an hour. I mean maybe if they were just putting in time so they could have something for their resumes to get something better later on that's the only good reason I can think of. And then you have Ms. Dawson who didn't seem to know anything about what was going on in the place that she was supposed to be in charge of. I mean she was never there during any of the attacks, she didn't even know about Upshaw not showing up for work, she insists, "No one is mistreated here". Well maybe not directly by you but sitting in your office, blind to the mistreatment by the orderlies around you is definitely a form of mistreatment which we like to call neglect. Another problem: Dorothy is incredibly annoying. Finally, it is never explained why the ghosts just suddenly disappear. In fact it makes it look almost as if Stan has something to do with it because as soon as he is sedated is when this happens.

Anyway, there were still a couple things I did like about this episode. First, I enjoy the fact that Scully is the one taking this case even though it just seems like she is doing so purely out of a we-girls-gotta-stick-together attitude. I think the only problem with this is that we never do find out exactly why Scully was drawn to this case and later on it ends up being Mulder who solves the case anyway. I also enjoy the final scenes where the outbreak of haunting goes on in the home. Very creepy. I like the water in the bathroom scene too but only because I have always wanted to try this. Also I think the 'shroom garden is pretty cool and surreal.

Anyway overall I think the episode is just too confusing and unclear to really enjoy. I give this episode a 4 out of 10.
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Plot holes easier to see through than the "villains" themselves
thepowell209911 April 2010
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Wow. So this is one dumb episode. I'll echo the previous review's complaint about the washroom, and add: who builds a 100% watertight bathroom? But the real reason I had to stop watching this episode (and I mean, I literally just didn't finish it) was one terrible, embarrassingly bad line of dialogue. Specifically: in answer to how the old man might head upstairs, Mulder is assured: "The elevators haven't worked in this place for years." Yes, I completely believe that in a home for the elderly, with numerous wheel-chair bound and otherwise handicapped residents, the building would have no working elevators. What, do they carry everyone up and down every set of stairs? Lazy writing (again) fells the X-Files.
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Scully: Good, because I put it back in that drawer with all those other videos that aren't yours.
bombersflyup14 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Excelsis Dei is about Mulder and Scully investigating a nurse's claim of rape at an elderly home, by an invisible spirit.

Besides the unenjoyable plot about spirits in an elderly home, it's poorly handled and not even attempted to be explained. Mulder and Scully's presence here's rather unimpactful as well, everything's just brushed aside and started anew. They don't stop Gung from being deported and work with his treatment, we don't hear of any repercussion for Mrs. Dawson overseeing such mistreatment, it's all meh.
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Love to hate this episode
BethBartel749 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What starts out looking like a promising episode soon turns into one big headache for the viewer. We are introduced to the staff of a nursing home who seem to hate their jobs, treating their patients like children, and to their patients, many of whom are mean and lewd to their female staff. We also meet Gung, the Asian orderly immigrated from some unnamed land where a plant never before seen in the West is giving the elderly patients a second chance with their debilitating conditions, with some supernatural side effects.

For the sake of argument, let's pretend these magical, mysterious mushrooms from the Mystical East (because who doesn't love a little Orientalism?) really do reverse Alzheimer's and grant one the ability to channel the souls of the dead. Let's also pretend that, in 1994, claims of sexual harassment in the workplace really do go ignored. Finally, let's pretend that orderlies get to boss nurses around, and both get to speak disparagingly to their elderly patients without consequence.

Still, I can't root for anyone in this episode. The staff are detestable, except for the Malaysian orderly providing the mushrooms, who seems in over his head and is therefore nothing short of pathetic. The patients are unlikable from the get-go. Even the director of the home seems more bureaucratic than anything else.

By all means, skip this one.
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Whatever tape you found in that VCR, it isn't mine.
Muldernscully24 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Excelsis Dei is an average, slightly confusing episode. What makes this episode unique though is that Scully is the one that finds this case, not Mulder. Another thing that makes this episode unique is that Scully is the one that wants to hang onto the case after Mulder has apparently given up. It's nice to see a reversal of roles from time to time for these two. The opening line by Mulder after the teaser as quoted above in the summary is classic. This episode has several good Mulder/Scully witty lines that makes this episode acceptable to watch. Now, a few pet peeves with episode. After the water in the bathroom spills into the hallway, there is way too much water flowing down the hallway. Later, Dorothy sees Leo getting dragged away by ghosts, but he is fine at the end of the episode and nothing is mentioned of it. Why show it then? Even though the x-files leaves a lot unexplained, I felt this episode left too much unexplained, even for an x-file. Was it the ghosts, or was it Hal and Stan? Anyway, this episode is still decent to view, at least for the Mulder/Scully dialog.
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A sub-par concept executed badly
charchuk22 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A nurse is raped by a ghost in a convalescent home, so Mulder and Scully are called in. Further strange occurrences force them to stay longer and look into it. An old man chokes to death on nothing. One orderly is pushed out of a window and another is buried in a pile of mushrooms. In the climax, Mulder and the nurse are locked in a bathroom that is rapidly filling with water. All of a sudden, the strange happenings stop, with no explanation given. This is just one of the problems with this poorly executed episode.

