Blood Night: The Legend of Mary Hatchet (2009) Poster

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Not very good - Spoilers
rex-17014 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Lets see, first 5 mins we learn about Mary. Next 50 mins is teens partying and, surprise, surprise, having sex. What is it with the black girl and the sounds she is making when in the bedroom??? Sounds like she's drinking a quart of liquid or something.......then we start some gore action, then it's basically over before it began, a bit like some of the male characters when in the bedrooms.

I popped out to the kitchen to make a brew and when i got back the gang had all moved over to the old Psycho hospital, why, well you got me there too, i dunno????? Why not jump in your cars and go to the cop shop???? Bit too easy i suppose.

And the kicker that always wrecks a good horror for me is the girls.

WHY the hell do they have to whimper loud enough for a bull to hear, they are suppose to be hiding you know, not giving away their locations!!!!!! ARRRRRGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! On review, I HATE this MOVIE and i think the producer and script writers are voyeurs who get their rocks off watching teen actors simulating sex.

The part with the Mary hatchett Tampon throwing online game is really not needed as well, that just shows the mindset of whoever wrote this movie.
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spaghetti-zed gore
RogerB-P3RV313 September 2012
parricidal Mary Mattock (Samantha Facchi) is constrained at sanatorium for much of her growing years – catatonic until one traumatic experience makes her go loony again, slaughtering the hospital staff and killed in process by police.

After 20-years, the psychotic Mary 'Hatchet' has turn into an urban legend. High-school seniors commemorate Mary's death as blood night - partying and reveling all over the town.

The night celebration will soon transforms into unbridled terror for one group of friends.

Abundant of nudity & sexy shots smooth over the dull parts before the killings starts. Nifty gore effects considering the modest budget.

Debuting writer-director Frank Sabatella has an eye for bloodletting (one victim's innards is 'spaghetti-zed') but lacks experience in other departments.
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You don't need me to tell you how inconsequential this is...
MrGKB29 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
...since if you're here reading this, you likely already know. Somehow a no-name tyro director and his backers lured Bill "Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2" Moseley and pint-sized scream queen Danielle "Halloween (2007)" Harris into heading up an otherwise equally no-name cast in an utterly uninspired direct-to-DVD slasher film. This is Sturgeon's Revelation all the way, folks, with minimal redemptive value, in one eye and out the other. Be assured, there is nothing "haunting" or in any way shocking, horrifying, or scary contained within "Blood Night..." other than the sheer banality of everything that takes place, and the lack of verve and style with which it is executed. Moseley's performance is the worst I've ever seen him do; why he accepted the role is beyond me (maybe he's just tired of playing psychos). Harris does what she can after waiting half the film to make her entrance, but there's only so much credence one can lend to a 30-year-old woman playing a college freshman (and never mind that none of the rest of the cast look like the teenagers they're supposed to be). The script is sophomoric at best, without an ounce of wit or originality, the dual-DP cinematography is competent but uninteresting, and you've seen gore fx and general mayhem like this done a thousand times before, and usually better. The stronger of the actresses (including Harris) wisely avoid nudity, the rest of the cast is undistinguished, and the less I have to say, the less you have to bother reading. You've been warned; this is boredom viewing only, fit only for indiscriminate adolescents with nothing better to do with their time, another strike against my local library's video buyer.
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Really Quite Poor
monsterofbeerness21 June 2012
The teen-horror movie has definitely been done to death, if you excuse the pun, and this is one of the poorer ones. It comes across as lazy. A movie made for the sake of making a movie. Pretty much everything about it was really quite poor: acting, dialogue, effects... yeah. Everything.

Positives, positives, positives.... well, the Graveyard Gus character was a nice reference to Crazy Ralph from Friday the 13th... apart from that, the sound effect when a girl goes down on a boy was quite amusing. I can only imagine they recorded someone angrily drinking a pint of milk and used that. Oh, and the naked dead girl had nice boobs. Please don't think that these are good reasons to watch this though, because they're not.
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rudderless snooze fest
obscurecinema26 October 2009
Just caught this at a special screening in NYC. I was excited to be a part of this very intimate show. This film had all the makings of an effective boiler-plate horror flick: Ghosts, murderous town history, sex, insane asylums... How could it possibly go wrong, right?

