1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture (2022) Poster

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1946: The Documentary That Misses The Point
ozjosh20 December 2023
Sure: "1946" is a worthwhile and enlightening documentary about how Christians came to be weirdly obsessed with homosexuality. The problem is that it's made by the wrong people. The film is the work of a small band of extremely well-meaning believers who, like many others, have been hurt and damaged by being rejected, demonised and persecuted by the church. So they set out to prove that those who have wielded the bible as a weapon against homos have been erroneously acting on a couple of ham-fisted mistranslations. The case they make is entirely persuasive, and not hugely surprising. Their first mistake is believing that it will make any difference, when clearly the church isn't about to give up any of its most dearly held prejudices. Their second and rather more tragic mistake is not seeing the bigger picture. There's much earnest discussion about the need to see the bible as a reflection of the times in which it was written, especially in relation to women, marriage and patriarchy, etc. But nobody goes that step further and suggests examining the promotion of a deity in the context of patriarchal power structures of the day. The real question is why anyone would want to be accepted by a hopelessly outmoded, irretrievably patriarchal, deeply judgemental and monumentally twisted organisation like the church, which has only ever existed to oppress and control. Still, well done to those who did the valuable detective work. Now how about applying the same intellectual rigour to the rest of the bible.
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Well made educational doc that is hope filled, not retaliating
downthehobbitholeblog15 November 2022
1946 was a very well made and informative documentary. It follows the stories of 3 people as they research how to be faithful to God and LGBTQ+ allies. I appreciate that the documentary specifically focused on being educational and reconciliatory over being aggressive and condemning. I'm currently working on some discussion questions but this is an excellent discussion starter. And while you won't come away knowing every single argument to the difficult Biblical passages they discuss, you will have a really good starting point. An encouraging, but also potentially triggering, watch for those who are exploring their religious and sexual identities. Personally, I've only been an ally for a few years and am struggling through my own church hurt and religious identity- and this was a hope filled watch. And it didn't have to be. I loved how they ended it. God loves you.
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Essential documentary for anyone with history around the Bible
milkcow-7125228 November 2022
I just finished this movie. It was absolutely incredible as it followed three regular people who had a storied history with the Bible discover that translations are not always accurate. Very thoughtful, engaging, and hope-filled while exposing the impact of a mistranslation that literally shifted culture, as the title demonstrates. As I finish this movie, I grieve over whole denominations, families, and universities that have split over the treatment of our LGBTQ relatives. I recommend this movie to anyone who loves the Bible, hates the Bible, or has a storied history of the Bible. It will expand your perspective. Very well done.
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Rocky is such an amazing human! And this film is incredible!
tarathomasson10 September 2023
While attending the Free Mom Hugs conference in OKC, we were able to screen this film and meet the director, Rocky. She attended the whole conference and was such a genuine/authentic and passionate person. She shared that she gave up a stable and good-paying career to purchase a bunch of film equipment herself and dive headfirst into making the 1946 movie.

Kathy was supposed to attend the conference as a keynote speaker as well, but she got sick and was unable to make it. Rocky did an incredible job as the sole representative of this film.

They are trying so hard to obtain a deal with a large streaming service to release this film. I really hope that happens soon! The mistranslation dissected in this film honestly did shift our culture. If the broader population could see this movie and reverse the mistranslation, then maybe culture would slowly shift back accordingly. Wouldn't that be a dream come true??

