Painkiller (2021) Poster

(II) (2021)

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Now I know why Doctors are so afraid to help their patients in pain
lmed-2043112 August 2023
Now I know why Doctors are so afraid to help their patients in pain (after a severe infection, car accident etc) It's sad and ridiculous. Pain during infections and accidents/trauma are a part of the human experience and inhabiting a body on earth. It's unavoidable.

The fact that everyone is looked at as a possible drug seeker and drs are being so harassed is just .. unbelievable.

There will always be addicts. The parents opening each episode, clearly state there child died an addict. Not one of them, took the medication once and died or suffered a side effect that debilitated them for the rest of their life. (Like having chronic seizures after or nerve damage that lead to them being paralyzed, etc. (Which actually are potential side effects of some of the drugs on the market)

They would've died from a different substance than oxycodone, if it hypothetically was never created.

Crack and temporary pain management, so people can continue going to work and continue to enjoy life, suffer less than they need to... are not the same thing. Not the same epidemic, trend.

The move was very informative. I wish it shared how we can get those people to stop harassing drs, and the public, and treating everyone like the bad kid that acts out in school. We should not all be punished and monitored continuously.
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Not very good
mluinstra6 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm running out of stuff to watch during the pandemic so I thought I'd give this movie a go.

Guy loses his daughter to opioids prescribed by doctors and dude starts killing big pharma execs, dealers, bad doctors, etc.

It was watchable, but barely. Dude seems to shoot the "bad guys" 6 times regardless of his location, and does not worry about the cops or anything. He likes to wear this mask with an American flag on it while he kills people. Fire off 6 shots and slowly walk away. Not a care in the world.

If you have anything else to watch, do that. If you want something to run in the background while you do other stuff, this will work.
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It only holds six bullets
nogodnomasters23 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Bill's (Bill Oberst Jr) lost a daughter to opioids. He runs a podcast in Tampa where other folks call in to tell their stories. He uses that information, plus what he gets from a rogue cop and goes vigilante over dealers, doctors, and big Pharma CEOs who live in small unprotected homes. He wears a mask, but it is hard not to know it is him. Michael Paré plays a doctor who easily prescribes painkillers.

The dialogue was dry as were the shootings. Bill walks up to the guy in a mask, tells him he is bad, and then shoots him six times because that is all the bullets his gun holds. Boring like bad talk radio.

Guide: sex. No nudity. No swearing as I remember.
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Opioid crisis
BandSAboutMovies4 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Bill Johnson (Bill Oberst Jr.) has lost his daughter to an opioid overdose and while his podcast about the epidemic helps him deal with the loss, he still feels like he could do more. Perhaps something like wearing a mask and becoming a vigiilante out to violently stop the sale of pills? That seems like a plan.

Director Mark Savage - who co-wrote this with Tom Parnell* - makes a lean and mean Death Wish for today out of this movie. It's tightly edited and pulses with energy, never outstaying its welcome. Some may be put off by the heavy messaging in the movie, but it definitely believes in its subject matter. That's because Parnell lost his daughter to a opioid overdose, so you can completely understand his mindset here.

What also helps make this movie better than expectations are its stars. Michael Paré is a long-time favorite and, as always, he brings something extra to his role. And Oberst knows how to play the damaged hero quite well. This could have been simple wish fulfillment, but boh actors add a gravitas to this film that take it a step above.

*They've worked together to make the movies Purgatory Road and Stressed to Kill as well, the latter of which features Oberst's character killing people to keep his blood pressure down. Plus, it has Armand Assante in it! Painkiller was originally called Stressed to Kill: Doctor's Orders, so it is a spiritual sequel at the very least.
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B rated.
Iamnoexpert17 April 2022
The story and message are good. To prepare you for what you're going to see think "what if kirk Cameron made a movie about killing those responsible for the opiod crisis?". Or if there was a vigilante movie made by the hallmark channel. There were times where I thought perhaps this was made by those who made "Fireproof" or "the Love Dare", or maybe it's Christian based... then outcomes a heavy set drug dealer having sex with a elderly prostitute.