Well, for starters it was terminally boring and terribly executed. Amateur is a perfect adjective to describe it. There are ZERO scares or even minor cheap thrills. The direction sucked out any life this movie could have had. Danielle Harris should fire her agent.

Honestly, I really really wanted to like this movie - but it offered nothing.

The gore was awfully phony. No direct contact shots, only reactions by bored and untalented actors followed by shots of prop heads being cut in half. Again, amateur.

Ugh, and the score... I'm speechless.

I can even forgive a lot of this if only there was something, anything to grab onto. Unfortunately there was nothing of value in what seemed like the longest 90 minutes ever. Too bad.

Quick note: Where does a girl raised in an insane asylum get fake breasts? (HA!!)
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harperken806 November 2009
An honest review. As far as gore is concerned, pretty much every gag is a shot of blood spattering the wall (or something else), followed by dummy work. Often, the most basic moments misfire. There's a "door flying off the hinges" gag that is so poorly done I watched it a few times in slow motion to see if I missed something.

The performances are pretty bad. Bill Moseley is stuck reciting dialogue that Bruce Lee couldn't jiu-jitsu into something resembling human speech, and Danielle Harris seems genuinely bored to be in the picture. And we spend way too much time with the (not particularly interesting) characters. The entire second act is a trite, bloodless party scene (save for a corny flashback).

Kind of garden variety if you ask me. If you like bad movies, you may find some novelty. But it's certainly not one of the better slashers.

  • Saintthomas1985 (check out all my reviews!!!)
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The scariest movie about menstruation ever
wheeler-kevin3423 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First off the title "Blood Night" is one of the most generic titles I've ever heard for a movie. The dialogue is wretched. The plot ridiculous and full of holes. Even the actors, who play high school kids and range in age from 25-34, point out foibles at one point. I rented this from the local DVD vending machine because of Danielle Harris and Bill Moseley, and they could not save this film. Nor could the gratuitous sex scenes that went on and on. Almost for an uncomfortable amount of time. I figured out 10 mins in that Harris's character was playing Molly er Mary Hatchets daughter. My girlfriend who usually is terrified of horror movies didn't jump once. The special fx were kinda cool, but thats about it. Very bloody and a lot of gore. I couldn't figure out why Harris's character didn't clean up her period mess. That was pretty gross. Anyways it's a bad film with very few redeeming qualities. Don't waste your money. Not even a dollar.
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A drab experience
lovecraft23114 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In the last decade and the current one, a sudden resurgence of movies trying to hearken back to the gory heyday of the slasher movie have come about. Films like "Hatchet", "Midnight Movie", "Laid to Rest" and several others have done their best to bring back the Regan era slasher film, trying to create iconic killers for a new generation of fear fans. Frank Sabatella's 2009 slasher movie "Blood Night: The Legend of Mary Hatchet" (previously released independently, now being re-released by Lionsgate) is the latest of these movies, but in the process, forgets a very important aspect to these movies-make them interesting.

The movie opens promisingly, with a young Mary Hatchet (Patricia Raven) butchering her family in gory fashion before being sentenced to a mental hospital. Once she enters the hospital, he are treated to an ugly scene where an older Mary (Samantha Facchi) being raped and impregnated by an orderly, and her miscarriage leading to another slaughter, and her being gunned down. Years later, a group of really obnoxious teens (well, twenty and thirty something year old actors playing teens) celebrate "Blood Night", which commemorates the death of Mary Hatchet. Well, this turns out to be what Will Arnett's Gob character from "Arrested Development" would call "a huge mistake", because Mary comes back, and she's p!$$ed.

