"Westworld" The Auguries (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Forget about waiting for the former glory of season 1
xander-t9627 June 2022
Season 1 was simply a masterpiece and I don't think it's physically possible for this show to produce another season on that level. Season 2 was pretty good for the most part but season 3 was very average TV, not bad, but nothing special either. 1 episode in to season 4 and it already feels much more engaging than the prior. I hope the showrunners build on this because it feels like they've found a way to turn the ship.

Reviews rating this below a 4 are just done with the show in my opinion, which is fine as it did dip in quality in season 3 but if you still have hope for where this show can go, like me, then give season 4 a chance.
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A Happy Ending?
CulvertonSmith27 June 2022
I really enjoyed this season premiere, starting with Ed Harris' scene is a great choice because he crushed it as always. I found myself captivated by the mystery in here and am very curious about where it is all going. It's fun to be completely in the dark about so much of what's going on so long as answers do come eventually. I'm very excited to see where this season goes, looking forward to the next 7 Sundays!
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The Auguries
lassegalsgaard27 June 2022
It's now been two years since the third season of HBO's "Westworld" grazed our screens and showed just how far the show had veered off course. I was ready for the show to be over, but another season had already been commissioned, and because I was a big fan earlier, I felt like watching it. "The Auguries" starts off the season by reintroducing us to some characters that we know, while also showing us how the world has changed since the ending of Season 3. It's an interesting world and while the episode lacked some action, it did show us something fascinating down the line.

I wish that the show would have stayed in its original lane and still be set inside the parks, but it has decided to grow beyond that and turn into something way different. The third season had a clear point that it wanted to make from the beginning, and the biggest criticism about this episode is that I'm feeling any real direction. The episode works very well as a season opener if its only job is to create tension and some vague idea of a story, but it's not enough to really keep my interest going. I'll continue to watch the show because I want to see where these characters end up, plus I have some big questions that I want answered. The episode gives us an idea of where the characters we know have ended up, and Evan Rachel Wood is still in the show playing a different character, and how that character ties in with Dolores is going to, hopefully, be revealed down the line. I like that the episode is setting up Ed Harris to be the show's main antagonist again. He took a weird turn in the last season, wanting to be a good guy all of a sudden. This seems more in his lane, and another example of how the show works best when it sticks true to its roots. Of course, I don't want it to just retreat the old storylines, but it seems like they may be cooking up something that will redeem themselves from the third season.

"The Auguries" is a good episode on its own, but I'm unsure of how good it will be in the bigger picture once its revealed. The season could go in many different directions, and I'm not sure what it's trying to tell here, but I'm at least vaguely intrigued enough to continue on with it.
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Who can rate a premiere of Westworld?
Adieu_3127 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well, we all know that a premiere of a Westworld season cannot be rated, except afterward.

Plot is well deployed ; atmosphere and rythm, Sounds FX and music, cynicism and poetry, ... all ingredients are here to enjoy the show we missed.

Technically, just one scene between Caleb and his wife is too long and cheesy.

We want to know about the floor lamp, parallel/computed(?) dimension, the final intro globe and ofc ""William"" and Bernard.

Can't wait next week !
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Beautiful but mediocre
alvaro-0411530 June 2022
I was really looking forward for this episode but it was a disappointment.

Music is spectacular and beautiful... but the episode and story is all over the place. Hopefully it picks up in the next ones and comes close to the first season.
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Already an Improvement
grynkewichjustin27 June 2022
Season 3 was an overall disappointment, especially compared to the previous season, but I think that season 4 is going in such an intriguing direction. It's really refreshing to see the cast returning in very different ways. As always, the cinematography, directing, production design, and score are fantastic! 9/10.
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Riddler9127 June 2022
Decent start, nowhere near close to season 1, not even season 2, but an improvement on the abysmal season 3. Still, there were some details that irked me. Why are people wearing masks outside? Is it a trendy thing now? Are the people producing this show this dumb, to make a whole new fashion trend from a pandemic? And it's "ask", not "aks", stop butchering the English language for stupid reasons, ffs. I also cringed a bit at that "my brain, my choice" graffiti.

