BreadCrumbs (2011) Poster


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director takes viewers for a ride and not in the good sense
jitendra-mahim24 February 2011
doesn't do justice even to b grade horror movies .i was fooled into thinking that the great Mike Nichols had experimented with a different genre but couldn't believe that it was the same after watching the movie.finally came to know through IMDb that this is a completely different guy who had earlier helmed "a dead calling"(i have the misfortune of watching that too)..i think he should write something with his name so that there is no confusion to people...the movies plot was different but handled so poorly that you feel like tearing out your hair especially the wooden performances of the child actors of indeterminate rating of 2 is for the somewhat different plot...but nevertheless its an hour and a half of my life i'm never getting back
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Forgettable slasher.
poolandrews4 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
BreadCrumbs is set in the remote wooded wilderness & starts as the cast & crew of a porn film arrive at a log cabin, they plan to make a porn film there but straight away several members of the group are unhappy as the cabin is so remote there's no phone signal. For veteran porn starlet Angie Hart (Marianne Hagan) this will be her last production & will retire afterwards but the show must go on & as the cast & crew start filming each other having sex they slowly become aware of the presence of two children, brother & sister whom seem somewhat creepy yet harmless. Then that night as Dominick (Douglas Nyback) learns his lines outside he is attacked & hung on a huge hook to dangle, the other's inside find him & realise that there is a killer about. Angie is worried about the two children & manages to persuade the young girl to stay with her but it turns out that the two siblings are the killer's...

Edited, co-produced & written by Mike Nichols who also has a fairly big part in the film as porn producer & director Eddie this is a tired cross between your typical teen slasher fare & some lazy thriller, Breadcrumbs works as neither a straight horror or a thriller & ends up being nothing in particular. At just over 80 minutes long not that much actually happens, besides the totally unconnected to anything else opening sequence it's nearly the forty minute mark before the first attempted kill during which time very little happens to be honest. The build-up is reasonable with no logic or reason behind what the two siblings are doing but the film ends like that as well, I was expecting some sort of motive or explanation or even some sort of origin for the killer's but we get none that I could make any sense of. I was actually expecting some sort of twist ending but there isn't one, Breadcrumbs really does just finish leaving almost as many questions as when it started. The fairy tale references are here with a few mentions but it's all very half hearted & adds up to nothing, I don't really even understand the title Breadcrumbs either or what relevance it has to what happens. The character's are pretty stupid as you would expect in a slasher film as well, why does Angie suddenly care so much about the two children? Everyone else is telling her that they are the killer's yet she insists on defending them calling them 'just children' or 'she's just a little girl'? Maybe the script was trying to show how deep a woman's love for a child can be but on screen the way it's portrayed just comes off as total lunacy & makes zero sense in the context of what's going on.

Even with the build-up there's very little pay-off here, in facts there's none really. Considering that this is meant to be a horror film there's very little blood or gore here, there's a slit throat, a few people are shot with arrows & there's a bit of blood splatter but all the killing's are extremely tame almost like the makers were afraid to show any blood. Considering that the setting for Breadcrumbs is a porn film shoot there's no nudity or sex either which is surely a missed opportunity. The one positive aspect of Breadcrumbs is that it's very well shot in full 2:35:1 widescreen & is well made, there's no great suspense or scares but it looks nice enough & not like a lot of low budget shot on camcorder horror films floating around. The opening titles are animated & are quite cool but I would rather the makers saved the money & put it towards some decent gory special effects which would have been more appreciated.

Filmed on Long Island in New York the production values are surprisingly good but the script is still poor so despite the positives there's plenty of negatives. The acting is alright, nothing too bad I suppose but nothing great either.

Breadcrumbs is a pretty forgettable horror thriller that can't quite decide what it wants to be, it neither thrills or scares & leaves one feeling very unsatisfied. I thought it was well made but that's the best thing I can say about it.
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Really boring, badly made film
Yogi828 June 2011
I normally love cheesy horror but this film was just plain bad, and not bad enough to make good watching. The characters are bland, undeveloped, and the acting is terrible. The plot is slightly different than other horrors, but not interesting enough to make it worth watching for that reason alone, and the filmmakers don't provide any other reason. The pace plods on like a metronome ticking and there are no memorable moments, shocks or build ups that are so integral to the genre.