There really isn't much good about "Blood Night." The gore is plentiful, but the effects work is hit and miss, with some moments looking great, and others a bit rubbery and fake. The kills are also hit and miss, some of which are great (dig the spine and intestine removing scene) and others the same "decapitations and geysers of blood" we've seen in the past. The direction is pretty bad, with poor camera angles and obnoxiously flashy editing dominating much of the film. The characters are mostly annoying, as are most of the actors. It also doesn't help that a lot-and I mean a lot-of time is spent watching these stupid kids partying and having a good time, to the point that when the killer goes back to work, you'll be lucky to stay awake.

This leads to another problem I have with the movie: Mary Hatchet isn't really all that scary or interesting. Slasher movies of the past, and more recent ones like the aforementioned "Laid to Rest" remembered to give the audience slasher villains that were menacing and imposing, not to mention interesting. Mary Hatchet on the other hand, is just another vengeful specter who kills. She doesn't have any real personality, and apart from the fact that she's naked, there's nothing memorable about her.

I'll give the movie this much: it sure as hell doesn't skimp on the bloodshed, carnage and nudity, Danielle Harris does a good job in her role, and though his character exists only to explain the legend of the title villain, Bill Mosely does a fine job with his limited role (he's probably also glad to not be playing a psychopath for a change.) Plus, this is Sabatella's first movie. Maybe he'll learn from the mistake he makes here the next time.

Sadly, those aren't reasons to recommend this movie, which is just a drab experience to watch. You're better off watching one of the 80's slasher movies that influenced it than the movie itself.
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Mary Hatchet? Shouldn't it be Mary Pick Axe?
paul_haakonsen21 January 2011
Teenager slasher movie just got slashed...

This movie had potential to be more than it turned out to be, especially with the background story that was there all lined up, but the ghost part of the movie sort of became background stuff when you learned who the killer was. And that was where the movie snapped in half.

The story, briefly summarized, is about Mary Mattock (aka Mary Hatchet) who killed her parents, then institutionalized, raped and murdered a bunch of orderlies before she was killed herself. And now she is out seeking revenge on every night of her death, on Blood Night. Alright, enough said about the storyline, because it is a fairly average run-of-the-mill slasher movie actually.

Not even Bill Moseley could keep this movie afloat, though it is always nice to see him in the roles he plays. However, the role in "Blood Night: The Legend of Mary Hatchet" was a bit tame and stereotypical. And he wasn't at his best here. The movie had some other fairly decent actors/actresses in it, but of course, no award-winning material here.

There were some fairly good moments of thrills and suspense throughout the movie, and the special effects were adequate enough to make it worthwhile. But for gorehounds, the effects would be a bit tame. But for those with less need for blood and gore, I think you are served just enough mayhem throughout the movie.

Given the average storyline of the movie, you pretty much know who will be killed, just a question of how. As for a girl nicknamed "Hatchet", she wasn't really living up to that title, because most killings were done with a pick axe.

In overall, the movie is an adequate experience, but nothing new to be seen here that haven't been seen in other slasher movies already. The ending of the movie, well, I thought it was alright actually. "Blood Night: The Legend of Mary Hatchet" is the type of movie that you watch once, then never pick it up again.
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Mary is one feisty Blood Night date!
Coventry15 November 2011
You have to at least show some respect for writer/director Frank Sabatella. For his debut long-feature "Blood Night" he did absolutely nothing special or innovative, but nevertheless delivered a hugely amusing and 100% unpretentious slasher movie that gave me personally a lot of viewing pleasure! It actually pretty much seems like Sabatella simply opened the big unwritten book of horror movie clichés and stereotypes and processed every single one in his screenplay. Literally everything you can think of is present here: the intro with a flashback set in the gritty 1970's, a dark ominous asylum, perverted night guards, horny drunken teenagers, Ouija boards, the creepy but wise cemetery caretaker, evil heritages, actors that are way too old for their teenage character roles and a whole lot of graphic axe-murders! Mary Hatchet is the nickname of a local anti-heroine whose murderous rampage became a holiday more popular than Halloween. She butchered her parents with an axe in 1978, but really went berserk in 1989, when she delivered a stillborn baby as a result of being raped by a guard. Twenty years after her death, a bunch of teenagers passes by her grave with a Ouija board before heading home and party hard. It doesn't take long before the dim- witted teenagers are knocked off one by one, seemingly by the hand of the resurrected Mary Hatchet herself. "Blood Night" is – plain and simple – pure brainless horror entertainment. Yes, the gory make-up effects are utterly grotesque and fake and there isn't a single moment of suspense to detect in the entire film, but I don't think anyone can claim they were bored whilst watching this. The characters are walking, talking stereotypes that deliver the utmost idiotic lines, but somehow they come across as realistic. Last but not least, Sabatella managed to engage two famous horror names for his modest production, namely veteran Bill Moseley and upcoming starlet Danielle Harris. Recommended if you're looking for … nothing special except a good hour and a half of sheer entertainment.
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Blood Night? You'll wish it had been Silent Night with all the screaming going on
Leofwine_draca10 February 2016
Another boring slasher, filmed on the cheap and in the dark, about a sinister legend and a dysfunctional killer working their way through a cast of irritating characters. Like the HATCHET series (which is much more fun, incidentally), BLOOD NIGHT casts the likes of Danielle Harris and go-to guy Bill Moseley in various parts to appeal to the fans, but this is very weak sauce indeed.

