Savage Planet (TV Movie 2007) Poster

(2007 TV Movie)

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Alien grizzly bears?!? Are you KIDDING me?!?!?!?
Phillemos13 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I was actually pretty fired up for this movie when I saw the trailers on SciFi Channel. When they hint some merciless super-predator stalking people on another pseudo-Earth planet, I'm thinking some alien-Velociraptor hybrid. I get 30 minutes into the movie, and I guessed it, alien grizzly bears! The first one is dead so I'm like, no, that can't be the creature, the creature must have stalked the grizzly bear and killed it, boy this creature must really be a bad-a**. Alas, more killer bears pop up. Horrible. This movie could have skipped the long-distance teleportation BS and just as easily have taken place on a camping trip. We all know bears can kill if you startle or antagonize them, but you'd think they'd at least give them some prehistoric features to make them look slightly different. But no. They look like every bear I've ever seen. And I can say that with certainty because you see the same god-awful scene throughout the movie of a Killer Bear opening his mouth as wide as he can and growling. Why not just have Winnie the Pooh go on a murderous rampage? I have no choice but to give this movie the lowest possible rating, because I feel so gypped by the premise and ultimate final product. The only reason you should watch this movie is if you're in an angry, potentially violent mood and you're wisely trying to channel your energy to something more productive. Just don't go overboard and smash your TV.
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Horrendously boring
willzilla13 August 2006
I saw this on the night it premiered on the sci-fi channel, expecting for some mindless monster-violence fun, (ala Sabretooth, Dinocroc, etc.) unfortunately I found this movie to be plagued by confusing plot lines, maddeningly boring and stereotypical characters and a monster so dull (not to mention almost impossible from an evolutionary probability standpoint) that it didn't keep me interested during a single part of the movie. The CGI/blood and gore was awful, which can be expected from a Sci-Fi original, however the decision to mix what I suppose was meant to look like live-action footage of this creature's equivalent on Earth was overwhelmingly corny. Above all, and forgive my redundancy the creature was totally dull and unimaginative. Prehistoric alien monster bears. Laughable premise and still poorly done.
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Horrid, truly horrid...
cyclone25923 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I think I'll go one step more than the reviewer that rated this a 2 and give this piece of rotten tripe a well-deserved "1", only because zero isn't available.

I can give Sci-Fi credit for making consistently terrible films. Everyone has heard of a B-movie, but is there something lower than a Z-grade? The acting is 120th rate, the CGI, well all I can say is my five year-old daughter on an Etch-A-Sketch could've done better (and made a better script as well). Where did they dig up the actors? I guess Casper VanDien and Lou Diamond Phillips weren't available whey they spent a weekend or so shooting this.


So, what's the premise? Watch the crappy trailer and you'll get the whole story. It's basically a generic predator versus prey plot line supposedly set in the future (amazingly, cheap canvas tents from the Army-Navy Surplus are the "in" thing) and the "futuristic" shotguns and PDA's. The sets are at best unimaginative, with some blinking lights and utilizing leftover pieces from a Packard Bell closeout sale. Anyway, people get butchered but, you're laughing so hard you hardly notice. The "aliens" attacking the lackluster, talentless cast are bears (Kodiak, Grizzly, who cares?) because I guess to save a buck, the new planet, 20,000 light years from earth, is almost its exact duplicate, except with less of a budget and more maiming and screaming.