Skip this one if you're a fan of good horror, with or without cheese, because this one is just plain bland.
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Needs Work
gavin694219 October 2011
A group of porn filmmakers are systematically attacked by two children on the set of a remote shoot.

We have actress Kristina Klebe here, and a whole lot of unknowns in the woods being preyed upon by "kids" (more like young adults) who think they are Hansel and Gretel. It fails on many levels. The first, and most obvious, was not using kids to play the kids.

The porn aspect is done decently, including a nice parody of the "Big Sausage Pizza" series of films. But I am not really sure why they had to be porn stars. It could have been any random group of people -- the only difference here being that we have a sex scene. But the porn is not central to the plot like (the much better) "One Eyed Monster".

There probably is no reason to see this one. People in the woods getting killed. We have seen this before. Sure, it has a few new angles, and there is a lot of potential for a good Hansel and Gretel story. This just was not the right one.
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Pointless, Contrived, No Story.
dustyp-123 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The synopsis for this one sounded fairly interesting and it was on Netflix Instant, so I checked it out. I've noticed that I typically enjoy recommendations that are 2-2.5 stars on there because overall, I quite enjoy bad movies as long as there is something...anything to keep me entertained.

This movie actually starts off fairly good. Then after the introductions of characters gets over with is when the movie starts to dive bomb as it's clear the people behind this movie really had no idea of what KIND of movie they wanted to make. I say this, because early on it feels like they have a ton of pointless red herrings. For example, there's a woodsman that you constantly hear off in the distance that they seem to try and make you think is part of the plot, but he's not. He's worthless and does not help the movie push forward at all.

Another thing that royally annoyed me, is that this is one of those movies where at ANY POINT each of the cast could have done something to stop the children who are harassing them throughout the movie (of course, I say "children", but they are most likely 18-20). I mean, 8 people can't take out two little brats, only one of which was armed at any given point? Come on. And then they actually capture one of the kids and want to do something about it, but the lead stops them as if she's not aware they are getting picked off. Oh yeah, because she's "just a kid"...riiiiiight.

Then the ending....absolutely a cop out. It's like they just didn't even care to end it. It's not a "twist", it's just bad.

Do not waste time with this one.
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Refreshingly Creepy
tnokturnus6 June 2011
Not very many movies impress me these days and I'm not going to say this one was an exception. However, obviously low budget, this movie was genuinely creepy.

You can pick up any horror movie and it be gory these days and really that's all they are. Gory sequences with a light plot thrown into it. This one took the original Brother's Grimm fable and twisted it. I enjoyed it. Some of the acting wasn't very good but fit well with their supposed industry, seemed like a bit of an inside joke. There are a few funny moments in it as well which seems to be necessary for the Horror genre as well. I wouldn't classify this movie as horror though. It's more like a creepy camp fire story.
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inhopewell28 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Personally, I'm tired of the "movie-made-by-drunk-college-kids-for-drunk-college-kids" sub-genre of horror films, and this qualifies, although to be honest, it's not as bad as some I've seen.

The acting ranged from adequate to awful, the opening scene was all too familiar, i.e. bunch of profane, plastered college kids arrives out in the woods, alternately teasing and cussing each other out. There really wasn't much original here, just some re-arranging of the second-hand furniture. It's sad that so much available technology is wasted in the name of easy pseudo-shocks and nudity / gore.

These kids, plus an older (thirty-ish) woman, are at a remote cabin to film a porno movie (read, excuse for nudity and sex scenes)when they encounter a strange brother and sister team. Unless you've been a cave sniffing glue for the past thirty years, there's no surprises here, although this may be the goal; nothing challenging, just more gawk-chow.
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BA_Harrison16 September 2017
The cast and crew of a porno movie travel to a remote woodland location where they find themselves menaced by a boy and girl who live in the forest.

When you think about them, some children's fairy tales are pretty messed up, Hansel & Gretel being a prime example: a brother and sister are abandoned by their parents in a forest, left to die of exposure or starvation, but find themselves rescued by an old woman who lives in a gingerbread house. What they don't realise is that the lady is a cannibalistic witch who intends to eat them. It's enough to give kids sleepless nights.