Overall, the plot is what you would expect from a vigilante film. The message is correct, especially for the times. I found myself 40 minutes into it and with that kind of investment I decided to see it through and it only got more predictable. You'll witness actors both simultaneously over and under act in the backdrop of what they try to make out to be a major city, but is most likely a town of 1,000 people. If you enjoy the videos they make you want during orientation of a retail job, then you're gonna love this movie. If you want a movie with a good plot and don't care how it's delivered, you're gonna love this movie. If you're looking for the next Oscar winner, you're not going to love this movie.
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One sided wimpy revenge
daviddelamancha17 October 2022
I get it, you lost someone to pills. These are the same pills that give people w debilitating pain, cancer and nerve issues somewhat of a normal life by not leaving them stuck to a bed unable to move. But the person you lost was special, way more special than the millions living a 24/7 unending nightmare. So you wanna take it out on everyone in any connected w these demon pills. Good for you. Sorry it didnt work out putting that in a movie. Just made it seem like a wimpy guy that has to hide his face and sneak up on unsuspecting people to exact his pettiness. Wouldve worked better if the movie was about the same guy becoming a counselor, helping people that cant get off opioids. But who am i, just a dude writing a small personal review about a movie that wasted my time.
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Are we really meant to take this seriously?
deadbull-9517129 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not much more to say then the title of this comment. Oberst is an interesting film presence, at least on occasion, like in Stressed to Kill, but this is not one of them. The ridiculous mask he always wears, to establish himself as some sort of all-American fantasy action anti-hero, the extremely marginal acting by everyone involved, the wearisome rag of a plot, the endless repetition of his weird martyred vigilantism. The lack of depth in character development (everyone is already fully packaged as GOOD or BAD, or in plot development, are obvious from the start, as is the low budget cinematography, which while used brilliantly by people if they happen to be brilliant, here just seems shoddy. The movie just does not go anywhere. It's just a guy in a ridiculous mask that runs around with a 6 shooter killing guys associated with moving opioids Even the shootings are silly. The weapon, except for one occasion I recall where he uses a snubby, is always a long barreled 357 magnum, or certainly appears to be such. Now that caliber , particularly with a short barrel, produces significant recoil and often a lot of muzzle flash, not to mention the distinctive sound that is very loud. Here it sounds like a cap pistol, there is zero recoil, and he always fires it double action at speeds that would often give Jerry Miculek a run for his money. The biggest disappointment, beyond the poor film-making, is Oberst himself, who can bring a lot more to the table then he does here. But then, the script , confines him like a strait-jacket. A mask does not have to be a deal breaker. Urban in Dredd never takes his off the whole movie, but it actually becomes part of his hard shelled character, or some of the Batman movies, require it as a critical plot element of internal character schism or identity threat etc. In Painkiller it is just silly.. Is there anything redeeming here? Well, I have definitely seen worse, and, for the wrong reasons, usually because you are staring in fascination at something so stupid, it has moments that really are sort of eye-bugging, reality checks, like, am I really seeing something like this actually committed to film?.....and one that purports to take itself, and the audience, seriously? A few minutes of this are entertaining for those reasons, so if you're bored enough, give it a go.
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Horrible, ignorant movie ignores books it's based on
mightyfine-5873813 August 2023
What a horrible mess.

Based on Barry Meier's book Painkiller and Patrick Keefe's Empire of pain, this movie gets just about everything wrong. Addiction. Greed. The Sacklers. How they lit the fire of the epidemic.

Worse, they throw in new peripheral characters to move the story.

This movie misses the point on how the Sacklers operated.

Matthew Broderick is wasted. He played capo Richard Sackler as a fool. He could have easily played the real guy.

My daughter's a prosecutor. I'm an addictions medical professional. Netflix, you're a disgusting mess. Not any coincidence all your show runners and directors look so much alike, is it?

They don't show a single person shooting up. WTF is this, kindergarten?

So much filler added, so many facts removed. Netflix should be required to remake this accurately.
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That's How Many Bullets The Gun Holds...
wandernn1-81-68327421 March 2022
This is a miserable dumbfest of a movie. A guy who holds the doctors responsible for his daughter ODing on whatever drug they are talking about here. Something more potent than fentanyl is what I got. And Yes, Fentanyl being used by addicts is horrible but so was this movie!!!

So dude goes around shooting CEO's and Doctors and talking about the crisis he holds a radio show to talk about. For about 90 minutes.

And the funny part is all the victims are addicts themselves and have whores for wives or girlfriends.

Just boring. 3/10.
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Don't Waste Your Time.
squarebiz-271367 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A white going around shooting randomly and upset b/c his daughter ODed, very sad indeed, but the more I watched the more furious I became. So this guy is going around killing people in Broad-Daylight and he never get's caught. I live in FL and I can bet there are some attitudes just like his him. On the flip side I guarantee a movie about a person of color going around killing law enforcement employees b/c his child was unjustifiably killed by a policeman/woman would never get greenlighted. Just my 2cents.
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Definitely a must see film!
EveM648 May 2021
As a chronic pain patient, I was a bit hesitant at first. Pain patients receive so much judgement so the last thing I wanted to see was a movie which would make me feel bad for something I cannot control. However, Painkiller tackles a real problem. The same problem that causes so many tragic deaths ironically also causes so many pain chronic pain patients to feel judged, depressed, defeated and even suicidal. Painkiller tackles the reason behind the opioid epidemic, greedy pharmaceutical companies, greedy Doctors who dishonor their Hippocratic Oath to DO NO HARM, the lack of resources for law enforcement to tackle the issue and the drug dealers.