Well, enough said... Skip this before (2) hours of your life are wasted in a fruitless endeavor.
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Welcome to the planet "Alaska"
cyberia2312 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this bomb on the Sci-Fi channel, and what we have here is yet another Sci-Fi produced movie made with a $20 budget. Sometime around 2040, a cast of no-talent actors goes to a distant planet. They're hope is to find a new home to save the human race since Earth is too polluted to support life. Instead of a spaceship, they are teleported there with a "super transporter" able to span the stars. When they get there, they find a beautiful forest world that looks like Alaska, or Alberta (since everything is filmed in Canada nowadays) and claim it a paradise ready for the human race to colonize. Suddenly, members of the team start dropping off like flies! Something grabs them and tears them to pieces one by one. This unseen threat soon makes itself shown, and no it's not some CGI alien beast but none other than Grizzly Bears! Mutated Grizzly Bears! Supposedly, they are smart Grizzly Bears and not "mindless killing machines" as Stephen Colbert would say. Anyway, as the number of humans drops to an all time low they suspect one of them has double-crossed the rest. He discovered a well of green slime in a cave that cures all disease and even regenerates lost limbs! The traitor then tries to make it back to Earth to get rich off this stuff, and leave his buddies behind on the "Savage Planet" to become bear food. That in a nutshell is the premise behind this god awful waste of film.
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How sad.
ConservativeCat23 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The first night it played, I remember, I wasn't really paying attention to it. All I really remember is looking by on the TV screen to see some 2D bear cheaply pasted on a 3D landscape, with some humans acting stupid. The bear seemed to be walking, but never got any closer. Boom, it switches to a view of the bear from the front, which reminded me of the Colbert Report. After I criticized my parents for watching something a four year old with a .gif and paint could do, I did the impossible: I watched it. The plot didn't make a whole lot of sense... Basically, some people are sent off to find a new planet for the humans to inhabit (and ruin.) Like any Sci-Fi movie, there are plenty of Red shirt characters. For those of you who don't know, a red shirt is a character who is made to die. This was created (or popularized, I'm not sure) by Star Trek. Basically, characters in a red uniform would be beamed down to a hostile planet to bed killed. And, much like Sci-Fi, there is a seemingly endless number of these idiots.

The acting is unimpressive, first off. There are a few okay acting performances, but it's pretty horrible to begin with. With all the... well, problems in the script, there wasn't much they could do to keep the project afloat. The characters are one dimensional and stereotypical. Not only that, their concepts are as flimsy as their logic and actions. Example, in one scene (the one I described above) this old guy aims a gun, but doesn't fire, despite being egged on by his fellows. I think it was because he didn't want to shoot the girl, but I'm not sure. And besides, the bear was moving a pixel and hour, it's not much of a moving target. Come to think of it, it's kind of like the plot: a thin premise to have bears eat people.

The bears are comical in their own right. The 'actors' never actually share the screen with them. Oh, I take that back. There is one part where a cheap looking paw appears from the bottom of the screen, like a first person shooter and swipes at some guy, which causes guts and blood to be pasted over him, in another disgracefully cheap manner. The bears also all look the same, and act the same. From the front, it's the same. I would estimate there's about 5-10 bear clips used and reused for all the bear encounters, including one funny death picture of the bear laying on it's back, paws up. Oh, and these bears are super smart. All of this for some stupid goo that regenerates limbs. Once again, this looks ridiculous. This movie is so laughably bad, that any lover of poor quality 'films' will enjoy it. Thus, I give it an 8/10, with some major brownie points for cut'n'paste graphics that can only be described as 'MS Paint' quality. However, for the majority of movie watchers, this film is crap, and rightly deserves a 2/10.

It also has a sad ending, which insulted me. You know what made it sad?


The characters survive to procreate.
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if you loved the creeping terror, this is a movie for you-and only you.
barbseller0513 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, let's all admit that the Saturday night movies on Sci-Fi are pretty bad. But sometimes bad is good, and this is one of those times. We start off with explorers on a strange planet, see an arm hacked off, see it grow back, see a bear.

Back to earth-it's unlivable, all of the current doom forecasts realized. You can't breathe without an air mask, riots in third world countries, and the whole earth apparently under the thumb of the major corporations. The largest of these funds a second expedition to this strange planet to gather oxygen. There's lots of science talk, a basic introduction to the characters, only two actors whom I recognized, and we're off.

After arriving on the planet, and one unfortunate mishap, they are off only to be picked off one by one by genetically mutated bears ?? who, sometimes can be shot and killed, and sometimes not. At one point they appeared to be on a treadmill, always coming toward them, but never getting any closer.