BreadCrumbs, which is inspired by Hansel and Gretel, is the opposite: it's likely to send its viewers soundly off to sleep. Directed by Mike Nichols (NOT the one who gave us The Graduate), the film is about as bland and forgettable as horror gets, with unlikeable characters, dull kills, and an uninspired plot that provides little exposition (why are the kids homicidal, how are they able to pop up anywhere at any time, and where are they getting their candy from?). The porn shoot plot device at least promises copious nookie and nudity from several good looking women, but barring one brief sex scene and the gratuitous exposing of the same actress's tits later on in the film, BreadCrumbs disappoints on that count as well.
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Bread Crumbs – If Sex Equals Death in Horror, What Happens to a Porno Crew?
horrornerdsdotcom1 January 2013
Gore is only half the reason you buy a ticket to a horror movie, and I think you know where I'm going with this. Sex and nudity is the other half, and just as the rules of cinema dictate, the price you pay for good sex is death. In "Bread Crumbs", directed by Mike Nichols (not the one you're thinking of) sex is on everyone's mind, as the cast of characters is working on a quasi-professional porn shoot. It's "Boogie Nights" meets "Texas Chainsaw Massacre", and the greatest risk of the film might very well be that the sex storyline eclipses the horror. Depending on how much you buy the performances, you may start rooting for fewer scares and more sex (though, sorry to let you down, there's not much of the latter after all).

Horror and Gore

Bread Crumbs' violent peaks are fairly graphic and the suffering of maimed characters is painful enough to watch, so you at least have to give kudos to the creative team's use of the camera and editing. What truly redeems Bread Crumbs is the fact that the film's logic is completely believable, since there is no need for "suspension of disbelief" when you're dealing with a bunch of porn stars, who would probably not make the most educated guesses when it comes to eluding knife-wielding maniacs.

How to Watch It

Bread Crumbs' villains, an homage to Hansel and Gretel, are in the hillbilly horror vein, and thus may need a few drinks to impress. Dan Shaked is a bit green, and not quite up to Deliverance quality, but keep in mind his range may have been purposely limited since he's essentially playing a mentally handicapped maniac with a drawl. If you're a fan of old school horror you may catch some very subtle similarities to a 1970's film called "Girly". Whenever someone says you're playing Cowboys and Indians, it's usually time to take cover!
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Hansel and Gretel adaptation is the lamest ever
Leofwine_draca25 April 2015
BREADCRUMBS is yet ANOTHER slasher-in-the-woods low budget horror flick made with a paucity of imagination or style. It's dull beyond belief, and I'm not going to give the film-makers a break just because they didn't have any money to shoot; the British film-makers behind HAROLD'S GOING STIFF had nothing to work with either and they made a funny, genuinely heartwarming zombie film.

The cartoon credits are the best thing about BREADCRUMBS and it all goes downhill from there. The storyline sees a modern-day Hansel and Gretel lurking in the woods, where they encounter the cast and crew of a porn shoot taking place in an EVIL DEAD-style cabin. What follows is a mildly gruesome slasher flick, with the deaths all happening in the most predictable way imaginable.

The characters are poorly written and unlikeable and most of the plotting in the second half evolves around the most obvious and unworkable twist ever, so I don't know why they even bothered. Needless to say the cast and crew are all sub-par as well, making this a virtually worthless viewing experience.
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Wasn't as bad as I was expecting overall, contains a good horror factor!
JazzieDoll15 July 2013
This movie was so annoying but not in a 'Do not watch way.' It was simply annoying because it had blood and some fairly good gory scenes throughout and even had a scare factor going for it. But what happens ... some of the actors were just plain awful. Don't get me wrong a handful of them weren't too bad especially Patti who I thought wasn't too bad at all. But some of them, my god, I just wanted to punish their annoying faces to shut them right up. Also I think people are a little harsh on this, because it you can get past the bad acting it really isn't such a bad movie. I found it fairly enjoyable overall I must admit :)
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Bravo! cool, funny, sick, weird and creepy!
handsome11327 February 2012
the only things i knew before watching this great movie was... i read the negative reviews and there's plenty of them going around so i knew it was gonna be "Bad"- and a horror movie kinda about Hansel and Gretal. People, I'm telling you.. i neither know nor care about Hansel or Gretal- never did never will, i went into this completely ignorant. lucky me. -same was the case with Malice in Wonderland another great flick!- Breadcrumbs was sick funny weird cool creepy and very entertaining.! i don't wanna spoil it for anyone so i'll just say this.. if ya like watching movies with hot chicks getting killed this gore-hound was satisfied.BIGTIME. good acting especially from Marianne Hagan, she was great! filmed in an awesome location and remarkably well. Bravo! 2 Severed Thumbs Up for entire cast, crew and especially the filmmakers.. keep up the good work i look forward to more cool movies! i now know all i need to know about Hansel, Gretal and Alice in wonderland so I'm gonna learn more about stuff by watching another horror movie! knowledge. and lot's blood.
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neil-47622 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A group of people go to a cabin in the woods and get slaughtered by a couple of young people.