The story does manage to build some suspense and mystery over the cause of the strangeness, but it ultimately goes nowhere. The pace wavers terribly, going from exciting to painful in a matter of moments. The acting by the supporting cast is horrid, as if they can't believe the script. Mulder and Scully are just sleepwalking through their roles. Their are many twists and turns, but none of them make any sense, and none of them serve to answer the question of what went on. At the end, the spirits just leave, for no reason at all. Was it the magic mushrooms? The experimental treatment? Or had they just worn out their welcome. We may never know.

All in all, this was an episode that never had much potential, and it lived down to its expectations. It's still watchable though (but barely) and it does have some interesting and tense scenes. But, overall, it fails as an X-Files episode.
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The X-Files: Excelsis Dei
Diamhea25 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Excelsis Dei is a seriously convoluted and misguided episode that marks one of the few low points early in The X Files' existence. Mulder and Scully travel to a Massachusetts convalescent home to investigate a case of entity rape after a nurse; in the words of one of the residents, gets "rogered by a ghost". The setup is simple enough and engaging early on, but soon gets in over its head after a story arc concerning medicinal mushrooms covertly being administered to the residents by an orderly rears its head.The viewer doesn't feel sorry for the residents as they start dropping one by one from overdosing on the mushrooms after stealing more than they can handle. Furthermore, the effects of the mushrooms are not explained satisfactorily. It makes Leo an overnight Picasso, Stan regains a measure of his mobility, and Dorothy just becomes incredibly annoying; spending the second half of the episode yelling nonsense at the ghosts that only she can somehow see. Don't even get me started on the watertight bathroom and the hilariously unbelievable lack of emotion from everybody when they realize Nurse Charters and Mulder are stuck inside during the episode's climax. Eventually and without explanation the ghosts just leave, the residents revert back to their normal selves and you are left to wonder what the point was to any of it all. Not recommended.
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Overreaching & Failing
AudioFileZ28 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The tables are turned here and Scully not only presents the case to Mulder, but she's the only one who wants to pursue it. This could be a refreshing turn, if only there was a decent story behind it. There's not, and this is, no doubt, at this point in the second season the weakest episode. Exelsis Dei is a final care facility and the patients under the roof are haunted due to the influence of an herbal mixture from an Asian orderly. There's violence, rape and murder, at the hands of the ghosts a certain patient is able to conjure up. I guess the mushroom elixir isn't enough so add an experimental Altzheimer therapy to complete the witch's brew as added by the chief doctor in charge.

Almost immediately after this episode started I was wondering if the writers weren't reaching for some of Stephen King's "The Shining"? If so they tried and failed. Nothing is the least bit believable and as a result even if you could suspend enough of your right brain the plot holes, like no working elevators, a watertight bathroom, and a secret mushroom farm in the basement, reeks.

As viewers of The X-File we expect a modicum of something that just may be right outside the realm of believability, but absolutely threatening in it's remote possibility. Excelsis Dei just can deliver any chills or mystery that gets under the viewer's skin. It comes off plain silly and so trite it's a mission of mercy just to complete the story. Nothing here is particularly entertaining or important to the myth-arc and it is best just to skip this one.
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So no one thought about this script?
molly-6383812 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was just So Bad. It didn't age well from the second it aired.

In a change of pace, Scully is the one saying that they need to pursue the case and Mulder is more skeptical. Why? Because it's a woman saying that she was raped by an invisible entity. This, apparently, is the one type of x file that Mulder just doesn't believe is true, despite having stacks of similar reports. What really seals the deal regarding Mulder's attitude towards the victim is him saying to Scully, "I think you're looking too hard for something that isn't there. I think Michelle Carter concocted the story to get out of a job she hates." This is after they have spoken with Michelle, have seen how injured she was and yet he still doesn't believe her.

Yes this episode came out in the 90s. However, I find it hard to imagine that nobody would have caught how Mulder's disbelief in this one case was driven by who made the report and nothing else. It was so apparent, it's not even funny.

Beyond that, there did seem to be a little anti-Asian bias going on, with the events of the episode being explained by the use of a traditional/medicinal mushroom that a Malaysian orderly had been giving to the patients. This was more subtle and honestly something that I would not have noticed up until recently or potentially at all if this episode wasn't so poorly written, but it is in there.

And then just a small critique, who let Scully say acetylcholine like that? She's supposed to be a medical doctor and can't pronounce one of the major neurotransmitters? Really screws up the suspension of disbelief.
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sliebl-9838910 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The scene when the orderly falls off the roof, the actor has a beard. Prior to him walking up to the window after following Stan, he had no facial hair. Stunt double? Did they have to go back and film it later? Overall, not a great episode, seemed rushed and choppy.
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