If a large streaming service does not release this film, then they will self-release it instead. Please consider donating on their website if you can. They are relying on fund-raising efforts and film festivals, etc. To self-fund for now.
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Best documentary I've seen in a long time!!
hdschubert23 January 2023
This documentary was so well made. It was very intentional to back up its claims with well founded research. I also really liked how they didn't hide the counter points and how a mother and father can still coexist even if they have completely different view points. It was amazing the people they were able to find and interview. As well as poke holes in what most Christian's would view as a "non-debatable" fact that the Bible denounces homosexuality. This documentary was so good and so helpful for someone like me, a gay Christian. It was great to buy extra tickets for my parents and family members who disagree with the idea of a gay Christian. Though I'm not sure they were fully convinced, the important thing was it got them truly thinking critically on the topic. Highly recommend!
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Queer Daughter of Baptist Pastor
cgeeze12 December 2023
This documentary thought provokingly challenges us to think critically and discover the history behind the mistranslated Bible passages. So much of my life I've felt ashamed of who God made me to be and who I love. While I've deconstructed my faith over the years in so many ways, I still love God, but conflicted. I've always been so hurt by those passages in the Bible. This documentary puts into light the human error in the contemporary translations that have shunned so many LGBTQIA+ people from the church. If anything, this documentary reaffirmed my relationship with God. Through watching this, I've started exploring different aspects of faith. I ask questions and think more critically.
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Changing lives
brentduncan7710 December 2023
This movie was so well done and the pill it offers may be hard for deeply religious people to swallow. It brings hope to many families who have ostracized children cousins, uncles and others because of this manipulation of the book that so many follow. I believe that this movie should be screened around the world. The specific use of words has always held a powerful magic in our history as humans. This movie shows the heart and spirit of the bigger story, the story of real people and real deeds. But most of all, it defeats the power play that has been shouted from many pulpits and ruined many lives. May the healing begin.
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The Right Idea, Wrong Delivery
DontLookBehindYou3 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The term LGBTQIA+ Christian is an oxymoron. No self-respecting queer would ever align themselves with something founded on the segregation and genocide of entire communities, not to mention the countless members of our own community who have suffered abuse from the same institution. It's hurtful and extremely damaging that the people who made this think that the problem can also be the solution. Even though this project started with the purest intentions and is filled with information everyone should know, this film loses all credibility when it quickly devolves into a gay Christian recruitment video. Why would someone go through all the trouble to expose a religious organization's exploitation of a sacred text just to use their "last word" to support and help that religious organization's cause? You can't take back something that was never meant for you, regardless of translation or who found what. What a shameful waste of an opportunity and platform.
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Anyone who reads the Bible needs this information!
michaelgbischof13 December 2023
My wife and I just had a chance to see the film last week after hearing many things about it. I have multiple theological degrees, teach at a theological seminary, and train religious leaders all around the country. I know for a fact that almost none of the hundreds of religious leaders I work with have any of the knowledge that's contained in this film. It has been well hidden from the public eye, creating an incredible amount of harm to the LGBTQ+ community. This film holds the power to influence many people toward a more loving stance toward this incredibly divisive issue. I truly hope this film makes it into broader circulation so that all can hear about a translation issue that has created deep harm to other humans.
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THE 1946 PROJECT: The Supposed Mistranslation of "Homosexual" In 1 Corinthians 6:9
edandrews-750887 February 2024
The claim is that in 1946, theology, history, culture, and politics led to a biblical mistranslation of catastrophic proportions. Supposedly the 1946 movie is a revolutionary documentary that chronicles how the misuse of a single word in 1 Corinthians 6:9 changed the course of modern history. The 1946 Movie says that their research was "a journey which unveils the mystery of how theology, history, culture, and politics led to a Biblical mistranslation, the man who tried to stop it, and the impassioned academic crusade of the LGBTQIA+ Christian community-driven to discover the truth. More than 45,000 churches today still preach that homosexuality is a sin, citing biblical references that condemn "homosexuals." 1946 Movie asks, 'What would change if churches discovered the truth - the word "homosexual" was added to the Bible in 1946 by mistake?' Was it added by mistake? Andrews, author of 170+ books in THE 1946 PROJECT, will investigate this claim and see if the filmmakers discovered the truth or created their own truth.


THE 1946 PROJECT: The Supposed Mistranslation of "Homosexual" In 1 Corinthians 6:9.
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Important Movie
ChrisVautour10 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Such an important movie with a personal message of love between a father and daughter on both sides of the "argument". Where did the Anti-Gay Movement start and how convenient it was it that a mis-translation was never corrected from the middle of the 20th century onward - exactly when these kind of sentiments have had real dangerous consequences to a group of people - a lot of them also Christians.

I'm particularly struck by the filmmakers history growing up as an evangelical pastors daughter and how even after she is cast out and left on her own to sort her own path as a Christian, that she so graciously actually loves her father despite his harsh choices.

Please see this movie to learn about a critical historical point in time that informed an attitude that has been untrue, unfair and damaging to faith and humanity.
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This film changes everything
zach-lambert23 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A Greek word from 1 Corinthians 6 wasn't translated as "homosexual" until 1946. Before that, the word didn't appear in any translation anywhere. This film explores why and asks the question: did a translation error cause homophobia to run rampant in the church? The answer proven by this documentary and corroborated by biblical scholars is a resounding YES. Rocky, Kathy, Ed, and others do the hard work of original research to help us all understand why this translation error occurred, how the error was acknowledged and correct by the translation committee, and how, in the 25 years between error and correction, this mistranslation changed everything. This is a must-watch film!
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Watched Virtually from DOC NYC Film Festival
stagelight5023 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
1946 is an amazing documentary which talks about the mistranslation of homosexuality in the Bible.

It shows both sides of the story through the eyes of the Director and her father. It follows two who find the mistranslation from a young theology student who wrote to the translation team about the mistranslation he found.