The trouble with BLOOD NIGHT is that it's just so darn derivative. There's extreme gore and gruesome murders right from the outset, but nothing else. No suspense sequences, no characterisation, no interesting turns of plot or story development. The stark, dark look of almost all the scenes makes it a film that's rather depressing to watch, as is the tired signposting of the repetitive kill scenes. Speaking as a slasher fan, there's very little to enjoy here at all.
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Absolutely fun and exciting slasher throwback
kannibalcorpsegrinder8 August 2014
Attempting to celebrate the grisly legacy of a notorious killer, a group of friends find their party interrupted by the spirit of the famous killer and must find a way of stopping the carnage before it's too late.

This turned out to be quite the fun and enjoyable old-school slasher with a lot to really like about it. The fact that this certainly dwells in all the old familiar trappings of the style, with the group of horny, alcoholic-infused teens trying to celebrate the legacy of a brutal mass murder with a wild party is straight from the play-book of the time and certainly adds to the retro feel in here by playing off the past's successes for it's own. That certainly puts this as a rather fun and grisly slasher when this one gets going here as the final half to this one really utilizes the stalk-and-slash formulas quite well by focusing on the slashing around the house before heading out to other areas around the community and finally settling on the abandoned hospital at the end where it really unleashes the carnage with a multitude of spectacular, gruesome deaths that amp up the blood-letting considerably as a slew of impressive deaths are dished out. There's also great use of the setting here to actually maximize the suspense factor apart from the killings so that there's a great deal of stalking being used to great effect within this and making for a rather enjoyable finale that really helps to add to the old-school feel here. There's a few nagging issues with this one, mainly the fact that the film never really gives too much information about the characters so that it's nearly impossible to know who's-who when the slashing starts. Often-times, it seems like a character simply thrown in to serve as cannon-fodder and it's only later that you realize they've been around since the beginning of the film. As well, you may not get a name to a character until they stumble upon the body and cry out over who just got killed which is a big nagging issue. This is surprising since the beginning to this really could've made a bigger deal about this issue but seems far too focused on other areas so that there's not a lot of time spent dealing with the characters while not really engaging in a lot of slashing with most of these kills happening off-screen only to finally see how it all happened in the flashback at the end which is quite a cheat. These factors do end up making it slightly lower than it should've been, but overall it's still quite fun.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Continuous Full Nudity, Graphic Language, several strong sex scenes, a rape and pervasive drug use.
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Fun while it lasts.
BA_Harrison23 October 2010
Long Island, NY, 1978: little Mary chops up her parents with an axe.

Eleven years later, and Mary, now a big breasted babe residing at Kings Park Psychiatric Centre, is raped by a night guard, resulting in the birth of a daughter nine months later. However, Mary is informed that her child died during delivery and, shortly after, she escapes leaving a trail of corpses behind her. Completely naked, covered in blood, and clutching a severed head, Mary is finally apprehended by the police, who shoot her dead.