Forgot to add, Ramin is at it again, the guy is just amazing, he's this show's saving grace. Also, in case anyone missed Pyro from X-Men, you'll see him here, at first I was wondering "where do I know that guy from" but it hit me soon enough.
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Always Intriguing
squirrl27 June 2022
Makes me laugh when I see people rate 1 or 3 out of 10 after watching one episode and complain that its too complicated. If you have watched Westworld's previous seasons you will know that its not going to be simple and like a puzzle, you will get the answers piecemeal.

It has me intrigued and I have my ideas of the direction I think its going. I will wait for further episodes to make a final impression but so far I am giving the 1st episode a 10 for keeping me ready to watch it unfold.
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Great start hope they keep it up
jespervanvoorst-8387927 June 2022
Seasons start of great. The new plot points are introduced in a nice way. Hope they can keep this quality up for the entire season. I do not expect this series to ever top season 1 but the seeds planted this episode could bring it close to season 1 of not better than season 2.
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I choose to see the beauty
tristan_1927 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is already more intriguing and interesting than seasons 2 and 3. It feels fresh and new, but in a good way. There is definitely a mystery surrounding Evan Rachel Wood's character Christina. The episode knows how to blur the lines between fiction and reality.

Once again, the cinematography and camera shots and movements are stunning. The episode is beautiful, both visually and writing wise. What is William's motive ? Caleb has a nice family life. In his storyline, we get to experience themes of paranoia and PTSD. Maeve is amazing as always.

The ending was so well done with gorgeous music playing over ERW's narration, and the last shot may bring a tear to your eyes. Fingers crossed the season keeps on its stride and delivers something unique and well written.
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Once Again We're Blessed With Nolans and Their Brilliant Expositions
MamadNobari9727 June 2022
They did again! Those sobs did it again! They actually explained what an NPC in a game is, after a guy who claimed he's played games before asked what a non player character is!

What's next, a scientist in the new Oppenheimer movie is gonna ask what a "bomb" is so the other character could explain it to the audience through him? Like after the pen and paper scene from Interstellar, the grandpa paradox scene from Tenet, or rather the whole movie, and now this exposition, the only thing I'm looking forward to in both Nolan's writing is this hilarious way they do to explain a concept to the audience through their characters, by lowering their IQ to match the IQ of a watermelon. It's become a signature of their writing.

And I know the exposition was actually important and ties with the themes of the show, but it doesn't make it any less hilarious that Nolans can't find a better way to do exposition other than making, usually, their protagonist an idiot, so he has to ask what a so and so is (while a 5-year-old knows what that is) so they could trick us into thinking they're not doing a direct exposition to the audience.

And although this one leads to an interesting dialogue, they should've just gotten rid of the "maybe I have played it before" line by the guy, that implies he knows what a video game is and he's played before. Because him asking what a non player character is, just makes it so much sillier. And she didn't even say "NPC", she said "non player character", like you can guess from the name even if you don't know what a game is, but no, apparently he doesn't even have comprehension. It would've made much more sense if she said NPC and he didn't play video games.

And you might be saying, "oh are you really that petty to nitpick just two lines in a 50-minute episode and say it's bad because of that?", which you might be right, but it shows something way bigger about what's wrong with Nolan's style of writing if this immediately reminded me of his brother's writing in his movies. Like this isn't a first offender, we already had this in Interstellar and Tenet, and now here, it just shows you that their writing is evolving backward and they're doing the same silly way of doing exposition they've been doing for years. But this is the first time I'm noticing this Nolan do it, so I guess I can give him a pass.

Mind you that I'm not saying this episode is bad because the other Nolan who has nothing to do with this show also did that silly thing, or I'm taking some numbers off of my rating of this episode, I just found it funny and silly and a semi-problem I and others are noticing in, now, both Nolan's way of implementing exposition in their writing and thought it's interesting to share here.

Anyway, the episode itself was ok in my opinion. I didn't like the last season's finale at all, and it's been so long since we've seen the last season, and the new stories seem so different from those and they don't pick up right after, that it feels like I've missed 1 or 2 seasons in between.