Listening to the main character Bill as he comforts a parent who lost a child to an overdose while dealing with his own loss really broke my heart. Watching Bill take matters into his own hands to avenge his daughter's death was satisfying. What parent wouldn't do everything in their power to bring their child's killer to justice? Tom Parnell as Doctor Mac is the epitome of a great Doctor. Yet no good deed goes unpunished. Enter Michael Pare as Doctor Rhodes who not only steals Good Doctor Mac's wife but destroys his career when Doctor Mac refuses to market a drug meant to help heart patients as yet another PAINKILLER.

Supporting characters Alexander Pennecke as RIP, Kalimah Gaston as Janet Simone and Kristina Berenger as Lisa really strengthened each scene. Bill Oberst Jr and Tom Parnell really compliment each other. The action scenes were organic. This movie will touch on all of your emotions. Mark Savage, Tom Parnell and David Richardson are a creative power team. Director Mark Savage is a fearless genius. Everything about Painkiller works. I highly recommend it.
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A decent B film.
Top_Dawg_Critic8 May 2021
It's a good story, that needs to be told, and for a B film, it was told well. Sure it's predictable, but the opioid and vigilante genres haven't been crossed that much, so it was a good watch. The decent pacing and 85 min runtime made it flow nicely, even if you knew what was coming up. The cinematography and shots were great, as was the score, but the performances for the most part were lackluster, but I feel it was from director Mark Savage failing to direct his cast properly.
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It's like a 25% more graphic than a Lifetime movie
Doctor_Enigmatic21 December 2022
You take something that is very real, and then you walk around Tampa during off the off season; looking for people bored and nothing to do. You offer them a hundred bucks and a bottle of pills for their "acting performance." That's how this movie is best summed up.

You'd think someone losing someone would make someone quite hurt. I know, I'm an orphan having watched both parents died. I get more emotionally invested in old commercials than the people playing their parts. Everyone "acting" in this piece is clearly on some downers. Guess the directors didn't specify they'd have to wait and only do their hard earned reward after their scenes were wrapped. Everyone of the "actors" are glassy eyed and almost ready to fall asleep mid sentence.

It's very high and mighty because it does have the moral "high" ground. I was tricked when I bought this. The rating on here was higher then, and I didn't verify with reviews. Only put 5 on it; rather have used that for whatever they are taking.

I also love how specific they are about some things, then they go wildly vague. I'd love to know what this guy did to make his money. He wouldn't tell us, but he used the same two six shooters, and the same outfit to carry out his hits. I live for Hitman, so his sloppy way of taking people out blows my mind. Rolling thru neighborhoods and jet skiing thru lakes dressed like he got his idea from the Payday games. The dude who designed his wicked hard opiod for heart patience has a really sweet trailer. Makes me wonder if that was the directors house. It's legit the nicest looking place in the film. This includes the rich people. It's like a really classy place that Julian thought he was getting from Mr Lahey.

OK, so the dude goes to see the doctor that called into main characters podcast. The doctor knew his name, and yet, when the protagonist shows up in the doctor's office the next day, and he was clueless. I maybe high, but they are Major Tom, man.
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waste of time
maruskanizzi7 April 2024
After having watched DopeSick (Michael Keaton) and Crime of the Century, this is weak drivel. These aforementioned series really got the message home and taught you about opoid addiction. Painkiller just rides the wave of morbid interest in this subject but is watered down, the narration does not enhance the story but kills any dramatic effect. Also it is late to the table. The characters are weak at best and the storyline and plot is now old. It also strikes me as almost a subdued copy of Dopesick.

How about a follow-up ... on Mundi Pharma and Knoa Pharmaceuticals? Purdue is spreading its evil worldwide.
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holycow-640518 May 2021
Amazing movie naturally gifted actors! Real life all the way! Really shows what this world is all about! Fight the fight!
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Good movie ruined by subpar acting and unintentionally hilarious dialogue
jumbojimbooo26 July 2022
Going into the movie expecting something serious is not going to be your best bet. The story is good, but I'd recommend watching it with some buddies you can laugh at it with.
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Must See Thriller
rvrsjsph14 May 2021
Painkiller was a beautiful combination of entertainment and lessons in abuses of power. The acting was incredible as they take you along for the ride as the lead character seeks vengeance for the loss of his daughter. Great writing, great directing, great acting. I highly recommend you watch this movie.
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