Years later, the story of Mary Hatchet has become an local legend, the day of her death a public holiday during which teenagers get drunk and play pranks. But when a group of high school students go one step further and summon Mary's spirit with a Ouija board, Blood Night really lives up to its name...

Blood Night: The Legend of Mary Hatchet was never intended to be anything but a mindless gore-fest with some quality T&A, and to that end it succeeds brilliantly, but it would have been nice to have seen just a little more effort go into the story. Had the makers tried a tad harder in the plot department, then this film might possibly have become an instant all-time favourite, rather than simply 'fun while it lasts'.

Still, 'fun while it lasts' is better than no fun at all, and at least this one fulfilled my immediate desire to see a bunch of good looking teens getting it on before being slaughtered in a variety of very gruesome ways. After quite a bit of partying hard and a bit of slap and tickle—best moments: a discussion about whether thongs are better than boyshorts, and a lucky guy getting broken in by total hottie Jen (Maryam Basir)—the graphic bloodletting begins and continues unabated until the final frame. Gory delights include a bloke having his head cut in half during sex, a girl having her guts wound out with a pick-axe, and a face being sliced in half (the victim's brains spilling onto the floor).

6.5 out of 10, generously rounded up to 7 for all the boobs, buns and blood.
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Mice tattoos......
FlashCallahan14 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A group of teenagers celebrate Blood Night.

It's the anniversary of the death of a local axe murderer, Mary Hatchet. The group find themselves face to face with the realities of her haunting.

As they run from the bloody rampage left behind they'll need to survive the night to expose the truth behind the legend of Bloody Mary...

oh, and it has a twist right near the end...

it's another house party celebrating murder, where all the guests spend the remainder of the night in peril.

It's easy enough to watch, the gore factor is at a solid medium, but we have the added bonus of Scream Queen Harris, which is always welcome and Moseley as the Ghost story telling old man.

The rest of the cast are filler, nothing more than victims of the killer and to show some flesh.

The beginning of the film is quite good, but then it does slowly go downhill from there.

The ending is a bit of a cop out, but it's short and does what you would expect.
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Bloody Mary...
garethrleyshon18 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Blood Night is the story of a young girl who turns into a woman. It just happens to be a woman who likes to kill everyone.

A particularly heavy and gruesome period is the catalyst for Mary's transformation from young girl to psychopathic woman, causing her to go apeshit, and kill her parents. Years later while in psychiatric care, Blood Night is born when she pops out her sprog and then goes on another killing spree around the hospital, before being shot unceremoniously in the head. Fast forward again, and her child, who Mary thought was dead, goes on a killing spree of their own on the anniversary of the original Blood Night. Sounds cool, right?

The retrospective beginning of The Legend of Mary Hatchet starts the film promisingly enough. The whole sequence has a wonderfully retro feel to it, from the camera angles, to the atmosphere, to the gloriously camp and grim kills.

However, once we move into the present day, the film starts loosing its identity.

The legend aspect of the film which is set up at the beginning, is lost relatively quickly, only present in the distant background of the story in that the events are taking place during the Blood Night celebrations. When the legend comes to the foreground again it has almost become defunct; a pointless Ouija board in the graveyard, a door bursting open which no-one takes any stock in. The reappearance of the ghost of Hatchet at the close of the film is a nice touch, but leaves the viewer wishing more had been made of it throughout.

The presence of horror stars such as Danielle Harris and Bill Moseley, suggest this is meant to be perhaps an homage to the slasher genre, or at the very least a postmodern nod to that "old school B horror movie shit," a reference a character makes to 'Attack of The Killer Tomatoes,'(John De Bello, 1978). But these thing alone are not enough to make the filmmakers intentions clear. The overly abundant characters aren't savvy enough to be anything except for sex-mad, disposable meat sacks, which goes against any self referential or post modern leanings this film may have had. They do lend themselves to some inventive kills, the 'pickaxe and twist' being a particular favourite, but sadly some dire acting distracts from this.