There is the usual good idea to stay together as the people getting picked off are generally alone. So the hero tells everyone the in order to survive "we have to stick together"-then he promptly tell one of them to go off and gather firewood. Well, we know who's next, don't we.

The only truly poignant scene is the one where pretty female doctor and manly soldier are starting to fall in love. She falls down a hill, suffers internal damage and is laying unconscious, blood fairly flowing from her lips. At this point he smiles down at her and says "you still owe me a dinner".

I say keep'em coming Sci Fi channel. And thanks for a good time.
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Yet another unimaginative monsters-chase-humans flick created for the SciFi Channel.
schneiderdick12 August 2006
Yet another unimaginative monsters-chase-humans flick created for the SciFi Channel. I won't reveal the monster for fear you might laugh yourself into a coma. A scientific team with soldiers teleports to a far off planet (a la Stargate) to find a plant that will produce enough oxygen to save Earth, which is choking on its own pollution. The gear everyone carries looks like toys and the canvas tents and cots don't seem very futuristic. Things go wrong, the team is stranded, and the monsters pick them off as they make their way to the back-up teleporter device. Every so often the Director of Photography shakes the camera to tell us the planet is unstable. In between the "excitement" we're treated to some fairly lame interpersonal dialogue. Sean Patrick Flanery makes the best of the dreadful script. The special effects are about as cheesy as you can get. Otherwise, it's a great romp.
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Oh for the love of all that is holy....
danceecstacy12 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Whoever is responsible for this tripe should be stranded on the "savage planet" for the rest of eternity with only a portable DVD player and a copy of this movie and forced to watch it with one of those explosive necklaces from "Running Man" strapped around their necks and programmed to explode if they ever stop watching the film. Although, if I had had one of the necklaces on I might have just let it detonate, just to put me out of my misery.

What the f*** is SciFi Channel thinking? Why do they keep making these crappy films. This movie wasn't even "funny bad." It was just bad, unintelligent, unnecessarily violent (and I loves me some gratuitous violence, if the rest of the movie is well made). The soundtrack was terrible, the script was laughable, the cinematographer must have been legally blind. And fer feck's sake...supersmart, genetically superior CAVEBEARS!?!?!? That's your super predator that you have threatening our intrepid band of explorers on this planet 20,000 light years from Earth?!?! SciFi has gone beyond insulting our intelligence...they are raping it and asking us to pay for the privilege.
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IT'S A TRAP! More aptly named "Bear Attack: Woods of Doom"
captainsivrat12 August 2006
A guy gets his hand cut off and falls down a hole into some goo and his arm regenerates in a really silly looking way. Then a bear murders him. This all happens in the first five minutes or so of movie, so i wouldn't really consider it to be a spoiler. As for the way that his hand grows back, lets just say it looks bad. And I mean, worse CGI than the cut scenes for the PC game Fallout, which came out in '97. Anyway I would honestly have to say that "Sabertooth" was a better movie.

Just think about that statement. If Sabertooth is better than your movie, WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT YOUR MOVIE?

I gave this movie a 3 because it had SOME funny parts, and i have certainly seen far worse, but they actually tried to give it a happy ending, which would lead me to believe that they were actually being serious about it. Actually being serious about a movie that is worse than Sabertooth? Big no-no.

Definitely watch this movie if you like seeing the same shot of a bear's face over and over again with people screaming in between zooming in and hardly any science fiction other than as a poorly designed plot device to put the main characters in an isolated environment with bears.
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Had Promise, Gets Stupid Fast
alamais13 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Watched it against my better judgment (ads for it looked stupid).

Plot overview: earth is dying, big, bad corp finds a way to travel to another planet. In some way this is supposed to save people, I don't know, there was some gibberish about a super-plant that makes oxygen, but I think the writers got confused here because the statements were vague and contradictory. A small team is teleported to the planet, and then stranded there, hilarity ensues (heh, I wish).

I'll admit, the first 20 minutes or so seemed a little above average for a "SciFi Original", but it very quickly deteriorated.