They set up lots of new plot lines but there's not much excitement in them. That one character comes back again (and I'm not talking about the ending) and after 4 seasons I still don't know what "their" motivation is, but it puts some of our estranged characters come together again.

The action, if you can call it that, is still as uninteresting and lackluster as before. You can't even call them action scenes because they last like 5 seconds, and they are shot in the most uninteresting way. So the cinematography and direction are not that amazing either. Most of the episode is shot in the blandest and most uninteresting way that not only I don't even remember much of the shots nor there is a particular shot I thought looked great and iconic, but it also made the show look cheap and low production.

Aaron Paul in this episode has zero chemistry with his new wife. Like I could probably watch 5 seasons of these two and still don't think that they're husband and wife. No chemistry there at all, so that's a misfire.

And the ending "reveal" was kinda obvious, and I'm not saying that as "I'm very smart" or that the writing for that part is bad or anything, I'm just pointing out that it's not that mindblowing of a reveal.

So, so far, the episode was lackluster and underwhelming, and it's been so long that I didn't even remember half of these characters' names. The cinematography was bland and made the episode uninteresting and lackluster, the acting was decent, and they set up some plots but they're not that interesting either and we'll have to see what they're gonna do with them in the next episodes, and music was great as always and probably the only thing I really liked about this episode, and I'm more excited for what new music Ramin Djawadi is gonna give to us than I am for the new stories and lackluster action scene.
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A Surprisingly Strong Premiere After a Downright Bad Season 3
williambenbury27 June 2022
I don't want to get too optimistic just yet, but it seems like Westworld may actually be back. While perhaps retaining some of Season 2's convoluted plots, "The Auguries" feels like a return to form for the show. While the episode sets up a host of mysteries--chief among them being what on earth is going on with 'Christina'--it is still reasonably easy to follow.

Moreover the show seems to be regaining some of the emotion that has been missing from its past few seasons. Evan Rachel Wood and Aaron Paul are incredibly gifted actors, and I'm happy that they are being allowed to display their range.

Finally, I would be remiss not to mention Ramin Djawadi's phenomenal cover of Lana Del Rey's "Video Games" at the end of the episode. It's been more than two years, but he is still bringing his absolute A-game, and it really elevates the show a lot.

Overall, the season will have to present compelling answers to the mysteries set up by this episode, but it's quite a promising start!
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What happens when most of the fans leave the show?
Shmaden11 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well... only the ones that like the show no matter how bad it becomes will stay and watch it. That's why don't let yourself be fooled by the mostly positives reviews this episode has. This is the same thing that happens with every show that loses fans that have once loved the show and appreciated it for beeing objectively good.

From a critical standpoint this is a very generic, made for captivating the viewer's attention episode which is probably worse than season 3 premiere. We see Dolores... again... Yeah... thanks for bringing her to life... again. Now it is official that there are no stakes in this show. Everyone can be brought back in the most contrived and convenient way possible. And now she's even more powerful, because apparently she is making plays that influence people's lives which is a very cheap way of trying to make her more simpathetic by having her have no idea what she's doing and what are the consequences of what she's doing. Also this is supposed to be intriguing and catch the viewer's attention for the rest of the season, but it just comes off as a desperate way of trying to recatch the former glory of the show. Actually what will probably happen is that it will be revealed that she was enslaved by some evil white man and by the end she manages to escape him and become free... again. Wouldn't have been cool if this Dolores was actually the real one, suggesting that every robot was build after a real human? Wouldn't that have given the show a chance to start fresh and have a character with actual depth and complexity, one that we as viewers might get behind and root for? Nah... it'll be fine. Just serve the same techno-babble-BS like in the last season and hope people will like it this time. Also, William and his intro scene was boring and uninteresting. You know he is a host now and you know what he will do, and you know he can't be killed except by a righteous entitled and preferably diverse strong female character. You also don't have any idea who those people who he kills actually are. So the scene just comes off as... well... as I said earlier... boring and uninteresting. Last but not least, Caleb becomes again just a puppy dog dragged anywhere Maeve wants him, so he abandons his family to fight William even though Maeve is more than enough to take him down. Oh and Teddy is in this episode... I wanted to drop that as a last twist, because that is how the show does it too. Because we can't have Dolores be brought back to life without Teddy now can we?