The occasionally pastiche and atmospheric production is sometimes marred by the occasional dodgy camera angle and edits, such as terrible circular transitions. This does improve as the film moves on, these cheapening effects fade themselves out and production becomes more linear. It makes the tone rather uneven however, and spoils the overall feel of the film.

By far the most convincing thing in the film is Danielle Harris, portraying the psychopathic daughter of Mary Hatchet with gusto and success. However, despite showing she can really grind an axe, once she is revealed to be the next in line to inherit the family menstrual psychosis, it throws up some continuity issues with the narrative - how she is meant to be have snuck out of the house to kill a bunch of kids and then deposit herself back into a bloody bathroom without anyone noticing is anyones guess.

Overall, with some nice kills and buckets of blood, Blood Night will satisfy many fans of the slasher out there, but definitely adds nothing new to the genre.

BOTTOM LINE: Uneven, bloody menstrual story, best viewed with a maxi-pad.
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Blood Night: The Legend of Mary Hatchet
Scarecrow-886 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Pick axe, hammer tail, chopping ax, and scissors all get a piece of the action as the twentieth anniversary of Mary Hatchet's death and burial is ghoulishly celebrated by high school brats looking to get wasted and laid on what they call the festive occasion, Blood Night. The usual slasher murders and attractive folks meeting their end when a killer surprises them unexpectedly or after separating in a panic. Bill Moseley and Danielle Harris pick up easy paychecks as caretaker (named Graveyard Gus) of the cemetery where Mary's body lies and college student (nicknamed Mouse) who shows up for the night party because her best friend is there. Although the film hints at Mary being resurrected because the stupid kids concoct a Ouija session at her gravesite, the murders, for the most part, are shot in a way to create reasonable doubt because the killer isn't shown...if it was Mary, why not just show her laying waste to the kids? Heads split and gush, not to mention, get lopped off. The twist involving the killer might be easy for those who have seen their fill of these, if not because he or she is so out of place and doesn't quite fit with the rest of the kids. The constant mentioning of the baby supposedly dead and buried elsewhere from Mary is obvious groundwork laid for the conclusion. Moseley is cast in a rare hero part, and he seeks to bury child with Mother in the hopes of Mary going away for good...when he and the kids go through the records in the old mental asylum they're in for quite a surprise! Nothing new to see here, but fans of the slasher might be more forgiving. Some sexy girls in the cast, especially Maryam Basir. Drunk teenager antics and horndog behavior galore. Mary Hatchet when shown is often nude with the bullet hole still showing on her forehead. Moseley gets to tell a ghost story to the gathered high school kids around Mary's grave.
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Danielle Harris and Bill Moseley in a slasher? I'm sold!
daniel_mcpheeters15 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Some Spoilers. But not enough to ruin the twist of the film.

I am a Die Hard slasher fan and a Die hard Danielle Harris fan. So when I caught news of this film I was Psyched! Having Bill Moseley(Texas Chainsaw massacre 2, 1986) in the line up isn't bad either.

So right off the bat it is easy to tell the director had is own thoughts on the slasher genre! What were they? Well to make a different but yet Cliché one. He decided to stick with with the drunkin' teens with no adult authority, but he decided to use different camera angles! This is Noticeable within the first ten minutes of the film.

*Review* So the film starts off with the Legend of Mary Hatchet. This takes up the first 11 or 12 minutes of the film. Then we meet the group of teenagers. Right off the bat we also get to know the character types. Which if I may say so myself its the type I hate to love. You know? The jocks and Slutty girls. The ones your really hoping to die and when they do you get excited. They decided to go to Mary Hatchets grave with a weegie board! They summon Mary Hatchet(Or do they?). Then they decide to leave to have a party. . . .