The special effects for some of the deaths were badly integrated (no real effort to match lighting...come on people), and physically unrealistic. The acting was okay at times, but the actions of a lot of the characters were illogical to say the least. The logic-free technobabble was actually worse than any Star Trek, amazingly.


Also: giant bears? Whose idea was that? And then O Noez! Earthquakes!! The planet is going to implode!!! Meh.

Clichés: character classes, evil CEO...hell, the whole movie.

And what's up with the death of the doctor? "Don't shoot, you'll hit her"? Sorry, but I'd rather get shot than eaten alive by a bear. And then nobody goes after her anyway. What? I thought they liked her? With friends like those...

But hey, it has a happy ending! Yaie!...

3/10, maybe more if watched with friends while drunk.
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SPACE BEARS in space
mansamusa2523 August 2006
This movie is truly awful, terrible acting, a terrible plot and terrible special effects. But I'm giving it 10 stars because it has SPACE BEARS. Yeah, that's right, bears in space. And its got lots of decapitations, because, apparently, the only way a space bear knows how to kill someone is by chopping of his head. And you can totally tell that the decapitation is real, its not like they've got a terrible CGI wound and CGI blood squirting into the air. The plot has something to do with getting air from a planet, but I couldn't really follow it because the movie has SPACE BEARS. Isn't Sci Fi supposed to be about delving the depths of your mind to create new creatures who have never seen the light of day, truly exorcising your imagination. And when I think Sci Fi, the first thing that pops into my mind is SPACE BEARS. For about 3 days after I saw this movie I went around shouting SPACE BEARS. Yeah, its that bad.
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Would've been fine with an imposing villain
kannibalcorpsegrinder20 November 2015
Using a deep-space teleportation project, a mercenary team lands on a distant planet hoping to continue the human race instead find the planet home to prehistoric bears and must try to find a way back to Earth before the team is wiped out.

There was some decent stuff to it when it tried. One of the better features here is that there's a modicum of suspense in here from two main tactics used throughout here in the growls and roars as well as the bear's eye-view to denote their appearance on the planet. The use of the growls and snorting from off in the distance is actually well-done, as there's a couple variations, from the close-up behind the veil of the forest a couple feet away with the thunderous footfalls and whacking bushes which gets a few good moments while the bear's POV is always watching them close-by but at a rather hidden angle. This makes it all pretty creepy and gives the first half a mildly chilling air that contrasts nicely with the atmosphere found in the fresh open planet. Another big plus is that there's also a really nice couple of attacks in here, since the preferred hunting method is to attack an individual when isolated, and oftentimes they sneak up and do the damage when there's someone isolated. The encounters with the bears also work quite well, as the first one is actually pretty decent and actually has something worthwhile about it, just like the numerous hunting and stalking throughout the hillside or the last one in the caves, which is the film's best point. The last plus in here is the bloody, gruesome deaths in here which are enough to hold off the couple of problems to this one. The biggest issue here with this one is that like nearly all of the Sci- Fi Channel films, there's an abundance of absolutely atrocious CGI on display which is oddly utilized for the gore as they're terrible-styled images that are not realistic-looking at all. They're easily-spotted as being done in this manner, which really reduces their effectiveness significantly, though shockingly isn't used on the bears even they are also pretty problematic. Since the film decides to use real bears for most of the attack scenes, then it switches to the CGI violence of it afterward, there's no interaction between the bears and the victims so the attacks in here are very short and over so quickly it's hard to get anything out of them. The last drawback is that it takes a long time to get going since this one has a lot of drama with the research team and it makes the film a tad slow-going in the beginning. These here are the film's biggest problems even though there's some good points here.