This cabin in the woods slasher film starts out with an interesting premise - the slaughter fodder aren't the usual copulating teenagers, they are a copulating group making a porn movie - but sadly disappears into complete predictability. The fact that it's never really clear why the perpetrators are perpetrating (or, to be more specific, how they ended up in this situation) doesn't help. There are some bloody killings, acting which varies from not good to not bad, and some mild muckiness at the start of the porn movie work. Otherwise, this is a completely unexceptional cabin in the woods slasher movie.
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Creepy Feel, but a lot of mistakes
tmdarby29 February 2016
This movie could have been okay. The creepy feel of the movie was done pretty well. The acting was about what you'd expect from a B rated horror. The story made enough sense for a slasher flick.

The things that took me out of the movie were the mistakes. A lot of these I can only think must have been due to bad production or directing.

A good spoiler free example of this is how constantly through out the movie they are risking going outside the cabin (because that's where the killers are), but the eventually end up running for their life back into the cabin. Makes sense right, except THEY ARE ALWAYS FORGETTING TO CLOSE THE DOOR BEHIND THEM. That kind of stuff just ruins a movie for me. If you're running from an axe wielding murderer, I would think you'd close the door behind you.
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Total waste of time
dejan281229 September 2011
Now I'm gonna take my camera and shoot something better than this crap.My time is so wasted.This is not a movie,this is word for this.I'm back to the blockbusters.Never going to see a B movie again. The genre for this movie its better be comedy than horror.Performances of the actors is so bad that i think my daughter will do better in the school theater.The Director may go in the employment bureau and find himself a new job. Sorry for this comment crew ,but I'm disappointed.In the world of the film never happened before something like this.The acting is totally amateurish, and the camera is poor with her shaking and unstable corners.Who has the time available to see this movie, I salute him.
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Not much subtly or for that matter substance.
RatedVforVinny1 December 2019
A horror film that takes place on the set of a porn movie production, sounds just brilliant, though quickly degenerates into a huge 'damp squib'. neither sexy or scary. Such a throw away movie.
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Worst film I have ever seen!
hamptonsneil7 April 2019
Totally unbelievable cast, adult film crew? Nobody is gonna watch that. Pointless story that just kind wanders off leaving you staring at the TV. If you like escalating stupidity then you might actually like this film but after a while it is just too unbelievably stupid. This should have been a 10 minute film: 1.) Drive to cabin, just getting away for the weekend. Don't add any porn fluff. There is no porn and most of the actors are too old, too incompetent, or too unattractive to be in porn. 2.) Someone gets hurt. Was it an accident? Don't know, don't care. 3.) There are two creepy kids hanging around the house and no other house in sight. They don't seem to capable of hurting anyone not in a coma already. The boy seems to have blood on his face, keeps coming back, and saying creepy stuff. 4.) Detain boy, tie up boy, through in back of van with a guard in the back seat watching him. Load injured person in van. Change tire. Go to hospital but on the way, if you get a signal, call police. 5.) Done.
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Nifty backwoods terror tale
Woodyanders24 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A film crew making a porn flick at a cabin in the remote woods run afoul of a couple of deranged and dangerous children. Director Mike Nichols, working from a twisted script by Charles Black and Sam Freeman, relates the gripping story at a brisk pace, does an expert job of creating and sustaining a spooky atmosphere, builds a good deal of tension (the last third in particular is quite harrowing), keeps the tone grimly serious throughout, and caps everything off with a nerve-shredding bummer ending. Moreover, the startling outbursts of brutal and grisly violence pack a pretty nasty punch and the plot about the abandoned psycho kids has a genuinely unsettling warped modern-day Grimm Brothers fairytale aspect to it. The secluded sylvan setting projects a potently upsetting feeling of stark isolation and vulnerability. The sound and credible acting from the able cast rates as another substantial plus, with praiseworthy contributions from Marianne Hagan as weary, aging veteran porn actress Angie, Steve Carey as the brave Billy, Jim J. Barnes as geeky camera dude Chuck, Alana Curry as the catty Vanity, Zoe Sloane as hot young starlet Skylar, Douglas Nyback as nervous novice Dominic, and director Nichols as mean jerk director Eddie. Pretty redhead Amy Crowdis and scrawny beanpole Dan Shaked are truly creepy and unnerving as sicko siblings Patti and Henry. Ian Dudley's slick'n'shadowy cinematography and Matt Sorenson's ominous score are both up to par. A neat little chiller.
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My Review Of "Bread Crumbs" 2011
ASouthernHorrorFan15 May 2014
"Bread Crumbs" is a 2011 horror that goes for broke in an attempt to combine a disturbing horror plot with a classic, often overlooked, disturbing didactic, fairytale of two children left tend to the elements, deep in the woods. "Bread Crumbs" is directed by Mike Nichols and stars Kristina Klebe, Dan Shaked, Marianne Hagan, Zoe Sloane, Alana Curry, Douglas Nyback, Shira Weitz, Steve Carey, and Mike Nichols. The plot follows a porn crew and cast into the woods to shoot a movie. Unfortunately there is a twisted brother, sister duo using the area as their personal killing field.