I really like the twist of this film. If your a fan of Slashers this is one to see!
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Oh My God
jrstano4 November 2010
this has to be the worst movie i have ever seen. in this day and age there is no excuse for terrible effects, terrible acting, terrible music and worst of all, terrible direction. the unknown actors given an opportunity really should be trying a lot harder. there is one scene where a guy has to try and knock a door down with his shoulder and all he does is rub his shoulder up against it, lazy directing, why were the actors aloud to get away with this. if you are on a shoestring budget - which they obviously were - then why not pop along to the nearest college/university and pick up some drama students...they would have done a million times better.

i mean, the story line isn't that fact probably a 7/10 but the rest of it has stolen 90 minutes of my life that i will never get back. the makers should be ashamed of themselves great material - bad execution
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A Slasher Revisted!
dagonseve4 June 2010
One of Blood Night's biggest selling points is that it stars famed horror veterans Bill Moseley and Danielle Harris. Moseley is most memorable in his role as Chop-Top Sawyer in 1986's The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, Otis in 2003's House of a 1000 Corpses (and it's 2005 sequel, of course), and 2008's Repo! The Genetic Opera as Luigi Largo.

Danielle Harris started her career at the age of 11 as Jamie Lloyd in 1988's Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers and moving onto Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers in 1989. Her background in the Halloween series prompted Rob Zombie to cast her in the role of Annie Brackett in his 2007 remake and the 2009 follow-up.

Blood Night is the tale of a woman by the name of Mary who murdered her parents, and as a result, placed in an insane asylum. After being there for several years she is raped and impregnated by a night-shift security officer. Her child is taken away from her after she gives birth under the guise of it being "dead." She then proceeds to go on a murderous rampage, eventually shot dead at the hands of the police during her escape. Now, 20 years later, college students celebrate Blood Night as a means to party and cause mischief.

This is a classic Slasher setup in every way possible. This was Frank Sabatella's directorial debut and he surely doesn't hide the fact that he's a fan of the genre. There are several individuals who hold the Slasher sub-genre in high regard and will stop at nothing to replicate it. 2006's Hatchet set out with the same goal in mind. Outside of the film paying tribute to the now overly-used methods of horror, Blood Night doesn't attempt to wander outside of the pre-set boundaries. The effects are solid and entertaining and the acting is believable. There are certain times when the dialog tries to be too "hip" to relate to the current generation of college students but haven't Slashers always been guilty of that?

If all of these predictable elements helped comprise the feel that Blood Night was going for, they achieved what they were after. You wouldn't be able to write a 50 page thesis after viewing this film but the premise and the pace exist on an entertaining level.
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desertscrpion21 October 2018
"Blood Night The Legend Of Mary Hatchet" Totally Non Stop Blood Splatterfest With Some Great Gory Death Kill Scenes And Defenltly One Of My Second Favorite Slasher Movies Of All Time, And Plus There's Two icons Of Horror And Slasher Movie People in This Film We Have Bill Moseley From Rob Zombie's "The Devil's Rejects" As Otis, " The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2" Where He Played Chop Top, And Saving For Last is My Favorite icon Actress Danielle Harris Mrs. Jame Loyd The Sweet Little Girl From "Halloween 4: The Return Of Michael Myers" And "Halloween 5: The Revenge Of Michael Myers And The Two Of "The Hatchet Movies" And Blood Night The Legend Of Mary Hatchet Also Features a Crazy Plot Twist That You Were Not Expecting To See Or Witness it So Four Stars For This Slasher Film.
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Exactly what it is supposed to be - schlocky gorefest
There's really not much that needs to be said about this. If you've watched the Hatchet flicks, this is more of the same. If you expect to find ANY of the following, then you're in the WRONG place:
  • well developed story
  • Oscar caliber acting
  • prophetic story telling and plot
  • likeable & defined characters

Now...on the other hand, if you are looking for any of THESE, you're in the RIGHT place:
  • schlocky indie horror,
  • "teenage" nudity and gratuitous sex that has nothing to do with the story,
  • "teenage" kids making asinine decisions, like going outside alone to check on why the lights just went out, or following a trail of blood (alone) while freaked out, or...well, you get the picture,
  • tons of blood and gore via adequate fx,
  • Bill Moseley,
  • the cute-as-a-button Danielle Harris,
  • 80ish minutes of completely mindless killing.