Rated R: Graphic Violence and Language.
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Should be called Bear Planet
gentihawk12 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the acting, and the very pretty ladies...:) But the plot, and the actors "supposedly" being prior military are very, very disappointing. I just don't see how you can take years of military training, experience, and common sense and throw it all away on a woman you just met, and it happens to 2 of the "Elite" fighting men. It also shows bears running around, and for some reason, we just cant see them, or, gosh, freeze up, twist an ankle, or fall down and get eaten. Please...people wander off by themselves, cannot seem to handle the "weapons"....(which by the way are a 20th century combat shotgun, a rifle with a scope, a six shooter pistol, and a sub machine gun pistol) And darn it if the "New laser rifle", malfunctions as they get to the planet...darn..( a sci-fi cheap way of keeping costs down, they must still be sending most of the money to SG-1..hmmm..) I would skip this one. Just my opinion.
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Beyond bad
sbougerolle14 January 2009
Calling this abomination bad doesn't do it justice. It's beyond bad, it's downright Ed Wood. Action scenes which look like they were filmed by some kid with a handycam in his back yard. Horrible junky props. Special effects which are so incredibly awful you laugh out loud at them.

I gave it a two, and it only scored that high because they at least managed to find a good-looking cast, and the first one to die wasn't who I expected.

If (like me) you don't mind watching the occasional garbage movie just to see how bad things can get, this is worth a view. Everybody else should run away.
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Even among truly awful movies, this was truly AWFUL
Evac15621 August 2006
We all know that a movie billed as a "SciFi Channel Original" is pretty much guaranteed to be terrible. But in a galaxy of terrible movies, this is about the worst I have seen. Worse than "The Bone Snatcher." Even worse than "Dog Soldiers." When I saw the ads for it, I thought it looked like it might be along the lines of "The Legacy of Heorot," an excellent Larry Niven sci-fi action adventure novel. Not even remotely like it, unfortunately.

Let's put it this way: No story. No acting. No production values. Not even any interesting action sequences. The only, and I must emphasize ONLY, thing that raises this from a 1 to a 2 is that Reagan Pasternak ("Allison") looks rather nice in a few scenes.

Hey, I knew it would be bad going in...but no way did I ever expect anything this bad.
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The Worst crap the Sci-Fi Channel has ever served us
ApolloBoy10914 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This film gives new meaning to z-grade budget -- we'll call it minus zero. By far the worst movie on every conceivable level I have ever seen (that's saying a lot). There is not one shred of entertainment in this film. Why? Let's begin, this two set movie (the lab and cave) was mostly filmed-on-location in the woods with no cinematography. The story line is at the bottom of the toxic waste heap. In a nutshell: Future Earth is filled with pollution and an Evil corporate giant creates a stargate-like teleportal to a planet supposedly recreated with Earth atmosphere. But this is all a lie. There is another reason the resident bad guy wants this unstable planet and it so truly stupid that I can't mention it here for fear it will kill off brain cells. But here's the most brain-defying element of the film: Killer bears with advanced mind power who mindlessly roam the woods stalking and killing our scientific characters without rhyme or reason. In fact the killer bear shots are without doubt left over footage from a National Geographic Bear special -- I'm almost sure of that -- as you never see a bear with a character. Lastly, they don't even look dangerous, in fact, they look like they are merely performing circus stunts. All the special effects are darn-near cartoonish in quality. And now the question we all want to know, Why in the name of God was Sean Patrick Flanery in this dreck of a film. You could see him cringe at the stupid lines he had to say, he tries his best but he receives no support from his supporting cast of acting rejects, no support from the director (may he never work again) or the writers, well, rumor has it the script was written by 12 monkeys locked in a room with a typewriter. In short, not even so bad it's funny bad -- just plain bad.
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Why keep trying?
evilcecil13 August 2006
Sci Fi takes it to a new low with a promising premise and low budget production values. It is sad what they have done, and if you choose to see this movie, you will know exactly where all the money went! Check out the fascinating 'moonwalking' 'monsters'. I can't believe I dvr'd it! The fact that the first comment covers almost everything I noticed about this film makes it difficult to actually write 10 lines of comment on this travesity. This movie could have been a dozen different movies, with only the initial premise and settings being changed. If you want to have a worse movie viewing experience I suggest you watch the Sci-Fi Movie 'Leeches', or the Wolves of Wall Street. I gave this a 2 out of 10 because a 1 is being reserved for something truly vile and unrelenting. My wife said 'why did you bother?'. I only wish I knew.
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Well, it's 3% better than your average Sci-Fi original.
gtc8324 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers

In the future, the Earth is polluted and a small team of explorers are teleported to the planet "Oxygen" in hopes that it may someday be our new home. While there, one guy's hand gets chopped off and he just happens to fall into some green fluid which causes his hand to immediately grow back.