From an objective standpoint thi episode is all over the place. From a subjective standpoint it is barely enjoyable. So the end result is a mish mash between ideas, things that would have been great to actually be and rehashed threads of previous season dressed different in a desperate attempt to recapture former glory. I don't expect this review to come as very useful mainly because only the die hard fans of this show are still watching it and reviewing it here. But if by any chance you read this, stop and think about what I read and ask yourself: Why do you still watch this show? 6/10.
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A shell of its former self
skay_baltimore27 June 2022
Slowly but surely this show has clearly lost its footing and devolved into an exercise in: "Let's see what we can do to get people to still watch this thing". It's just not worth it any longer. The writers constantly confuse poor, lazy, incoherent story arcs with "intrigue", "mystery", etc.

A bigger issue now is that there are literally no characters worth caring about/rooting for. All of their messages are so muddled and non-believable that it's not worth working that hard to even figure out what the hell is going on. I keep coming back to the same: "WHO CARES?!!!"

And let's face it -- Anthony Hopkins is in a league all his own. Without him carrying the bulk of the load, every other actor seems amateurish by comparison. He has an evil quality that also drives home elements of truth like no one else. That's a main reason the current show is a shell of its former self.
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Writing and directing still on amatour level
kviner-282958 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Generic, discardable bad guys are still present, still can't aim their automatics. Meave continues to role-play as a samurai, running around in a world full of genius inventions, weapons and tools with a ...katana. Carrying it on her back, witcher style.

Also, an interesting writing choice of spending 10 minutes per character before swapping to a new one.

Are we supposed to establish any emotional connection? Or do the creators believe people still care about westworld after the two years break and weakass season 3?

And don't even get me started on see through phones, drone cars in a middle of a city, and camera cuts fighting.
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Felt sad for the actors.
clanning-590-53612117 August 2022
I felt bad for the talented actors who had to read the lines in this beautifully shot, self-important mediocre script. Perhaps it's because it's been two years, but I'm also unclear if this is just an extension of the last season or a new story.
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Didn't understand a thing, but i love it
aboalhyjaa27 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, wow! I always have different theories after watching each episode of westworld, but this one is definitely the wildest!

Dolores aka christina is definitely a host in another park: you see Christina have the same morning loop: wakes in bed, has the same morning routine, over and over again like Dolores.

Her "story" that she starts to write is the same as her life as Dolores Abernathy - living in the country with her father.

Then you hear two guys talking about how "this place is wild, I can't believe this is your first time..." which is what we hear from the guests at Westworld.

Is this futureworld? Something like westworld but the hosts are the humans and vice versa? As always, we will have to wait to understand!

Side note: Welcome back teddy! And That Lana Del Rey - Video Games Ramin Djawadi edition was glorious.
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Non Player Character
slak96u30 June 2022
The episode was fine, problem is the only way to erase S3 from memory is excellence. The good thing, I guess, is S3 was so mind-numbingly bad literally anything is an improvement at this point. The story is a bit purposefully vague, to the detriment of a coherent plot. Not a whole lot actually happened during the episode...

Honestly over Maeve, the less this season focuses on her the better. Her plotline has become so repetitive, I don't see the point of further exploration of the character. Well, other than employing Ms Newton...

Coulda been better, coulda been worse.
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Do you think that's a real Banksy?
WordsworthStone27 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
That Nolan brother has done it again, I'm just as confused as the first 30 minutes of 'Memento.' No matter how hard I tried and engaged this episode, I know we won't get far without further exposition. And we should keep in mind, Nolan and his wife, have been exploring similar themes and tropes but with different storytelling each new season--expect some difference.