The story is pretty cool with a basic principle of setting the characters up for a kill scene which for the most part work without seeming contrived. The drama and action begin almost instantly and manage to keep a steady, straight forward pace through most of the movie without becoming exhausting. The porn set concept brings plenty of flesh to the screen but in the most censored, conservative manner. Nothing really explicit here (by my standards anyway). However, it is obvious that entwining the "Hansel & Gretel" aspect to the story is very much contrived, playing out more like a bit of stretched, nonsensical moments of weak dialog meant to bring the viewer to the breadcrumbs "table". Still the kids are so d*mn dark and disturbing that it manages to pull off a good concept in a, "middle-of-the-road, mediocre way, but it does get there.

The soundtrack and special effects in "Bread Crumbs" really make the film enjoyable for me personally. I can forgive weak dialog, loose story arcs" as long as the effects and sound track hold me to the story and drama unfolding on screen. Nichols does a pretty good job tying it all in to make a fun, standard horror mythos in "Bread Crumbs" with eerie sounds, and a strong attention to practical effects and blood consistency. The film doesn't give us a new look at horror or bring something extraordinary to the genre but it is an entertaining, modern classic that stays true to the roots of the genre. It gave me that 80's feel that I only get with a certain type of horror movie story, I dug the homicidal brother and sister and the unfinished ending is beyond retro! (That is a good thing cause retro is candy for me!)
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nogodnomasters16 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts out with a girl tied up (vertically). There is a pan frying oil. She screams as she is being tormented with a cake spatula! She wears a deputy star on her waist which then goes into the oil. More screams! The opening credits give us a Hansel and Gretel theme background. A porno film crew is traveling along the road. They make a quick rest stop in the woods and meet a weird couple.

They make it to a cabin where they party the night. Angie (Marianne Hagan) is trying to stop smoking and drinking. This will be her last film. By 80's slasher film standards she should be the lone survivor. Sexy Zoe Sloane plays Skylar, our first nude porn star. The crew is spied upon and visited by 2 young adults who are extremely creepy. Mike Nichols is the director, producer, co-writer, editor, and he plays Eddie. Two of the producers also starred in the movie. One funny moment was when the new kid was trying to learn his lines as a pizza delivery boy in a porno film.

The kids who kill and torture the group have somehow been influenced by Hansel and Gretel.

Also available in 4-pack called "Backwoods Butchers" in the Walmart $5.00 bin.