Skip ahead a few months; Another team is being readied to go to this planet. We spend about half an hour getting to know these characters. It quickly becomes obvious that this is one of those movies where the "bad" characters are at least somewhat sympathetic, while the "good" characters aren't likable at all. Our lead female is whiny, politically correct, and a snob. Eventually they teleport to this planet, and are attacked by bears. The Sci-Fi Channel advertised this movie as if there was going to be some terrifying alien predator on this planet - we get bears. Our lead male "good" character immediately decides to abandon the mission and run home. Lucky these guys weren't on the Mayflower or Columbus wouldn't have made it out of the harbor. So, the "good" guy threatens to kill the only person who knows how to run the teleportation device because he suspects that he's lying about something, and the "bad" guy takes off and leaves them. Brilliant move "good" guy. They go marching through the woods towards the other teleportation pod, getting attacked by bears every few minutes. They load down one guy with a backpack as big as a Volkswagen, then threaten to leave him to be eaten if he falls behind. He falls behind and gets eaten. Then our "good" guy gets knocked unconscious and they pick him up and carry him to safety. Just a little bit of a double standard there, ya think? Anyhow, they get to the teleporter but the company president wants to stay and get a sample of the green goop that can make severed hands grow back. Eventually this guy goes to a cave and he runs into a wall, which causes his head to fly off. Let me repeat that: He runs face first into a stone wall and his head pops off. It's almost as good as the scene where they hide behind a rock and then notice that it's not a rock - it's a bear! Uh...yeah. Okay.

So in the end, even though our two "good" characters wanted to quit the mission at the first sign of trouble, and criticized and maligned everyone who wanted to continue, they're perfectly happy to take all the credit for the discovery of the green goop, along with all the profits of course. It's truly heartwarming.
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It's so bad, it's funny!
RAF__213 August 2006
I can't even go for a three! SciFi should be ashamed. This one's a stinker! Not just the effects (non-existant except for the deep space teleporter), but the acting (pitiful). May it never darken your TV set! 10 lines of comments, huh? Hmmm, well, the lead character, Cain, is the guy from The Dead Zone who Johnny Smith sees will cause a nuclear destruction of Washington, Greg Stilson. His acting skills were perhaps the best of the rest of the team, but that is really not saying anything! The opening scene of the LSD camera work while two people were swinging machetes was so predictable, it was ridiculous! "Gee, I didn't see you walking in front of me when I cut your hand off!" Sheesh! Well, that's 10 lines, about 8 lines too many! ;-)
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ctomvelu-120 June 2009
I have watched large portions of this movie twice now, and am puzzling over what the purpose of it was. I mainly watched it because Lou D. Philips is listed in the cast, but as far as I could tell, he was nowhere to be found in it. Did I miss something? Otherwise, it has the world's worst cast of generic actors imaginable fighting big bears on a remote planet. Horrible. At one point early on, a woman runs away from one of these big bears and the folks back at camp stand and listen to her scream for help. Suddenly. her head comes rolling into the camp, right up to their feet. But the gal was supposedly quite a distance from camp by then, so all I can think is that bear must have one hell of an arm. I didn't even have to look to know this was a Canadian job. Everybody is doggoned serious. If it were a Hollywood hack job, it would at least be campy.
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Our generations Citizen Cain
joshdasilva2 May 2019
This movie is awesome! Every shot, every casting, editing is ahead of it's time. Similar to Citizen Cain in it's day people did not fully understand depth. Enjoy the artistic mastery that is Savage Planet!!
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They must have money to burn
alicespiral22 November 2008
Yet another Sci Fi movie where anything can happen and does.You want to travel to a planet millions of light years away? Easy-just get yourself a teleporter like you saw in The Fly fill the movie with technical jargon which makes no sense to the layman and you are half way there.On Planet Oxygen. The people selected to go there are actually the 2nd to make the trip-the first lot never came back. They go one at a time by standing on a sort of platform inside the teleporter and a couple of seconds later are on the planet-which in this case is like the Garden of Eden. The last person to arrive turns into mincemeat as the idea of the Fly makes it presence felt-seems there was a "glitch" caused inside the teleporter caused by a foreign object-maybe it was a fly! First thing you wonder as you watch this codswallop is what are they eating but they haven't been there 5 minutes before they start killing! I mean harmless friendly looking bears who only wanted stroking. However it probably solved the food problem as they were seen cooking. Nice touch there-a clean planet with no smoke is already being polluted! And so it goes on-the sound of bullets the discovery of a skull-that of the first visitor- and all in all a pretty unsatisfactory ending where you hoped the bears would surround them and kill them all off. And that was it
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Easily the Worst I have seen
papadea195324 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Like others who have commented on this demented attempt at entertainment, I too was lured into watching by the promising advertisements Sci Fi put out before airing. Like the others, as well, I was sorely disappointed by everything in it. Flannery was the only saving grace, except for the hot blonde, and the director should absolutely be shot without trial and/or left on the planet as suggested by another patriot of good Sci Fi.