The call to adventure wasn't even until the last 10 minutes of the episode, which sets the pacing of this season to a bit of a crawl but it isn't without precedent. If you have viewer's fatigue and are impatiently waiting for the stakes, best advice is to sit back, tune in next week, welcome the serial HBO television return at its finest. But did you die, no need to rant about the drop in quality--the stakes grow with a bigger budget every season--just like your expectations. There is no way to recreate novelty like the first time and this show isn't about instant gratification and you service, it's quite implicit to the opposite.

Can you commission a Banksy?
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Great Cinematography But Dragging Storylines
shuswap-8355716 August 2022
If you took season 4 and condensed it down to a 100 minute movie you'd have something really cool and entertaining. Unfortunately here we get around 7 hours of tangents and dull subplots that drag under the weight of boring dialogue or unnecessary sideline activities that just distract from the main plot. But in the end it wraps up satisfactorily. Too bad the writers were never able to capture the magic of season 1 in any of the following 3 seasons of the show.
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Melancholy in the new world
xzioz27 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
For a season premiere you have to start, unavoidably, reminding yourself what happened before. We got to know the hosts, the park and got to know the 'real world' during S1 to S3.

Now that book has closed. Some years have passed by and the new world unfolds silently. A new world that reminds way too much to the one we live in, a world filled with melancholy, sadness and hopes for happiness.

How different are our lives from a story a writer can come up with? Do we also live in loop? If so, who writes those loops?

This episode reminds me of S1 for a good reason: details and pace. While it was not the flashy-gore content S1 had, the stories "people want", it defies us to do something different and think about what's happening with a comfortable pace and a focus on introspection. Reds, yellows and whites from past seasons are now blues, greens and blacks, a much more intimate approach to the questions the writers set up form the very beginning.

Hopefully this seasons undoes some of the sadness many fans felt in S3, which was a difficult season to make during very difficult times - and it showed.

Way too much resentment against this show even after two years. Hopefully it will be water under the bridge soon enough.
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Happy endings
Trey_Trebuchet11 August 2022
A fairly decent opening... Decent enough that I AM genuinely intrigued to see where these characters go.

Season 1 of this show was practically flawless to me. I actually loved the second season as well. The third wasn't great but I still loved the characters and world building. It seems each season of this show is meant to feel very different from the last, so I can see why some have abandoned ship either arch season. But there just be enough people sticking around, seeing as it's already on a fourth season.

Anyway, all that being said, I will continue to watch this season. I like the acting. Direction and production are still l top notch. RD is an amazing composer.
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Not bad
reabec27 June 2022
My only gripe with last season but the fighting and chase scenes seemed real slow and not real entertaining. But a lot did happen and it was still a solid season. People complain way too much because they went out of westworld meanwhile those same people complained about season 2 when they were in westworld. Don't watch if you dislike it that much.
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The descent continues.
jaggill_viper1 July 2022
I came in with an open mind and no expectations. Wow, that was boring to watch. I found myself struggling to pay attention to the boring characters and stale dialogue in seemingly pointless scenes. It was a struggle just to finish the episode and I regret wasting the time. The writing took a nose dive in season 3 and it has gone from bad to worse.

I don't find any of the characters appealing. None of the scenes mean anything. The action is generic and the plot armor is so thick that the characters could stop a train if they stepped in front of it. It's not as bad as last season but still renders the action pointless. At least they are hitting their diversity goals.

Some of the reviews mention that they don't understand anything that happened but gave it 8-10/10. I don't know what these people are on, but it has probably damaged their minds. The writing is objectively bad, the action is a predictable formality that never puts the main characters in real danger and there is no direction or build up.

The plot is missing and what they have shown doesn't seem engaging in the least. It's almost like this entire episode was just filler that should have been condensed into the first 10 minutes of an actual episode. There is nothing to hold on to other than faint hints of a possible plot that will take too long to arrive and be grossly underwhelming when it does.
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Good Start
hollowmothman27 June 2022
Wow. I honestly didn't expect that ending. I legit cried like ugly crying. I'm so touched by Christina speech. I feel like especially when the pandemic hit, it must be hard for us human to stay sane and not to feel lonely. For me this episode is a good start for this season. I hope Lisa & Jonathan doesn't disappoint us with the next episodes.
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