Good Old Fashion 80's style film. Sex, nudity, blood.
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A cabin in the woods where sexual immorality equals death at the hands of Hansel & Gretel
Wuchakk21 September 2017
RELEASED IN 2011 and directed by Mike Nichols (not the famous director), "Bread Crumbs" is a slasher taking place on remote Long Island where a 9-person crew travel to shoot a porn flick at a rented house in the woods. Unfortunately for them, two weird teens and perhaps a woodsman are lurking in the area and the crew starts getting violently assaulted one-by-one.

The reason I watched this movie is because it was included in a DVD multi-pack of slashers where the five other films were no-budget independent flicks. What's strange is that "Bread Crumbs" doesn't fit that category because this is a slasher that smacks of professionalism. Now, people may not like it, but it IS a professionally-made movie. But, is it any good? I think so, here's why...

While the topic of a porn crew is distasteful (to me, at least) it's a perfect set-up for the slasher tradition that sexual immorality equals death. Although a couple of the crew are unlikable, most of them are more-or-less genial with past-her-prime Angie particularly winning the viewer's sympathy (Marianne Hagan). Two of 'em are the requisite sexpots, a typical vapid blond (Alana Curry) and a voluptuous equally-vapid brunette (Zoe Sloane).

The "Hansel and Gretel" characters look to be around 17 (Henry) and 16 (Patti). The former is played by Dan Shaked while the latter by Amy Crowdis. Patti is a somewhat interesting character and Amy possesses a unique beauty.

The tone is austere with maybe a little realistic humor thrown-in, but the air quickly turns dead serious by the second act with suspense effectively building. Meanwhile you wonder the purpose behind the attacks and who's going to live, if any. The cinematography features some awesome visuals, particularly in the last act, and the score & soundtrack are fitting.

THE MOVIE RUNS 88 minutes and was shot in far eastern Long Island, New York (Sag Harbor & Southhampton).


ADDITIONAL COMMENTARY ***SPOILER ALERT*** (Don't read further if you haven't seen the movie).

An armchair critic argued that the crew could easily overpower the two teens & the woodsman, but (1.) it was night, (2.) they didn't know the area, and (3.) they didn't have any weapons. By contrast, the antagonists (1.) lived there, (2.) knew the area well, and (3.) had several weapons, including bow & arrows, knives, axes and hidden traps. Besides, Henry wasn't a kid and could have easily been around 20 years-old, same thing with Patti. Then there's the woodsman who was a formidable full-fledged adult.

Lastly, the crew wasn't sure how many people were behind the attacks. Some of their colleagues were either seriously wounded or dead and they were understandably freaking out and simply seeking a way to survive the night and following day.
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Not your typical slasher scenario!
dbs630-697-95279422 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen a lot of b horror flicks in my time, some good, some semi-original, most below average. Once in a while you are pleasantly surprised at a plot structure. I will give these guys credit where credit is due. They took my by surprised when it turned out that the main cast were going into a secluded cabin to film, not a horror movie, but a porno! That was something I didn't see coming and I salute them for being creative enough to think of that. That being said, there just wasn't enough nudity or sexual scenarios for that to be totally sold. The child killers were predictable and very uninteresting, though the twist at the end was unexpected. It had a decent cast and some great cinematography for a low budget flick. I was impressed over all with the look of the film but wished they had stuck a little more time and effort into the story and special effects. Recommend you watch this one if you are into indie horror.
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If you go into the woods today ...
parry_na10 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
'BreadCrumbs' seems to be the baby of actor/producer/writer Mike Nichols. He plays big bad Eddie, who is in charge of a trip to an isolated building where he is shooting a porn film. He's a boorish bully, and the 'porn' angle seems just a reason for some mild sex and nudity.

Conversely, Dom (Douglas Nyback) is quite funny, therefore it's a shame - although not a huge surprise - that he is one of the first victims of Patti and Henry (Dan Shaked and Amy Crowdis). These two Hansel and Gretel wannabes have no back-story, and there is no explanation as to how they live out here in the remote woodlands and look so healthy and clean, or why they live the way they do, and why they enjoy killing people.