I too thought (what WAS I thinking!) that the "super predator" would be some "Alien/Predator" hybrid that would defy all imagining and show us another concept of extraterrestrial life. BUT A FRIGGING GRIZZLY!!! Come on Sci Fi, I have seen you do better (sometimes) and I know you guys have more than $250 US dollars in your pockets (for the bear rental) to get better computer programmers to come up with SOMETHING better than those stupid CGI's that were embarrassingly childish. Hell, my 12-year-old niece can do better than you did. You need to fire everyone who worked on that farce from the director to the best boy. No one deserves to watch that trash. The ONLY reason I watched the whole boring thing was that I had already invested 30 minutes of my time and figured I'd see how it ended. Predictably.

Your new series "Eureka".... Now THAT's what I'm talking about, humor, entertainment, and something different. If you can find the people to make THAT one up for a season, you can find someone who can make a two hour movie that is at least somewhat entertaining.
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Crappy Planet
TheLittleSongbird29 August 2012
Even for SyFy, Savage Planet was a pile of rubbish that is only good for some unintentional laughter from how awful everything is. For starters, it looks incredibly cheap, you can really tell that the gore is fake and the alien bears(or whatever they are) look terrible and have no sense of threat at all. The camera angles are editing are also very choppy. Again the music is sluggishly paced and generic, not doing anything to add to any atmosphere. The script is cheesy and stilted, in particular "you still owe me a dinner" completely ruins the one scene that could have evoked poignancy, while the story, not helped by the unoriginal and ridiculous concept, is dully paced and predictably told with no atmosphere, no suspense and no real sense of horror. In fact, very little interesting or of note happens. The attack scenes are far too brief, and the cheap production values really hurt them as well. The characters are stereotypical and none of them have any likability. while the acting consists of bored looking actors who can't do anything with what they're given and don't want to be there. What was Sean Patrick Flanery doing here, was he short of cash or something? Overall, a terrible movie that makes you question what the point of it was. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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So bad it's funny
Leofwine_draca13 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I treated SAVAGE PLANET as a comedy and thought that it was a hoot. It's a story about a bunch of characters exploring an alien planet and getting killed in various grisly ways by the wildlife there. This being a TV movie made by the Sci Fi Channel, it's full of the usual stock characters, wooden acting, and laughable CGI effects, the latter taking the form of gore effects so cheesy, so unrealistic, that they have to be seen to be believed. Of course, you can't take this seriously at all, but as an unintentional comedy it works a treat.
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