No matter what side of the discussion you are on, it is a must see film for everyone.

As someone who is a huge ally for the LGBTQIA Community and has only read kindness in God's Word, this film will make you think, and hopefully you will leave the theater smiling from ear to ear knowing that homosexuality was never meant to be in the Bible.
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Fascinating, balanced and inspiring
jrcanty23 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Rocky does a great job of being both educational and heartfelt with this very difficult subject. It is by no means hateful even though it easily could be for how much damage this mistranslation has caused for the LGBTQ+ community. She clearly shows the love of Christ in her approach.

The movie not only addresses the mistranslation of the Greek word arsenakoitai in 1 Cor 6:9 as homosexuals but also dives into other "clobber" passages. She brings in New and Old Testament scholars who explain the difficulties in translation very well. I particularly enjoyed seeing her real interactions with her father as he is an outspoken advocate against LGBTQ+ rights. Seeing how she handled that difficult relationship with grace and love with inspiring.
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Most important film of the century
evcollege23 January 2023
I think this is one of the most important films I've ever seen. Spreading the knowledge of how these harmfully inadequate interpretations ended up in this ancient text I think is extremely important for the queer+ community. Growing up being told who I was is "wrong" or that an experience with the divine was impossible because of fundamental aspect of myself was very damaging to me and many others in my community. The lives lost or wasted as a result of this harmful theology can never fully be put right, but sharing this information with others is a huge first step in correcting these toxic ideas so they aren't perpetuated to future generations. Only by being made aware and learning from past mistakes can we work towards repairing some of the damage done and creating a better life for everyone. It starts with winsomely sharing this with people and lovingly challenging harmful ideas. I'm hoping for wide distribution to be available soon!
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The Church is Ready for a Change
fefeeley41224 January 2023
You'd have to have your head in the sand to not have seen, lately, that the church is in tumult. From the Catholic Church and their sex scandals, deep inside of Protestantism with The Methodist Church, and through Evangelical Circles, the upheaval is live, and the world is watching it on Prime-Time Television.

This is especially true for the Evangelical church(es) as, for the first time since their arrival into the realm of Christendom - especially in America 150 years ago or so, they find themselves on the receiving end of scrutiny and public opinion.

What's one of the issues causing tremors? Gay folk. Or rather, LGBTQIA folk.

Over the course of several years, other documentaries have come out speaking about the effects of homophobia in the church. While those have been great films, what sets 1946 apart is their approach. The set out to not just talk about cause and effect of homophobia on folks who grew up in religion but to tackle an issue that has far more reaching implications beyond human sexuality. The error of Biblical Literalism.

Through the use of theologians, scholars, historians, and linguists, the "clobber" passages are opened up and examined thoroughly, carefully, even lovingly, amidst the backdrop of personal stories of the researchers who came to do the work.

1946 is a powerful film that is healing to those who've been hurt by bad theology in regard to human sexuality, a beacon of hope to the next generation of children coming up and asking themselves about God and what it means to be a human being, and a warning - a clear sign of the times- that this thing we call the Bible doesn't belong to any specific group or hierarchy. And it certainly doesn't belong to the powers that be inside these organizations to be used as a bludgeon.

This is a message Luther tried to make clear 500 years ago that, for whatever reason, needs to be reexplained.

I think 1946 is simply the beginning.
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Best Doc of the Year
timdonderevo11 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This would be an important movie if it was merely a document of the infamous historical moment that it describes; the mistranslation of the Bible in 1946 to include (for the first time) the term "homosexual". The story of the scholars who made the unfortunate mistranslation, and the researchers who uncovered the blunder is covered as well as one would hope from a history documentary. However, it is the secondary aspect of the documentary that is so compelling, namely the stories of homosexual christians who discuss squaring their devotion to faiths that exclude their sexuality. The Movie's director, Sharon Roggio shares her own version of this story, appearing alongside her father; a minister who preaches against homosexuality. Sharon's incredible ability to survive in this juxtaposition is a singular example of compassionate cognitive dissonance. Relating to her situation is challenging for a white sis male viewer like me, who has zero experience living in a culture that rejects me - and that's what gives this doc a second level of fascination. And yet, despite the director's compelling culture war story, she has the grace to allow the other contributors' moving stories eclipse her own. Important subject, excellent production, essential viewing.
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excellent! Knowledge that should be high school requirement.
GreatGrannyFreebird11 December 2023
This changes everything, humbly showing both sides, without compromising my faith. I understand and receive these facts. It's pretty simple stuff. I'm so glad I didn't turn my straight heart away from this life-changing information. Even as a boomer, I can grow.