Veteran porn starlet Angie Hart (Marianne Hagan) mentions at one point she may like to have children, and this indicates somehow she has a kind of maternal instinct with the two 'kidults'. I use this description because despite all the defensive cries of 'she's just a kid', or 'they're just children', the two are clearly approaching their twenties. Equally, the brother and sister sometimes refer to Hart as their mother, but nothing more is made of this. Hart is a good character and well-played, but her decision to sympathise with Patti against the will of her associates is exactly the kind of naivety (or stupidity) horror films have thrived on for years - and it always annoys!

This is clearly a low-budget venture, and some will attack it purely for that reason: the acting isn't always entirely convincing and the effects are sparse. And yet, I really enjoyed 'BreadCrumbs'. The story is silly if you examine it beyond superficially, but the deliberate avoidance of explanation leaves us to speculate how Patti and Henry came to be the way they are. Also, the question raised a few times is - why don't the characters simply physically overpower the two killers at some point?

There is good use of location, and the character of 'the Woodman' is a good red herring. In the somewhat open-ending, it is possible he saves the day, but the fact that the film ends almost mid-scene leaves us guessing. My score is 7 out of 10.
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6/10's a very apt title because that's about all you'll be getting with this one! Warning: Spoilers
Okay, they start out with this really cool and Gothic animated intro sequence that shows the origin of the "kids". Such a pity that it turns out it's the best part of the movie! It really was pretty much downhill from there. I personally thought a lot of this was kind of okay, it was a little better than mediocre, but it was still bad though-at the same time! It was very uneven and all over the place. I'm sort of in the middle when it comes to it myself. It was certainly never an even remotely frightening film, and it always lacked any suspense. Definitely nothing too spectacular here. Most of the actors were just straight-up bleh, and were just completely boring and held no interest for me at all. And when they finally started to drop I just didn't care. What I did care for the most about this flick was the far-out twisted siblings Pattie and Henry. There was something poignant and compellingly mysterious about them. I thought that "Adam's Family" thing that they had going on was great, I got that they were "evil", but they just weren't scary or even creepy! Shame, really. I also liked Marianne Hagan as Angie. I found her whole mid-life crisis and gravely misguided motherly affinity for Pattie interesting. ::: Amy Crowdis was so she was from Mars or something! She looked a lot like a young Alicia Witt. I have an inkling that most of the hate for this movie is actually due to her insufferable humming, which is indeed highly aggravating and annoying. Her character was okay, in a freaky lightheaded kooky kind of way. She makes me laugh in the scene where she badmouths the guy who's wife she has just "accidently" dropped on the floor, causing the arrows pin-cushioning her body to impale her further and polish her off! She sounded really amateurish and stupid near the end when she spouts some pathetic girly nonsense about "houses of candy" that just sounded totally meaningless. I did find Dan Shaked to be much better, although together they did make a good haunting duo. I loved Dan's performance. He kinda came off as a gay retard, which I thought was so funny. The murmurous voice he used with his few lines was so strange, he sounded like a little boy. I liked his sinister body language and the robotic way that he moved. I really love a little vocal exchange between him and Hagan where he says some-I guess it's supposed to be cryptic stuff about a woodsman and being "very cut and dry..." I thought he spoke the words so beautifully. One of the very few highlights is the great big what-the-f**k moment when Henry breaks his composure and completely wigs out!!! His friggin' huge girlish shrieks of insanity are all the more hilarious to hear because up to that point the character has been so completely rigid and subdued. I also thought he was really cute and adorable with his pouty little puppydog expression! He is my favourite thing about this movie. ::: I thought the theme tune was really great, bittersweet and ominous and quite soothing, to me. That's the main problem with this film, it's not really any kind of Hansel and Gretal tale, nor anything remotely fantasy whatever. But as slashers go, I thought it was a different approach. It's definitely not a good one by any means, I personally enjoyed it but I can see how many will think it poor or worse. But it's peculiar and odd and uh, I like that about it! Things even get a tad surreal and atmospheric during the final act. I do not get that ending. Were they gonna kill her too? Or was she one of them now? Had they finally found their "mommy..." It sure is an unsatisfying floaty type of ending, but overall, I think as long as you go at it not expecting something brilliant and try to like it for what it is, you might just find yourself enjoying this little house of rotten candy!
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