So come on folks. Stop giving this film bad reviews. 'Cause if you actually come in to this expecting more than it is, you should be the one receiving the bad review.
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it is a comedy..stop calling it horror
featuringme-876-6774320 October 2010
The plot was good, everything else was bad.The acting is terrible,maybe the plot will make you watch it ( as i did ) but eventually you will waste 90 minutes of your time.The horror scenes are very poorly shot.I am warning all readers, do not watch this movie.It deserves an award thrown at the director's head from the stage. i felt so bad that i do not even feel like writing anything more about this. just do not watch it, if you have plenty of time in your hand and you have a taste for bad movies then i will not stop you.

the movie is waste of time ( why did i watch it, i feel like crying )
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Entertaining 80s style teen horror
TdSmth527 August 2012
Some years ago, a girl has her first period and goes nuts. She kills her parents. She ends up in a mental facility where as a teenager she's raped by one of the guards. Her daughter dies during birth. Mary flips out, escapes the facility leaving a trail of death behind her until she's shot by police.

From then on seniors at the local high school celebrate each year "Blood Night" where they do all sorts of shenanigans. Now it's blood night and a couple of kids go to the cemetery and play the Ouija board on Mary's grave. Then they throw a party. More kids join and some start making it to the bedrooms. But suddenly some kids start dying. The surviving ones run into Graveyard Gus. He was with them at the cemetery telling them scary stories about Mary. But now that people are dying, he decides it's time do something- something he should have done years ago.

It turns out that Gus used to work at the mental facility and now he has visions of Mary. She wants something from him. She wants her baby. So he and the kids brake into the abandoned facility and follow Mary's ghost. Going through the records they discover a secret and confront the killer.

Blood Night: The Legend of Mary Hatchet is a fun East Coast B-movie, so don't expect award winning performances or fancy sets. It is clearly a homage to 80s teen horror movies- with plenty of nudity, sex, violence and gore, just what you want in a horror movie. If you want meaningless torture porn with a discolored look and some tough chick character but without sympathetic characters, gore or nudity, Blood Night isn't it. As with most East Coast movies, it's much better at portraying relationships and the acting is more natural, allowing for the personality of the actors to come through. It also lacks the moronic cynical race/gender/social agendas that plague Hollywood productions. Sure there are limitations when it comes to budget, acting, and direction. But nevertheless I found this movie very entertaining and fun. Performances aren't nearly as poor as some seem to think; Alissa Dean in particular shines. And the gore is also pretty good. Overall, recommended if you're looking for a fun teen horror movie done in the spirit of the 80s. Now this movie could use a sequel.
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better then your average slasher!
Michael_Takes10 May 2010
For a quick comparison think Halloween 4 for atmosphere. For the uninitiated Halloween 4 kicked ass and raked in huge $$$$ at the time. Add this with a bit of American Pie and Scream.

The acting is above average for a low budget horror. The dialogue reminds me of how we used to speak especially to each other at 17 which was the point but something that movies rarely succeed in. A negative is the fact that the actors are well over 25. But they did a good job. Loved Danielle Harris and Bill Moseley.

The movie is really gory but in our gen with Hostel etc this is nothing new. The director does try to use his own technique and style with the death scenes and this does work well, at least as something different in what is becoming a tired sub-genre.

For horror fans this is a good movie. It has lots of blood and violence and a good storyline even if there is nothing original about the movie. For those who are squeamish and not a fan of horror you should avoid this movie (especially the death scene at 1hr 5 min!).

I give it a 7/10.
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Definitely a bloody night
cj-armstrong7 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
****Contains Spoilers****This is a mildly entertaining movie. Lots of blood and gore if that's your bag. The special effects are definitely amateur at best though there is some well done blood spurting. It has nice plot twist but you can see it coming a mile away though there is a nice build up to it taking place. The acting is actually pretty decent by most of the cast. Danielle Harris's performance is the best part of this flick. Its fun to see her doing the chasing instead of being chased and she has a great homicidal look on her face. Give her a better script, better production and a pickax and you'd have a movie worth watching.
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