I'm adding more words here only because it is required... I am a great grandmother, raised Christian but didn't get serious about my relationship with God until I was 37. Since then I have studied the Bible a lot. I disagreed with the rejection of loving, gay, citizens from my large Baptist Church. But I deeply regret sitting quietly, appearing to agree with that stoic, hateful mindset. Seeing this film, receiving these beautifully presented facts, how could anyone ignore that the Bible was wrongfully altered in 1946. This is a must watch! I've seen it twice now and believe this should be a requirement in high school. Yes, to graduate and move forward. It is that essential!

Let us no longer be minions and just flow with a text that was altered AFTER our country was founded. It is for liberty Christ came to set us free.

This film has empowered me to rightly educate my children, grandchildren, and now great grandchildren.
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A Must Watch!
ajarboe-0235911 December 2023
This film should be seen by all. This film begins to shed light on the wrong that was done in 1946, that has led to the weaponization of scripture against an entire population. The translation committee corrected itself so should the rest of the Christian world. David's brave act to write to the translation committee should be widely known. Please help keep the story of 1946 out there to right the wrong!

Rocky gives voice to those working to make things different in the church. She has found a way through with her father, the church should be willing to do the same. The example Rocky and Kathy set, of honest, hard conversation and research needs to be seen.
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A compelling, academic and can't miss documentary
alejandrojugarte23 January 2023
I have now watched 1946 several times, and each time I am just as sucked into the screen and drawn into it as the 1st time. 1946 does a great job at not only presenting the case, but also telling the journey of several individuals. This is a film that anybody that has and or has had an interest or been influenced by the Bible should watch. Although the film does not address all the other points that usually accompany what it focuses on, it does a great job on looking into the main concern it addresses, lifting the weight for a lighter review of the rest. I hope it becomes available to a wider audience soon.
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Hope amidst the pain
deepcitylights23 January 2023
I can't fully say the impact this had on me as an LGBTQ person who left the church. The message is necessary but beyond that, this doc is incredibly well made. I saw it virtually via DOC NYC. Rocky guides the storyline with hope and compassion, despite the global pain left in the wake of this mistranslation. We see the quiet humanity of these individuals as they search, and the nuances of Rocky's relationship with her father add to the depth. It progresses to an emotionally satisfying ending. The score by Mary Lambert helps it get there. I can't wait for it to be mass released so more can see it. Everyone (especially current and past Christians) should watch.
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Educational and filled with hope
thenorthkings-2079610 December 2023
I learned so much watching this documentary that I never knew-and I work in a church! Honestly, I'm pretty embarrassed given my job how little biblical history I knew.

Despite the deeply important material, I left the viewing filled with hope. I really think this is a must-view for every parent, especially if you have an LGBTQIA child.

The maker of the film has turned every stone to uncover the information shared and I so appreciated the journey.

I also enjoyed the relationships shown in the documentary, especially between Father and child. We could learn a lot from this relationship!

Definitely a must watch. Go see 1946!
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Watched as part of DocNYC
joe-8264423 January 2023
This is an excellent resource for understanding how the word homosexual found its way into the Bible. Mingled in all scholarship are the stories of the researchers, including the director's relationship with her fundamentalist father.

I found this documentary to be very fair in its presentation. It's not a hit piece, instead it present the case that the debate is far from settled. The presentation is thorough and has a story flow to it.

My only complaint is that I wanted more! It's hard not to get invested in the lives of the people that have allowed us into their worlds. I wanted to keep walking with them.

If you are queer, an ally or someone wanting to learn I cannot recommend this amazing documentary more.
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Grown man here hiding tears in theater
andytansil11 December 2023
Did not know what to expect going into this. I came from a religious household with stricter parents. The movies storyline surrounding Rocky and her father showed how conflict and different viewpoints can exist within a family and how love can still pierce through. It's tragic how many people have been isolated from family and community due to sex, race, gender, etc. But this movie shows in a powerful way how love can transcend our differences and we collectively through awareness and love can heal and come back together again. An impactful and riveting story coming from these talented producers and cast.
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THE most meaningful movie you HAVE to see!
bryann-7687810 December 2023
If you are queer, if you know someone who is, or if you grew up after 1946, you HAVE to see this movie. The documentary is a beautiful mix of personal stories along with theological research exploring how culture was shifted after one single Bible translation. Having grown up in the Bible Belt, this movie helped me align my head & my heart and set aside HUGE misconceptions. In todays political environment where personal liberties are under attack and some in state and national government (TX, TN, FL etc) are using the Bible as a poison to exclude/clobber the LGBTQ+ community, 1946 the movie is the anti-venom. A MUST SEE!
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